Spring Framework javadoc error - spring

Iam new to Spring framework. Iam on following link:
When I click "API JAVADOC", I get 404 error on following link.
Can some one guide me what is wrong in url and how it can be rectified.
Thanks in advance

The latest javadoc can always be found under http://static.springsource.org/spring-data/data-mongodb/docs/current/api/. I've fixed the broken link on the Spring Data MongoDB project homepage.

The main directory containing all docs is here
So you can go to docs for any version. For example for 1.1.0.GA


How to hide Models section from swagger UI in spring boot?

I have a spring boot project in which I have integrated the swagger, for API documentation.
Now the problem is by default it is displaying the Models section, which is a security concern. I have tried, but unable to hide it. Also have gone through this link here
How to hide the Models section in Swagger UI?
But in this also, they are refering to some index.html file, but I only have backend with no frontend. So how to achieve the same, please help.
Found it, Look at this github link.

How to report/fix Spring framework documentation issues

I found few typos/mistakes in Spring Boot reference guide.
Could you please suggest whom can I contact, or even better how to fix it myself (e.g via pull request if possible) ?
I checked spring GitHub repository but spring-boot-actuator-docs seems to have nothing to do with reference guide.
Thanks in advance.
Spring Boot is like any regular github project. It is located here:
If you want to fix the typos, create a pull request. You'll find all you need to know in our contributing page. The documentation is located in the spring-boot-docs module

How to change url of Swagger SpringMVC UI

I use swagger-springmvc in a spring-boot project and everything works fine but when I add the swagger-spring-mvc-ui dependency to my project, swagger-ui overloads my request mapping for the base url. I'm pretty shure there's a way to point the UI to another url. Does anybody know how to change the default-path of swagger-ui?
You are using old version 0.8.8 which from com.mangofactory
I recommend you to use version 2.3.1 from io.springfox
Note: If you follow the tutorial you can access swagger without having to download Swagger-UI manually
Document Url is now available at
You can change document url by specifying a property source in appication.properties file using
reference to the changes
spring boot demo

example project for Spring and Hibernate

I am new to Spring and Hibernate. I have learned and tried the basic examples from sites like www.mkyong.com ,krams915.blogspot.com .
Now i want to try building some applications using Spring,hibernate. I am looking for some project examples which i can refer.
I searched google for this , but couldn't find one
Can anyone please suggest?
Thanks in Advance.
Try to search GitHub, BitBucket or SourceForge. There is also a "semi-official" sample app PetClinic developed by SpringSource.

Spring webflow demo application

I am new to Spring and webflow.
I was looking for some demo application and someone suggested me to look at petclinicplus
# http://code.google.com/p/petclinicplus/.
But I do not know how to download the project? I can see that it allows svn checkout.
I also dont know svn, but I tried to downloaded svn and executed
svn checkout http://petclinicplus.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ petclinicplus-read-only
however it is not working.
Is there any other way to download?
Examples are bundled with the source. You can sownload Spring Webflow from springsource.com.
You can browse the booking application online here:
Getting started can be tricky, but I recommend this blog as a quick simple boot-up point:
Spring Web Flow samples on GitHub:
