Tomcat-users.xml is rewritten on container restart - how do I supply credentials? - maven

Im using cargo to deploy a war file to a tomcat server. I'm unable to login to the manager however as conf/tomcat-users.xml is rewritten when I start the container ie
mvn cargo:run
how I can supply user/password creds to access the manager?
Edit: Cargo configuration
<!-- Start's the plugin tag for Cargo! -->

Found it. You can supply custom configuration through the following xml (link to cargo docs in the above comments)
So you can specify your own conf/*.xml or anything else and it will be copied before the container starts. I can login to the manager now :)


Running 2 webapps with maven Cargo?

I've got 2 applications (as WAR files) that I need to run on pre-integration phase before executing my test scenarios.
I've already configure the maven cargo plugin like this :
<JAVA_OPTS>-Xms512m -Xmx1536m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70</JAVA_OPTS>
<JAVA_OPTS>-Xms512m -Xmx1536m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70</JAVA_OPTS>
But it deployes and run only the first application.
Is it possible to deploy 2 WARs on a single tomcat instance or to create 2 local containers?
Thanks for your help !!
You can deploy both WARs on a single Tomcat instance by placing them into <deployables> section:

How to run embedded Tomcat 9 inside Maven 3 for integration testing purposes?

I am trying to run embedded Tomcat 9 inside Maven 3 for integration testing purposes. I was led to cargo-maven2-plugin by other SO answers.
So, attempting to follow the instructions found here:
I have this fragment in a simple POM:
Which I try to execute with mvn org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run
It fails with the error:
[INFO] [en2.ContainerRunMojo] Resolved container artifact
org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-core-container-tomcat:jar:1.7.6 for container
tomcat9x [WARNING] The defined deployable has the same groupId and
artifactId as your project's main artifact but the type is different.
You've defined a [war] type wher eas the project's packaging is [pom].
This is possibly an error and as a consequence the plugin will try to
find this deployable in the project's dependencies.
How can I make this work? I just want to launch the given WAR in an embedded tomcat9, from within Maven.
After trying many permutations, this finally worked for me:
<myvar2>... stuff ...</myvar2>
Use the failsafe plugin to automatically run the Integration Tests between the start and stop:

Build Docker Image File of Spring Boot Application

I am trying to build a docker image for my spring boot maven project by using dockerfile-maven-plugin. I am using Docker Tool Box on windows 7 and it is running fine.
I am getting Below Error:
Failed to load Google application default credentials The Application Default Credentials are not
available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine.
Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
must be defined pointing to a file defining the credentials. See
for more information.
Pom.XML Build
I am not able to get that why we need google default credential to build a local image.Please help me out as I am new to Docker World.
It seems that's a bug, by default the plugin set googleContainerRegistryEnabled flag to true, so you have to change that flag to false, try this:

Maven cargo jetty6x: is it possible to provide additional Jetty configuration?

I have application launched using maven cargo plugin with jetty6x. I get HTTP/1.1 413 FULL head on certain requests. I found out, that I need to specify larger headerBufferSize (due to large request header size). Is there a way to provide it to the cargo configuration?
My cargo configuration:
You want to specify the additional configuration files and the directories where they go under
in the configuration of the cargo plugin
see this post or the cargo site.

Maven: How do I configure tests to run in integration-test phase?

I'm using Maven 3.0.3. I want to run some Junit tests in my test phase and others in my integration-test phase. Problem is nothing is running during the integration-test phase. I run the command
mvn clean install
to kick everything off. Here is how I've configured my surefire-plugin ...
<value>-out \${webAppDirectory}</value>
I have two JUnit tests in my "integration" directory. I'm using the Maven Cargo plugin to spin up a server during the integration phase. Here is that configuration ...
Any ideas how I change/enhance my configuration so that my integration tests will run? - Dave
Have a look at Maven Failsafe Plugin
