Windowsphone Start button handler - windows-phone-7

Well, I’m developing a small game for Windowsphone (with Silverlight). That way, I’d like how could I handle the Start button event?
Apparently, is not possible to override the Application_Deactivated method, right? Hence, even if I create a method and call it inside Apllication_Deactivated, the game would be finished anyways.
I’d like to show a Canvas, like: Are you show you want to leave the Game. Pretty basic. I’ve done that on return button. So, how could I make the same on Start button?

Short answer: You can't.
Microsoft states that it is not the developers choice to handle what happens when the start button is pressed. What you should do is handle the event and save user state, then reload the state when the user navigates back to the application.


MFC: GUI freezes, but keeps working

I’ve encountered a problem I can’t solve.
I’m working on a project with MFC in Visual Studio. The problem is, sometimes GUI just stop visibly reacting, but technically it keeps doing the functions it was intended to do. It means, when I press a button, the function OnBnXXXPressed is executing, but the button doesn’t look like it was pressed, as if I’ve pressed on a picture of button, not the button itself. And it’s not just this button — every other element of GUI seems to keep working, but doesn’t show that it is working.
Also, in this state dialog windows don’t show up upon their call. If I call AfxMessageBox, the message box won’t show up, and the thread that called this function, will not be blocked; AfxMessageBox will basically be skipped.
I have absolutely no idea what can possibly cause that behavior. The question is: what should be happening in program for it to behave this way? Especially if it’s built with MFC?
The project consists of 50+ files, and every function responsible for GUI makes changes to the elements it is about. I do not know where the error is, and I ask you, to the very least, where should I look for it.
Thank you for attention!
The answer was originally provided in the comment section. My code indeed has a GDI resource leak that was provoking this behavior.
When a button is clicked, are you doing a bunch of processing, or do you return fast? If you don't return, maybe locking the UI thread. After a user presses on the button, how long is it taking before the OnClick for that finishes running?
If that's it, here's some more info:
The solution I've generally used for long-running logic on a UI click is to run it a background thread.

What is the jquery mobile event for when the user holds down a button?

I have a popup that I want to make transparent when and for as long as the user presses and holds a button. And when they release, I'd like the popup to become opaque again.
What events should I be capturing to do this?
Currently, I'm using vmousedown and vmouseup events. They work, but once in awhile, when I press and then let go of the button, the vmouseup event seems to get fired. So when they let go, the popup remains transparent.
I've only experienced this on chrome on my iphone, never on the desktop.
First, am I using the event? Or is something better (like tap vs click) in the mobile world?
If I am using the right events, any idea why I have that odd behavior on mobile?
try the $("...").on("taphold", function (event) {...}); event binding.

Handling focus loss of application

I am attempting to handle the loss of focus of my application, either by a phone call or other event, and also by the pressing of the home key.
I have tried setting a flag in the OnNavigatingFrom/OnNavigatedFrom and OnNavigatedTo event handlers but each time the app starts (either after pressing home, or something else) it always seems to be resetting the flag.
Which are the correct events I should be using in order to correctly "pause" and subsequently "resume" my application if it loses focus?
You should read the documentation about application lifecycle.
When you press the Home button, or when you receive a phone call, the application is paused.
If you pressed Home, you can then restore the application by pressing the back button.
to handle these events, in App.xaml.cs by default the methods are: Application_Activated and Application_Deactivated
Of course you can manage to store data before the pause, and restore it when application is restored.
This is called tombstoning.
What you need is described in the following links:
Read this. This is a microsoft tutorial on how to save state.
It'll give you how to save your ApplicationData when it is tombstoned.
Basically edit the Application_Closing and Application_Activated methods in the App.xaml to save the data to the system using isolated storage.

wp7-how to make a thread navigate pages

I want to check for changes in the aplication state every time interval, and if it has changed, to open a window, and give the user 10 seconds to press on the window, if he does press on the window, then to allow him to navigate freely in the window, and if he doesn't press, to return back to the window before. I thought to implement it with a thread running in the background and waking up every time interval I want. Maybe there is a better way?
This strikes me as a scenario with lots of potential issues.
How do you stop the "window" appearing at an inconvenient time to the user? (e.g. when they were just about to tap on som.ething)
Why not just raise the notification when the state actually changes? This way you wouldn't need to poll.
What is the "Window" you are displaying? How does it differ from the page it is replacing? Is this a popup or are you actually navigating to a different page?
What is the state that's changing? How is it changing without user interaction?
Can't you notify the user of the state change without a potentially intrusive display of a new "window"?
I agree with #matt-lacey, this could be dangerous and might result in a bad user experience.
With that said, this might work
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
//navigation code here
I didn't know you could do a pop-up window, could you elaborate?
I've made a thread that is running at the background and making some work, if it decides that a change is necessary, I want to give the user a chance to react to it, or ignore it.
I'm pretty new to this, so if there is a better way than to navigate to a different page i would love to hear it.
It sounds to me like you want to notify the user that something has happened/changed and give them the option to do something about it, which is exactly what "toast" notifcations are all about. They pop up at the top of the screen to inform the user, and then the user can tap that toast to do something, e.g. when WiFi networks are available, you tap the toast to select an available network.
The Silverlight Windows Phone Toolkit includes the ToastRequestTrigger that you use to display toast notifications. The Windows Phone Developer Guide from the patterns & practices team gives examples of using the ToastRequestTrigger. You will need to implement the tap handling yourself in the toast content, but this should be simple enough.

sketchflow navigatetoscreenaction popup

I am using SketchFlow for a prototype. Right now when the user clicks certain 'links' a trigger is excuted which calls navigatetoscreenaction and I supply the target screen. The problem is instead of going to this screen and leaving my main window, I want my target screen to popup into a modal dialog. Can you accomplish this with Sketchflow?
Yes, but you might have to code it up yourself. If you truly want a dialog you will have to do it in the event handler for the item you are clicking. You would do it just like any other dialog on the platform you are using.
If you just want to simulate it, you could make the screen into a component screen and use visual states to hide/show it. Made it hidden in the base state, and create a show state that you trigger with a behavior.
yes you sure can, with a component screen. Right click on your source screen in the sketchflow map and there it is.
