how call non static method in android - methods

How to call non static method in android ?? I have try all way I can, but nothing. i have try this code in java and success for running, but why in android always error.
Here is the code of main activity.
public class Main extends Activity{
private Coba mstatus;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onClick(View v)
switch (v.getId()){
This is the second class.
public abstract class Coba implements runnable{
public void resume(){
public void download() {
mThread = new Thread(this);
I want to call resume() method. In my source code nothing warning and error but when I try to call this method it's always force close. Is there another way to call non static method from another class ??

It's rather a java issue than an Android one:
First Coba is abstract so you should use a non abstract class, let's call this class CobaImpl
or make Coba a non abstract class (you choose).
Second you should create an instance of the class to use a non static method (eg mstatus = new CobaImpl(...) elsewhere you can use only static method.


JavaEE CDI in Weld: Generic Events?

I have an idea for a specific event handling based on generics, but seems like Weld can't handle them. I asked google but couldn't find an alternative CDI extension for this.
Question: is there a CDI extension, that can handle event propagation of generic-typed events?
In the following the explicit problem I have.
I have three general events, EntityCreated, EntityChanged and EntityDeleted. The base class for them is defined like this:
public abstract class DatabaseEvent<TargetType> {
public TargetType target;
public DatabaseEvent(TargetType target) { = target;
The events then are simple inherited classes:
public class EntityCreatedEvent<TargetType> extends DatabaseEvent<TargetType> {
public EntityCreatedEvent(TargetType target) {
I fire them like this:
public abstract class MyHome<EntityType> {
private EntityType entity;
Event<EntityCreatedEvent<EntityType>> entityCreatedEvent;
public void fireCreatedEvent() {
EntityCreatedEvent<EntityType> payload = new EntityCreatedEvent<EntityType>(entity);;
I want to observe them like this:
public void handleProjectCreated(#Observes EntityCreatedEvent<Project> event) { ... }
When launching the server Weld tells me it can't handle generic-typed events. The CDI-way of doing things would be to use additional qualifiers instead of the generics to distiguish them, e.g.:
public void handleProjectCreated(#Observes #ProjectEvent EntityCreatedEvent event) { ... }
However, I fire the events from that MyHome base class, where I can't just fire with the #ProjectEvent: it might not be a project but another type.
My solution up to now is to skip that typing altogether and handle them like this:
public void handleProjectCreated(#Observes EntityCreatedEvent event) {
if( instanceof Project) { ... }
This solution is okay, but not perfect.
I guess you can do this with dinamically binding qualifier members. This is what your code would look like:
public abstract class MyHome {
private EntityType entity;
Event<EntityCreatedEvent> entityCreatedEvent;
public void fireCreatedEvent() { EntityCreatedEvent(entity));
private TypeBinding getTypeBinding() {
return new TypeBinding() {
public Class<? extends EntityType> value() {return entity.getClass();}
public #interface EntityTypeQualifier {
Class<? extends EntityType> value();
public abstract class TypeBinding extends AnnotationLiteral<EntityTypeQualifier> implements EntityTypeQualifier {}
public void handleEntityType1Created(#Observes #EntityTypeQualifier(EntityType1.class) EntityCreatedEvent event) {}
public void handleEntityType2Created(#Observes #EntityTypeQualifier(EntityType2.class) EntityCreatedEvent event) {}
As this CDI issue points it is not possible to fire an without having the type of T at runtime.
But, if you have the type of T (i.e. you have an instance) you can use the Event as an Instance, and select the event to be fired using a dynamic type literal.

How to call private method by other methods?

I am confused of calling a private method by another method(public) belonging to the same class.Once I have been told I gotta create an object of that class and then call the private method via this object but in one of my questions in this forum I have been told that I dont need to use object.
public class Train() {
private void method1{......method definition..... }
public void method2{ to invoke method1??}
Can I simply call the first method inside the second method by using method1(); or should I invoke it by creating an object of the class and Object_of_Train.method1();.
Which one should I use?
Within the class you should be able to call method1();
Outside the class you will need to call it from an instance of that class and will have access to public methods only
Use this.method1(); to call from method2() or any other non-static method in the class.
You can access the private methods of a class using java reflection package.
**Step1 − Instantiate the Method class of the java.lang.reflect package by passing the method name of the method which is declared private.
Step2 − Set the method accessible by passing value true to the setAccessible() method.
Step3 − Finally, invoke the method using the invoke() method.**
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class DemoTest {
private void sampleMethod() {
public class SampleTest {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
Class c = Class.forName("DemoTest");
Object obj = c.newInstance();
Method method = c.getDeclaredMethod("sampleMethod", null);
method.invoke(obj, null);
Source : Tutorialpoint

overriding virtual event

I've got the following code
public delegate void NotificacaoScanner(NotifScanner e);
// interface
public interface IScanner
event NotificacaoScanner onFinalLeitura;
// abstract class that implements the interface
public abstract class ScannerGCPerif : IScanner
public virtual event NotificacaoScanner onFinalLeitura;
add { throw new NotImplementedException("Event not available for this service"); }
remove { throw new NotImplementedException("Event not available for this service"); }
// concrete class that implements the abstract class
public class ScannerBurroughs : ScannerGCPerif
public override event NotificacaoScanner onFinalLeitura;
Why when I subscribe the onFinalLeitura event of a ScannerBurroughs instance, it insists on execute the event declaration of the base class (ScannerGCPerif), where the exception is?
I ran your code and I did not get an exception. Let me explain what happens:
You override the event in your concrete class, but you do not provide implementation for adding and removing event handlers so the compiler generates the following code:
public class ScannerBurroughs : ScannerGCPerif
private NotificacaoScanner _onFinalLeitura; // Declare a private delegate
public override event NotificacaoScanner onFinalLeitura
add { _onFinalLeitura += value; }
remove { _onFinalLeitura -= value; }
Behind the scenes it adds a private delegate and autoimplements the add / remove event accessors. The base implementation never gets called when you subscribe. Try explicitly implementing the accessors, put some breakpoints in your code and see what happens.

Moq and Command Pattern .I am struggling can you help?

New to the world of TDD and I have soon find out that mocking at times is not as easy.
We are using MOQ at work so I need to learn how to do this using moq
I have some code using the command pattern and works a treat.However If were to test drive it I would not know how to do it implementing the code below.
I have done the following
Created BaseToolStripMenuItem:ToolStripMenuItem and added a Command Property (see below)
Created a windows form and added a menuStrip with 2 item Open and Exit
In the form I just add to map the command to a button and all works a treat.
I would like to change the code so that I can UnitTest using Moq but cannot see how???
Can you help?
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!!
public interface ICommand
void Execute()
public abstract class BaseCmd :ICommand
protected ProcessMenuCommand ProcessCommand;
protected MenuCommandFactory Factory;
protected BaseCmd(ProcessMenuCommand processMenuCommand, MenuCommandFactory cmdfactory)
ProcessCommand = processMenuCommand;
Factory = cmdfactory;
abstract public void Execute();
public class BaseToolStripMenuItem : ToolStripMenuItem
public BaseToolStripMenuItem()
Click += MenuItemClick;
Command = null;
public BaseCmd Command { get; set; }
private void MenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
if (Command != null) Command.Execute();
public class MenuCommandFactory
private readonly ProcessMenuCommand _processMenuCommand;
public MenuCommandFactory(ProcessMenuCommand processMenuCommand)
_processMenuCommand = processMenuCommand;
public OpenFileCmd OpenFile()
return new OpenFileCmd(_processMenuCommand,this);
public ExitCmd Exit()
return new ExitCmd(_processMenuCommand, this);
public class OpenFileCmd:BaseCmd
public OpenFileCmd(ProcessMenuCommand processMenu,MenuCommandFactory menuCommandFactory)
public override void Execute()
public class ProcessMenuCommand
public void OpenFile()
MessageBox.Show("Open a file");
public void Exit()
public class ExitCmd:BaseCmd
public ExitCmd(ProcessMenuCommand processMenu, MenuCommandFactory menuCommandFactory)
public override void Execute()
//In the form
public partial class Form1 : Form
private ProcessMenuCommand menuCommandProcessor;
private MenuCommandFactory factory;
public Form1()
// Created editor and factory.
menuCommandProcessor = new ProcessMenuCommand();
factory = new MenuCommandFactory(menuCommandProcessor);
// Get concrete command objects from factory and assign to corresponding menu items and tool strip buttons.
tsOpen.Command = factory.OpenFile();
tsExit.Command = factory.Exit();
However If were to test drive it I would not know how to do it implementing the code below
The idea about TDD is that it drives you towards an implementation. There are many implementations you could never arrive at using TDD, so your question doesn't really make much sense.
Try to write some tests that drive you towards your goal without having a preconceived image of the solution at which you wish to arrive. It will often turn out that you end up at an entirely different (and better) place than what you originally thought.
A simple Novice Rule: no abstract classes. Try designing again with only interfaces and concrete classes. You'll notice it's easier to test-drive the result.
As for "how to TDD a Command object", a Command is just a class that provides a single action. Test-drive it the same way you would test-drive any method, except you name the method Execute().

