I've got a prolog homework to do: There are 5 persons sitting at a round table of different nationalities (french, english, polish, italian, turkish). Each of them knows only one other language other than their own. They sit at the round table in such a way that each of them can talk with their 2 neighbors (with one neighbor they talk in their native tongue and with the other in the single foreign language they know). The english person knows italian, the polish person knows french, the turkish person doesn't know english. The question is what foreign language does the turkish person know?
I've done something using only clauses and predicates but I reached a dead end, teacher suggested the easiest way would be to use lists.
Any thoughts on what that list would contain or any code ideas at all?
UPDATE (weak logic code):
%native tongues
aTheory(centralPerson, languageCntrlPers, personOnOneSide,languagePrsnOnOneSide) if knowTheLanguage(personOnOneSide,languageCntrlPers)
and not( knowTheLanguage(centralPerson,languagePrsnOnOneSide))
and not(knowNotTheLanguage(centralPerson,languagePrsnOnOneSide)).
anotherTheory(centralPerson, languageCntrlPers, personOnOneSide,languagePrsnOnOneSide) if knowTheLanguage(centralPerson,languagePrsnOnOneSide)
and not( knowTheLanguage(personOnOneSide,languageCntrlPers))
and not(knowNotTheLanguage(centralPerson,languagePrsnOnOneSide)).
isNeighbor(centralPerson, languageCntrlPers, personOnOneSide,languagePrsnOnOneSide) if aTheory(centralPerson, languageCntrlPers, personOnOneSide,languagePrsnOnOneSide)
anotherTheory(centralPerson, languageCntrlPers, personOnOneSide,languagePrsnOnOneSide).
Update - programming environment : turbo prolog 2.0 '86,'88 by Borland, also I'm a complete beginer in prolog, so... I'd apreciate at least a full sketch of the program and explanations outside of the code body. I process things slow :D
You can work with cyclic list, try this code to understand.
t :-
L = [1,2,3 | L],
my_write(5, L).
my_write(0, _).
my_write(N, [H | T]) :-
write(H), nl,
N1 is N - 1,
my_write(N1, T).
Cyclic list may be very usefull for you.
Describe what are the elements of the list, then what is the constraint for the languages
EDIT : Here is my solution, works with SWI-Prolog :
% #arg1 : list of nationalities around the table
% #arg2 : list of persons
dinner(Languages, Table) :-
length(Languages, Len),
length(Table, Len),
% set Natianalities and languages
init_1(Table, Languages, Languages),
% create cyclic list
% works with SWI-Prolog
append(Table, L, L),
% set languages constraint
init_2(Len, L).
init_1([], [], []).
init_1([person(N, L) | T], Nations, Languages):-
select(N, Nations, New_Nations),
% problem specific
( N = english
-> L = italian
; N = polish
-> L = french
; true),
select(L, Languages, New_Languages),
% problem specific
( N = turkish
-> L \= english
; true),
init_1(T, New_Nations, New_Languages).
% persons speaks with theirs two neighbors
init_2(Tr, [person(_N1, L1), person(N2, L2), person(N3, L3) | T]) :-
Tr > 0,
member(N2, [L1, L3]),
Tr1 is Tr - 1,
init_2(Tr1, [person(N2, L2), person(N3, L3) | T]).
init_2(0, _).
Normally, I would solve such a puzzle using constraints, but that would probably be too advanced for your homework. So, instead of using constraints to restrict the search space, we have to use tests to check whether the solution is feasible.
You will need to work with two lists, say People and Languages. Each element of the lists corresponds to one seat at the table. Both lists can have the same domain, [f,e,p,i,t]. The semantics of the domain should be clear.
To generate the solution, you first set up the lists, then instantiate the lists and check whether the instantiation fulfils your constraints:
puzzle(People, Languages) :-
Domain = [f,e,p,i,t],
length(People, 5),
length(Languages, 5),
% symmetry break:
People = [f|_],
% instantiate People
people(People, Domain),
% instantiate languages and check constraints
languages(Languages, People, Domain).
Note that the first element of list People is set to f. This is to rule out symmterical solutions, which will otherwise be returned since the table is round. Without this restriction, each solution would have four additional symmetrical solutions.
Try to come up with your own solution before reading on... :-)
The list People is instantiated first. We need to take care that each element appears only once:
people([], []) :- !.
people([P|RestP], Domain) :-
delete(P, Domain, RestD),
people(RestP, RestD).
Your dialect of Prolog may have select/3 instead of delete/3.
When instantiating the list Languages, we also check that the puzzle constraints are not violated:
languages(Languages, People, Domain) :-
Term =.. [[]|People],
languages0(Languages, People, Term, 1, Domain).
languages0([], _, _, _, _) :- !.
languages0([L|RestL], [P|RestP], Term, I, Domain) :-
delete(L, Domain, RestD),
L \= P, % language needs to be foreign
check_l(P, L),
check_n(L, I, Term),
I1 is I+1,
languages0(RestL, RestP, Term, I1, RestD).
Again, each element can only appear once.
check_l checks the constraints regarding the foreign languages:
check_l(e, i).
check_l(p, f).
check_l(t, L) :- L \= e.
check_l(f, _).
check_l(i, _).
check_n ensures that language and nationality of either left or right neighbour match:
check_n(L, I, Term) :-
( I == 1 -> NL = 5 ; NL is I-1 ),
( I == 5 -> NR = 1 ; NR is I+1 ),
( arg(NL, Term, L) ; arg(NR, Term, L) ).
There are two solutions:
?- puzzle(P, L).
P = [f, e, i, t, p]
L = [e, i, t, p, f]
Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 1, maybe more)
P = [f, p, t, i, e]
L = [e, f, p, t, i]
Yes (0.01s cpu, solution 2, maybe more)
No (0.01s cpu)
Generally, when modelling a problem, it's important to identify a compact representation, eliminating irrelevant details. Here having, for instance, polishman and polish is useless. We can agree that polish stands for both the man and the language.
I sketch the solution, please fill in the ellipsis, adding the constraints:
puzzle(L) :-
L = [P1,P2,P3,P4,P5],
member(p(english, italian), L),
member(p(french, _ ), L),
\+ member(p(turk, english), L).
% constrain adjacents
cadj(p(Pl, Ll), p(P, K), p(Pr, Lr)) :-
P = Ll, K = Pr ; P = Lr, K = Pl.
p/2 stands for the man and the language he knows.
cadj/3 says that if the man at left knowns my language, I must know the language of the man at right, or viceversa.
To get the required language, try
puzzle :-
memberchk(p(turk, T), L),
There are more solutions, but the language T is consistently constrained to a single value...
I like the idea of lazy_findall as it helps me with keeping predicates separated and hence program decomposition.
What are the cons of using lazy_findall and are there alternatives?
Below is my "coroutine" version of the branch and bound problem.
It starts with the problem setup:
domain([[a1, a2, a3],
[b1, b2, b3, b4],
[c1, c2]]).
price(a1, 1900).
price(a2, 750).
price(a3, 900).
price(b1, 300).
price(b2, 500).
price(b3, 450).
price(b4, 600).
price(c1, 700).
price(c2, 850).
incompatible(a2, c1).
incompatible(b2, c2).
incompatible(b3, c2).
incompatible(a2, b4).
incompatible(a1, b3).
incompatible(a3, b3).
Derived predicates:
all_compatible(_, []).
all_compatible(X, [Y|_]) :- incompatible(X, Y), !, fail.
all_compatible(X, [_|T]) :- all_compatible(X, T).
list_price(A, Threshold, P) :- list_price(A, Threshold, 0, P).
list_price([], _, P, P).
list_price([H|T], Threshold, P0, P) :-
price(H, P1),
P2 is P0 + P1,
P2 =< Threshold,
list_price(T, Threshold, P2, P).
path([], []).
path([H|T], [I|Q]) :-
member(I, H),
path(T, Q),
all_compatible(I, Q).
The actual logic:
solution([], Paths, Paths, Value, Value).
solution([C|D], Paths0, Paths, Value0, Value) :-
( list_price(C, Value0, V)
-> ( V < Value0
-> solution(D, [C], Paths, V, Value)
; solution(D, [C|Paths0], Paths, Value0, Value)
; solution(D, Paths0, Paths, Value0, Value)
The glue
solution(Paths, Value) :-
lazy_findall(P, path(D, P), Paths0),
solution(Paths0, [], Paths, 5000, Value).
Here is an alternative no-lazy-findall solution by #gusbro: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68415760/1646086
I am not familiar with lazy_findall but I observe two "drawbacks" with the presented approach:
The code is not as decoupled as one might want, because there is still a mix of "declarative" and "procedural" code in the same predicate. I am putting quotes around the terms because they can mean a lot of things but here I see that path/2 is concerned with both generating paths AND ensuring that they are valid. Similarly solution/5 (or rather list_price/3-4) is concerned with both computing the cost of paths and eliminating too costly ones with respect to some operational bound.
The "bounding" test only happens on complete paths. This means that in practice all paths are generated and verified in order to find the shortest one. It does not matter for such a small problem but might be important for larger instances. Ideally, one might want to detect for instance that the partial path [a1,?,?] will never bring a solution less than 2900 without trying all values for b and c.
My suggestion is to instead use clpfd (or clpz, depending on your system) to solve both issues. With clpfd, one can first state the problem without concern for how to solve it, then call a predefined predicate (like labeling/2) to solve the problem in a (hopefully) clever way.
Here is an example of code that starts from the same "setup" predicates as in the question.
X in 1..N,
element(X, P, C),
Total #= C + Total0,
N1 is N+1,
N3 is N2 + 1,
post_comp3(V2,N2,X2,V1,N1,X1) :-
( ( incompatible(V2,V1)
; incompatible(V1,V2)
-> X2 #\= N2 #\/ X1 #\= N1
; true
Note that the code is relatively straightforward, except for the (quadruple) loop to post the incompatibility constraints. This is due to the way I wanted to reuse the predicates in the question. In practice, one might want to change the way the data is presented.
The problem can then be solved with the following query (in SWI-prolog):
?- state(Xs, T), labeling([min(T)], Xs).
T = 1900, Xs = [2, 1, 2] ?
In SICStus prolog, one can write instead:
?- state(Xs, T), minimize(labeling([], Xs), T).
Xs = [2,1,2], T = 1900 ?
Another short predicate could then transform back the [2,1,2] list into [a2,b1,c2] if that format was expected.
I am trying to solve this puzzle in prolog
Five people were eating apples, A finished before B, but behind C. D finished before E, but behind B. What was the finishing order?
My current solution has singleton variable, I am not sure how to fix this.
finishbefore(A, B, Ls) :- append(_, [A,B|_], Ls).
%%?- order(Al).
Here is a pure version using constraints of library(clpz) or library(clpfd). The idea is to ask for a slightly different problem.
How can an endpoint in time be associated to each person respecting the constraints given?
Since we have five persons, five different points in time are sufficient but not strictly necessary, like 1..5.
:- use_module(library(clpz)). % or clpfd
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars). % for "abcde" below.
appleeating_(Ends, Zs) :-
Ends = [A,B,C,D,E],
Zs = Ends,
Ends ins 1..5,
% alldifferent(Ends),
A #< B,
C #< A,
D #< E,
B #< D.
?- appleeating_(Ends, Zs).
Ends = [2, 3, 1, 4, 5], Zs = [2, 3, 1, 4, 5].
There is exactly one solution! Note that alldifferent/1 is not directly needed since nowhere is it stated that two persons are not allowed to end at precisely the same time. In fact, above proves that there is no shorter solution. #CapelliC's solution imposes an order, even if two persons finish ex aequo. But for the sake of compatibility, lets now map the solution back to your representation.
list_nth1(Es, N, E) :-
nth1(N, Es, E).
appleeatingorder(OrderedPeople) :-
appleeating_(Ends, Zs),
same_length(OrderedPeople, Ends),
labeling([], Zs), % not strictly needed
maplist(list_nth1(OrderedPeople), Ends,"abcde"). % effectively enforces alldifferent/1
?- appleeatingorder(OrderedPeople).
OrderedPeople = [c,a,b,d,e].
?- appleeatingorder(OrderedPeople).
OrderedPeople = "cabde".
The last solution using double quotes produces Scryer directly. In SWI use library(double_quotes).
(The extra argument Zs of appleeating_/2 is not strictly needed in this case, but it is a very useful convention for CLP predicates in general. It separates the modelling part (appleeating_/2) from the search part (labeling([], Zs)) such that you can easily try various versions for search/labeling at the same time. In order to become actually solved, all variables in Zs have to have an actual value.)
