Design strategy to save in the background with MagicalRecord - cocoa

Recently I started a new app requiring just one store (no document based app). For some time I was quite happy thinking I could finally get rid of throwing around the NSManagedObjectContext... until I wanted to save in the background :-(
Now I am confused about my own code. For example:
- (void)awakeFromInsert
[super awakeFromInsert];
[self resetCard];
self.creationDate = TODAY;
self.dictionary = [Dictionary activeDictionary];
NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[center postNotificationName:NOTE_NEWCARD object:self];
[Dictionary activeDictionary] is a NSManagedObject static function returning a pointer to a NSManagedObject created in the main thread. That will cause a cross/context error during the background save. Because my program always read from the same store, I thought I could avoid writing this:
[Dictionary activeDictionaryWithContext:...]
I suppose that with MagicalRecord, as long as I work always with the same backend is is possible to avoid passing the context pointer. Which function should I use to get that context?
[NSManagedObjectContext MR_defaultContext]
[NSManagedObjectContext MR_context]
[NSManagedObjectContext MR_contextForCurrentThread]
In the example the object sends itself within a notification, something almost granted to cause more conflicts.
In the case of the notification should I always send only the objectID?
It seems to me that my objects should issue side effect operations/notifications only if they are running in the main context. However some of those side operations change my object graph creating new instances of other entities.
Can I safely omit the two problematic function calls I have mentioned if I save with [MagicalRecord MR_saveAll] ?
Should I assume that the objects of the new background saving context will be an exact copy of the ones in my main thread without calling those extra functions?
Now I am having problems because I never expected awakeFromInsert to run several times for the same object of the same store. I was thinking about something like this:
- (void)awakeFromInsert
[super awakeFromInsert];
if ([self managedObjectContext] == [NSManagedObjectContext MR_defaultContext]) {
[self resetCard];
self.creationDate = TODAY;
self.dictionary = [Dictionary activeDictionary];
NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[center postNotificationName:NOTE_NEWCARD object:self];
That should make my awakeFromInsert code run only once, but not in the background saving context. I am concerned about losing information if I do so

While you can certainly send your object in a notification that way, I would recommend against that. Remember, even with the new parent-child contexts in CoreData, NSManagedObjects are NOT thread safe. If you create or import objects, you will need to save them prior to using them in another context.
MagicalRecord provides a relatively simple API for background saving:
[MagicalRecord saveInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext){
MyEntity *newEntity = [MyEntity MR_createInContext:localContext];
//perform other entity operations here
This block does all the work for you, without worrying about setting up the NSManagedObjectContext properly.
Another reason you should not pass NSManagedObjects across a notification is that you do not know what thread the notification will be received on. This can potentially lead to a crash, because, again, NSManagedObjects are NOT thread safe.
Another alternative to the notification approach you present is to add an observer to NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification, and merge your changes on that notification. This will fire only after your objects are saved, and are safe for crossing contexts through either the parent-child relationship, or the persistent store (the old way).


