I used the code from the following link: Signare's Blog. I have 10 image URLs and would like to retrieve and show them on my screen. When I use the code from the above link, it's taking more than 10 minutes to load all of the images. How do I speed up this loading?
URLBitmapField post_img= new URLBitmapField(image_url);
where the class URLBitmapField is defined as:
import net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32;
import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
import net.rim.device.api.system.EncodedImage;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BitmapField;
public class URLBitmapField extends BitmapField implements URLDataCallback {
EncodedImage result = null;
public static EncodedImage _encoded_img = null;
int _imgWidth = 52;
int _imgHeight = 62;
int _imgMargin = 10;
public URLBitmapField(String url) {
try {
http_image_data_extrator.getWebData(url, this);
catch (Exception e) {}
public Bitmap getBitmap() {
if (_encoded_img == null) return null;
return _encoded_img.getBitmap();
public void callback(final String data) {
if (data.startsWith("Exception")) return;
try {
byte[] dataArray = data.getBytes();
_encoded_img = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(dataArray, 0, dataArray.length); // with scale
_encoded_img = sizeImage(_encoded_img, _imgWidth, _imgHeight);
catch (final Exception e){}
public EncodedImage sizeImage(EncodedImage image, int width, int height) {
int currentWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(image.getWidth());
int currentHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(image.getHeight());
int requiredWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(width);
int requiredHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(height);
int scaleXFixed32 = Fixed32.div(currentWidthFixed32,requiredWidthFixed32);
int scaleYFixed32 = Fixed32.div(currentHeightFixed32,requiredHeightFixed32);
result = image.scaleImage32(scaleXFixed32, scaleYFixed32);
return result;
public interface URLDataCallback {
public void callback(String data);
and the class http_image_data_extrator is defined as:
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import javax.microedition.io.Connector;
import javax.microedition.io.HttpConnection;
import net.rim.device.api.system.RadioInfo;
import net.rim.device.api.system.WLANInfo;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
public class http_image_data_extrator {
static String url_="";
static StringBuffer rawResponse=null;
public static void getWebData(String url, final URLDataCallback callback) throws IOException {
HttpConnection connection = null;
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
if ((WLANInfo.getWLANState() == WLANInfo.WLAN_STATE_CONNECTED)&& RadioInfo.areWAFsSupported(RadioInfo.WAF_WLAN)) {
url += ";interface=wifi";
connection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url, Connector.READ, true);
String location=connection.getHeaderField("location");
if ((WLANInfo.getWLANState() == WLANInfo.WLAN_STATE_CONNECTED)&& RadioInfo.areWAFsSupported(RadioInfo.WAF_WLAN)) {
location += ";interface=wifi";
connection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(location, Connector.READ, true);
connection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url, Connector.READ, true);
inputStream = connection.openInputStream();
byte[] responseData = new byte[10000];
int length = 0;
rawResponse = new StringBuffer();
while (-1 != (length = inputStream.read(responseData))) {
rawResponse.append(new String(responseData, 0, length));
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK){
throw new IOException("HTTP response code: "+ responseCode);
final String result = rawResponse.toString();
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run(){
catch (final Exception ex) {
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
callback.callback("Exception (" + ex.getClass() + "): " + ex.getMessage());
Resize on the server
Resizing the images on the server is the best answer. Because downloading big images and scaling them down requires a lot of everything (network, memory, cpu) on the device.
Resize via a proxy
If the image server is not under your control, you could still use your own server as a resizing proxy (send the image url and desired size to your server, it gets the image, resizes, and returns the resized image). Maybe there is a service that does this already.
Cheaper decode option
Some decode options may make decoding (and resizing) cheaper. DECODE_NO_DITHER, DECODE_READONLY, and DECODE_NATIVE all seem worth trying.
