Compiling a standalone gtk# - compilation

When I build my project, the resulting exe requires Gtk# in order to run. Are there any settings in MonoDevelop (or something) to statically link the Gtk# libraries in the compiled binary?
I'm developing on Windows 7 64bit, but I chose C# Gtk because I thought the code could be compiled for multiple OSs. However, I believe that a program as small as the one I'm working on should not force the user to install developer tools like Gtk.
Edit: I have found the Embedding Mono webpage, but it looks like that deals with C code, GCC and Mono instead of C# code, Gtk# and MonoDevelop.

As far as I know, the best thing you can do is simply package gtk# with your application (it's a matter of copying a few dlls). However remember that gtk# is not a managed rewrite of gtk, it's just a set of wrapper libraries. As such, they need the native gtk to be present. You can of course ship that with your application too, but that enlarges your package by about 16MB. You can include the gtk installer or an already unpacked version that your end-users won't need to set up. Both solutions have merits.


Visual Studio and NuGet targeting Mono on Linux

I build a lot of packages that have cross-platform targeting. I like using NuGet as a deployment for all of the obvious reasons, but I'm having difficulty understanding how I target a specific binary for Mono on Linux.
As an example I have a library that, in the Mono for Linux version, references `Mono.Posix.Helper.dll. This is very specific to Mono on Linux. It's not for the desktop. It's not for Mono on Android or Mono on iOS. The same library has different implementations for .NET of the desktop, .NET on Windows CE, Mono on Android and Mono on iOS.
It seems that I need two things, neither of which I can seem to find:
A way to tell NuGet that a specific set of binaries targets Mono on Linux. I see nothing in the official documentation of the NuGet schema target frameworks.
A way to tell Visual Studio that my project that will consume those binaries targets Mono on Linux. I've found this nice list of project GUIDs but, of course, there's nothing in there for Mono that isn't targeting Android or iOS.
Right now I'm solving this with a less-than-friendly post-build task, but that's really not fun when I need to create a new project that uses one of these packages.
I know Microsoft has been trying to get more Linux-friendly over the past few years, but this seems like a pretty big hole. I can't be the only person out here that's building code for Mono on Linux, can I? What's the solution here?
Currently, this isn't possible.
NuGet (3.*, 4) does have a concept of "runtimes" but those are referring to the operating system that the "runtime" runs on. So while you can have a specific asset for linux-x64, this cannot tell if you are on mono or .net core. In fact, even when you use a net461 target framework with a runtimes/linux-x64/lib/net461/linux-specific.dll file, this may even be used in a .NET Core 2.0 app since .NET Core 2.0 can use net461+ libraries.
The only way this is currently possible is to have managed shim that resolves the right assembly on runtime. This would also make the consuming project "portable" - meaning it can be run on windows directly and on linux through mono, assuming all libraries can be loaded dynamically.

Mono install on windows, mac?

Is it possible to install Mono and Gtk on a Windows computer, copy that to a local folder, and run from that? Can I do the same on Mac?
I'm trying to create an all-in-one folder with everything included so that users can run without needing anything that is not in the folder. mkbundle did not work, and I'd rather have a complete Mono so I can dynamically load additional Mono libraries at runtime.
Are there any 64-bit vs 32-bit issues?
Can I avoid the GAC by using MONO_PATH?
Do either the Mac Mono or Windows Mono require that any files be in a global place? Any hardcoded paths?
I want my distributed program to be as easy to use as possible for new users (eg, no additional installs).
You may want to check Banshee's source code to find out how it's done there.
For Mac, bockbuild is used so all libraries are bundled in the package.
For Windows, a WiX installer is used. It doesn't bundle Mono because with .NET it's enough. Not sure if this bundles the rest though (gtk#), you should double check.

What are the different platforms/languages in which an app can be compiled and run on Windows without any prerequisites?

What are the different platforms/languages in which an app can be compiled and run on Windows without any prerequisites? I know of .NET but it requires the specific version of .NET to be present in the Windows installation.
C and C++, but Visual Studio defaults to dynamically linked library. Change the default to static and you will be fine.
That being said, ther are no compilers that come with windows. You must install a compiler to build the a program that will run everywhere after that. There are free version of the compiler in the Platform SDK and in mingw (Cygwin requires a dll).
If you are using Visual C++ as language and development tool, you may switch to Statically bound DLLs, which would produce larger binaries, but would run without any runtime-prerequisites. Visual C++ Runtimes are easily installable, can be distributed, or users may be asked to install them directly. If users are using Windows Update, they would anyhow get the latest VC runtimes.

Does it possible to run C++ apps for every type of OS?

I would like to use C/C++ for coding my apps, but I need my apps running on all versions of Windows from XP to Win8, independently by any platforms, run time libraries and so on.
Briefly: What kind/type of C/C++ I suppose to use, be able to run my apps on every type of Windows without any additional installation, just default one. e.g Windows XP SP1
C++ can run on just about any OS, as long as you avoid (or, via conditional compilation, provide alternatives for) anything specific to one OS or version. Win32 code is almost all the same between versions; the main difference is added functionality in newer versions. Between Windows and, say Linux, though? Not so much. You kinda need to pick a platform, unless you want to either stick to text mode (which is pretty close between OSes, thanks to standards) or learn some whole other platform-neutral API like OpenGL, wxWidgets, GTK, etc.
As for which compiler to use, if you're sticking with Windows, I'd recommend Visual Studio. Microsoft has a free (Express) edition that will let you compile Win32 code or .net. (You'll need the paid version, or some playing around with the Platform SDK, to play with 64-bit though.) And the IDE isn't too bad either. If you just want a compiler, the Platform SDK has the same compilers VS has, and includes 64-bit support (and even a bunch of code samples and tools) as well.
As for being independent of any runtime libs: Every C++ compiler that's worth using has a runtime library. If you link statically against it, though, the parts you need will be embedded in your EXE. Alternatively, you have permission to distribute the runtime libs with your app (though you may need to install it via a package they provide, that you bundle together with your app...i forget how all that works).
All popular C++ compilers support XP up. You can statically link the runtime, or, for mingw, you can link against the runtime supplied with Windows.

Installing Qt4 on Windows - do I need to fully install MinGW or just have local copies

That is, can I get away with DLLs in the install directory or does the installer need to ensure that MingW is fully installed?
If you install the Qt SDK, it will actually install its own MinGW tree.
This does not directly answer your question, but generally speaking, to ensure I have all the right dependencies when creating an installer, I do the following:
Use Depends, a Microsoft tool that shows what DLLs a Windows executable (.exe or another .dll) depends on. This will not show dynamically loaded DLLs though, such as QT plugins. I believe Depends is part of the Platform SDK (it used to be, anyway), which you should be able to download. See here for example.
Use a virtualization tool (like VirtualBox or VMWare) to install a fresh copy of Windows and your application. If it complains of missing DLLs on startup, you missed something in the install package.
You should be aware of any dependencies on the Visual C++ run-time. There are many different versions out there, and if your app depends on them, you need to install the correct version to the Windows\WinSxS directory. Microsoft provides a redistributable for each version of Visual C++ (including the express edition, which you can get for free). I only mention this because I noticed when installing Qt SDK that the VC++ redistributable was getting installed, so the Qt DLLs may have a dependency on the VC++ run-time.
