Verifiying answers from application to web service and vice versa - algorithm

My Application stands in connection to Web service (Master Server). Sometimes i make calls like login on application startup, where my application sents user credentials to the master server for validating.
So, how do i 1st validate that the answer is from my real server and not a fake local webserver with routed hosts file? And 2nd how do i parse this answer?
I always parsed like this (dummy code):
if($answerFromWebserver == "LOGIN_OK") {
Are there better, more safe solutions?

some of the security feature I see/use,
You can allow specific IPs to server, can setup firewall for this.
Setting up SSL/HTTPS will be great benefit to secure transport level.
You can send username/password encrypted with every message, so at server side authentication will took place each time. You can use SOAP header for this.
You can read huge article from ms here on securing services..


RPC authenthification explained with windows api

I would like to make a IPC between two processes using Windows RPC. Please explain me like I am five how my application should achieve good security. I want to use ncalrpc protocol (processes on the same computer). More exactly:
How my client application knows that the server is trusty?
How my server know if the callee is the trusted one?
What options do I have? I didn't get RpcBindingSetAuthInfo function.
For a local connection having the client authenticate the server is fairly hard (for example confirming that some other service did not start in place of the desired program) but having the server identify the client is not, call RpcBindingInqAuthClient and use the username to determine what action to take, or just use RpcImpersonateClient if you can rely on existing secured objects. Most of the RPC security apparatus is for remote connections rather than ncalrpc.

Microservices Architecture - Firefox requires exception to be added for every port

I am working on a distributed web application using Spring Microservices design pattern where individual services are running on different ports like -
Product Management - domain:8500
User Management - domain:8501
Now If the user calls User Management by opening the URL "domain:8501/some_url" which internally calls Product Management i.e. "domain:8500/some_other_url" and also assume that certificate is self-signed i.e. for the browser, the CA is unknown and hence the exception needs to be manually added in the browser.
In this case, while Chrome works fine, Firefox and IE also probably adds the exception for domain with port and hence for internal call as well it waits internally for the security exception to be added.
As a result, my API calling is failed. Is this a Firefox behaviour or I am doing something wrong?
Try either using an API gateway or a proxy. You can use Zuul for a proxy. Please go through Zuul starter.
You can even do some more interesting things by having a proxy. Like:
Implementing Security: Implement Validation & Verification as security check over the proxy and can avoid the same over other microservices.
Response Handling: You can alter a generic response from your microservices in proxy for the client(Web/Mobile Browser/Mobile App)
Hope this helps.

Integrate an IM chat server to existing Spring server

I'm trying to integrate an openFire XMPP server to my current company Spring server but have two major questions I cannot find the answer to -
I'll start with my current architecture first -
1. The xmpp server have a DB-server of it's own seperated from the Spring server DB, This is a dedicated machine to keep the users char history etc
2. The spring server have a DB of it's own where it keeps the user credentials (md5 encrypted) and also client applications data
3. The spring server is dedicated to serve HTTP requests (a dedicated REST server)
All in all I have 2 DB servers once chat server and one Rest server
Now for the questions -
1. Can I forbid registration to the xmpp server (i.e. whitelist the rest server ip and let it be the only one who can create users after a user registers on it)?
2.For security reasons the Rest server switch the session for a logged in user every 2 days the iOS and Android clients deal with session managment locally - How can I use those session with the XMPP server?
To clarify - I want the users to be able use the xmpp server only for chat purposes but only after they logged in to the application itself since the user session may expire the chat client will also have to re-authenticate against the REST server, how can I achieve this?
3. Won't it create an overload on the REST server? (i.e. the Rest server will now have to handle client requests and also XMPP server requests)
4. What is the best architecture to achieve this kind of a system (chat server, db server for chat server, rest server, db server for rest server) so that the system can scale horizontally?
I searched google for an article or something related to describe the general architecture but couldn't find nothing relevant, since I'm not "inveneting the wheel" here I would love to hear a good advice or be directed to an article that explains the How-To's
Thanks in advance.
The standard way in XMPP world for user authentication is SASL.
SASL have a very simple model: server sends to client some "challenge" string to client, and client sends "response" string to server, and they repeat this until server decides client send all required data. What data to send is defined in SASL "mechanism". There are number of well-known SASL mechanisms, e.g. SCRAM, and they are provided by most XMPP servers and clients "out of the box".
Your problem is - you already have authentication system and user database and want to reuse it for chat purposes. There are two ways:
Add your custom REST authentication as SASL module to your server. Google say it is already possible to write and add Openfire SASL plugin. Your SASL REST mechanism will do the same things as for browser, but required urls, tokens, etc. will be wrapped as "challenges" and "responses", e.g. server will send REST auth url as "challenge" for client, and client will open url, post credentials, get a token and send them as "response" back to server. Of course you need to add this SASL REST mechanism in client too.
Adopt your XMPP server to use your authentication database directly. In this case you only need to modify Openfire code to link it with your users/passwords tables (maybe there is already an admin tool for this). In this case clients will continue to use standard SASL mechanisms without modification. When this way may be easier than first one, remember your XMPP server should have access to plain-text passwords, which may be insecure.
You questions in order:
Yes, you can disable registration from XMPP client and point users to registration website.
You will see chat sessions in Openfire administration console and able to stop them, also you can write a module for do this by your schedule
If you will write SASL REST mechanism, there will no any difference between requests from chat clients and web clients for your REST backend, they will look the same.
As I described first, you no need separate DB for chat server and you able to setup multiple chat servers connected to your REST backend.

Send post request to another domain from server

Is there any way in spring where I can POST the requests to another domain from My controller? I have parameters which I need to pass in POST from the controller to another third party domain, is this possible?
What you probably want is for your server to act like a HTTP client and send some data via HTTP POST to a third server:
Your web app client ---> Your web server ---> Another web server
If that is indeed what you need, yes, it is possible. The fact that your application is a web server itself isn't important, although it can be confusing - it's easier to think about it as if you wanted to post the data from an ordinary command-line Java application.
One of the many tools that can help you is Apache HttpClient.

If a website doesn't use HTTPS to do user log in, are the users passwords fairly unprotected?

This question tries to look into whether doing HTTPS log in is very important for any website.
Is it true that for many websites, if the login is done through HTTP but not HTTPS, then anybody can pretty much see the userID and password easily along the internet highway (or by looking between a router and the internet connection in an Internet Cafe)?
If so... do popular frameworks actually use HTTPS by default (or at least as an option), such as Rails 2.3.5 or Django, CakePHP, or .Net?
Yes, any machine on the pathway (that the packets pass through) can just examine the contents of the those packets. All it takes is a capturing proxy or a promiscuous mode network card with something like WireShark. Assuming that the passwords aren't encrypted in some other way (at a higher level), they will be visible.
I can't answer the second part of your question since I have no knowledge of those particular products but I would say that the inability to use secure sockets would pretty much make them useless.
Pax is right about passwords that aren't otherwise encrypted being visible.
Still, most sites don't use SSL still, and it does put the users at a certain degree of risk when accessing sites from public wifi.
HTTPS isn't a framework level option, it would be something you'd do when you set up the webserver. If you were to use an apache configuration for instance, you would open it up to a properly configured https, close http and install a certification. The framework wouldn't have a direct influence on that portion of the release.
If the user credentials are submitted via an HTML webform without HTTPS, then it is unsecure, the data is submitted in plain text. However, if the website uses HTTP authentication instead, then the server can send back a 401 reply (or 407 for proxies) to any request that does not provide valid credentials. 401/407 is the server's way to ask for credentials, and the reply provides a list of authentication schemes (Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, etc) that the server supports, which are usually more secure by themselves. The client/browser sends the same request again with the necessariy credentials in one of the schemes, then the server either sends the requested data, or sends another 401/407 reply if the credentials are rejected.