Let's correct finishbefore/3:
finishbefore(X, Y, L) :-
append(_, [X|R], L),
memberchk(Y, R).
then let's encode the known constraints:
check_finish_time(Order) :-
member(X<Y, [a<b,c<a, d<e,d<b]),
and now let's test all possible orderings
?- permutation([a,b,c,d,e],P),check_finish_time(P).
I get 9 solutions, backtracking with ;... maybe there are implicit constraints that should be encoded.
Sorry for the noise, have found the bug. Swap the last constraint order, that is b<d instead of d<b, and now only 1 solution is allowed...
I've been searching for something that might help me with my problem all over the internet but I haven't been able to make any progress. I'm new to logic programming and English is not my first language so apologize for any mistake.
Basically I want to implement this prolog program: discord/3 which has arguments L1, L2 lists and P where P are the indexes of the lists where L1[P] != L2[P] (in Java). In case of different lengths, the not paired indexes just fail. Mode is (+,+,-) nondet.
I got down the basic case but I can't seem to wrap my head around on how to define P in the recursive call.
discord(_X,[],_Y) :-
discord([H1|T1],[H1|T2],Y) :-
discord([_|T1],[_|T2],Y) :-
The two clauses above are what I came up to but I have no idea on how to represent Y - and Z - so that the function actually remembers the length of the original list. I've been thinking about using nth/3 with eventually an assert but I'm not sure where to place them in the program.
I'm sure there has to be an easier solution although. Thanks in advance!
You can approach this in two ways. First, the more declarative way would be to enumerate the indexed elements of both lists with nth1/3 and use dif/2 to ensure that the two elements are different:
?- L1 = [a,b,c,d],
L2 = [x,b,y,d],
dif(X, Y),
nth1(P, L1, X),
nth1(P, L2, Y).
X = a, Y = x, P = 1 ;
X = c, Y = y, P = 3 ;
You could also attempt to go through both list at the same time and keep a counter:
discord(L1, L2, P) :-
discord(L1, L2, 1, P).
discord([X|_], [Y|_], P, P) :-
dif(X, Y).
discord([_|Xs], [_|Ys], N, P) :-
succ(N, N1),
discord(Xs, Ys, N1, P).
Then, from the top level:
?- discord([a,b,c,d], [a,x,c,y], Ps).
Ps = 2 ;
Ps = 4 ;
How to define in ISO Prolog a (meta-logical) predicate for the intersection of two lists of variables that runs in linear time? The variables may appear in any determined order. No implementation dependent property like the "age" of variables must influence the outcome.
In analogy to library(ordsets), let's call the relation varset_intersection(As, Bs, As_cap_Bs).
?- varset_intersection([A,B], [C,D], []).
?-varset_intersection([A,B], [B,A], []).
?- varset_intersection([A,B,C], [C,A,D], Inter).
Inter = [A,C].
Inter = [C,A].
?- varset_intersection([A,B],[A,B],[A,C]).
B = C
A = B, A = C
?- varset_intersection([A,B,C],[A,B],[A,C]).
That is, the third argument is an output argument, that unifies with the intersection of the first two arguments.
See this list of the built-ins from the current ISO standard (ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995 including Cor.2).
(Note, that I did answer this question in the course of another one several years ago. However, it remains hidden and invisible to Google.)
If term_variables/2 works in a time linear with the size of its first argument, then this might work:
varset_intersection(As, Bs, As_cap_Bs):-
term_variables([As, Bs], As_and_Bs),
term_variables(As, SetAs),
append(SetAs, OnlyBs, As_and_Bs),
term_variables([OnlyBs, Bs], SetBs),
append(OnlyBs, As_cap_Bs, SetBs).
Each common variable appears only once in the result list no matter how many times it appears in the two given lists.
?- varset_intersection2([A,_C,A,A,A], [A,_B,A,A,A], L).
L = [A].
Also, it might give strange results as in this case:
?- varset_intersection([A,_X,B,C], [B,C,_Y,A], [C, A, B]).
A = B, B = C.
(permutation/2 might help here).
If copy_term/2 uses linear time, I believe the following works:
varset_intersection(As, Bs, Cs) :-
copy_term(As-Bs, CopyAs-CopyBs),
select_grounded(CopyBs, Bs, Cs).
ground_list([a|Xs]) :-
select_grounded([], [], []).
select_grounded([X|Xs], [_|Bs], Cs) :-
select_grounded(Xs, Bs, Cs).
select_grounded([_|Xs], [B|Bs], [B|Cs]) :-
select_grounded(Xs, Bs, Cs).
The idea is to copy both lists in one call to copy_term/2 to preserve shared variables between them, then ground the variables of the first copy, then pick out the original variables of the second list corresponding to the grounded positions of the second copy.
If unify_with_occurs_check(Var, ListOfVars) fails or succeeds in constant time, this implementation should yield answers in linear time:
filter_vars([], _, Acc, Acc).
filter_vars([A|As], Bs, Acc, As_cap_Bs):-
\+ unify_with_occurs_check(A, Bs)
filter_vars(As, Bs, [A|Acc], As_cap_Bs)
filter_vars(As, Bs, Acc, As_cap_Bs)
varset_intersection(As, Bs, As_cap_Bs):-
filter_vars(As, Bs, [], Inter),
permutation(Inter, As_cap_Bs).
This implementation has problems when given lists contain duplicates:
?- varset_intersection1([A,A,A,A,B], [B,A], L).
L = [B, A, A, A, A] ;
?- varset_intersection1([B,A], [A,A,A,A,B], L).
L = [A, B] ;
Edited : changed bagof/3 to a manually written filter thanks to observation by #false in comments below.
A possible solution is to use a Bloom filter. In case of collision, the result might be wrong, but functions with better collision resistance exist. Here is an implementation that uses a single hash function.
sum_codes([], _, Sum, Sum).
sum_codes([Head|Tail], K, Acc,Sum):-
Acc1 is Head * (256 ** K) + Acc,
K1 is (K + 1) mod 4,
sum_codes(Tail, K1, Acc1, Sum).
hash_func(Var, HashValue):-
with_output_to(atom(A), write(Var)),
atom_codes(A, Codes),
sum_codes(Codes, 0, 0, Sum),
HashValue is Sum mod 1024.
add_to_bitarray(Var, BAIn, BAOut):-
hash_func(Var, HashValue),
BAOut is BAIn \/ (1 << HashValue).
bitarray_contains(BA, Var):-
hash_func(Var, HashValue),
R is BA /\ (1 << HashValue),
R > 0.
varset_intersection(As, Bs, As_cap_Bs):-
foldl(add_to_bitarray, As, 0, BA),
include(bitarray_contains(BA), Bs, As_cap_Bs).
I know that foldl/4 and include/3 are not ISO, but their implementation is easy.
I have come across an unfamiliar bit of Prolog syntax in Lee Naish's paper Higher-order logic programming in Prolog. Here is the first code sample from the paper:
% insertion sort (simple version)
isort([], []).
isort(A.As, Bs) :-
isort(As, Bs1),
isort(A, Bs1, Bs).
% insert number into sorted list
insert(N, [], [N]).
insert(N, H.L, N.H.L) :-
N =< H.
insert(N, H.LO, H.L) :-
N > H,
insert(N, LO, L).
My confusion is with A.As in isort(A.As, Bs) :-. From the context, it appears to be an alternate cons syntax for lists, the equivalent of isort([A|As], Bs) :-.
As well N.H.L appears to be a more convenient way to say [N|[H|L]].
But SWI Prolog won't accept this unusual syntax (unless I'm doing something wrong).
Does anyone recognize it? is my hypothesis correct? Which Prolog interpreter accepts that as valid syntax?
The dot operator was used for lists in the very first Prolog system of 1972, written in Algol-W, sometimes called Prolog 0. It is inspired by similar notation in LISP systems. The following exemple is from the paper The birth of Prolog by Alain Colmerauer and Philippe Roussel – the very creators of Prolog.
+ELEMENT(*X, *X.*Y).
At that time, [] used to be NIL.
The next Prolog version, written in Fortran by Battani & Meloni, used cases to distinguish atoms and variables. Then DECsystem 10 Prolog introduced the square bracket notation replacing nil and X.Xs with [] and [X,..Xs] which in later versions of DECsystem 10 received [X|Xs] as an alternative. In ISO Prolog, there is only [X|Xs], .(X,Xs), and as canonical syntax '.'(X,Xs).
Please note that the dot has many different rôles in ISO Prolog. It serves already as
end token when followed by a % or a layout character like SPACE, NEWLINE, TAB.
decimal point in a floating point number, like 3.14159
graphic token char forming graphic tokens as =..
So if you are now declaring . as an infix operator, you have to be very careful. Both with what you write and what Prolog systems will read. A single additional space can change the meaning of a term. Consider two lists of numbers in both notations:
[1,2.3,4]. [5].
1 .2.3.4.[]. 5.[].
Please note that you have to add a space after 1. In this context, an additional white space in front of a number may change the meaning of your terms. Like so:
[1|2.3]. [4]. 5. [].
1 .2.3. 4.[]. 5. [].
Here is another example which might be even more convincing:
Negative numbers require round brackets within dot-lists.
Today, there is only YAP and XSB left that still offer infix . by default – and they do it differently. And XSB does not even recognize above dot syntax: you need round brackets around some of the nonnegative numbers.
You wrote that N.H.L appears to be a more convenient way to say [N|[H|L]]. There is a simple rule-of-thumb to simplify such expressions in ISO Prolog: Whenever you see within a list the tokens | and [ immediately after each other, you can replace them by , (and remove the corresponding ] on the right side). So you can now write: [N,H|L] which does not look that bad.
You can use that rule also in the other direction. If we have a list [1,2,3,4,5] we can use | as a "razor blade" like so: [1,2,3|[4,5]].
Another remark, since you are reading Naish's paper: In the meantime, it is well understood that only call/N is needed! And ISO Prolog supports call/1, call/2 up to call/8.
Yes, you are right, the dot it's the list cons infix operator. It's actually required by ISO Prolog standard, but usually hidden. I found (and used) that syntax some time ago:
:- module(eog, []).
:- op(103, xfy, (.)).
% where $ARGS appears as argument, replace the call ($ARGS) with a VAR
% the calle goes before caller, binding the VAR (added as last ARG)
funcs(X, (V, Y)) :-
X =.. W.As,
% identify meta arguments
( predicate_property(X, meta_predicate M)
% explicitly exclude to handle test(dcg)
% I'd like to handle this case in general way...
, M \= phrase(2, ?, ?)
-> M =.. W.Ms
; true
seek_call(As, Ms, Bs, V),
Y =.. W.Bs.
% look for first $ usage
seek_call([], [], _Bs, _V) :-
!, fail.
seek_call(A.As, M.Ms, A.Bs, V) :-
M #>= 0, M #=< 9, % skip meta arguments
!, seek_call(As, Ms, Bs, V).
seek_call(A.As, _, B.As, V) :-
A = $(F),
F =.. Fp.FAs,
( current_arithmetic_function(F) % inline arith
-> V = (PH is F)
; append(FAs, [PH], FBs),
V =.. Fp.FBs
!, B = PH.
seek_call(A.As, _.Ms, B.As, V) :-
A =.. F.FAs,
seek_call(FAs, Ms, FBs, V),
!, B =.. F.FBs.
seek_call(A.As, _.Ms, A.Bs, V) :-
!, seek_call(As, Ms, Bs, V).
:- multifile user:goal_expansion/2.
user:goal_expansion(X, Y) :-
( X = (_ , _) ; X = (_ ; _) ; X = (_ -> _) )
-> !, fail % leave control flow unchanged (useless after the meta... handling?)
; funcs(X, Y).
/* end eog.pl */
I was advised against it. Effectively, the [A|B] syntax it's an evolution of the . operator, introduced for readability.
OT: what's that code?
the code above it's my attempt to sweeten Prolog with functions. Namely, introduces on request, by means of $, the temporary variables required (for instance) by arithmetic expressions
fact(N, F) :-
N > 1 -> F is N * $fact($(N - 1)) ; F is 1.
each $ introduce a variable. After expansion, we have a more traditional fact/2
?- listing(fact).
plunit_eog:fact(A, C) :-
( A>1
-> B is A+ -1,
fact(B, D),
C is A*D
; C is 1
Where we have many expressions, that could be useful...
This syntax comes from NU-Prolog. See here. It's probably just the normal list functor '.'/2 redefined as an infix operator, without the need for a trailing empty list:
?- L= .(a,.(b,[])).
L = [a,b]
Yes (0.00s cpu)
?- op(500, xfy, '.').
Yes (0.00s cpu)
?- L = a.b.[].
L = [a,b]
Yes (0.00s cpu)