Cannot log into xampp - xampp

Is there a way to find your old user name and password for xampp if you have lost it? Also, the xampp server says 'xampp user; does that mean that 'xampp user' is the user name?
Alternately, is there a way to rest the username and password, if the originals cannot be recovered?

Old question but here's the answer, as I recently got stuck with this:
go to \xampp\security and delete xamppdirpasswd.txt, then replace the contents of xampp.users with just 'user'. Now refresh on localhost and you should be prompted for username and password where you just need to enter 'user' and no password.
Then go to http://[localhost]/security/xamppsecurity.php and set a new one!

I think the only way is to manually set new password and/or username.
There is a post on Stacowerflow already which explains quite well how to do it:
Go to your xampp\mysql\bin\ folder
Edit my.ini and insert skip-grant-tables below [mysqld]
Restart MySQL
Set new password for your root user by running UPDATE mysql.user SET
Password=PASSWORD('new_password') WHERE User='root' in phpMyAdmin in
the mysql database (or just leave it like this if MySQL cannot be
accessed from remote hosts)
Original post


Lost Laravel admin password

Trying to find way to generate a new password while I don't have a reset-password form.
I already tried to copy/paste encrypted value from another database but it still says:
These credentials do not match our records.
Just found a quickest solution. You can change any user password via command line with tinker:
php artisan tinker
$u =App\User::find(1)

after installation, not able to login in knowage (http://localhost:8080/knowage)

I am done with knowage CE6.2 installation just now. And when I am trying to login using user -
demo_admin(user name and password are same)
demo_user (user name and password are same)
I am unable to log in .
Please see the attachment , That shows the default user while installation process
You need start the server of knowage located in the windows button.
Hope give you some help
best resguards

I accidentally cleared the Username and Password in Halogy Admin

Is there anyone using Halogy codeigniter? I cannot log in to the admin right now because I accidentally cleared the Username and Password blank in Halogy Users Admin when I was updating the name. Please help me.
If you're still interested, Halogy has moved and is now known as ForgeIgniter.
open up the database, navigate to users and change any users groupID to -1
make sure active = 1
everything else can = null
If you're not sure for a default password, here's the default one.

I changed Joomla FTP password.... access denied

So, I changed my FTP password from my hosting panel.
And I've no idea what the old password was.
And now my website displays "Access denied." on every page.
It's a Joomla website.
Thank you for your help !
Edit: When I try to login on the admnistrator page, here is what I get :
Warning: include_once(/home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/config/provider.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/autoloader/fof.php on line 87
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/config/provider.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/php5.6/lib/php') in /home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/autoloader/fof.php on line 87
Fatal error: Class 'FOFConfigProvider' not found in /home/clients/6a0b43a5add26c536570d4cb7062e046/web/libraries/fof/model/model.php on line 570
Then I cant get back to the administrator page, it keeps saying that error message.
It sounds like you may have unintentionally changed the credentials that Joomla uses to connect to its database.
You'll need to know the username and password that your hosting account uses to connect to the Joomla database. If you don't know what these are you'll be able to find the username in your cPanel and you should be able to reset the password.
Then using either an FTP client or your cPanel file manager,
- open the configuration.php file in the root of your site
- locate the lines that start with public $user and public $password
- as precaution first copy and save the vales on these two lines
- then change their values to what you noted above, eg
public $password = "my_database_password";
That should do it.
The name of your Joomla database is set in the same configuration file on the line public $db. I think it's unlikely that you could have unintentionally changed this, though you could double check if updating your username and password doesn't work.
Good luck!
The FTP section you see at the Joomla! admin is for handling FTP jobs between your website and the server and it can't manage the server's FTP account.
In any case, you can bring your site back by disabling FTP like what it was before. Since you have no access to the website, you can do it via FTP or cPanel. Go to root folder of the Joomla! site and open configuration.php file. Then change the value of public $ftp_enable = '1'; to public $ftp_enable = '0';. It'll disable it again and you'll be able to see the website again.

Need to change DB password in Joomla

The DB password was recently change for a website I'm working on (for reasons I won't get into). As such, Joomla is no longer able to connect to the DB, prompting the error message: Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL.
Fortunately, I do know that I need to simply update the password in the configuration.php file to use the new password, but all of my attempts at making the change have failed. For security reasons I'm sure, I am completely unable to upload my modified configuration.php file. Normally I'd be happy to hear that the configuration file can't be modified, but in this one instance I need to modify it.
How would I go about modifying the file?
You options would be:
Upload new configuration.php via FTP file with new DB password value, however as you mentioned, you're unable to upload it.
Login to your hosting control panel and upload the configuration.php file via the built-in File Manager
Login to and change the password back to it's original value
Get in contact with your hosting provider and find out as to why you're unable to upload the config file.
One of the above options should work, however if all else fails, your last resort will be to contact the person who changed the DB password and ask them to change it back.
Being unable to upload / modify the configuration file, smells like a permissions issue. Maybe the file has permissions set to 444. Many FTP clients allow manipulation of the file permissions. You can set them to 644 for the config. file and then save it. If you can't do this through the FTP client, then try it within the cPanel.
