Can't rdp to Azure on Mac OS X - macos

I am trying to Remote Desktop onto an Azure instance from Mac OS X, but can't find a tool that allows me to do it. Address and username is fine, but none of the clients seem to have the capabilities to include the instance information.
I have so far tried the Miscrosoft RDC and CoRD but to no avail.
Has anyone succeeded in using RDP to an Azure instance on a Mac?

By default, you can't connect to an Azure Windows server except through the Windows Remote Desktop client.
To connect from OS X, whether through CoRD or the Microsoft Remote Desktop client for Mac, you need to turn off network level authentication:
Connect to the Azure server using the Remote Desktop client on a Windows machine
Under Control Panel, go to System, then open 'Advanced system settings'
On the Remote tab, uncheck "Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended)"
Re-connect from OS X

you need to create connect from microsoft remote desktop on mac
add ip, user, password
and you can connect now
if you still can't connect , check your azure endpoint setting
set the port that your firewall can pass

I have the same problem with you, and I think there is nothing to do with the network level authentication. The main reason is the default remote desktop app will connecting through port 3389, but your VM's default endpoint set another public port, here is what i do to solve it:
Download the latest version of Microsoft Remote Desktop app at Mac app store.
Add the port after your connection's DOMAIN/IP like You will find the public port on endpoint setting tab. To me, the public port of Remote Desktop is 58494, so the connection will be xx.xx.xx.xx:58494.
This works for me.

Download the new Microsoft remote desktop client, which will allow you to connect to Azure instances without changing the configuration.
(As suggested in the comment from Kim Burgess)

It's tricky to connect to an Azure Cloud Service (aka Web or Worker Role) from a Mac, since PaaS instances sit behind a load balancer. You therefore need to specify which instance to connect to via cookies.
Royal TS supports cookies, so I got this working:
Install Royal TS free version (
Add the Remote Desktop plugin
Create new connection
Enter usual details (server/username/password)
Advanced > Connection > Load Balance Info > Cookie: mstshash=Your.Server#Your.Server_IN_0
This cookie info is available in the RDP file you can download for your instance from the Azure management portal (just open it in a text editor).

I use the Microsoft Remote Desktop application on OSX to connect to an Azure VM.
Recently I set up a VM from a Windows machine and was able to connect successfully using the admin username and password, but found that I had to reset the admin password to connect from OSX.
You can easily reset the password from the Azure portal for the VM. Go to "Support + troubleshooting/Reset Password".

I often have to enter the user name in the form:
PC name:
Gateway: No gateway configured
User name: localhost\
Hope that helps someone.

To access Azure instances from a MAC download Microsoft Remote Desktop client in Appstore. The default RDP client Azure provides doesnt work on a MAC. Worked for me

Check that your Networking Inbound Port rules (typically port 3389, but will change behind a load balancer) for the Azure VM allow you in.


Problems connecting over RDP using FQDN but connect using IP

since 1-2 months I have problems on some machines in my environment when I try to connect via RDP.
The environment configuration uses a Microsoft PKI (Windows Server Certificate Authority). All computers that are integrated in the domain, request and are given a certificate from:
RDP (as server)
All machines in the domain have the ROOT CA and SUBCA certificate installed.
The problem is intermittent, on the same machine it does not work, the computer is restarted and for a while it works.
The credentials with which I connect work and the user with which I connect has permissions for RDP (he is a domain administrator).
When I connect using the FQDN ( the window to enter credentials appears, I enter them correctly and it tells me that the credentials are invalid. I make several tests to verify that I have not made a mistake when entering the credentials. It seems to fail in the connection protection process.
When I connect using IP to the same machine as before, the certificate appears, but if checked, the certificate is valid for the FQDN indicated above, so the certificate is OK (in date, valid and has not been revoked). If I accept the certificate, it starts the connection protection and finally connects.
If I access the same machine physically or through VMWare console, it lets me login correctly.
I have gone to check the Windows event log both in system, as application, as in RDP and I do not see any error, neither in the client from which I connect, nor from the server from which I connect.
If I connect from another machine that is not Windows (Mac) using the Microsoft RDP application, if it lets me connect, even when from Windows it fails.
It happens from several clients and on several machines to which I connect via RDP.
At the Firewall level all the rules are correct, both in the Windows Firewall and in the Network Firewall.
What is the operating system of the pc/server with the issues? I have an issue with an old Windows 2008 r2 server similar to this.

How to access local postgreSQL server running on computer, from my mobile phone?

How to access local postgreSQL server running on computer, from mobile my phone?
I am making flutter app and use pgAdmin v6.10 as local server. I'm stuck for 2days trying different solutions to access server from my mobile browser but no progress.
I believe if i can access local server through mobile browser, also i can send data from my flutter app to database.
My pgAdmin runs on pc browser nicely but on phones browser doesn't open,
I've tried addresses computer's ip:port number) and
but they all didn't work, i get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Also i added this line on pg_hba.conf file
host flutterdb flutterdb_admin scram-sha-256
And on my postgresql.conf file there is
listen_addresses = '*'
I'm following tutorial series from:
I need your help please.
NOTE: I am using Windows laptop
i think that if u have dev environment, just you can try to open the connection..
you can try to configure for accept all connections
How to configure PostgreSQL to accept all incoming connections