Why do I sometimes get mangled replies with concurrent NSURLSession requests

I am working on an OS X (Yosemite) app which downloads two types of csv data (call them type A and type B) from the internet asynchronously using the NSURLSession API .There are multiple requests for each type of csv. Each request is it's own dedicated session wrapped in a custom class. There is one base request class with a subclass for each type. (In hindsight maybe not an ideal design but irrelevant for my issue I think).
The app is constructed such that each type of csv data is downloaded in a sequential queue. Only one request of each type can be active at a time but both types can occur simultaneously and both use the main thread for delegate callbacks. All of this works fine usually.
The issue I am seeing is that sometimes with heavy traffic I get "cross hearing", i.e. I sometimes get a response back to a type B request that is reported as completed successfully but it contains a number of type B cvs lines and then some type A lines tagged on after - so I sometimes (rarely) get type A data in my type B requests. (or the other way around).
Basically it look like the "switching" logic in Apples API gets confused about which incoming packet belongs to what request/session. The two different request types goes to different URLs but they are related and it may be that they both in the end resolve to the same IP, I am not sure about that. I wonder if there may be something related to the packet headers if they come from the same server that makes it difficult to determine what request they belong to (I'm not good enough at the internet protocols to know if this is a sensible guess). If that is the case then the solution must be to ensure all requests are in one queue so that they cannot be active simultaneously, but I do not want to do that large architecture change before I am confident there is no other workaround.
I looked for similar questions and found this old question (Why is my data getting corrupted when I send requests asynchronously in objective c for iOS?) which appears to describe the exact same issue but unfortunately it has no answer. Other than that I found nothing similar so I guess I am doing something stupid here but it would be good to know why this issue occurs before I start changing the architecture to fix it.
Has anyone seen this before and know what the cause and workaround is?
I did not include any code as I felt there was no point given it appears to be an architecture issue and if I added code it would need to be a lot. However I will be happy to add whatever you suggest if that helps understand the question.
The relevant (I hope) code added below. Note objects are one shot only. The parameters for the request are injected by the init method and the NSURLSession is used for a single task only. Hence the session is invalidated after launch and the NSMutableData array released after parsing of the data.
-(BOOL)executeRequest {
NSURLSessionConfiguration *theConfig = [NSURLSessionConfiguration ephemeralSessionConfiguration];
NSURLSession *theSession = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:theConfig delegate:self delegateQueue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]];
NSURLRequest *theRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:self.queryURL cachePolicy: NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData timeoutInterval:BSTTIMEOUT];
NSURLSessionDataTask *theTask = [theSession dataTaskWithRequest:theRequest];
if(!theTask) {
return NO;
[theTask resume];
[theSession finishTasksAndInvalidate];
self.internetData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:0];
return YES;
-(void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask didReceiveData:(NSData *)data {
[self.internetData appendData:data];
-(void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session task:(NSURLSessionTask *)task didCompleteWithError:(NSError *)error {
if((error)||(![self parseData]))
self.internetData = nil;
if(!error) {
NSDictionary *errorDictionary = #{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : #"Parsing of internet data failed", NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey : #"Bad data was found in received buffer"};
error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain code:EIO userInfo:errorDictionary];
NSDictionary* ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:error forKey:#"Error"];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:[self failNotification] object:self userInfo:ui];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:[self successNotification] object:self];
First of all: You should not create a new session for each request. This are no sessions anymore. From the docs:
With the NSURLSession API, your app creates one or more sessions, each of which coordinates a group of related data transfer tasks. For example, if you are writing a web browser, your app might create one session per tab or window, or one session for interactive use and another session for background downloads. Within each session, your app adds a series of tasks, each of which represents a request for a specific URL (following HTTP redirects if necessary).
Second: Where do you store the session et al., so it is not deallocated?
Your main problem: Obviously you start new requests while requests are potentially running. But you have only one NSMutableData instance that receives the data in -URLSession:task:didReceiveData:: Many requests, one storage … Of course that mixes up.
I finally managed to track down my (stupid) error. For future reference the issue was caused by a failure to realise that the data coming back was not zero terminated.
Most of the data requested in my case is XML and the NSXMLParserclass wants a NSDatawithout extra trailing zeros so that works well.
But the requests which occasionally failed uses a CSV format where the data passes over a NSStringwhich is created by [NSString stringWithUTF8String] which expects a zero terminated c style string as input. This was the main culprit. Often it worked as it should. Sometimes it failed outright and sometimes it just did a buffer overrun and got some of the previous request data that was in the same memory area. These were the cases I noticed when posting the question.
Thus the solution is to switch to the use of [[NSString alloc] initWithData: encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] which works with non null-terminated NSDatabuffers.

NSOperationQueue and Dispatch Queue as replacement of NSThread performing a repetitive task

I have an application in which I am repetitively calling a method in background. I implemented this by following below steps:
created a background thread,
called the appropriate method on the created thread,
called sleep method on the thread, and
again called the previously invoked method.
Below is the code which I used:
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification
[NSApplication detachDrawingThread:#selector(refreshUserIdPassword) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
[self getAllUserIdsPasswordsContinousely];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:180];
[self refreshUserIdPassword];
I have read that NSThread is not the best way to perform background task, and there are other classes provided in cocoa, such as - NSOperationQueue and GCD, which should be preferred over NSThread to perform an asynchronous task. So I am trying to implement the above specified functionality using the alternative classes.
Problem is - though I am able to perform an asynchronous task using
these classes, I am unable to perform a repetitive task (as in my
case) using these classes.
Can someone throw some light on this and guide me towards the correct direction?
I think you'll get a stack overflow (no pun intended) using the code you've posted. -refreshUserIdPassword recurses infinitely...
How about using GCD?
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// Insert code here to initialize your application
dispatch_source_t timerSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0));
dispatch_source_set_timer(timerSource, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0), 180*NSEC_PER_SEC, 10*NSEC_PER_SEC);
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(timerSource, ^{
[self getAllUserIdsPasswordsContinuously];
self.timer = timerSource;
You're looking in the wrong place. As you say, NSOperationQueue isn't suited for this type of task. NSTimer is Cocoa's solution to this problem.
As the question also has a grand-central-dispatch tag:
If you need to run something in the background based on a regular interval, you could also use a dispatch_source timer.
Apple provides a very extensive example in the Concurrency Programing Guide.
If you don't need a background thread, you could use NSTimer (as paulbailey mentioned) or even more simple:
NSObject's performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:

When NSDocument Asynchronous Saving is enabled, is there any point in calling -unblockUserInteraction in a simple -dataOfType:error:?

I have a straight-forward, Mac OS X, Cocoa, Document-based application which uses the new 10.7 Autosave, Versions and Asychronous Saving APIs. I am fully using the NSDocument APIs to get all of Apple's Document-based application features for free.
In order to support the new Lion Autosave/Versions/AsyncSaving, I have overridden the following methods in my NSDocument subclass like so:
#implementation MyDocument
+ (BOOL)autosavesInPlace { return YES; }
- (BOOL)canAsynchronouslyWriteToURL:(NSURL *)URL ofType:(NSString *)type forSaveOperation:(NSSaveOperationType)op {
return YES;
I have also overridden -dataOfType:error: to help implement saving the document's data to disk:
- (NSData *)dataOfType:(NSString *)typeName error:(NSError **)outErr {
NSData *data = nil;
if ([typeName isEqualToString:MY_SUPPORTED_TYPE_NAME]) {
data = makeSnapshotCopyOfMyDocumentData(); // assume return value is autoreleased
} else if (outErr) {
*outErr = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSOSStatusErrorDomain code:unimpErr userInfo:nil];
// not sure this is doing much good, since i take no action after this.
[self unblockUserInteraction];
return data;
See how I'm calling -unblockUserInteraction at the end there?
When supporting the new 10.7 AsyncSaving feature, Apple advises calling -unblockUserInteraction as early as possible (after making a snapshot copy of your document's data) in your -dataOfType:error: implementation. But Apple's example showed them doing much more work after calling -unblockUserInteraction.
However, considering I take no other action after this, I'm wondering if there's any point in calling -unblockUserInteraction there at all.
So my questions:
Considering I take no other action after it, is my call to -unblockUserInteraction doing any good?
Do the Apple Frameworks just call -unblockUserInteraction immediately after -dataOfType:error: returns anyway? Should I just leave it to them?
I just noticed a subtle wording difference between the NSDocument documentation and the comment in NSDocument.h:
If saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:completionHandler: is writing on
a non-main thread because
canAsynchronouslyWriteToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation: has returned YES,
but it is still blocking the main thread, this method unblocks the
main thread. Otherwise, it does nothing.
If -saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:completionHandler: is writing on
a non-main thread because
-canAsynchronouslyWriteToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation: has returned YES, but is still blocking the main thread, unblock the main thread.
Otherwise, do nothing.
I assume the Header is more up to date.
I am working on an application that calls unblockUserInteraction after the last line that has to run on the main thread. (At least that's the way I understood it)
I think our code fits the scenario that Apple had in mind when designing the async saving part of NSDocument:
in fileWrapperOfType: we ...
create a QL preview for our file wrapper (that has to run on the
main thread) ...
unblockUserInteraction ...
... "long" running file saving task (involving compression)

Updating UI in Cocoa from another .m file

I have a GUI app that has a main thread and then I use NSOperation to run 2 other threads once the user clicks the Start button. Now one thread calculates a certain value and updates it. What I want thread 2 to do is to pick this value up and update the UI.
How do I get a IBOutlet Textfield value to get updated on the UI from this second thread ?
main.m --- handles the UI and has code to start the 2 threads when the user hits the Start Button.
thread1.m -- calculates a particular value and keeps doing it until the user hits stop.
thread2.m - Need to use this thread to update the UI in main.m with the the value that thread1.m calculates.
I am unable to accomplish the thread2.m task and update the UI. My issue is that how do I define a IBOutlet and update it with a value from thread2/1 so that the main.m has access to this value and updates the UI. I have access to the actual variable in main.m and can print it out using NSLog. Its just that I am getting stuck on how to update the UI with this value. As I need to have theIBOutlet in main.m to tie it with the UILabel in the app. Any ideas guys ? Thanks.
Could you add pointers to your thread1.m and thread2.m files? Then set them with either a constructor method or some accessor methods?
If I understand the situation you described in your example, and assuming what you are calculating is an int (you can modify as you need):
Add an accessor to thread1.m
//Assume that you get calculatedValue from whereever else in your thread.
return calculatedValue;
Then add to thread2.m
NSTextField *guiTextField;
Thread1 *thread1;
-(void) setThread: (Thread1 *aThread)
self.thread1 = aThread;
-(void) setGuiTextField: (NSTextField *aTextField)
self.guiTextField = aTextField;
-(void) updateGUI()
[guiTextField setStringValue: [thread1 showCurrentCalcValue]];
Presuming your main.m is something like the following:
IBOutlet NSTextField *outputDisplay
-(void) setUpThreads()
Thread1 *thread1 = [[Thread1 alloc] init];
Thread2 *thread2 = [[Thread2 alloc] init];
[thread2 setGuiTextField: outputDisplay];
[thread2 setThread: thread1];
//Whatever else you need to do
Then just take care of setting everything and calling the methods in your threads.
Source code files don't matter. You could have all of this stuff in one file (not that that would be a good idea) and the problem would be unchanged. What matters are the classes.
Classes are not simply bags of code; you design them, you name them, and you define each class's area of responsibility. A class and/or instances of it do certain things; you define what those things are and aren't.
When writing NSOperation subclasses, don't worry about the threads. There's no guarantee they even will run on separate threads. Each operation is simply a unit of work; you write an operation to do one thing, whatever that may be.
eg: main.m --- handles the UI and has code to start the 2 threads —
— when the user hits the Start Button.
thread1.m -- calculates a particular value and keeps doing it until the user hits stop.
That's not one thing; that's an indefinite sequence of things.
thread2.m - Need to use this thread to update the UI in main.m with the the value that thread1.m calculates.
You should not touch the UI from (what may be) a secondary thread. See the Threading Programming Guide, especially the Thread Safety Summary.
I don't see why this should even be threaded at all. You can do all of this much more easily with an NSTimer running on the main thread.
If it would be inappropriate to “calculate… a particular value” on the main thread, you could make that an operation. Your response to the timer message will create an operation and add it to your computation queue. When the user hits stop, that action will go through on the main thread; invalidate the timer and wait for the queue to finish all of its remaining operations.
With either solution, “thread2.m” goes away entirely. Your update(s) to the UI will (and must) happen entirely on the main thread. With the latter solution, you don't even have to wait until you're done; you can update the UI with current progress information every time you receive the timer message.

How to create a run loop that only listens to performSelector:onThread: and GUI events?

I want to create a separate thread that runs its own window. Frankly, the documentation does not make sense to me.
So I create an NSThread with a main function. I start the thread, create an NSAutoreleasePool, and run the run loop:
// Global:
BOOL shouldKeepRunning = YES;
- (void)threadMain {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
// Load a nib file, set up its controllers etc.
while (shouldKeepRunning) {
NSAutoreleasePool *loopPool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
[loopPool drain];
[pool drain];
But since there is no registered port or observer, runUntilDate: exits immediately and CPU utilization goes to 100%.
All thread communication is handled by calls to performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:. Clearly, I am not using the API correctly. So, what am I doing wrong?
Much of AppKit is not thread-safe and will not work properly (1) when manipulated outside the main thread. You will find only pain and misery trying to ignore this fact.
What are you really trying to do that requires a different thread for this window? Are you merely trying to keep a responsive UI? If so, there're much better ways of doing it. See NSOperation / NSOperationQueue (where "units of work" and "queues" are the focus, not "this window shall run on this thread, etc.").
I'd recommend restating your question with your specific goal detailed clearly.
(1) For some classes, it takes a lot of careful work. For others, they are quite firmly off limits.
