IBM FileNet P8 vs IBM Case Manager? [closed] - filenet-p8

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Edit: closed due to opinion-based vs fact based, but the answer is quite fact based: Case Manager is a superset of FileNet, not a competing product.
In my project, we're considering using IBM Case Manager instead of FileNet P8+ILOG JRules to implement a loan origination system. And I've got responsibility to study the advantages and disadvantages of moving to Case Management over FileNet P8 (of which we've already used in several projects).
But I'm still not familiar with Case Manager. Has anyone tried this product yet? Please give me some opinions. What is the overall experiences? Is it worth the changes?

IBM Case Manager is actually a product that sits on top of the base FileNet P8 components and ILOG JRules. It uses the underlying P8 Content Engine and Process Engine to manage the content and workflows respectively. So even with IBM Case Manager, you would still have FileNet P8 and ILOG JRules in your solution, but they would be hidden behind IBM Case Manager to some extent.
Apart from some improvements in the installation and deployment process over basic P8, the biggest thing that the latest versions of IBM Case Manager bring to the table is the ability for a knowledge worker to determine what parts of the workflow need to be completed on a case-by-case basis. Traditionally, workflow designs in the P8 Process Engine have been static and could not be changed at runtime. They still cannot, but Case Manager puts a layer of abstraction over the Process Engine to let distinct process fragments still be statically defined in the Process Engine, but have the overall process for a case be dynamic and determined at runtime by a knowledge worker.
That being said, if the project is for a process that does not involve knowledge workers, but only the integration of systems (eg. Credit Card Approval) then base P8 and static workflows with ILOG JRules could a better fit.


Comparison of ecommerce platforms [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am learning and analyzing the difference between eCommerce platforms like SAP Hybris, Salesforce, WCS, ATG and Magento etc.
What are the key parameters while you zero down to choose a product? And which is the best in the market at present?
This is a broad question that doesn't have a best answer. You could use Gartner to help you decide:
Personally, I would consider things like:
Cost: Do you want a free platform or a paid one? Some features (or support) may not be available in free platforms. Or, a paid platform may be too expensive for a small company.
Existing landscape: Are you building from scratch without dependencies on other systems, or do you need to consider existing systems (e.g. ERP) in the enterprise? Your customer may already have a SAP system and have a good relationship with them. So, they may want to use SAP Commerce Cloud, rather than Oracle Commerce Cloud
Developer experience: Do developers have experience with an existing platform, or do they need to learn a new platform? What is the learning curve for a new platform like? SAP Commerce Cloud needs Java/Spring background (and maybe Angular for their latest frontend technology).
Community / Support: Is there a community where you can ask questions in case you have a problem? Are there documentation / blogs available?
Future of technology: Is the platform continuously improving or "future-proof", or is it content with staying with old technology? For example, SAP Commerce Cloud's frontend is moving towards Angular, instead of its own technology.
#geffchang already share some information in his response. I want to add my personnel parameters:
Business processes: Every company has own business processing for preparing products, photos, campaigns, prices, page designs. Some solution has work flow and roles for these changes. If your company small and few people manage it, these work flow steps get extra workload. On the other hand some companies need to approve every changes.
Search engine capabilities: Some products use special search engines such as Solr, Elastic Search, etc. These solutions can manipulate search result, built in synonym and search with root of word support.
Other e-commerce related tasks: Some product has solution for other e-commerce related background tasks. Such as taken product picture, marketing emails/sms, mobile app, wharehouse/stock management, payment integration, cargo integration.
Sector/company related functions: Some solutions has extra functionalities which are not needed for all companies. Such as multi brand capabilities, auto publish new pages/campaigns, ticketing system, region/country/segment based prices, products and pages, business reports (stock, sales, etc.).
At the end, you need to list client needed functionalities and short term future plans then find best fitting e-commerce software for them.

Which Graph Database (Orient or Titan) is good to use with spring and liferay? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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please help me , I'm quite confuse while deciding to use graph database , I'm developing a Social networking website . so please suggest me which I have to use .
I developing this project using spring and liferay 6.2.
Please help me .
Thanks in advance.
Titan as product is dead about 2 weeks ago. DataStax (Cassandra company) hired the Titan team, but not the product. They preferred to abandon Titan. Here the official announcement:
"We're not going to do an integration. The play here is we'll take
everything that's been done on Titan as inspiration, and maybe some of
the Titan project will make it into DSE Graph," DataStax engineering
VP Martin Van Ryswyk said... But we're really going to build something
new because we're going to be able now to take advantage of Cassandra
specifically and DSE features specifically. It will be an engineering
effort to build a new product. We will not be supporting or
integrating Titan as a product into our portfolio."
And this is the official announcement in Titan group:
"However, there is also some sadness in this announcement. As we
transition to DataStax, we will find little time to contribute toTitan
and interact with the Titan community. We will miss that and hope that
it will be carried forward."
Now, some users was very pissed off about this news. Read this:
"Not even that. They pulled the plug without a stable product, no
prior notice and not caring about the companies that used a buggy
system that broke compatibility every time just because a version 1.0
was promised."
So after few days of flame in the group, Titan team said "Ok, Titan is alive", but this has been the reaction on Hacker News:
I'm not talking about Titan vs OrientDB from technical perspective (I'm the OrientDB author, so it would be unbiased), but I'm just pointing here that creating a new project based on a dead product seems a not so good idea. So you can go with OrientDB or wait for the new Cassandra DSE (Commercial only?) with graph features "inspired" to Titan.
You could also use spring-data-gremlin and see for yourself which database works best for you. It is a Tinkerpop blueprints Spring-Data abstraction allowing you to switch to potentially any graph database that implements the blueprints API - which both OrientDB and TitanDB do, and the project already includes those databases.
Note: spring-data-gremlin is a work in progress and may not yet fit all your requirements, but we'll get there.
Neo4J has native spring-data support.
You can also use Blueprints (, which allows you to switch backend database easily.

Open Source & Free Adhoc / End User Reporting Tool [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am looking for an Open Source & Free Browser based Adhoc / End User Reporting Tool preferably based on Java (any other technologies are also welcome).
I have researched on JasperServer Pro, BIRT & Pentaho. Even though these are open source & free, the end user/adhoc reporting components needs to be paid annual license fees which is not quite affordable for us. So please tell you suggestions
Thanks In Advance.
Mhm ... I'll throw in a paid one: i-net Clear Reports (used to be i-net Crystal-Clear). The reason I do this is simple: I think it fits your needs, but it's a one time investment if you're happy with what it offers. Its constantly being improved and the support is much better than of the most open source or free communities (that should be taken into account).
The product is entirely Java. It has a powerful ad-hoc reporting component that is made to be an easy-to-use thing for non-technical users. Your users won't have to know anything about reporting at all. They simply select the kind of report, the data et voila there is a report suiting the needs.
The reporting server has a great web GUI for ad hoc reporting (and much more), but you could also access a Java applet.
The end users will not need any training since the GUI is highly intuitive. All reports (depending on security settings) can be accessed via DAV our a report repository gui.
The server supports different security settings on a per user or per group basis.
Disclosure: Yep. I work for the company who built this.
fyireporting has a report editor component and is licensed under the Apache v2 License. I still have to do an in-depth evaluation, but it looks quite good from the website.

Anything better than CruiseControl for .Net CI? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been asked to set up yet another CruiceControl environment for yet another client. I realized that I've been using CC for years without really looking around for competitors. Is there anything else that's sprung up that does the job equally well or better for .Net apps?
TeamCity is a very good CI server. (and the "Professional" edition is free)
I've been using it for over a year for building .NET projects, and I must say it's way better than CC.NET IMHO.
Strong points are:
Very easy to configure (web based GUI)
Distributed system (you can have several build agents on multiple machines to distribute the build process)
Built-in support for many source control systems
... check the website. The product is awesome ...
If you haven't seen it you might want to check out the Continuous Integration Feature Matrix which lists virtually ever CI server out there.
I work on the Java version of CruiseControl and these days I work for Urbancode who makes AnthillPro. From that perspective the right tool depends on the scope of what you're looking for. If you're just looking for fast feedback after a build lots of tools will work. If you're looking to setup a build grid then a there's a smaller group of tools. If you want to track dependencies between projects and deployments to multiple environments then you're in an even smaller group.
AppVeyor CI is worth looking at. It's a hosted Continuous Integration service for .NET developers and it's free for open-source projects.
Bamboo is an alternative... it also is provided as part of a integrated toolset or cloud service. They include Subversion, Jira (task/bug logging), confluence (WIKI), and other coding tools - see the link.
The are available as a managed service or you can purchase the suite and run it internally. Their packages are extended to use a single sign on system and centrally administrated.
TeamCity is really a good solution.
Hudson is also a really great tool, and even if it is essentially dedicated to Java projects, it can be used on .Net or C++ projects quite easily now...
Why not MSBuild if you are building .Net projects?
Do you have a TeamFoundationServer, if so, TeamFoundationBuild and MSbuild are a definite possibility.

PPM - Project Portfolio Management [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What is your company solution for PPM (managing projects, demands, timesheets, etc)? And what is your experience with it?
I'm trying to know about the tool prespective and not your company's particular business process.
Regards for you all!
Roadmap takes the same, lightweight approach as Basecamp and applies it to PPM. In fact, Roadmap supports real-time integration with Basecamp. It's reasonably priced and easy to use.
In our company ms project standard is used for managing projects, demands, timesheets, etc.
I've used microsoft project gantt chart for project scheduling and tracking, it serves the purpose very well. You can download ms project trial version from microsoft website. You can get more details on ms project at this link.
We use Microsoft Great Plains, and hate it! We also use Siebel Service for defect tracking... and hate it!
A while back we implemented Mantis, an open source bug tracking tool for a small project that needed customers to access it (all our corporate apps are internal-access only). Mantis has been so successful we have 3 teams using it and resisting moving to using Siebel.
We also use dotProject for project management - its good, but I'm not sure its quite as good as more expensive Project tools.
So, my experience has been that the open source, web based tools are very good (eg OrangeHRM, WebERP, vTiger), very useable, (and free), and they do a perfectly good-enough job. The commerical apps can sometimes be complete pants.
For Visual Studio teams, Microsoft's Team Foundation Server is getting much better...2010 provides much more syncing and task hierarchical mgmt then 2008 and 2005 before, but still not a fully healthy PPM solution out of the box...if you have the skills, create an entire process template for your org and really get the power out of TFS. Kudos to msft for the 2010 version and the much improved MS Project 2010 product...I'm in the middle of evaluating this myself.
#task is awesome even in its standard edition suite - expensive, but allows total tracking, mgmt, dashboard, timesheet, doc mgmt, etc, etc, etc right out of the box on a SAAS model.
Basecamp has become the trendy adaptation to the PPM problem. I've used it some with clients, but would love to trial it for myself soon.
In our organization we use Microsoft Project 2010 for project portfolio management. It is used to gain visibility & control across all projects & teams, helps enhance decision-making, improves alignment with business strategy, helps maximize resource utilization and managing projects by enhancing project execution. Definitely recommend it.