Why is remote SmartCard not found when using RDP

I'm using Windows Server 2008 R2 which runs a VB6.0 application that uses a smartcard locally.
I then connect to this machine remotely using Remote Desktop Connection (6.3). However now the application shows the following error (SmartCard):
0x8010001d The Smart card resource manager is not running.
Research so far:
I don't want to use redirection as the card is on the remote machine already.
Using RDP the way I am trying to use it for is wrong and tightVNC is more appropriate (This does fix the issue)
Unsure - SCardEstablishContext API is returning that error because it gets an Access Denied error when trying to open an event called "Global\Microsoft Smart Card Resource Manager Started" with OpenEvent API. The default security for that event on Vista and Windows 7 specifies that only SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE and INTERACTIVE users have access to it. NETWORK SERVICE or non-interactive users won’t be able to access the event.
Why is the SmartCard not being recognised?
Any Information would be appreciated.
NOTE: The smartcard works fine when the application is on Windows Server 2008 R2 - however only fails when connecting remotely.
It is not possible, you can't use the locally plugged smartcard of the server you RDP into, as your session is redirected to the client then only the clients smartcard is accessible in the rdp session.
Microsoft made it like this for security reasons.
But there is a turn around, like sharing the device (smartcard reader, Usb token, Usb devices ) using software or hardware :
softawre examples (i only found paid solutions), see link
or hardware using a Device server but it doesn't work through WAN only LAN.
Use VNC instead of RDP
TLDR: Use VNC as a Windows Service
If you insist on using RPD, then you'll have to patch your RDP DLLs. If you don't want to do this, then instead use ANY OTHER PROTOCOL other than RDP. If it's a vmware VM, then just use the vcenter console. If it's an Azure VM where you don't GET a console, then just install VNC-server-softer on the server that has the Smart Cards and then access from somewhere else via VNC-client. "TightVNC" ( worked nicely for me.
There are two ways to run TightVNC server:
TightVNC Server (Service Mode) -- Connecting with VNC-client will take you to the Windows logon screen.
TightVNC Server (Application Mode)
You will need to run TightVNC as a Windows Service. Then you will start a NEW session. Otherwise you'll just be on top of the existing RDP session and still not see remote Smart Cards.
Long Version
If you RDP into a remote server, then that remote server's Smart Cards will be hidden. That behavior is baked into RDP and it is BY DESIGN.
You can optionally take your LOCAL Smart Cards along into the RDP session. (Via mstsc.exe's "Local Resources" tab and then checking "Smart cards".) But these are the Smart Cards connected LOCALLY to your laptop. And NOT the Smart Cards connected to the remote server.
So if you use RDP, then you have option to either see no Smart Cards at all (neither local, nor remote) or just see your LOCAL Smart Cards. To see the REMOTE Smart Cards is NOT possible via RDP.
This is by design inside RDP. And if you want to change it, then you have to manually patch some .DLL files. And somebody has actually done this. See this question here:
How to Access Remote USB Smartcard during RDP
Before you create your Remote Desktop session, click on "Show options". Under the "Local Resources" tab there is a "Local devices and resources" panel. Click the "More" button.
Click on "Smart Cards". No complete the remote desktop session.

Windows Azure VM Filezilla FTP Setup

I am using Windows 2012 R2 VM machine in Azure. I have read multiple article to setup Filezilla server in this environment. However, I am not successful. Any one faced this issue? Any solution will be greatly appreciated.
Just remember to add Filezilla to Windows Firewall :-)
I'm dealing with the same thing right now. locally the FTP serv works great. remote I cannot establish a passive connection. Based on my research this is because Azure is not set up for Passive-FTP. I am uncertain if we can get FileZilla to operate in a active-FTP mode. Will post back if I ever get to the bottom of it. Mine currently connects and authenticates but 'cannot retrieve directory listing' when it tries to kick over to passive (transfer) mode.
In addition to checking the Virtual Machine endpoints are open, be sure to also add the appropriate Windows Firewall rules if you have Windows Firewall enabled on your Windows VM.
Yes, We can connect to Azure server via FileZilla Client.
Login to Azure portal:
Click on App Services.
Select the Site and then click on Get publish profile.
Save the file and open it in notepad.exe.
The file contains 2 <publishProfile> sections. One is for Web Deploy and another for FTP.
Under the <publishProfile> section for FTP make a note of the following values:
publishUrl (hostname only)
userName --------------------------> This is the information you are looking for
Add the PublishUrl to Hostname, Username and password in their respective fields.
The link will give the detailed description of the steps flow with images.
Here is the link.

Windows Store App, VPN, RAS Api

Our windows store app allows user to manage (create or dial) VPN profiles.
For this functionality we use
RAS Api (create and dial VPN profile)
Wlan Api (listen to wifi networks) - will be changed to classes with Windows.Networking.Connectivity in windows8
Wlan Api
We face following troubles for Windows Store application:
RAS API functions don't work properly under windows store application template (as example RasEnumDevices return error code 5 - Access Denied).
However it works good from desktop application launched on windows 8.
Question: how we could get RAS API to work under window store applications? If that is absolutely impossible - is there any other way to create VPN connection in app developed for Windows Store?
All user's VPN profiles stored by Windows OS in "..\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk", file could be found on file system manually, but we don't have access to this file via API, either we can't access it directrly. Current workarround uses own created PBK file located in users profile folder.
Question: how we could get access to system VPN connections stored in OS.
Hotspot Shield VPN for Windows offers private browsing to ensure the privacy of your web session.
Check it out here:
