algorithm to find max independent set in a tree - algorithm

I need an algorithm to find max independent set in a tree. I'm thinking start from all leaf nodes, and then delete the direct parent nodes to these leaf nodes, then choose the parent nodes of the parent nodes we deleted, repeat this procedure recursively until we get to root. and is this done in O(n) time? any reply is appreciated. thanks.
And could anyone please point me an algorithm to find the max dominating set in a tree.

You can compute the maximum independent set by a depth first search through the tree.
The search will compute two values for each subtree in the graph:
A(i) = The size of the maximum independent set in the subtree rooted at i with the constraint that node i must be included in the set.
B(i) = The size of the maximum independent set in the subtree rooted at i with the restriction that node i must NOT be included in the set.
These can be computed recursively by considering two cases:
The root of the subtree is not included.
B(i) = sum(max(A(j),B(j)) for j in children(i))
The root of the subtree is included.
A(i) = 1 + sum(B(j) for j in children(i))
The size of the maximum independent set in the whole tree is max(A(root),B(root)).
According to the definition of dominating set in wikipedia the maximum dominating set is always trivially equal to including every node in the graph - but this is probably not what you mean?

Simple and fast approach:
As long as the graph is not empty, iteratively add a leaf v (degree 1) to the independent set V and remove v and its neighbor.
This should work, since
A tree always has a degree-1-vertex,
Adding a degree-1-vertex to V preserves optimality and
The result of such a step again gives a tree or a forest which is a union of trees.

To find the maximal independent set of vertices, we can use an important property of a tree: Every tree is Bipartite i.e. We can color the vertices of a tree using just two colors such that no two adjacent vertices have the same color.
Do a DFS traversal and start coloring the vertices with BLACK and WHITE.
Pick the set of vertices (either BLACK or WHITE) which are more in number. This will give you the maximal independent set of vertices for a tree.
Some Intuition behind the why this algorithm works:
Let us first revisit the definition of the maximal independent set of vertices. We have to pick just one end point of an edge and we have to cover every edge of the tree satisfying this property. We are not allowed to choose both end points of an edge.
Now what does bicoloring of a graph do? It simply divides the set of vertices into two subsets (WHITE and BLACK) and WHITE colored vertices are directly connected to BLACK ones. Thus if we choose either all WHITE or all BLACK ones we are inherently choosing an independent set of vertices. Thus to choose maximal independent
set, go for the subset whose size is larger.


How to check if given set of nodes is the vertex cut set of the graph?

I am looking for efficient algorithm to discover whether removing a set of nodes in graph would split graph into multiple components.
Formally, given undirected graph G = (V,E) and nonempty set od vertices W ⊆ V, return true iff W is vertex cut set. There are no edge weights in graph.
What occurs to my mind until now is using disjoint set:
The disjoint set is initialized with all neigbors of nodes in W where every set contains one such neighbor.
During breadth-first traversal of all nodes of V \ W, exactly one of following cases holds for every newly explored node X:
X is already in same set as its predecessor
X is absent in disjoint set ⇒ is added into same set as its predecessor (both cases mean the connected component is being further explored)
X is in different set ⇒ merge disjoint sets (two components so far appeared as disconnected but turned out to be connected)
Whenever the disjoint set contains only single set (even before traversal is finished), result is false.
If the disjoint set contains 2 or more sets when traversal is finished, result is true.
Time complexity is O(|V|+|E|) (assuming time complexity of disjoint set is O(1) instead of more precise inverse Ackermann function).
Do you know better solution (or see any flaw in proposed one)?
Note: Since it occurs very often in Google search results, I would like to explicitly state I'm not looking for algorithm to find so-far-unknown vertex cut set, let alone optimal. The vertex set is given, the task is just to say yes or no.
Note 2: Also, I don't search for edge cut set validation (I'm aware of Find cut set in a graph but can't think up similar solution for vertices).
UPDATE: I figured out that in case of true result I will also need data of nodes in disconnected components in hierarchical structure depending on distance from removed nodes. Hence the choice of BFS. I apologize for post-edit.
The practical case behind is an outage in telecommunication network. When some node breaks so the whole network get disconnected, one component (containing the node with connectivity to higher level network) is still ok, every other components need to be reported.
Have a unordered_set<int> r to store the set of vertices you want to remove.
Run a DFS normally, but only go to adjacents who are not in r. Always you visit an unvisited node, add 1 to the number of nodes visited.
If in the end, the number of visited nodes is smaller than |V| - r, this set divides the graph.
With this approach, you don't need to make changes in the graph, just ignore nodes that are in r, which you can check in O(1) using an unordered_set<int>.
The complexity is the same than a normal DFS.
Can’t you get O(|V|) complexity by performing a depth first search on the graph? Eliminate the set W from V and perform DFS. Record the number of nodes processed and stop when you cannot reach any more nodes. If the number of nodes processed is less than |V| - |W|, then W is a cut set.

relation between degrees of vertices and edge removal

I'm looking for help to prove the next question:
given an undirected tree with n vertices with each one's degree <= 3,
(1) prove that there exists an edge that if we remove we'll have two trees with number of vertices in each one - maximum (2*n/3).
(2) suggest a linear algorithm that finds such an edge in the above given tree
Choose an arbitrary root. Do a post order traversal to compute the size of each subtree. By descending from the root via children with subtrees at least as large as their siblings, find a subtree of size between (n-1)/3 inclusive and 2(n-1)/3 + 1 exclusive (the degree bound keeps the size from decreasing by more than minus one divided by two). Sever its parent edge.

