Algorithm to distribute heartbeats? - algorithm

I am building a sensor network where a large number of sensors report their status to a central hub. The sensors need to report status atleast once every 3 hours, but I want to make sure that the hub does not get innundated with too many reports at any given time. So to mitigate this, I let the hub tell the sensors the 'next report time'.
Now I am looking for any standard algorithms for doing some load balancing of these updates, such that the sensors dont exceed a set interval between reports and the hub can calculate the next report time such that its load (of receiving reports) is evenly divided over the day.
Any help will be appreciated.

If you know how many sensors there are, just divide up every three hour chunk into that many time slots and (either randomly or programmatically as you need), assign one to each sensor.
If you don't, you can still divide up every three hour chunk into some large number of time slots and assign them to sensors. In your assignment algorithm, you just have to make sure that all the slots have one assigned sensor before any of them have two, and all of them have two before any of them have three, etc.

Easiest solution: Is there any reason why the hub cannot poll the sensors according to its own schedule?
Otherwise you may want to devise a system where the hub can decide whether or not to accept a report based on its own load. If a sensor has its connection denied make it wait an random period of time and retry. Over time the sensors should space themselves out more or less optimally.
IIRC some facet of TCP/IP uses a similar method, but I'm drawing a blank as to which.

I would use a base of 90 minutes with a randomized variation over a 30-minute range, so that the intervals are randomly beteween 60 and 120 minutes. Adjust these numbers if you want to get closer to the 3-hour interval but I would personally stay well under it


Why TSync(Time Synchronization) is needed in Adaptive AUTOSAR?

I'm a rookie in Adaptive AUTOSAR.
I can't imagine why Time Synchronization(Tysnc) is needed. System time of ECUs can be synchronized by PTP.
Could you explain why Tsync is needed even though PTP synchronize time across a distributed system? Or I welcome any documents or materials for me to understand Tsync's usages or use-cases.
The reason for the existence time sync along with the definition of time domains is that you need to be able to define different time domains across different bus systems within the vehicle. One example for a not directly obvious definition of a time domain could be the metering of operation-hours.
On top of that, the time domains can cross AUTOSAR platforms, i.e. a time domain may consists of both CP and AP nodes.
You can find explanations for time sync in (e.g) the AUTOSAR documents TPS Manifest and TPS System Template.
There need to be different time bases in vehicle.
Examples of Time Bases in vehicles are:
• Absolute, which is based on a GPS based time.
• Relative, which represents the accumulated overall operating time of a vehicle,
i.e. this Time Base does not start with a value of zero whenever the vehicle starts
• Relative, starting at zero when the ECU begins its operation.

Concurrent users projected to actual users

I need to provide the business with a report estimating number of users (devices in this case) the system can cope with without extensive delays and errors.
Assuming each device polls-communicates with the server every 5 seconds or so would it be acceptable to multiple the number of concurrent users I stress test with by 5 to get the figure required by the business?
In general what are the best means of answering such a question considering the above factors?
I am guessing that the collision rate (making them concurrent) may well be over the ratio of 5 (the seconds it takes for the device before it asks to communicate with the server).
Any advice?
I am using JMeter to produce concurrent user/device throughput.
Edit as requested to explain further:
From an analytics point of view if each device will attempt to connect and communicate with the server every 5 seconds and we wish to receive a response within the time it is ready to re-communicate (in other words in next 4 seconds), the collision chances literally for other devices running the same software is calculated on the elapsed time between the two calls no?
I am looking for statistical analysis methodology really to find a percent to multiply the concurrent test results to a real environment.
I know it is a general question without a specific / explicit answer but more the methodology, if there is one, of how can one project the number of "active" users the system can cope with from the known "concurrent" users. I would have though that given the frequency of calls is known and that each call takes 300ms in average one could somehow project the actual users (maybe by an industry standard multiplier?)

Distribute user active time blocks subject to total constraint

I am building an agent-based model for product usage. I am trying to develop a function to decide whether the user is using the product at a given time, while incorporating randomness.
So, say we know the user spends a total of 1 hour per day using the product, and we know the average distribution of this time (e.g., most used at 6-8pm).
How can I generate a set of usage/non-usage times (i.e., during each 10 minute block is the user active or not) while ensuring that at the end of the day the total active time sums to one hour.
In most cases I would just run the distributor without concern for the total, and then at the end normalize by making it proportional to the total target time so the total was 1 hour. However, I can't do that because time blocks must be 10 minutes. I think this is a different question because I'm really not computing time ranges, I'm computing booleans to associate with different 10 minute time blocks (e.g., the user was/was not active during a given block).
Is there a standard way to do this?
I did some more thinking and figured it out, if anyone else is looking at this.
The approach to take is this: You know the allowed number n of 10-minute time blocks for a given agent.
Iterate n times, and on each iteration select a time block out of the day subject to your activity distribution function.
Main point is to iterate over the number of time blocks you want to place, not over the entire day.

How can i run my GPS application in background?

I want to send my current location to php web service after every 5 min even if my application is runing in background. I try to make this thing but its working good when my application in running state but when i put this application in background it stop sending data so please any buddy tell how can i run my application in background.
By "running in background", do you mean running when under the lock screen? If this is the case, then you need to set PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Disabled;
The post Running a Windows Phone Application under the lock screen by Jaime Rodriguez covers the subject well.
However, if you're talking about running an application that continues to run while the user uses other applications on the device, then this is not possible. In the Mango build of the operating system you can create background agents, but these only run every 30 minutes and only for 15 seconds as described on MSDN.
There is a request on the official UserVoice forum for Windows Phone development to Provide an agent to track routes, but even if adopted, this would not be available for quite some time.
Tracking applications are the bulk of what I do for a living, and the prospect of using WP7 like this is the primary reason I acquired one.
From a power consumption perspective, transmitting data is the single most expensive thing you can do, followed closely by sampling the GPS and accelerometers.
To produce a trace that closely conforms to roads, you need a higher sampling rate. WP7 won't let you sample more than once per second. This is (just barely) fast enough to track a motor vehicle, and at this level of power consumption the battery will last for about an hour assuming you log the data on the phone and don't attempt to transmit it.
You will also find that if you transmit for every sample, your sampling interval will be at least 15 seconds. Running the web call on another thread won't help because it will take more than one second to complete and you will run out of sockets in less than a minute with a one second sample interval.
There are solutions to all of these problems. For example, in a motor vehicle you can connect to vehicle power and run hot. You can batch and burst your data on a background thread.
These, however, are only the basic problems faced by every tracker designer. More interesting are the questions of proximity in space and time, measurement of deviation from a route, how to specify routes and geofences in a time dependent manner, how to associate them into named sets for rule evaluation purposes and how to associate rules with named sets of routes and geofences.
And then there is periodic clustering, which introduces all the calendrical nightmares that are too much for your average developer of desktop software. To apply the speed limit for a school zone you need to know the time zone, daylight savings, two start and two stop times and the start and end dates for school holidays in that region.
If you are just doing this for fun or as some kind of hiking trace then a five minute interval will impose much milder power demands than one second sampling, but I still suggest batch and burst because it means you can track locations that don't have comms.

Google transit is too idealistic. How would you change that?

Suppose you want to get from point A to point B. You use Google Transit directions, and it tells you:
Route 1:
1. Wait 5 minutes
2. Walk from point A to Bus stop 1 for 8 minutes
3. Take bus 69 till stop 2 (15 minues)
4. Wait 2 minutes
5. Take bus 6969 till stop 3(12 minutes)
6. Walk 7 minutes from stop 3 till point B for 3 minutes.
Total time = 5 wait + 40 minutes.
Route 2:
1. Wait 10 minutes
2. Walk from point A to Bus stop I for 13 minutes
3. Take bus 96 till stop II (10 minues)
4. Wait 17 minutes
5. Take bus 9696 till stop 3(12 minutes)
6. Walk 7 minutes from stop 3 till point B for 8 minutes.
Total time = 10 wait + 50 minutes.
All in all Route 1 looks way better. However, what really happens in practice is that bus 69 is 3 minutes behind due to traffic, and I end up missing bus 6969. The next bus 6969 comes at least 30 minutes later, which amounts to 5 wait + 70 minutes (including 30 m wait in the cold or heat). Would not it be nice if Google actually advertised this possibility? My question now is: what is the better algorithm for displaying the top 3 routes, given uncertainty in the schedule?
How about adding weightings that express a level of uncertainty for different types of journey elements.
Bus services in Dublin City are notoriously untimely, you could add a 40% margin of error to anything to do with Dublin Bus schedule, giving a best & worst case scenario. you could also factor in the chronic traffic delays at rush hours. Then a user could see that they may have a 20% or 80% chance of actually making a connection.
You could sort "best" journeys by the "most probably correct" factor, and include this data in the results shown to the user.
My two cents :)
For the UK rail system, each interchange node has an associated 'minimum transfer time to allow'. The interface to the route planner here then has an Advanced option allowing the user to either accept the default, or add half hour increments.
In your example, setting a' minimum transfer time to allow' of say 10 minutes at step 2 would prevent Route 1 as shown being suggested. Of course, this means that the minimum possible journey time is increased, but that's the trade off.
If you take uncertainty into account then there is no longer a "best route", but instead there can be a "best strategy" that minimizes the total time in transit; however, it can't be represented as a linear sequence of instructions but is more of the form of a general plan, i.e. "go to bus station X, wait until 10:00 for bus Y, if it does not arrive walk to station Z..." This would be notoriously difficult to present to the user (in addition of being computationally expensive to produce).
For a fixed sequence of instructions it is possible to calculate the probability that it actually works out; but what would be the level of certainty users want to accept? Would you be content with, say, 80% success rate? When you then miss one of your connections the house of cards falls down in the worst case, e.g. if you miss a train that leaves every second hour.
I wrote many years a go a similar program to calculate long-distance bus journeys in Finland, and I just reported the transfer times assuming every bus was on schedule. Then basically every plan with less than 15 minutes transfer time or so was disregarded because they were too risky (there were sometimes only one or two long-distance buses per day at a given route).
Empirically. Record the actual arrival times vs scheduled arrival times, and compute the mean and standard deviation for each. When considering possible routes, calculate the probability that a given leg will arrive late enough to make you miss the next leg, and make the average wait time P(on time)*T(first bus) + (1-P(on time))*T(second bus). This gets more complicated if you have to consider multiple legs, each of which could be late independently, and multiple possible next legs you could miss, but the general principle holds.
Catastrophic failure should be the first check.
This is especially important when you are trying to connect to that last bus of the day which is a critical part of the route. The rider needs to know that is what is happening so he doesn't get too distracted and knows the risk.
After that it could evaluate worst-case single misses.
And then, if you really wanna get fancy, take a look at the crime stats for the neighborhood or transit station where the waiting point is.
