Susy: Error using nth-omega mixin - sass

I thought this would work:
.col4 {#include span-columns(3,12); #include nth-omega();}
But I get this error message (in CodeKit):
error screen.scss (Line 195 of _support.scss: Mixin with-only-support-for takes 6 arguments but 8 were passed.)
Without '#include nth-omega();' I don't get an error message. '#include nth-omega(4);' did not work either.

Susy < 1.0.4 had an error regarding nth-omega which might be what you're seeing. Which version of Compass and Susy are you using? Try updating both with > sudo gem update.


Jekyll can't compile .sass files

Jekyll simply won't compile any of my .sass files when I run it with
bundle exec jekyll build,
but jekyll serve -l works just fine. It's really irritating, because my sass works in a development environment, but breaks if I upload it to Github pages.
The error:
Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Scss encountered an error while converting 'assets/css/styles.scss':
Invalid CSS after " 50px": expected "}", was ";" on line 3
jekyll 3.9.0 | Error: Invalid CSS after " 50px": expected "}", was ";" on line 3
#import "base";
--navheight: 50px;
--backgroundcolor: #1b111d
--textcolor: #F4F3EF
--navlink: #2478ed
I'm pretty sure base.sass on line 3 is where it's breaking, not styles.scss. Not sure why the error displays itself that way.
Ok, so turns out I just had to remove all the semicolons. That was pretty easy, I guess.

Why is the following sass code giving me an error?

background-color: cyan
Build error: Transform Sass on dart_gol|lib/forms_menu.sass threw
error: Invalid CSS after "...und-color: #333": expected "{", was ""
on line 6 of standard input
I have Sass installed:
sass --version
"Sass 3.4.22 (Selective Steve)"
I just began using the Sass transformer using pub. I got that error; then went back to --watch . (using Sass via terminal) to see if it happened there. The error was the same both times.
I'm using a .sass extension and it is giving me the problem. I'm using the Sass Basics as a guide.
I did not have a problem when using .scss, with the bracket formatting. I'm not sure why .sass has a problem.
The problem appears to be in the dart_sass_transformer. It isn't properly compiling the sass into css.
Turning off the transformer (removing it from the pubspec) and running sass via Terminal is working properly.
The code in question is just fine.
It tells you it was expecting {
What you need is:
div {
background-color: cyan

Bourbon Neat is giving me error after sass watch

Hi guys i am new to Bourbon Neat.
ive installed bourbon and neat in a folder.
Now after i do this
sass --watch scss
When it compiles the css generated has following errors.
Syntax error: Invalid CSS after "... $grid-columns ": expected "}", was "!global !default;"
on line 48 of C:/neatFinale/scss/../neat/functions/_private.scss
from line 2 of C:/neatFinale/scss/../neat/_neat-helpers.scss
from line 6 of C:/neatFinale/scss/../neat/_neat.scss
from line 2 of C:/neatFinale/scss/main.scss
Please tell me if i am doing something wrong.
Ps: When doing Neat--ver it says DL is deprecated.

Correct way to install singularity with bower?

I'm running in some troubles installing singularity in my yeoman gulp-webapp project. First, I installed singularity with bower.
After that I had a projekt structure like this:
My Projekt
Then I imported singularity into my main.scss file like this:
#import "../bower_components/singularity/stylesheets/singularitygs";
In _singularity.scss I corrected the import path for breakpoint to:
#import "../../compass-breakpoint/stylesheets/breakpoint";
If I run gulpnow in the terminal I get this strange error:
[gulp] Error in plugin 'gulp-ruby-sass':
Syntax error: Invalid CSS after "...ntext holder') ": expected "}", was "!global;"
on line 47 of /Users/Shared/Dropbox/Server/htdocs/Frameworks/my-project/app/bower_components/compass-breakpoint/stylesheets/_breakpoint.scss
from line 4 of /Users/Shared/Dropbox/Server/htdocs/Frameworks/my-project/app/bower_components/singularity/stylesheets/_singularitygs.scss
from line 1 of /Users/Shared/Dropbox/Server/htdocs/Frameworks/my-project/app/styles/main.scss
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/Users/Shared/Dropbox/Server/htdocs/Frameworks/my-project/node_modules/gulp-ruby-sass/index.js:80:25)
at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:743:16)
at Socket.<anonymous> (child_process.js:956:11)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Pipe.close (net.js:466:12)
Did anyone have an idea how to get this setup running?
Thanks, Oli
While you can install Singularity through Bower, you need to make sure you're running a compiler that's compatible with Sass 3.3. The best way to ensure you are in fact using the correct version of Sass is to version your Ruby with Bundler. Your Gemfile should look something like the following:
source ''
gem "sass", "~>3.3.0.rc.3"
Then make sure that Gulp Ruby Sass is running through bundleExec

Compass: Mixins may only be defined at the root of a document

I am not a ruby developer and I have been using Compass for a good 6 months. I have discovered this problem shown below.
I have read this question and used the top rated answer:
getting error after ugrading to sass-3.1.8
Version of Sass: Sass 3.1.1 (Brainy Betty) (as per suggestion)
Compass version: Compass 0.12.1 (Alnilam) (latest)
I run this command: compass compile --force when inside project.
error sass/screen.scss (Line 3 of _utilities.scss: Mixins may only be defined at the root of a document.)
This looks like automatically included file. I definitely can't find it anywhere. My main screen.scss file looks like this:
#import "partials/base";
#import "blueprint/reset";
#import "compass/css3";
#import "sprite/*.png";
$sprite-spacing: 15px;
#include all-sprite-sprites;
....//blah blah blah rest of rules ....
