Does Visual Studio have center of screen typing mode? I.e. keep focus of input in vertical middle of screen - visual-studio

Can I get the editor to keep the current input in the vertical center of the window?
So that the page text auto scrolls.

I found something useful for what I wanted, but would still like centered typing focus mode.
Ctrl+↑ – moves view up one line at a time, so the text scrolls 'down' one line at a time
Ctrl+↓ – moves view down one line at a time, so the text scrolls 'up' one line at a time


How to right click screen coordinate with mouse from command line on OSX

Is there a built command line utility to right click a screen coordinate on OSX?
Is it possible to do so with a secondary cursory such that the main cursor is not re-positioned on the screen?
If you type the key combo of command-shift-4 the curser is turned into crosshairs and the cursor position is listed on the cusor itself. Shown below is a screen capture of an area of screen containing the cross-hairs.

Printed contents disappear in terminal

The thing is I have printed something in the terminal, but when I accidentally resize the terminal, the printed contents at the bottom of my terminal disappear. Why is that? Is there anyway to recover these printed messages since the program runs a long time each time.
When you resize a terminal window, the terminal has to paint or repaint part of the window. If you lost text at the bottom of the window, that sounds as if you shrank the window when using one of the terminals which leave the upper-left corner of the window in a fixed position, while adjusting the rest of the window. Offhand, that could be rxvt, putty, konsole. xterm (which is configurable) defaults to the other direction.
If the window shrinks, then the location of the "bottom" row of text should be moved up (to match user's expectations). But there is a complication: GNU screen will besides redrawing the window, attempt to wrap long lines so that they fit the new margins. Developers for a few terminals have imitated that in the past few years, and you may notice some bug reports when that new feature does not work well.
For instance, if you shrank the window vertically, but changed its width, then a miscalculation of the wrapped lines could cause text to vanish. Then again, resizing it again might get the text back into view. But if that does not work, then it's gone.

How to make VSCode editor stop scrolling past bottom of a file?

In the VSCode editor when you pull the scroll bar down to the bottom of the file, all you see is a blank page, since the text has scrolled up past the top of the text editor window. This makes scrolling to the bottom difficult because you can't just pull the scroll bar quickly all the way down but have to carefully position the cursor so you can still see your code.
Very similar to How to make Visual Studio editor stop scrolling past bottom of a file?, but comments have pointed out that question/answer is for Visual Studio. This answer is for VSCode on the macOS and Windows.
The correct answer is seen here:
There is a configuration option provided in VSCode for the functionality you specified. To enable it, go to File -> Preferences -> user settings
On the right side of the editor in settings.json paste the below line at the bottom (before closing bracket), save and close.
"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": false
This will prevent the editor from scrolling beyond the last line.
This is now exposed as a simple checkbox labeled "Editor: Scroll Beyond Last Line" in File/Apple -> Preferences.
If just for readability you would like some space at the bottom of the file - a configurable amount - try this setting as of v1.43:
editor.padding.bottom in pixels
Editor> Padding: Bottom
Controls the amount of space between the bottom edge of the editor and
the last line.
and/or // but this isn't sticky in the sense that you can scroll right past the padding top and it is gone. It doesn't stay.

how to move the dotted line from the middle of a "alt" sequence diagram

I'm using the UML sequence diagram in gliffy for Jira and I can't seem to move the dotted line to the middle of the alt box - it stays stuck to the top and I don't see a handle for it. How do I move it to the middle?
It's really fiddly but it possible.
1) Double click the top guard condition [If] to go into text edit mode.
2) Add some carriage returns (new lines) at the end - the idea is to move the cursor down to where you want the line to go
If the line doesn't move when you insert the new lines (it's a bit flaky) then click outside the box (to save) and wait a few seconds for it to catch up.
If it still doesn't move the line, then move the shape a little to get it to redraw.
Finally, delete the shape and start again if it still won't move it.
As I said, it's a bit flaky.

slow down scrolling adjustment when selecting a long line

I have a long line that I want to select a section in the middle. In Visual Studio, it would scroll all the way to the end of the line, passing where I want the selection to end, when I move pass the text area and move all the way back when I try to move back a little. Is there a way to slow down the Visual Studio scrolling adjustment?
If you are talking about selecting text using the mouse you can get fine grained control by combining the the mouse and keyboard. This should work in any application that allows text selection, not just Visual Studio.
First click the location where you want to begin selecting text.
Next scroll to the location where you want to end selecting text and hold down Shift on the keyboard while clicking with the mouse. The block of text between the first click and the shift+click will be selected without having to worry about the selection jumping around due to scrolling.
As for actually slowing down the scrolling; I know of no way to do that. Hopefully my tip should give you an alternate way to do what you actually want.