BlackBerry - Fun with FieldManagers

I am trying to make a View class that provides a Horizontal or Vertical layout depending on how it is created. I'm using a delegate to achieve this.
class View extends Manager {
private Manager mDelegate;
public View(Manager inDelegate) {
mDelegate = inDelegate;
// the delegate is the only child of "this" manager.
public void add(Field f) {
// all other children go into the delegate.
// other methods that also delegate
When I instantiate a View object I pass in a Horizontal or Vertical field manager and then delegate calls to that. This is kinda what the Screen class does in blackberry.
Actually I am looking at the blackberry docs for Screen to see what calls it delegates (so I can emulate that) and I notice calls like this in Screen...
protected boolean keyChar(char c, int status, int time)
Delegates key generation event to the controlled field with focus.
This method invokes Manager.keyChar(char, int, int) on this screen's delegate manager.
So then it immediately dawns on me, how in the world are they calling a protected method on the screen's delegate? Or are the docs wrong and this method isn't delegated?
Anyone know how they accomplish this?
Reminding myself what protected means:
A protected method can be called by
any subclass within its class, but not
by unrelated classes.
This doesn't directly answer your question, but could you extend Screen (API here) instead of Manager and then call super(mDelegate) in your constructor? Then presumably whatever magic is necessary will just work?
Aside from that I would just suggest you try it and see if you can override the supposedly protected method!
I managed to work out a solution to this problem with help from some other SO questions.
My solution is to create an interface that provides the public access points for the protected methods and then subclass the Manager class and mix in that interface. The public method will then call its super's protected method.
Then the View class is then passed one of these Manager subclasses.
public interface ManagerDelegate {
Manager asManager();
// Provide public access points to any protected methods needed.
void doProtectedMethod();
public HorizontalDelegate extends HorizontalFieldManager implements ManagerDelegate {
public Manager asManager() {
return this;
public void doProtectedMethod() {
// call the Manager's protected method.
public VerticalDelegate extends VerticalFieldManager implements ManagerDelegate {
public Manager asManager() {
return this;
public void doProtectedMethod() {
// call the Manager's protected method.
public class View extends Manager {
private final ManagerDelegate mDelegate;
public View(ManagerDelegate inDelegate) {
mDelegate = inDelegate;
protected void protectedMethod() {
// Call into our delegate's public method to access its protected method.
public void publicMethod() {
// For public delegated methods I can just get the Manager instance from
// the delegate and call directly.