Prove that a graph is bipartite

Given a graph G in which every edge connects an even degree node with an odd degree node. How can i prove that the graph is bipartite?
Thanks in advance
This is the Welsh-Powell graph colouring algorithm:
All vertices are sorted according to the decreasing value of their degree in a list V
Colours are ordered in a list C
The first non-coloured vertex v in V is coloured with the first available colour in C. "Available" means a colour that has not previously used by this algorithm
The remaining part of the ordered list V is traversed and the same colour is allocated to every vertex for which no adjacent vertex has the same colour
Steps 3 and 4 are applied iteratively until all the vertices have been coloured
A graph is bipartite if it is 2-colourable. This intuitive fact is proven in Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 131.
This is, of course, the cannon with which to shoot a mosquito. A graph is bipartite iff its vertices can be divided into two sets, such that every edge connects a vertex from set 1 to one in set 2. You already have such a division: each edge connects a vertex from the set of odd-degree vertices, to a vertex in the set of even-degree vertices.
Because by definition you already have two disjoint sets of vertices such that the only edges go between a vertex in one set and a vertex in the other set.
The even degree nodes are one set, and the odd degree nodes are the other set.
Pick any node, put it in set A. Take all the nodes that link to it, put them in set B. Now for every node added, add all it's neighbors to the opposite set, and check for the ones that already belong to one of the sets that they are in the right set. If you get a contradiction then the graph is not bipartite.
If you run out of neighbors but there are still nodes left, pick again any node and continue the algorithm until you either have no nodes or you found a contradiction.
If by "prove", you mean "find out", the complete solution is here
It works by keeping two boolean arrays. A marked array to check if a node has been visited, and another colored array. It then does a depth first search, marking neighbors with alternate colors. If a neighbor is marked with same color, graph is not bipartite.

Correctness of algorithm to calculate maximal independent set

I am trying to find the maximal set for an undirected graph and here is the algorithm that i am using to do so:
1) Select the node with minimum number of edges
2) Eliminate all it's neighbors
3) From the rest of the nodes, select the node with minimum number of edges
4) Repeat the steps until the whole graph is covered
Can someone tell me if this is right? If not, then why is this method wrong to calculate the maximal independent set in a graph?
What you have described will pick a maximal independent set. We can see this as follows:
This produces an independent set. By contradiction, suppose that it didn't. Then there would have to be two nodes connected by edges that were added into the set you produced. Take whichever one of them was picked first (call it u, let the other be v) Then when it was added to the set, you would have removed all of its neighboring nodes from the set, including node v. Then v wouldn't have been added to the set, giving a contradiction.
This produces a maximal independent set. By contradiction, suppose that it didn't. This means that there is some node v that can be added to the independent set produced by your algorithm, but was not added. Since this node wasn't added, it must have been removed from the graph by the algorithm. This means that it must have been adjacent to some node added to the set already. But this is impossible, because it would mean that the node v cannot be added to the produced independent set without making the result not an independent set. We have a contradiction.
Hope this helps!
There is not one definite maximal independent set in any graph; take for example the cycle over 3 nodes, each of the nodes forms a maximal independent set. Your algorithm will give you one of the maximal independent sets of the graph, without guaranteeing that it has maximum cardinality.On the other hand, finding the maximum independent set in a graph is NP-complete (since that problem is complementary to that of finding a maximum clique), so there probably isn't an efficient algorithm.
After your clarify situation in comments, your solutions is right.
Even better, according to Corollary 3 from this paper
your get good aproximation for subset order.
Greedy gives a 1 / (d + 1) -approximation for (unweighted) MIS in graphs of degree at most d

Destroy weighted edges in a bidirected graph

On my recent interview I was asked the following question:
There is a bidirectional graph G with no cycles. Each edge has some weight. Also there is a set of nodes K which should be disconnected from each other (by removing some edges). There is only one path between any two nodes in K set. The goal is to minimize total weight of removed edges and disconnect all nodes (from set K) from each other.
My approach was to run BFS for each node from K set and determine all paths between all pairs of nodes from K. So then I'll have set of paths (each path is a set of edges).
My next step is to apply dynamic programming approach to find minimum total weight of removed edges. And here I stuck. Could you please help me (just direct me) of how DP should be done.
This sounds like the Multiway Cut problem in trees, assuming a "bidirectional" graph is just like an undirected one. It can be solved in polynomial time by a straightforward dynamic programming. See Chopra and Rao: "On the multiway cut polyhedron", Networks 21(1):51–89, 1991. See also this question.
This problem can be solved using disjoint Sets. In this problem you need to make set of each vertex like forest. Then, join the vertices which belong to two different sets through the edges which are in the graph such that -
1) if one of the set contains a node which is mentioned in the k set of nodes, then the node becomes the representative element.
2) if both the sets contain the unwanted node (node present in the k set of nodes), then find the minimum weight edge in both the sets and compare them, then compare the minimum one of them with the edge to be joined and find the minimum. Then delete the edge which we found so that no path exists b/w them.
3) if none of the set contain the unwanted node, then join one set to the other set.
In this way you find the minimum total weight of the destroyed edges in a very good time complexity of the order of O(nlogn).
Your approach will also work but it will prove to be costly in terms of time complexity.
Here is the complete code - (GameAlgorithm.cpp)