Serial instead of parallel
You mentioned you are loading 10 images. If 10 images takes more than 10x the time 1 image takes, then the system might be "thrashing". Like it might initiate all 10 requests, then wind up working on 10 fullscale images in memory at the same time in callbacks. Could try showing the first image before starting to download the next, which also gives the user something to look at sooner. Similarly, calling invalidate 10 times in parallel (in the callback) might cause a hiccup.
I found some examples for how to extract images from PDF using iText. But what I am looking for is to get the images from PDF by coordinates.
Is it possible? If yes then how it can be done.
Along the lines of the iText example ExtractImages you can extract code like this:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(resourceStream);
PdfReaderContentParser parser = new PdfReaderContentParser(reader);
ImageRenderListener listener = new ImageRenderListener("testpdf");
for (int i = 1; i <= reader.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
parser.processContent(i, listener);
The ImageRenderListener is defined like this:
class ImageRenderListener implements RenderListener
final String name;
int counter = 100000;
public ImageRenderListener(String name)
this.name = name;
public void beginTextBlock() { }
public void renderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) { }
public void endTextBlock() { }
public void renderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo)
PdfImageObject image = renderInfo.getImage();
if (image == null) return;
int number = renderInfo.getRef() != null ? renderInfo.getRef().getNumber() : counter++;
String filename = String.format("%s-%s.%s", name, number, image.getFileType());
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(filename);
PdfDictionary imageDictionary = image.getDictionary();
PRStream maskStream = (PRStream) imageDictionary.getAsStream(PdfName.SMASK);
if (maskStream != null)
PdfImageObject maskImage = new PdfImageObject(maskStream);
filename = String.format("%s-%s-mask.%s", name, number, maskImage.getFileType());
os = new FileOutputStream(filename);
catch (IOException e)
As you see the ImageRenderListener method renderImage retrieves an argument ImageRenderInfo. This arguments has methods
getStartPoint giving you a vector in User space representing the start point of the xobject and
getImageCTM giving you the coordinate transformation matrix active when this image was rendered. Coordinates are in User space.
The latter gives you the information which exact manipulation on a 1x1 user space unit square are used to actually draw the image. As you are aware, an image may be rotated, stretched, skewed, and moved (the former method actually extracts its result from the matrix from the "moved" information).
What I want to do is simply to upload a photo to a webservice using mono touch/mono droid and mvvmcross, hopefully in a way so I only have to write the code once for both android and IOS :)
My initial idea is to let the user pick an image (in android using an intent) get the path for the image. Then use MvxResourceLoader resourceLoader to open an stream from the path and then use restsharp for creating a post request with the stream.
However I already hit a wall, when the user picks an image the path is e.g. "/external/images/media/13". this path results in a file not found exception when using the MvxResourceLoader resourceLoader.
Any ideas to why I get the exception or is there an better way to achieve my goal?
This is how I ended up doinging it - thank you stuart and to all the links :)
public class PhotoService :IPhotoService, IMvxServiceConsumer<IMvxPictureChooserTask>,IMvxServiceConsumer<IAppSettings>
private const int MaxPixelDimension = 300;
private const int DefaultJpegQuality = 64;
public void ChoosePhotoForEventItem(string EventGalleryId, string ItemId)
delegate(Stream stream) { UploadImage(stream,EventGalleryId,ItemId); },
() => { /* cancel is ignored */ });
private void UploadImage(Stream stream, string EventGalleryId, string ItemId)
var settings = this.GetService<IAppSettings>();
string url = string.Format("{0}/EventGallery/image/{1}/{2}", settings.ServiceUrl, EventGalleryId, ItemId);
var uploadImageController = new UploadImageController(url);
uploadImageController.OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice +=PhotoAvailableFromWebservice;
public class PhotoStreamEventArgs : EventArgs
public Stream PictureStream { get; set; }
public Action<string> OnSucessGettingPhotoFileName { get; set; }
public string URL { get; set; }
public class UploadImageController : BaseController, IMvxServiceConsumer<IMvxResourceLoader>, IMvxServiceConsumer<IErrorReporter>, IMvxServiceConsumer<IMvxSimpleFileStoreService>
public UploadImageController(string uri)
: base(uri)
public event EventHandler<PhotoStreamEventArgs> OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice;
public void UploadImage(Stream stream, string name)
UploadImageStream(stream, name);
private void UploadImageStream(Stream obj, string name)
var request = new RestRequest(base.Uri, Method.POST);
request.AddFile("photo", ReadToEnd(obj), name + ".jpg", "image/pjpeg");
//calling server with restClient
var restClient = new RestClient();
this.ReportError("Billedet overføres", ErrorEventType.Warning);
restClient.ExecuteAsync(request, (response) =>
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
//upload successfull
this.ReportError("Billedet blev overført", ErrorEventType.Warning);
if (OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice != null)
this.OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice(this, new PhotoStreamEventArgs() { URL = base.Uri });
//error ocured during upload
this.ReportError("Billedet kunne ikke overføres \n" + response.StatusDescription, ErrorEventType.Warning);
catch (Exception e)
this.ReportError("Upload completed succesfully...", ErrorEventType.Warning);
if (OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice != null)
this.OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice(this, new PhotoStreamEventArgs() { URL = url });
//method for converting stream to byte[]
public byte[] ReadToEnd(System.IO.Stream stream)
long originalPosition = stream.Position;
stream.Position = 0;
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4096];
int totalBytesRead = 0;
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = stream.Read(readBuffer, totalBytesRead, readBuffer.Length - totalBytesRead)) > 0)
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
if (totalBytesRead == readBuffer.Length)
int nextByte = stream.ReadByte();
if (nextByte != -1)
byte[] temp = new byte[readBuffer.Length * 2];
Buffer.BlockCopy(readBuffer, 0, temp, 0, readBuffer.Length);
Buffer.SetByte(temp, totalBytesRead, (byte)nextByte);
readBuffer = temp;
byte[] buffer = readBuffer;
if (readBuffer.Length != totalBytesRead)
buffer = new byte[totalBytesRead];
Buffer.BlockCopy(readBuffer, 0, buffer, 0, totalBytesRead);
return buffer;
stream.Position = originalPosition;
Issues taking images and showing them with MvvmCross on WP
Need an example of take a Picture with MonoDroid and MVVMCross
https://github.com/Redth/WshLst/ - uses Xam.Mobile for it's picture taking
I have a screen which call a listfield.
public class Main_AllLatestNews extends MainScreen {
private Database_Webservice webservice;
private String[] title, category, date, imagepath = {"no picture", "no picture", "no picture", "no picture","no picture","no picture","no picture","no picture","no picture", "no picture"};
private int[] newsid;
private List_News newslist;
public Main_AllLatestNews(final boolean needdownload) {
webservice = new Database_Webservice();
add(new Custom_TopField(this, 0, -1, "", 1, 1));
add(new Custom_BottomField(this, 0));
add(new Custom_HeaderField(Config_GlobalFunction.latest));
if (needdownload){
new Custom_LoadingScreen(30));
}else {
newsid = new int[webservice.news.size()];
title = new String[webservice.news.size()];
category = new String[webservice.news.size()];
date = new String[webservice.news.size()];
//imagepath = new String[webservice.news.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < webservice.news.size(); i++) {
newslist = (List_News) webservice.news.elementAt(i);
newsid[i] = newslist.getID();
title[i] = newslist.getNtitle();
category[i] = newslist.getNewCatName();
date[i] = newslist.getNArticalD();
//imagepath[i] = newslist.getImagePath();
add(new Custom_ListField(newsid, title, date, category, imagepath, true));
When I add custom_listfield then I get:
Failed to allocate timer 0: no slots left
Here is my listfield
public Custom_ListField(int newsid[], String title[], String date[],
String category[], String imagepath[], boolean islatest) {
super(0, ListField.MULTI_SELECT);
this.newsid = newsid;
this.islatest = islatest;
rows = new Vector();
for (int x = 0; x < title.length; x++) {
TableRowManager row = new TableRowManager();
titlelabel = new Custom_LabelField(title[x],
LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.LEFT);
titlelabel.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 23));
datelabel = new Custom_LabelField(date[x], DrawStyle.ELLIPSIS
| LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.LEFT);
datelabel.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 18));
categorylabel = new Custom_LabelField(category[x],
| DrawStyle.LEFT);
