Accessing public elements from other modules - acceleo

I'm new to Acceleo, but I understand that modules have both private and public elements which can be accessed by other modules (via extending / importing those modules).
In my case I have
[module generate('my_model_URI')/]
[import com::example::ecore /]
where I'm importing another module which uses the ECore namespace.
I want to access the Ecore module's public elements - what is the notation for this?

Got it:
or in the general form:
accesses public elements of a module.


kotlin sealed class with Spring #Component

I am relatively new to kotlin but already loving it. In one of our projects, we use kotlin; when I tried to annotate a sealed class with Spring's #Component, the compiler threw the following exception,
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'ShutDownManager' available
The simple shutdown manager class
sealed class ShutDownManager(
#Autowired private val applicationContext: ApplicationContext
) {
fun shutDownApplication() {
That is Autowired in another class,
class AccountFacade(
#Autowired private val shutDownManager: ShutDownManager
) {
From the Kotlin documentation on sealed class, I understand this is useful to have restricted class hierarchies that provide more control over inheritance, so my questions below,
Is the sealed class not meant to be used with spring injection
or the ApplicationContext not ready hence the bean was not created?
Please shed light on what I miss here; thanks.
Your problem is nothing to do with the sealed class but elsewhere. Typically this kind of error occurs because Spring is not scanning your code looking for Beans in the way you expect.
You have correctly annotated your ShutDownManager class with #Component but you don't give enough information on your package structure.
This is the right kind of package structure for a Spring project:
What is important is the Spring entrypoint class is higher than all the packages where you declare your Beans. The default behaviour of Spring is to Scan the packages below looking for Components/Services/etc. (You can override the behaviour to scan packages, etc explicitly, but my general preference is to locate the entry point for your application at the top of the tree on its own so it is easy to find in the tree structure and then everything beneath.)
One other word of caution is that in Java the package structure is intrinsically linked to the file system folder structure - you must keep them matched. There is no such restriction in Kotlin. I recommend not making use of this, since many Java devs will use the folder structure and never notice the package declaration differs; this could also be the source of Spring not finding your Beans.
Use of sealed classes/interfaces
I guess you might be thinking of using sealed to protect your ShutDownManager from being subclassed or overriden, but actually by default Kotlin makes all classes final. (You have to explicitly permit subclassing using the open keyword.)
sealed classes have some specific benefits in other places - most often when you are creating data objects, say Apple and Pear that implement/extend from Fruit. You can then write code that knows that there can only be two fruits if you had said sealed class Fruit. In Kotlin there is a when statement that's like Java's, and the compiler would know there is no need for an else if you were using a sealed Fruit class. See this article:

Initialize a slice resource in a osgi service

I want to initialize a model class that is a #SliceResource into an Osgi Service.
Is there a way to do this? Thanks!
In an AEM project that uses Slice, the idiomatic way to obtain a graph of objects in an OSGi service is by obtaining a reference to an Injector.
try (InjectorWithContext injector = InjectorUtil.getInjector(INJECTOR_NAME, resolver)) {
final ModelProvider modelProvider = injector.getInstance(ModelProvider.class);
MyModel myModel = modelProvider.get(MyModel.class, knownResource);
//do something with the model
Keep in mind that this can be used not just to instantiate a class annotated with #SliceResource but to build an arbitrary graph of objects using Guice as the Dependency Injection framework. It's a very powerful tool that allows you to manage all sorts of objects, possibly in different injection contexts (More information here)
Remember that the injector needs to be closed once you're done using it. Fortunately, the InjectorWithContext interface extends the AutoCloseable interface so you can use it in a try-with-resources block, as shown above.
Use InjectorUtil to obtain an injector. The INJECTOR_NAME can be found in your Activator where the Injector is instantiated and bindings between interfaces and implementations are registered.
ModelProvider#get allows you to inject a model in a context specified by the second argument. This can be a Resource instance or a path.

Is there a way to link JAX-RS resource to another resource like in Spring HATEOAS?

In Spring we've got #ExposesResourceFor annotation which can link our resource with other resources. Thanks to this our Value objects (representations) can know nothing of the actual resources.
Is there a way to do it in JAX-RS? I'm using Dropwizard with Jersey and Jackson and all I see is #InjectLinks annotation which I can use in a value object like this:
public class UserGroup {
public String name;
public URI myResource;
public UserGroup(String name){ = name;
But unfortunatelly my Value Objects should know nothing about Resources, so I'm asking can I do such linking on the level of resources - link in spring-hateoas in controllers, as mentioned above.
With #InjectLinks, you don't have to declare the links in your model class. You can create a "wrapper" representation class, as shown in declarative-linking from the Jersey examples (though this solution is not really on the resource class level as you wish).
Another possible solution (rather than declarative linking) is to use the JAX-RS 2.0 Link class, and do the linking programmatically (with no ties to the Jersey implementation/annotations). You can either add the links to your response headers, as see here, or add Links to you model classes, as seen here (or use the wrapper class for this also, so as to not to invade your model classes)
Some Resources
Declarative Hyperlinking
Using Link for headers

Spring with Neo4j, GraphRepository<?> vs handmade interface

I found out that there is an interface called GraphRepository. I have a repository for users implementing a homemade interface that does its job, but I was wondering, shouldn't I implement GraphRepository instead ? Even if it will be quite long to implement and some methods will be useless, I think it is a standard and I already re-coded a lot of methods that are defined in this interface.
So should I write "YAGNI" code or not respect the standard ?
What is your advice ?
you don't need to actually implement GraphRepository but extend it. the principals of Spring-Data is that all the boiler-plate CRUD code is taken care of (by proxying at startup time) so all you have to do is create an interface for your specific entity extending GraphRepository and then add only specific methods that you require.
for example; if i have an entity CustomerNode, to create standard CRUD methods, i can create a new interface CustomerNodeRepository extends GraphRepository<CustomerNode,Long>. all the methods from GraphRepository (e.g. save, findAll, findOne, delete, deleteAll, etc.) are now accessible from CustomerNodeRepository and implemented by Spring-Data-Neo4J without having to write a single line of implementation code.
the pattern now allows you to work on your specific repository code (e.g. findByNameAndDateOfBirth) rather than the simple CRUD stuff.
Spring-Data package is very useful for repository interaction. it can reduce huge amounts of code (have seen 80%+ reduction in code lines) and would highly recommend using it
edit: implementing custom execution
if you want to add your own custom behavior to a Repository method, you create the concept of merging interfaces and custom implementation. for example, lets say i want to create a method called findCustomerNodeBySomeStrangeCriteria and to do this, i actually want to link off to a relational database to perform the function.
first we define a separate, standalone interface that only includes our 'extra' method.
public interface CustomCustomerNodeRepository {
List<CustomerNode> findCustomerNodeBySomeStrangeCriteria(Object strangeCriteria);
next we update our normal interface to extend not only GraphRepository, but our new custom one too
public interface CustomerNodeRepository extends GraphRepository<CustomerNode,Long>, CustomCustomerNodeRepository {
the last piece, is to actually implement our findCustomerNodeBySomeStrangeCriteria method
public class CustomerNodeRepositoryImpl implements CustomCustomerNodeRepository {
public List<CustomerNode> findCustomerNodeBySomeStrangeCriteria(Object criteria) {
//implementation code
so, there's a couple of points to note;
we create a separate interface to define any custom methods that have custom implementations (as distinct from Spring-Data compatible "findBy..." methods)
our CustomerNodeRepository interface (our 'main' interface) extends both the GraphRepository and our 'custom' one
we implement only the 'custom' method in a class that implements only the custom interface
the 'custom' implementation class must (by default) be called our 'main' interface Impl to be picked up by Spring Data (so in this case CustomNodeRepositoryImpl)
under the covers, Spring Data delivers a proxy implementation of CustomerNodeRepository as a merge of the auto-built GraphRepository and our class implementing CustomCustomerNodeRepository. the reason for the name of the class is to allow Spring Data to pick it up easily/successfully (this can be overwritten so it doesn't look for *Impl)

Castle Windsor - Lookup Method Injection for transient instances

The short question:
Does Castle Windsor have something similar to Spring.Net's "Lookup Method Injection" that can be configured from XML, which provides the ability to fetch transient instances from the container without the class being aware of the IoC container?
The long question:
I'm a long time Spring/Spring.Net user and I have been experimenting with Castle Windsor, by trying to port a project over to it. Spring.Net has a concept of "Lookup Method Injection" which (from the Spring docs)...
Lookup method injection is the ability of the container to override methods on container managed objects, to return the result of looking up another named object in the container. The lookup typically involves a prototype object as in the scenario described in the preceding section. The Spring framework implements this method injection by a dynamically generating a subclass overriding the method using the classes in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace.
What this means is, If I had the following...
public class SomeTransient
// ... I have dependencies that need to be filled by IoC container
public class SomeClass
public virtual void Work()
var o = CreateTransient();
public virtual SomeTransient CreateTransient() { }
I can instruct Spring to override the CreateTransient method, and have that method return a new container created transient instance (with it's dependencies initialized) each time the method is called.
The unique part of this is, it doesn't require direct links to the Spring Framework (eg. SomeClass doesn't have to implement a specific interface).
Is there something similar in Castle Windsor to accomplish this via XML?
(I will eventually move away from XML config, but at the moment I'm just trying to get it running)
Castle has something better; Typed Factories.
You can also inject even a delegate!
It is better because it does not depend on dynamically generation code, and it looks much more cleaner.
It looks much more cleaner because the class doesn't depend on someone overriding that method. It is impossible to test this class without subclassing.
If you really want to do something like this, i would expect:
public abstract class SomeClass
public abstract SomeTransient CreateTransient();
but... again it doesn't feel right.
Edit 2
Unity 2 support these kind of delegate factories; you can read more here:
thanks to #eiximenis
