How do you stop two concurrent processes? - bash

In my web development workflow, I have two processes:
watching my folder for changes
previewing my site in the browser
I want to be able to run them and then later stop them both at the same time. I've seen everyone suggesting using the ampersand operator:
process_1 & process_2
But pressing Ctrl + C only stops the second one. I have to kill the first one manually. What am I missing in this approach?

You can have the foreground script explicitly kill the subprocesses in response to SIGINT:
trap 'kill $pid1 $pid2' 2
cmd1 &
cmd2 &
There is a race condition in this example: if you send SIGINT to the parent before pid1 is assigned, kill will emit a warning message and neither child will be terminated. If you send SIGINT before pid2 is assigned, only the process running cmd1 will be sent the signal. In either case, the parent will continue running and a second SIGINT can be sent. Some versions of kill allow you to avoid this race condition by sending a signal to the process group using kill -$$, but not all versions of kill support that usage. (Note that if either child process does not terminate in response to the signal, the parent will not exit but continue waiting.)

How about writing two scripts, one containing
./process_1 &
./process_2 &
and a second containing
killall process_1
killall process_2
Start both prcesses by running the first script, and end them by running the second script.


Bash: spawn child processes that quit when parent script quits

I'd like to spawn several child processes in Bash, but I'd like the parent script to remain running, such that signals send to the parent script also affect the spawned children processes.
This doesn't do that:
spawnedChildProcess1 &
spawnedChildProcess2 &
spawnedChildProcess3 &
parent.bash ends immediately, and the spawned processes continue running independently of it.
If you want your parent to not exit immediately after spawning its children, then as Barmar told you, use wait.
Now, if you want your child processes to die when the parent exits, then send them a SIGTERM (or any other) signal just before exiting:
kill 0
(0 is a special PID that means "every process in the parent's process group")
If the parent may exit unexpectedly (e.g. upon receiving a signal, because of a set -u or set -e, etc.) then you can use trap to send the TERM signal to the child just before exiting:
trap 'kill 0' EXIT
[edit] In conclusion, this is how you should write your parent process:
trap 'kill 0' EXIT
spawnedChildProcess1 &
spawnedChildProcess2 &
spawnedChildProcess3 &
That way no need to send your signal to a negative process ID since this won't cover all the cases when your parent process may die.
Use wait to have the parent process wait for all the children to exit.
spawnedChildProcess1 &
spawnedChildProcess2 &
spawnedChildProcess3 &
Keyboard signals are sent to the entire process group, so typing Ctl-c will kill the children and the parent.

How can I send a signal without the shell waiting for the currently running program to finish?

If I send a signal using kill, it seems to wait until the current program (in this example sleep 1000) finishes running. When I instead send SIGINT via pressing Ctrl+C in the shell, it receives the interrupt immediately however.
What I want, however, is for the interrupt to be received immediately after sending the signal via kill. Also, why does it behave like I would want it to when I press Ctrl+C?
#!/usr/bin/env sh
int_after_a_while() {
local pid=$1
sleep 2
echo "Attempting to kill $pid with SIGINT"
# Here I want to kill the process immediately, but it waits until sleep finishes
kill -s INT $pid
trap "echo Interrupt received!" INT
int_after_a_while $$ &
sleep 1000
I would appreciate any help on this issue. Thanks in advance!
As noted in the referenced answer the shell will normally wait for a utility to complete before running a trap. Some alternatives are:
Start the long running process in the background, then wait for it using the wait builtin. When a trapped signal is received during such a wait, the wait is interrupted and the trap is taken. Unfortunately, the exit status of wait does not distinguish between the child process exiting on a signal and a trap occurring. For example
sleep 1000 &
wait "$p"
Send a signal to the whole process group via kill -s INT 0. The effect is much like if the user had pressed Ctrl+C, but may be more extreme than you want if your script is run from another script.
Use a shell such as zsh or FreeBSD sh that supports set -o trapsasync which allows running traps while waiting for a foreground job.

Background process getting killed when its parent is terminated?

I have code that looks something like this
function doTheThing{
# a potentially infinite while loop...
# other stuff...
doTheThing &
trap "kill $!" SIGINT SIGTERM
Strangely, when I ctrl-C out of the parent process before the loop is done, I get a message that the process doesn't exist. Furthermore, if I get rid of the trap, I can't find the process with a ps -aF. It looks like the background process is getting killed when its parent is terminated, but my understanding was that wasn't supposed to happen. I just want to make sure that I can safely leave out the trap and not leave zombie processes everywhere.
The POSIX specification says that when you type the interrupt character (normally Control-C) the SIGINT is sent to the foreground process group. So as long as the background process is running in the same process group as the script that invoked it, it will receive the signal at the same time as the script process.
Shells generally use process groups to implement job control, and by default this is only enabled in interactive shells, not shells running scripts. There's no standard way to run a function in its own process group, but you could use setsid to run it in a new session, which is an even higher level of grouping than process groups. Then it wouldn't receive the interrupt.
You might still want to write a trap command that kills the function on EXIT, though.
trap "kill $!" EXIT
since exiting the script doesn't automatically kill the rest of the process group.

In Bash, how can I run multiple infinitely-running commands and cancel them all with ^C?

I would like to write a script that runs a few different infinitely running commands, e.g.
I'd like to run each of them in parallel, and kill them all by hitting ^C. Is this possible, and if so how can I do this?
I'll let Admiral Ackbar answer this one.
#!/bin/bash -e &
PIDS[0]=$! &
PIDS[1]=$! &
trap "kill ${PIDS[*]}" SIGINT
This starts each of your commands in the background (&), puts their process ids ($!) into an array (PIDS[x]=$!), tells bash to kill them all (${PIDS[*]) when your script gets a SIGINT signal (Ctrl+C), and then waits for all the processes to exit.
And I'll proactively mention that "kill ${PIDS[*]}" expands PIDS when you create the trap; if you change the double quotes (") to single quotes ('), it will be expanded when the trap is executed, which means you can add more processes to PIDS after you set the trap and it will kill them too.
If you have a stubborn process that doesn't want to quit after a Ctrl+C (SIGINT), you may need to send it a stronger kill signal - SIGTERM or even SIGKILL (use this as a last resort, it unconditionally kills the process without giving it a chance to clean up). First, try changing the trap line to this:
trap "kill -TERM ${PIDS[*]}" SIGINT
If it doesn't respond to the SIGTERM, save that process's pid separately, say in STUBBORN_PID, and use this:
trap "kill ${PIDS[*]}; kill -KILL $STUBBORN_PID" SIGINT
Remember, this one won't let the stubborn process clean up, but if it needs to die and isn't, you may need to use it anyway.

shell script to spawn processes, terminate children on SIGTERM

I want to write a shell script that spawns several long-running processes in the background, then hangs around. Upon receiving SIGTERM, I want all the subprocesses to terminate as well.
Basically, I want a "master process".
Here's what I got so far:
sleep 600 &
sleep 600 &
# supposedly this should kill the child processes on SIGTERM.
trap "kill $PID1 $PID2" SIGTERM
The above script fails with trap: 10: SIGTERM: bad trap.
Edit: I'm using Ubuntu 9.04
This works for me:
trap "trap - SIGTERM && kill -- -$$" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
kill -- -$$ sends a SIGTERM to the whole process group, thus killing also descendants.
Specifying signal EXIT is useful when using set -e (more details here).
Joe's answer put me on the right track.
I also found out I should trap more signals to cover my bases.
Final script looks like this:
sleep 600 &
sleep 600 &
trap "kill $PID1 $PID2" exit INT TERM
I suspect your /bin/sh is not a Bash (though you tagged the question as 'Bash').
From the message I guess it's a DASH. Check its manual or just fix your shebang if you need to write Bash code.
This script looks correct and works for me as expected.
How do you send the SIGTERM signal to the "master process"?
Maybe you should execute kill -l to check which signals are supported.
As the error message suggests you send signal "10" which your system doesn't seem to recognize.
And next time you should add operating system, shell version, kernel, ... for such a question