categorylabel.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 18));
/*Bitmap imagebitmap = null;
if (!imagepath[x].toString().equals("no picture")) {
imagebitmap = Util_ImageLoader.loadImage(imagepath[x]);
} else {
imagepath[x] = "image_base.png";
imagebitmap = Bitmap.getBitmapResource(imagepath[x]);
image = new BitmapField(imagebitmap, Field.FIELD_HCENTER
//setRowHeight(image.getBitmapHeight() + 10);
In this list, it will call 10 images or more. First I will check got link send to it else load local images. So the row height must be not same, however, it does not auto set row height for each row but set a same height to all row. I think out of memory because i call too many images? but I call in android also no problem.
This is my imageloader.
public class Util_ImageLoader {
public static Bitmap loadImage(String url) {
HttpConnection connection = null;
InputStream inputStream = null;
EncodedImage bitmap;
byte[] dataArray = null;
try {
// can use this for BlackBerry 5.0+ :
// connection = (HttpConnection) (new
// ConnectionFactory()).getConnection(url).getConnection();
connection = (HttpConnection) Connector
.open(url + Util_GetInternet.getConnParam(),
Connector.READ, true);
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
inputStream = connection.openDataInputStream();
dataArray = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(inputStream);
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (dataArray != null) {
bitmap = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(dataArray, 0,
return bitmap.getBitmap();
} else {
return null;
1) What can I do to reduce the use of memory?
2) How to set different row height? I am set bitmap.getbitmapheight() but different bitmap will have different height.
I am running on simulator 9930 OS 7.0 and 8520 OS 5.0. Both also same result. Real Device cannot run because after signing the key also prompt the warning message try to Secure APi. I am completely commented all the images also same. I did not call neither online nor local image. I think is the data problem?
#AlanLai, can you tell us which device this is being run on, and which OS? Is it a simulator, or real hardware? Why don't you try commenting out the image completely. Don't show any images (network images, or local images). See if you still get the problem. Let's try to narrow down where exactly the code is that's causing your problem. Note: please post the information about which device you're testing on above, in the question, not as a comment response here. Thanks
How about to have only one TableRowManager and every drawRow set values with layout with specific values?
There's a lot of things you can do to reduce memory usage. For one, try to avoid keeping objects in memory longer than you really need them. One way this happens is if you keep member variables in your class, that could really be local variables in a method. Keeping member variables may lead to objects living longer than they need to, preventing the release of the memory they occupy.
For example, in Util_ImageLoader, you do almost all the work in the constructor. But then, you keep the result around (the Bitmap) in a static member variable (_bmap), which keeps it in memory. I know you do this so that you can call getBitmap(). But, you could change the class to be like this:
public class Util_ImageLoader {
public static Bitmap loadImage(String url) {
HttpConnection connection = null;
InputStream inputStream = null;
EncodedImage bitmap;
byte[] dataArray = null;
try {
// can use this for BlackBerry 5.0+ :
// connection = (HttpConnection) (new ConnectionFactory()).getConnection(url).getConnection();
connection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url + Util_GetInternet.getConnParam(), Connector.READ,
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
inputStream = connection.openDataInputStream();
dataArray = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(inputStream);
} catch (Exception ex) {
finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (dataArray != null) {
bitmap = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(dataArray, 0, dataArray.length);
return bitmap.getBitmap();
} else {
return null;
Because your Util_ImageLoader class doesn't really have any state associated with it, you can probably make it a class with just one static method. The static method does not require you to create an instance of Util_ImageLoader to use it. Just do this:
Bitmap img = Util_ImageLoader.loadImage("http://domain.com/path/image.png");
This allows the image that's loaded to be released as soon as the UI is done with it. The existing code keeps that image in memory for the life of the program.
Also, I replaced your custom code that uses a byte[] buffer, with the useful IOUtilities.streamtoBytes() method. Let the built-in libraries do the work of optimizing for you. Most of the time, they will do a pretty good job of that.
You also had some fixed point scaling code in your Util_ImageLoader class that wasn't doing anything. It was creating a scaled image of the same size as the original. So, I just removed that code. That can only help your memory usage. Image manipulation can be expensive.
Finally, I checked the web server return code (HTTP_OK) before I created any of the large objects needed for this method. If the network request fails, you certainly don't want to waste memory for no reason.
Again, you are keeping some objects around, possibly longer than needed. Let's go through your member variables:
private Bitmap bg = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("background.png"),
I don't know how many instances of Custom_ListField you will have in your app, but if you are going to assign bg to a constant app resource image, you should at least make it a static member variable, so that if there are 10 instances of Custom_ListField, you will only be keeping one bg variable in memory:
private static Bitmap bg = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("background.png"),
But, in your case, I don't think you need to keep that member variable at all. You can simply replace it where it's used, like this:
Background background = BackgroundFactory.createBitmapBackground(Bitmap.getBitmapResource("background.png"));
Then, the imagebitmap member can also be replaced with a local variable:
Bitmap imageBitmap = null;
if (!imagepath[x].toString().equals("no picture")) {
imageBitmap = Util_ImageLoader.loadImage(imagepath[x]);
imageBitmap = loader.getbitmap();
} else {
imagepath[x] = "image_base.png";
imageBitmap = Bitmap.getBitmapResource(imagepath[x]);
image = new BitmapField(imageBitmap, Field.FIELD_HCENTER | Field.FIELD_VCENTER);
imageBitmap only needs to be a local variable, not a member variable.
Debugging memory usage usually requires having the whole program, running, and profiling it. With only some of your code, I can't see all the other code that uses it. How many of each class is created is important? Which images are the large ones, and which are small? These are all questions you need to ask yourself to get your memory usage down.
But, hopefully, the general techniques I showed example of above can help you get started.
The problem was the Custom_ListField. This should extends listfield
instead of custom extends manager
public class Custom_ListField extends ListField {
private String[] title, category, date, imagepath;
private int[] newsid, catsid;
private List_News newslist;
private Bitmap imagebitmap[], localimage = Bitmap
private BrowserField webpage;
private Custom_BrowserFieldListener listener;
private boolean islatest;
private Vector content = null;
private ListCallback callback = null;
private int currentPosition = 0;
public Custom_ListField(Vector content, boolean islatest) {
this.content = content;
this.islatest = islatest;
newsid = new int[content.size()];
title = new String[content.size()];
category = new String[content.size()];
date = new String[content.size()];
imagepath = new String[content.size()];
catsid = new int[content.size()];
imagebitmap = new Bitmap[content.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
newslist = (List_News) content.elementAt(i);
newsid[i] = newslist.getID();
title[i] = newslist.getNtitle();
category[i] = newslist.getNewCatName();
date[i] = newslist.getNArticalD();
imagepath[i] = newslist.getImagePath();
if (!imagepath[i].toString().equals("no picture")) {
imagebitmap[i] = Util_ImageLoader.loadImage(imagepath[i]);
} else {
imagebitmap[i] = localimage;
catsid[i] = newslist.getCatID();
this.setRowHeight(localimage.getHeight() + 10);
private void initCallbackListening() {
callback = new ListCallback();
private class ListCallback implements ListFieldCallback {
public ListCallback() {
public void drawListRow(ListField listField, Graphics graphics,
int index, int y, int width) {
currentPosition = index;
Display.getWidth() - imagebitmap[index].getWidth() - 5,
y + 3, imagebitmap[index].getWidth(),
imagebitmap[index].getHeight(), imagebitmap[index], 0, 0);
graphics.drawRect(0, y, width, imagebitmap[index].getHeight() + 10);
graphics.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 20));
graphics.drawText(title[index], 5, y + 3, 0, Display.getWidth()
- imagebitmap[index].getWidth() - 10);
- imagebitmap[index].getWidth() - 10);
graphics.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 15));
graphics.drawText(date[index], 5, y + 6
+ Font.getDefault().getHeight() + 3);
if (islatest) {
graphics.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 15));
graphics.drawText(category[index], Font.getDefault()
.getAdvance(date[index]) + 3, y + 6
+ Font.getDefault().getHeight() + 3);
public Object get(ListField listField, int index) {
return content.elementAt(index);
public int getPreferredWidth(ListField listField) {
return Display.getWidth();
public int indexOfList(ListField listField, String prefix, int start) {
return content.indexOf(prefix, start);
public int getCurrentPosition() {
return currentPosition;
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
int index = getCurrentPosition();
if (catsid[index] == 9) {
if (Config_GlobalFunction.isConnected()) {
webpage = new BrowserField();
listener = new Custom_BrowserFieldListener();
MainScreen aboutus = new Menu_Aboutus();
+ newsid[index] + ":&Itemid=223");
} else
Config_GlobalFunction.Message(Config_GlobalFunction.nowifi, 1);
} else
new Main_NewsDetail(newsid[index]));
return true;
I'm using NAudio (but it applies to reading directly) to capture microphone wave data. It seems that if my app is busy it drops/skips some input data from the mic.
I've set the reading thread to top priority, but I'm doing heavy calculations in several other thread at the same time.
Is there a way to read data lossless?
(Or is it lossless, and my bug elsewhere?)
When I was making a similar app and had a similar problem, it turned out that I needed a buffer that can hold at least 3 seconds of data. Try to increase the buffer to 10 seconds of data and if it doesn't solve your problem then there are more issues. If it works try decreasing the buffer size until it works properly
EDIT: Here a quick & dirty managed dx recording for you to try.
public class BMSRecordingEventArgs : EventArgs
byte[] data;
bool endRec;
public BMSRecordingEventArgs(byte[] data, bool endRec)
this.data = data;
this.endRec = endRec;
public byte[] Data
get { return data; }
public bool EndRec
get { return endRec; }
public class AudioRecorder
public delegate void DataReceivedHandler(object sender, BMSRecordingEventArgs e);
public event DataReceivedHandler DataReceivedHandle;
public const int CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE = 32000;
DXS.Capture dxsCapDev;
DXS.CaptureBuffer dxsCapBuffer;
DXS.CaptureBufferDescription dxsCapBufferDesc;
System.Threading.Thread thrdCapturingThread;
DXS.BufferPositionNotify[] dxsBpna;
private volatile bool StopRec;
System.Threading.ManualResetEvent mreStillRunning = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false);
DXS.BufferPositionNotify dxsBPNHalf;
DXS.BufferPositionNotify dxsBPNFull;
DXS.Notify Notify;
System.Threading.AutoResetEvent ARE;
public AudioRecorder(Guid DeviceGuid,DXS.WaveFormat wfWaveFormat,DXS.CaptureEffectDescription[] dxsCapEffectDesc)
dxsCapDev = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture(DeviceGuid);
dxsCapBufferDesc = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBufferDescription();
dxsCapBufferDesc.BufferBytes = CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE;
dxsCapBufferDesc.Format = wfWaveFormat;
dxsCapBufferDesc.WaveMapped = true;
dxsCapBufferDesc.CaptureEffectDescription = dxsCapEffectDesc;
dxsCapBufferDesc.ControlEffects = true;
dxsCapBuffer = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer(dxsCapBufferDesc, dxsCapDev);
ARE = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);
dxsBPNHalf = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPositionNotify();
dxsBPNFull = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPositionNotify();
dxsBPNHalf.Offset = CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE / 2 - 1;
dxsBPNFull.EventNotifyHandle = ARE.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle();
dxsBPNHalf.EventNotifyHandle = ARE.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle();
dxsBpna = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPositionNotify[2];
dxsBpna[0] = dxsBPNHalf;
dxsBpna[1] = dxsBPNFull;
Notify = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Notify(dxsCapBuffer);
public void StartRecording()
if (thrdCapturingThread != null)
throw new Exception("Already Recording !");
StopRec = false;
thrdCapturingThread = new System.Threading.Thread(Record);
private void Record()
DataReceivedHandler drh2 = DataReceivedHandle;
byte[] TempBaf = new byte[CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE / 2];
int StartingOffset = 0;
while (dxsCapBuffer.Capturing && !StopRec)
StartingOffset %= CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE;
TempBaf = (byte[])dxsCapBuffer.Read(StartingOffset, typeof(byte), Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag.FromWriteCursor, CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE / 2);
StartingOffset += TempBaf.Length;
if (drh2 != null)
drh2(this, new BMSRecordingEventArgs(TempBaf, false));
if (drh2 != null)
drh2(this, new BMSRecordingEventArgs(TempBaf, true));
public void StopRecording()
StopRec = true;
thrdCapturingThread = null;
Is there a way to show "Loading" screen with animation in blackberry?
PME animation content
multithreading + set of images + timer/counter
standard rim api
some other way
Any of this?
Fermin, Anthony +1. Thanks to all, you gave me the part of answer.
My final solution:
1.Create or generate (free Ajax loading gif generator) animation and add it to project.
2.Create ResponseCallback interface (see Coderholic - Blackberry WebBitmapField) to receive thread execution result:
public interface ResponseCallback {
public void callback(String data);
3.Create a class to handle your background thread job. In my case it was http request:
public class HttpConnector
static public void HttpGetStream(final String fileToGet,
final ResponseCallback msgs) {
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
HttpConnection hc = null;
DataInputStream din = null;
try {
hc = (HttpConnection) Connector.open("http://" + fileToGet);
din = hc.openDataInputStream();
ByteVector bv = new ByteVector();
int i = din.read();
while (-1 != i) {
bv.addElement((byte) i);
i = din.read();
final String response = new String(bv.toArray(), "UTF-8");
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
catch (final Exception e) {
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
msgs.callback("Exception (" + e.getClass() + "): "
+ e.getMessage());
finally {
try {
din = null;
hc = null;
catch (Exception e) {
4.Create WaitScreen (a hybrid of FullScreen and AnimatedGIFField with ResponseCallback interface):
public class WaitScreen extends FullScreen implements ResponseCallback
StartScreen startScreen;
private GIFEncodedImage _image;
private int _currentFrame;
private int _width, _height, _xPos, _yPos;
private AnimatorThread _animatorThread;
public WaitScreen(StartScreen startScreen) {
super(new VerticalFieldManager(), Field.NON_FOCUSABLE);
Color.WHITE, 100));
this.startScreen = startScreen;
EncodedImage encImg =
GIFEncodedImage img = (GIFEncodedImage) encImg;
// Store the image and it's dimensions.
_image = img;
_width = img.getWidth();
_height = img.getHeight();
_xPos = (Display.getWidth() - _width) >> 1;
_yPos = (Display.getHeight() - _height) >> 1;
// Start the animation thread.
_animatorThread = new AnimatorThread(this);
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
// Draw the animation frame.
.drawImage(_xPos, _yPos, _image
.getFrameWidth(_currentFrame), _image
.getFrameHeight(_currentFrame), _image,
_currentFrame, 0, 0);
protected void onUndisplay() {
private class AnimatorThread extends Thread {
private WaitScreen _theField;
private boolean _keepGoing = true;
private int _totalFrames, _loopCount, _totalLoops;
public AnimatorThread(WaitScreen _theScreen) {
_theField = _theScreen;
_totalFrames = _image.getFrameCount();
_totalLoops = _image.getIterations();
public synchronized void stop() {
_keepGoing = false;
public void run() {
while (_keepGoing) {
// Invalidate the field so that it is redrawn.
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
// Sleep for the current frame delay before
// the next frame is drawn.
sleep(_image.getFrameDelay(_currentFrame) * 10);
} catch (InterruptedException iex) {
} // Couldn't sleep.
// Increment the frame.
if (_currentFrame == _totalFrames) {
// Reset back to frame 0
// if we have reached the end.
_currentFrame = 0;
// Check if the animation should continue.
if (_loopCount == _totalLoops) {
_keepGoing = false;
public void callback(String data) {
5.In the end, create Start screen to call HttpConnector.HttpGetStream and to show WaitScreen:
public class StartScreen extends MainScreen
public RichTextField text;
WaitScreen msgs;
public StartScreen() {
text = new RichTextField();
protected void makeMenu(Menu menu, int instance) {
super.makeMenu(menu, instance);
MenuItem runWait = new MenuItem("wait", 1, 1) {
public void run() {
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void getFile() {
msgs = new WaitScreen(this);
"stackoverflow.com/faq", msgs);
//you should implement this method to use callback data on the screen.
public void updateScreen(String data)
UPDATE: another solution naviina.eu: A Web2.0/Ajax-style loading popup in a native BlackBerry application
The basic pattern for this kind of thing is:
Have a thread running a loop that updates a variable (such as the frame index of the animated image) and then calls invalidate on a Field which draws the image (and then sleeps for a period of time). The invalidate will queue a repaint of the field.
In the field's paint method, read the variable and draw the appropriate frame of the image.
Pseudo code (not totally complete, but to give you the idea):
public class AnimatedImageField extends Field implements Runnable {
private int currentFrame;
private Bitmap[] animationFrames;
public void run() {
while(true) {
currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % animationFrames.length;
protected void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawBitmap(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, animationFrames[currentFrame], 0, 0);
Note also here I used an array of Bitmaps, but EncodedImage lets you treat an animated gif as one object, and includes methods to get specific frames.
EDIT: For completeness: Add this to a PopupScreen (as in Fermin's answer) or create your own dialog by overriding Screen directly. The separate thread is necessary because the RIM API is not thread-safe: you need to do everything UI related on the event thread (or while holding the event lock, see BlackBerry UI Threading - The Very Basics
This is simple code for loading screen ....
HorizontalFieldManager popHF = new HorizontalFieldManager();
popHF.add(new CustomLabelField("Pls wait..."));
final PopupScreen waitScreen = new PopupScreen(popHF);
new Thread()
public void run()
synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock())
//Here Some Network Call
synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock())
If it's just an animation could you show an animated gif on a popup and close it when loading operation is complete?
Easiest way is probably to use the standard GaugeField, setting style GaugeField.PERCENT. This will give you a progress bar. Add this to a PopupScreen and it will sit on top of your content. Something like..
private GaugeField _gaugeField;
private PopupScreen _popup;
public ProgressBar() {
DialogFieldManager manager = new DialogFieldManager();
_popup = new PopupScreen(manager);
_gaugeField = new GaugeField(null, 0, 100, 0, GaugeField.PERCENT);
Then have an update method which will use _gaugeField.setValue(newValue); to update the progress bar.
I normally have this called from whichever thread is doing the work (loading in your case, everytime an operation is complete the progress bar is updated.
I would suggest to take a look at this simple implementation. I liked this but never used it. May be helpful to you.
link text
ActivityIndicator is a good option if you are working with at least BB OS 6.0.