Unable to use Warden in Sinatra App: env['warden'] returns nil - ruby

I'm writing a Sinatra Rack App and I want to use Warden for authentication. I'm using heroku's toolbelt so I use foreman to run my app. I've found some code that's presumably supposed to get this working. Unfortunately, when I attempt to actually access the Warden env object, it is nil.
I've attempted to use the sinatra_warden gem, but it also has its own bugs (might be related to this one).
require './web.rb'
use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/css", "/img", "/js"], :root => "public"
run MyApp
require 'sinatra'
require 'warden'
require 'data_mapper'
require './config/datamapper.rb'
require './config/warden.rb' # I've tried this inside of MyApp, still didn't work
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
get '/test' do
env['warden'].authenticate! # env['warden'] is nil :(
use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => ENV['SESSION_SECRET']
use Warden::Manager do |manager|
manager.default_strategies :password
manager.failure_app = MyApp.new
Warden::Manager.serialize_into_session { |user| user.id }
Warden::Manager.serialize_from_session { |id| User.get(id) }
Warden::Manager.before_failure do |env,opts|
# Sinatra is very sensitive to the request method
# since authentication could fail on any type of method, we need
# to set it for the failure app so it is routed to the correct block
Warden::Strategies.add(:password) do
def valid?
params["email"] || params["password"]
def authenticate!
u = User.authenticate(params["email"], params["password"])
u.nil? ? fail!("Could not log in") : success!(u)
Sinatra: 1.1.0
Warden: 1.2.1
Rack: 1.4.1
Ruby: 1.9.3p194
Foreman: 0.60.0
Any ideas how to use Warden the set up I've described?
(P.S. Out of curiosity, what exactly is the env variable?)

Rack internally uses the class Rack::Builder to parse your config.ru file and wrap directives to build up the middleware components.
I believe your builder calls to use in config/warden.rb are getting ignored. It may work to remove the directives from that file and add them to the middleware stack in config.ru:
require './web.rb'
use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => ENV['SESSION_SECRET']
use Warden::Manager do |manager|
manager.default_strategies :password
manager.failure_app = MyApp.new
use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/css", "/img", "/js"], :root => "public"
run MyApp

Put a link to your config/warden in your config.ru
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/warden'
Read the warden readme. Or look right in the lib/warden.rb
I put
in place of the env call at the /test path and get a nice blank page at
Some bloggers have stated that there isn't a lot of documentation for warden but I disagree. There is a whole wiki. see https://github.com/hassox/warden/wiki
Take it slow and find out how to use middleware in Rack. Here's a very good article https://blog.engineyard.com/2015/understanding-rack-apps-and-middleware
I think maybe you might want to start out with tests as I found a good example and you could use it with your app.
ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'test'
require 'test/unit'
require 'rack/test'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/web'
class AuthenticationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app
WardenTest #MyApp
def test_without_authentication
get '/protected'
assert_equal 401, last_response.status
def test_with_bad_credentials
authorize 'bad', 'boy'
get '/protected'
assert_equal 401, last_response.status
def test_with_proper_credentials
authorize 'admin', 'admin'
get '/protected'
assert_equal 200, last_response.status
assert_equal "You're welcome, authenticated client", last_response.body
Then a few routes added to your app.
helpers do
def protected!
return if authorized?
headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="Restricted Area"'
halt 401, "Not authorized\n"
def authorized?
#auth ||= Rack::Auth::Basic::Request.new(request.env)
#auth.provided? and #auth.basic? and #auth.credentials and
#auth.credentials == ['admin', 'admin']
get '/' do
"Everybody can see this page"
get '/protected' do
"You're welcome, authenticated client"
In my experience working with Ruby, it's always a good idea to start out with tests for any new project. I often test little pieces first though just to gain an understanding of how they work.
Once you get a better understanding of Rack, especially Rack::Builder, you can use
map '/test' do
...all the middleware needed
run App
and try out different configurations to see which ones work best for your needs as I'm doing while I write this.
Enjoy! ;-)


Configuring rack-test to start the server indirectly

Here is my rack application:
class MainAppLogic
def initialize
Rack::Server.start(:app =>Server, :server => "WEBrick", :Port => "8080")
class Server
def self.call(env)
return [200, {},["Hello, World"]]
When actually run, it behaves as it should and returns "Hello World" to all requests. I'm having trouble convincing rack-test to work with it. Here are my tests:
require "rspec"
require "rack/test"
require "app"
# Rspec config source: https://github.com/shiroyasha/sinatra_rspec
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Rack::Test::Methods
describe MainAppLogic do
# App method source: https://github.com/shiroyasha/sinatra_rspec
def app
it "starts a server when initialized" do
get "/", {}, "SERVER_PORT" => "8080"
last_response.body.should be != nil
When I test this, it fails complaining that MainAppLogic is not a rack server, specifically, that it doesn't respond to MainAppLogic.call. How can I let it know to ignore that MainAppLogic isn't a rack server and just place a request to localhost:8080, because there server has started?
First thing: why the custom class to run the app? You can use the rackup tool, which is the de-facto standard for running Rack apps. Some more details on it here.
Your app code then becomes:
class App
def call(env)
return [200, {}, ['Hello, World!']]
and with the config.ru
require_relative 'app'
run App.new
you can start the app by running rackup in your project's directory.
As for the error, the message is pretty clear. rack-test expects, that the return value of app method would be an instance of a rack app (an object that responds to call method). Take a look what happens in rack-test internals (it's pretty easy to follow, as a tip—focus on these in given order: lib/rack/test/methods.rb#L30 lib/rack/mock_session.rb#L7 lib/rack/test.rb#L244 lib/rack/mock_session.rb#L30. Notice how the Rack::MockSession is instantiated, how it is used when processing requests (e.g. when you call get method in your tests) and finally how the call method on your app is executed.
I hope that now it's clear why the test should look more like this (yes, you don't need to have a server running when executing your tests):
describe App do
def app
it "does a triple backflip" do
get "/"
expect(last_response.body).to eq("Hello, World")
Sorry for the form of links to rack-test, can't add more than 2 with my current points :P
Your app should be the class name, for example instead of:
def app
You have to use
def app
You shouldn't need to indicate the port for doing the get, because the rack app runs in the context of the tests; so this should be right way:
it "starts a server when initialized" do
get "/"
last_response.body.should be != nil
Also, as a recommendation prefer to use the new expect format instead of the should, see http://rspec.info/blog/2012/06/rspecs-new-expectation-syntax/
And your MainAppLogic, should be something like:
class MainAppLogic < Sinatra::Base
get '/' do
'Hello world'

How to test if some specific rack middleware is being used?

To be more particular, I'm talking about sentry-raven and sinatra here. I saw examples testing sinatra applications, or middlewares. But I didn't see ones testing if some particular middleware is present. Or should I be testing behavior, not configuration (or how should I call it)?
The important thing (I'd say) is the behaviour, but if you wish to check for middleware there are 2 ways I'd suggest after taking a delve into the Sinatra source (there are possibly much easier/better ways):
The env
In the Sinatra source there's a method that uses the env to check if a middleware is already present:
# Behaves exactly like Rack::CommonLogger with the notable exception that it does nothing,
# if another CommonLogger is already in the middleware chain.
class CommonLogger < Rack::CommonLogger
def call(env)
env['sinatra.commonlogger'] ? #app.call(env) : super
You could do the same thing in a route, e.g.
get "/env-keys" do
It'll only show you the middleware if it's inserted something in env hash, e.g.
class MyBad
def initialize app, options={}
#app = app
#options = options
def call env
#app.call env.merge("mybad" => "I'm sorry!")
["SERVER_SOFTWARE", "SERVER_NAME", "rack.input", "rack.version", "rack.errors", "rack.multithread", "rack.multiprocess", "rack.run_once", "REQUEST_METHOD", "REQUEST_PATH", "PATH_INFO", "REQUEST_URI", "HTTP_VERSION", "HTTP_HOST", "HTTP_CONNECTION", "HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL", "HTTP_ACCEPT", "HTTP_USER_AGENT", "HTTP_DNT", "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", "GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "SERVER_PORT", "QUERY_STRING", "SERVER_PROTOCOL", "rack.url_scheme", "SCRIPT_NAME", "REMOTE_ADDR", "async.callback", "async.close", "rack.logger", "mybad", "rack.request.query_string", "rack.request.query_hash", "sinatra.route"]
It's near the end of that list.
The middleware method
There's also a method called middleware in Sinatra::Base:
# Middleware used in this class and all superclasses.
def middleware
if superclass.respond_to?(:middleware)
superclass.middleware + #middleware
Call it in the class definition of a modular app and you can get the middlewares in an array:
require 'sinatra/base'
class AnExample < Sinatra::Base
use MyBad
warn "self.middleware = #{self.middleware}"
self.middleware = [[MyBad, [], nil]]
There may be a way to get it from Sinatra::Application, but I haven't looked.
With help from ruby-raven guys, we've got this:
ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'test'
# the app: start
require 'sinatra'
require 'sentry-raven'
Raven.configure(true) do |config|
config.dsn = '...'
use Raven::Rack
get '/' do
'Hello, world!'
# the app: end
require 'rspec'
require 'rack/test'
Raven.configure do |config|
logger = ::Logger.new(STDOUT)
logger.level = ::Logger::WARN
config.logger = logger
describe 'app' do
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app
#app || Sinatra::Application
class TestRavenError < StandardError; end
it 'sends errors to sentry' do
#app = Class.new Sinatra::Application do
get '/' do
raise TestRavenError
allow(Raven.client).to receive(:send).and_return(true)
get '/'
rescue TestRavenError
expect(Raven.client).to have_received(:send)
Or if raven sending requests is in the way (when tests fail because of raven sending requests, and not because of the underlying error), one can disable them:
Raven.configure(true) do |config|
config.should_send = Proc.new { false }
And mock Raven.send_or_skip instead:
allow(Raven).to receive(:send_or_skip).and_return(true)
get '/'
rescue TestRavenError
expect(Raven).to have_received(:send_or_skip)

Set Up for RSpec in a Sinatra modular app

This is my first attempt with Sinatra. I built a simple classic app, set up RSpec for it, and got it working. Then, I tried to go modular, in a MVC fashion. Even though the app works in the browser, RSpec throws a NoMethodError. I've read Sinatra docs regarding RSpec, also searched a lot here in SO, but I can't find where the bug is. Any clue?
Thank you very much in advance.
Here are my relevant files:
require 'sinatra/base'
Dir.glob('./{app/controllers}/*.rb') { |file| require file }
map('/') { run ApplicationController }
require 'sinatra/base'
class ZerifApp < Sinatra::Base
# Only start the server if this file has been
# executed directly
run! if __FILE__ == $0
class ApplicationController < Sinatra::Base
set :views, File.expand_path('../../views', __FILE__)
set :public_dir, File.expand_path('../../../public', __FILE__)
get '/' do
erb :index
require 'rack/test'
# Also tried this
# Rack::Builder.parse_file(File.expand_path('../../config.ru', __FILE__))
require File.expand_path '../../app.rb', __FILE__
ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'test'
module RSpecMixin
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app() described_class end
RSpec.configure { |c| c.include RSpecMixin }
require File.expand_path '../spec_helper.rb', __FILE__
describe "My Sinatra Application" do
it "should allow accessing the home page" do
get '/'
expect(last_response).to be_ok
The error
My Sinatra Application should allow accessing the home page
Failure/Error: get '/'
undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/app_spec.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
I'm guessing you're following this recipe, correct?
The described_class in this line:
def app() described_class end
is meant to be the class under test, in this case ZerifApp. Try it like so:
def app() ZerifApp end
It turns out the above answer is not correct about what described_class does. I assumed it was a placeholder -- actually it is an RSpec method that returns the class of the implicit subject, that is to say, the thing being tested.
The recipe at the link is misleading because of the way it recommends writing the describe block:
describe "My Sinatra Application" do
This is valid RSpec, but it does not define the subject class. Executing described_class in an example for this block will return nil. To make it work, replace the describe block:
describe ZerifApp do
Now described_class will return the expected value (ZerifApp)
It has some source code to get some ideas from.
This has code example too. https://github.com/laser/sinatra-best-practices

Acceptance testing of sinatra app using webrat fails

I am trying to test a ruby authentication app using minitest and webrat but get errors.
Tests like visit '/' fail with an error Status 200 expected but was 404.
Tests containing code like fill_in :email, :with => "first#company.com" fail with error Could not find field: :email.
I read several sinatra, testing and webrat documents and forums. Some of them were old and suggested stuff like Sinatra::Default, but github.com/brynary/webrat/wiki/sinatra, Building a Sinatra App Driven By Webrat Tests and Learning From the Masters: Sinatra Internals are new, yet they still fail.
Basically, I didn't like sentence-like syntax of rspec, cucumber etc but do want to do behaviour driven development. I really like the minitest syntax, both tests and output and that is why I choose webrat for BDD. If I'm wrong about expecting webrat to fulfill acceptance testing requirements, please simply tell me that I should use this framework or that one.
Apart from that, the first parts of the main file and test file are below. I hope someone can explain me, what I am missing?
require "test/unit"
require "minitest/autorun"
require "rack/test"
require 'webrat'
require_relative "../lib/kimsin.rb"
Webrat.configure do |config|
config.mode = :rack
ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "test"
class KimsinTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Rack::Test::Methods
include Webrat::Methods
include Webrat::Matchers
def app
def test_create_user
visit "/user/new"
fill_in :username, :with => "first#company.com"
fill_in :password, :with => "abC123?*"
fill_in :confirm_password, :with => "abC123?*"
click_link "Register"
assert 201, last_response.status, "Status 201 expected but was #{last_response.status}.\n#{error}"
assert_contain /Logged in as first#company.com./, "No user created"
assert_contain /Logout/, "Logout link not present"
require "sinatra"
require "erb"
require_relative "../lib/kimsin/version"
require_relative "../lib/kimsin/user"
class Kimsin < Sinatra::Application
use Rack::Session::Pool, :expire_after => 2592000
set :session_secret, BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt
configure :development do
get "/" do
if session[:user_id]
user = User.get session[:user_id]
email = user.email
erb :index, :locals => { :email => email }
email = nil
erb :index, :locals => { :email => email }
Using Sinatra with Webrat should work fine. I think that the errors that you are seeing are caused by the following method (around line 18 in your test file):
def app
This is setting up the Sinatra::Application base class to run your tests against when you really need to set up your own subclass Kimsin (because you are creating a modular style Sinatra app), i.e.
def app
The 404 errors and missing fields are happening because Sinatra::Application doesn't define any of the routes you are testing.
You might also like to take a look at Capybara if you are looking for similar alternatives to Webrat.

Can't understand the ruby code

I can't understand what the below ruby code does. Can anyone give me some explanation. Thanks!
map '/healthz' do
run Healthz.new(logger)
The Healthz is:
class Healthz
def initialize(logger)
#logger = logger
def call(env)
#logger.debug "healthz access"
healthz = Component.updated_healthz
[200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Content-Length' => healthz.length.to_s }, healthz]
rescue => e
#logger.error "healthz error #{e.inspect} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"
raise e
And the lib used are:
require "eventmachine"
require 'thin'
require "yajl"
require "nats/client"
require "base64"
require 'set'
Since you're using eventmachine and thin, I'd guess that code is some kind of routing code for a simple web application.
That is, it maps the /healtz route of the application to the Healtz class, so that if you start up the app, and point your browser to localhost:<whatever_port_thin_uses>/healtz, it would start up a Healtz.new instance for you.
Since I don't know what Healtz actually does, I've no idea what will actually happen, but my guess is that it's some kind of rack application.
And, as I already stated, this is just my guess, from seeing the list of libs you're using.
