Japanese input control - uitextfield

I have the following issue, concerning the way to fine control Japanese input in an iOS app. To make things clear I include an image to this post (see below).
As one can see I have typed や in the input text field and a bunch of choices (や 役 矢 訳 ヤ 屋 焼き …) appear above the keyboard for possible conversions.
Here is what I would like to know:
The choices presented in the picture make no sense for my particular app. I would like to be able to set myself the possible conversions offered to the user.
In this case it would be (山形県 山口県 山梨県). Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
In other words I am trying to find out how handle the set of data appearing above the keyboard.
Thanks in advance for any relevant information.


Chrome translation often crashes input fields

While developing a Chrome translation detection I came across a weird Chrome behaviour:
When a page is translated by google, quite often it is not possible to type text into input fields on the translated page. With normal text fields, text may be shown in reverse order. With password fields, no typed chars are shown (so the * representing a char). When I switch back to the original language, all of a sudden the text is shown, so Chrome seems to save it somewhere but just does not display it.
Sometimes the language is not detected correct, so I use the "This page is not in ..." functionality of Chrome to set it to the correct value. This seemed to be the reason for this strange behaviour in the first place. But after quite a few tests, it may not be the problem. In both cases (with setting the correct language or not) it works sometimes, but ore often it does not. I could not find a pattern so far.
This happens on other computers of other people as well, so it does not seem to be a problem with my computer.
It is a page developed with Vaadin and Spring and the page this came up was the login page. I use the LoginForm functionality of Vaadin, so maybe that's a possible reason for this behaviours. I tested the translation on other pages with input fields as well, and there it seems to work. But I'm not sure if this isn't just Murphys law.
Anyone any idea about this?

Changing window layout in gtk2hs

I am making an applocation to demonstrate some algorithms, and I am using gtk2hs. When the user selects an algorithm, I want the whole window to change (different layout, input, output interface...). How could I do that? For example, is it possible to change the widget in a container? I tried a table but could not changed the content of a cell, so that doesn't seem like a good idea.
Also I want to change the number of input fields according to another input field, and that seems like the same problem for me (removing widgets from a box) but it might be totally different in terms of solution.
How to change the content of a box, can you delete a widget from it? If yes, how?
Use widgetDestroy. See for example this tutorial.

NSSwitchButton alternatives

I am writing a Mac application that provides a "test" like function. This application (through a connection with a server). Basically the application will give the students a story to read, followed by a series of questions (also from the server) where the user can (attempt) to select the correct answers, and send the result back to the server to be verified.
Implementing the "story" part was easy. Just send all of the text to a NSTextView. I had been planning to implement the "select your answer" as programmatically created NSSwitchButtons. However, some of the possible answers might take up more than one line. I have not been able get (any) NSButton class to wrap text based on the frame size, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to override NSButtonCell to allow the text to wrap.
What other Cocoa class(es) should I use to accomplish this task? I need to have a check-box interface (so that people can select one or more possible answers, and the answers can be an arbitrary length - within reason!) Ideally it would also be easy to use so that it will be easy to programatically layout the answers as well. (Some problems may only have 2 choices, while others may have 5+) I can't imagine I'm the only one who needs this type of functionality
(Oh...since a picture is worth 1,000 words, I've attached a screen-shot of my app below with some answer text running off of the screen)
An NSButton will respect explicit linefeed characters embedded in the text, but I suppose that would not meet your needs. An alternative would be to have a static text item next to a checkbox with no title. Of course, if you want to be able to toggle the checkbox by clicking the text, you would have a little more programming to do.

Descriptive label names in a desktop application

I have an application that displays a dialog when the user needs to enter information. The reason for this, is to keep the main form readonly, and only when you need to add/edit data will a dialog appear.
The problem I'm wrestling with is what to display for the label names in the dialog. The application is a WPF desktop app and traditionally desktop apps are very short on label names (usually one or two words). I want to make the dialog user friendly and be more descriptive about the information that is required. Web developers seem to be catching on to this and are much more descriptive with their label names, but most of the forms I've looked at are forms that are only filled in once, whereas I will have data that can be edited.
An example: If I had a label that asked a user if an employee smoked, in most a destop apps the label would normally be something like 'Smokes?' with a checkbox, whereas I want something like 'Does the employee smoke?'. My issue with this is, that the first time you come across this dialog and enter the data, then it seems OK, but what about when you are editing data that is already there. Does this label now make any sense. Past tense and present tense seem to be getting in my way and I was interested in what people think or ways they have approached this. The application I'm writing is a WPF app and I feel that traditional label names are a bit old in the tooth now.
Another example would be entering contact details for a person. Do I just have labels that say Phone, Fax, Email or something more descriptive. i.e. a label that appears before the textboxes stating 'Enter the contact details below' and then the single word labels?
Maybe I'm just being pedantic about all this, but I would like to take a step forward so that my application contains more than single word labels that are sometimes unclear to the user about what is required.
Why not make use of the concise labels and use Tool tips for a longer explanation.
The longer explanation is only required when a user is unfamiliar with the application anyway.
Also, you could re-word a label to make it sound more like a question such as "Is a Smoker?"
Since you are using Stack Overflow, take note of their use of tooltips, I think Jeff Attwood has a blog post or comments in a podcast about the use of tooltips in SO. I can't remember where I heard / read it.
Have you thought about creating a "quickstart" flow or wizard for entering data for the first time? This would give you the opportunity to guide the user through the process, using labels with descriptions, so that they learn to associate the description with the label you've chosen (hopefully something succinct but intuitive). Then when they need to edit data, they have learned the application taxonomy.
If you are running into issues with tenses, steer clear of using verbs or only use the present tense. I would try using nouns - "smoker?" instead of "smokes?"
When you're asking for common data like phone numbers, email addresses, you can probably assume that the user will understand what you mean. Just be clear as to whose contact information you are asking for - using a title for the field set that is explicit is a good idea ("Employee Contact Details"), adding a short description above the field set will help too.
Of course, you should always do some level of usability testing on your application before you launch it to uncover any issues with the interface.

Which widgets to use for a messenger

I'm currently learning to program Ruby with GUI. And has chosen wxruby. But has never used wxwidgets before. So my question is, which widgets do I use for the users list, the message list (scrolling) and the input area ?
Want to be able to choose font, color and use icons etc in the input area and the message list. And hoping to be able to have the userimage, nickname, status and smileys in the userlist also.
So anyone knows which to use?
For the input area and the message display, you'll probably want to use a wxRichTextCtrl, which will let you set fonts, colors, styles, etc. The main difference between the two is that the message display should be read-only. To change the style on the input area, you'll probably have wxButtons bound to functions to modify the style.
The userlist will probably be best off as a wxTreeCtrl, because you'll probably want to be able to have groups that you can expand. On the other hand, it might be a lot simpler to use a wxSimpleHtmlListBox because you will be able to use HTML to describe what you want to show, rather than having to worry about the finer details of another control.
For future reference, you might want to look at the Classes by Category page to help you figure out which controls you need, when you have an idea of what you're looking for.
