Dummy Task for the Task Scheduler - windows

I am writing some integration tests for a C# wrapper round the Window Task Scheduler: Task Scheduler Managed Wrapper
Can someone suggest a suitable dummy application that I can call from the scheduled task. E.g. an app that will run silently. I can then check that it ran OK.
I did think of any empty batch file, but then I would have to ensure it was present on the server running the integration tests, before starting the test.

Well I tried
cmd.exe /c exit
which launches the command window and then closes it down. This seems to work OK. Open to any other suggestions though.


windows task scheduler API: sanity check when creating a task?

I am using the Windows Task Scheduler API to create a timed triggered task. All works fine so far.
But during creation there's no sanity check to verify if the .exe would actually run. For example it would not start if the user-account has no "logon-as-batch" privilege, or the filepath is wrong. This can only be found out when actually starting the task (.exe)
Creating the same in windows own "control schedtasks" UI will immediately report an error if the privilege is missing without the need to run the .exe
Is there a way to do the same with the API?
I don't want to run the .exe for a test, because that would start a lengthly process.

Application runs as scheduled task but nothing happens

I'm trying to set up a scheduled task to run an application (.exe). The application, if run manually (by double-clicking), would check a folder for new files, process them, and exit.
However, if the application is set up as an "action" in a scheduled task, when you run the scheduled task, all you see is the application starts up and appear as a process in Task Manager, but nothing else really happens. The files in the folder are not processed at all, and the process will be stuck in Task Manager, when it should shut itself down.
Any idea what's going on there? How do I get more details on what might have happened in the background?
The scheduled task is set up to run "whether user is logged on or not", with administrative privileges.
I'm running Windows 7 Professional SP1.
This is the stack output from Process Explorer:
there is an option called Start in (optional) while you editing Action. For me that helped, because my app required to have some additional resources and only could access them, when started in correct directory.

Task Schedular Running Fails #Permission?

I have some really strange phenomena appearing on my PC, using Task Schedular.
We created a normal Task which is triggered every morning at 7 o'clock.
The interesting part is, that the history of Task Scheduler says, that it was running successfully.
But it didn't work.
I then created 2 other Scripts.
The first script is starting calc.
The second script creates a folder in c:/Temp
When starting those scripts over Explorer everything is running as expected.
But when running those scripts over task scheduler only the calc is starting and there won't be any folder in c:/Temp.
I already created a policy report, but nothing configured in the category Task Scheduler.
By the way the account configured in the Task Scheduler has local Admin right and run as batch job rights.
Thanks for your help.
Make sure to check any dependent files and permissions:
If permissions or ownership of a file changes that your task managed script depends on or uses (not necessary the one IN YOUR TASK), you need to make sure you re-sync your task to recognize those changes.
(for instance, if you've changed any permissions to C:\Temp but HAVEN'T resaved your Task...)
I've had the steps below fix issues when a script would run fine by itself, but after some change to it or a dependent file, would no longer run properly from Task Scheduler.
1) Open task schedular
2) find and double-click the troubled task like your going to edit it
3) Hit 'Ok'.
4) When prompted, enter credentials to save it. (If your credentials don't work then update them...that is a different problem)
5) try to re-run task from scheduler (r-click -> Run) then see if it works correctly.
NOTE: Just because the task successfully runs does NOT mean your script worked as it should. Check yourself to make sure the log file you want WAS created.

Visual Studio, issue with running project

I'm just a day new at this, so sorry for asking stupid questions...
2 issues...
Can I save a whole project in one file in VS?
I'm trying to run a simple project, but get the error:
Warning 1 Could not copy "obj\Debug\WindowsApplication9.exe" to "bin\Debug\WindowsApplication9.exe". Beginning retry 1 in 1000ms. The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\WindowsApplication9.exe' because it is being used by another process. WindowsApplication9
What does "being used by another process" mean?
the project is not open anywhere else when I'm trying to run this, so I don't understand...
Pls help.
Check task manager for an already running WindowsApplication9.exe. You can't build your project if it is still running. Your Me.Hide call sounds like the culprit if your app is running in task manager and you can't see the window.
I had a similar issue to this when attempting to run unit tests. The culprit turned out to be multiple MSBuild processes locking the files. I nuked them via Task Manager, and was able to run my tests again.

Why Doesn't FDT's Launcher Chain Execute Files In The Order I Specified

Given the launcher chain below, why do I see the ADT call (which is part of launcher FDT2815) executed AFTER my task 'AntTask build.xml'?
Any launch or start associated with a launch configuration is always pushed to the end of the chain.
If it's an Ant task (file), they will be executed in order.
The compile part of each launcher will be executed in order, but the launcher is pushed to the end. You can try to use fdt.invoke.launchConfiguration(FDT 5.5) but this may not work in some instances.
In which case fdt.invoke.launchConfiguration won't work, wail till FDT 5.6 (out shortly) which will solve this issue by providing a "Don't launch option" with launchers.
See screenshots below:
