Retrieving values from jsp without using pojo variables - spring

We can get the values of a submitted form in a jsp page in controller using request.getParamenter(xxxx),by using commandName or by using hidden fields.
is there any other way to get values from a form of jsp in a controller?

Spring provides several ways of databinding parameters in your request to actual objects in Java. Most of the databinding is specified using annotated methods or by annotating paramters within methods.
Lets consider the following form:
<input name="firstName"/>
<input name="lastName"/>
<input name="age"/>
In a Spring controller the request parameters can be retreived in several ways.
#RequestParam Documentation
public String processForm(#RequestParam("firstName") String firstName,
#RequestParam("lastName") String lastName,
#RequestParam("age") String int,) {
If our request parameters are modeled in a class we can use another technique, #ModelAttribute.
public class Person(){
String firstName;
String lastName;
int age;
//Constructors and Accessors implied.
#ModelAttribute Documentation
public String processSubmit(#ModelAttribute Person person) {
//person parameter will be bound to request parameters using field/param name matching.
These are two of the most commonly used methods Spring uses to provide databinding. Read up on others in the Spring MVC Documentation.

public String myMethod(#RequestParam("myParamOne") String myParamOne) {
//do stuff

You can directly map fields to controller method by annotation #RequestParam or you can directly bind object using #ModelAttribute.
public ModelAndView method(#RequestParam(required = true, value = "id") Long id) {
public ModelAndView method(#ModelAttribute("pojo") POJO pojo, BindingResult results) {


Java Spring REST, value from object (POST)

I have a quick question. I`m sending two params in a json object (user) from angular to my spring app using POST. When I display this object it is:
{, password=gfdgdfgf}
In Java my code is:
#RequestMapping(value="/userLogin", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public boolean userLogin(#RequestBody Object user, ModelMap model) {
But when I try to display the field from this object like:
user.password, it doesn`t work.
Many thanks for help!
You are mapping your data to an Object, which lacks the needed fields(email and password). You should create an entity class and use it instead. Jackson should be able to map your passed parameters.
public class User{
public String email;
public String password;
/* ... */

Spring: #ModelAttribute VS #RequestBody

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Both can be used for Data Binding.
The question is when to use #ModelAttribute?
#RequestMapping(value="/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/edit", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String processSubmit(#ModelAttribute Pet pet) { }
In addition, when to use #RequestBody?
#RequestMapping(value = "/user/savecontact", method = RequestMethod.POST
public String saveContact(#RequestBody Contact contact){ }
According to my understanding both serves the similar purpose.
The simplest way for my understanding is, the #ModelAttribute will take a query string. so, all the data are being pass to the server through the url.
As for #RequestBody, all the data will be pass to the server through a full JSON body.
#ModelAttribute is used for binding data from request param (in key value pairs),
but #RequestBody is used for binding data from whole body of the request like POST,PUT.. request types which contains other format like json, xml.
If you want to do file upload, you have to use #ModelAttribute. With #RequestBody, it's not possible. Sample code
public class ProductController {
public static final String BASE_URL = "/api/v1/products";
private ProductService productService;
public ProductController(ProductService productService) {
this.productService = productService;
public ProductDTO createProduct(#Valid #ModelAttribute ProductInput productInput) {
return productService.createProduct(productInput);
ProductInput class
public class ProductInput {
#NotEmpty(message = "Please provide a name")
#Size(min = 2, max = 250, message = "Product name should be minimum 2 character and maximum 250 character")
private String name;
#NotEmpty(message = "Please provide a product description")
#Size(min = 2, max = 5000, message = "Product description should be minimum 2 character and maximum 5000 character")
private String details;
#Min(value = 0, message = "Price should not be negative")
private float price;
#Size(min = 1, max = 10, message = "Product should have minimum 1 image and maximum 10 images")
private Set<MultipartFile> images;
I find that #RequestBody (also annotating a class as #RestController) is better for AJAX requests where you have complete control over the contents of the request being issued and the contents are sent as either XML or JSON (because of Jackson). This allows the contents to easily create a model object. Conversely, #ModelAttribute seems to be better suited to forms where there is a "command" object backing a form (which may not necessarily be a model object).
You can directly access your "pet" object in view layer, if you use ModelAttribute annotation. Also, you can instantiate this object in a method on your controller to put your model. see this.
ModelAttribute gives you a chance to use this object partial, but with RequestBody, you get all body of request.
I think #ModelAttribute and #RequestBody both are having same use, only difference
is #ModelAttribute use for normal spring MVC and #RequestBody use for REST web service. It is #PathVariable and #PathParam. But in in both the cases we can mix it. we can use #PathVariable in REST and vice versa.
With #ModelAttribute, you pass data in URL params and with #RequestBody you pass it as JSON body. If you're making a REST API then it's better to use #RequestBody. Over most youtube tutorials you might find use of #ModelAttribute - That's simply because they might be demonstrating concepts regarding Spring MVC and are using URL's to pass data.
We need to have the following jsp tag to data bind your entity to the jsp form fields:
The form is from the spring tag library:
The following is the not the full html, but I hope you can relate your self:
<%#taglib uri="" prefix="form"%>
<form:form action="save" method="post" modelAttribute="patient">
<form:input path="patient.patient_name" /> <br />
<form:input path="patient.phone_number" /> <br />
<td colspan="2"><button type="submit">Submit</button></td>
The form has to be processed twice , once before rendering the form, during which we need to give the appropriate bean instantiation for the property value modelAttribute="patient".
For this the controller class(at the class defintion level) you need to have #RequestMapping annotation.
You need to have the handler method parameters as follows
public String handleLoginCreate(#ModelAttribute("login") Login login, Model model)
System.out.println(" Inside handleLoginCreate ");
return "logincreate";
Spring will scan all handler methods #ModelAttribute and instantiate it with default constructor of Login class, and call all of its getters and setters (for the jsp binding from form to the "login"). In case of missing any of the following the jsp will not be shown, various exceptions are thrown
default constructor
class level #RequestMapping
method parameter level #ModelAttribute
Also, the handler method of action in the jsp, the in the above form action="save", also the handler method might look like this:
public String saveLoginDetails(#ModelAttribute("login") Login login, Model model) {
//write codee to insert record into DB
System.out.println(" Inside save login details ");
System.out.println("The login object is " + login.toString());
System.out.println("The model object contains the login attribute"+ model.getAttribute("login"));
return "welcome";
Important learning is:
Before form is launched, spring should have appropriate annotation to indicate the backing bean of the form, in the above example the "backing bean" or "binding object" is Login login with appropriate handler method's parameter annotation #ModelAttribute("login") Login login

How to view data in Jsp when added in a model using spring mvc

I have the following flows for an application when a submit button is clicked:
1)The viewActivity method is called from
#ActionMapping(params = "ActivityController=showActivity")
public void viewActivity(#RequestParam Integer index, ActionResponse response, Model model, #ModelAttribute Header header,
model.addAttribute("recoveryForm", new RecoveryForm(detailsResult.getDetails()));
response.setRenderParameter("ServiceController", "showService");
2) Then showRecovery method is called from serviceConroller as show below:
#RenderMapping(params = "ServiceController=showService")
public String showRecovery(#ModelAttribute recoveryForm form, #ModelAttribute header header) {
return service;
Then my service.jsp is displayed
Basically i have to display the value of a variable which is detailName found in DetailsResult.getDetails() object which i have added to my model as
it can be seen in viewActivity method found in showed ealier.
I know when we add model.addAttribute it should be able to be displayed on this jsp using the following tag :
<form:input path="..." />
But in this case it is added to as a constructor argument as shown below:
model.addAttribute("recoveryForm", new RecoveryForm(detailsResult.getDetails()));
I have the following variable on my RecoveryForm:
public class RecoveryForm implements Serializable {
private CDetails Cdlaim;
private Action addAction;
private String addRemark;
private String remarks;
public RecoveryForm(CDetails Cdlaim) {
However i don't have the detailsResult in my RecoveryForm.
Any idea how i can get a value which is in DetailsResult.getDetails() in my service.jsp?
I believe you are looking at this the wrong way. The value of DetailsResult.getDetails() is obviously stored in RecoveryForm as a property somehow. So, I'm going to assume your RecoveryForm looks something like:
public class RecoveryForm {
private String details;
public RecoveryForm(String details) {
this.details = details;
public String getDetails() {
return details;
When you bind to a form in your jsp, you need to nest your <form:input ...> tag in a <form:form ...> tag:
<form:form commandName="recoveryForm" ...>
<form:input path="details" ... />
The commandName is key to telling the form the model object from which you will be pulling form values. In this case you are getting the details property from the RecoveryForm instance named recoveryForm. Make sense?

Spring MVC binding extra objects

I'm getting some weird binding issue with Spring MVC 3.
My Controller request mapping looks like this:
public String save(HttpServletRequest req,
#ModelAttribute("userEditForm") UserEditForm form,
BindingResult formBindingResult,
ModelMap model,
#ModelAttribute("session") AdminSession session) {
// some validation etc
The UserEditForm:
public class UserEditForm {
private User user;
public User getUser() { ... }
public void setUser(User user) { ... }
The AdminSession:
public class AdminSession {
private User user;
public User getUser() { ... }
public void setUser() { ...}
What's happening is that when I submit my form, Spring is binding the User as I expect in my UserEditForm object, however, the AdminSession is also having it's User bound by Spring, in so far as it's property values are also updated.
I'm going to assume it's due to having a user property in both #ModelAttribute objects.
I thought that having the BindingResult after the UserEditForm form in the method signature would stop this? The objects are separate instances, and my form elements reference the UserEditForm object:
<#spring.bind "" />
<input name="${spring.status.expression}" />
I've noticed that in the generated HTML it's outputting:
<input name="" />
Hardcoding the name as gives me errors, so that's not the way forward.
Is there anyway to stop this from happening?
That's the default behavior when you annotate a handler method parameter with the #ModelAttribute. Spring takes the request properties and matches them to properties of the objects annotated with #ModelAttribute. That's what Spring looks at when deciding what to do: your annotations.
Since both UserEditForm and AdminSession are annotated with #ModelAttribute and both have a User property, a request property named will get bound to both User properties.
You tried to include the command name in the input name and got an error. That's because when binding occurs it occurs on your command object and Spring looks for properties on it (the bindinf path is relative to the command object) and off course the expression does not find any property with that name. If you want to use a full name you could wrap the form in another object and use that for your command instead, something like this:
public class UserEditFormWrapper {
private UserEditForm form;
public UserEditForm getForm() {
return form;
public void setForm(UserEditForm form) {
this.form = form;
Now you can use an expression like this in your inputs: and when you submit to your handler method that now looks like this:
public String save(HttpServletRequest req,
#ModelAttribute("userEditForm") UserEditFormWrapper formWrapper,
BindingResult formBindingResult,
ModelMap model,
#ModelAttribute("session") AdminSession session) {
UserEditForm form = formWrapper.getForm();
// some validation etc
the binding won't be triggered since AdminSession does not have a form property.
That's one way to solve this but it's kind of a hack. You don't want to have the request parameters bound to AdminSession but that's part of your model so you must have created it somewhere and placed it on the model, right? If so, then remove it from the method's parameters and just get it from the model, something like:
#RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = { RequestMethod.POST })
public String handlePost(HttpServletRequest req,
#ModelAttribute("userEditForm") UserEditForm form,
BindingResult formBindingResult, ModelMap model) {
AdminSession session = (AdminSession) model.get("session");
// some validation etc

I am confused about how to use #SessionAttributes

I am trying to understand architecture of Spring MVC. However, I am completely confused by behavior of #SessionAttributes.
Please look at SampleController below , it is handling post method by SuperForm class. In fact, just field of SuperForm class is only binding as I expected.
However, After I put #SessionAttributes in Controller, handling method is binding as SubAForm. Can anybody explain me what happened in this binding.
#RequestMapping(value = "/sample")
public class SampleController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getCreateForm(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("form", new SubAForm());
return "sample/input";
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String register(#ModelAttribute("form") SuperForm form, Model model) {
return "sample/input";
public class SuperForm {
private Long superId;
public Long getSuperId() {
return superId;
public void setSuperId(Long superId) {
this.superId = superId;
public class SubAForm extends SuperForm {
private Long subAId;
public Long getSubAId() {
return subAId;
public void setSubAId(Long subAId) {
this.subAId = subAId;
<form:form modelAttribute="form" method="post">
<legend>SUPER FIELD</legend>
SUPER ID:<form:input path="superId" />
<legend>SUB A FIELD</legend>
SUB A ID:<form:input path="subAId" />
<input type="submit" value="register" />
When processing POST request, Spring does the following:
Without #SessionAttributes: Spring instantiates a new instance of SuperForm (type is inferred from the signature of register()), populates its properties by values from the form fields and passes it to the register() method.
With #SessionAttributes: Spring obtains an instance of model attribute from the session (where it was placed when processing GET due to presence of #SessionAttributes), updates its properties by values from the from fields and passes it to the register() method.
That is, with #SessionAttributes , register() gets the same instance of the model attribute object that was placed into the Model by getCreateForm().
Adding on to what #axtavt said: Suppose, in getCreateForm you are putting some values for a drop-down (list or map), or you are putting some values in form that you want in register method but you don't want them to show in form (not even in hidden fields). Now suppose that an error occurred in register method and you need to show the form again. To populate drop down values and other values that you would need in next post, you would have to repopulate them in form. The #SessionAttribute helps here as #axtavt very well described above.
public class Controller{
Customer customer;
public Controller() {
customer = new Customer();
public Customer getCustomer() {
return customer;
public ModelAndView showMainPage (#ModelAttribute("test") Customer customer, ModelMap model, method = RequestMethod.GET) {
//in the view you set the name
return new ModelAndView("index");
#RequestMapping(value = "customer/{customerID}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView viewAdvice(#PathVariable("customerID") int customerID, #ModelAttribute("test") Customer customer, ModelMap model) {
model.addAttribute("test", customer);
return new ModelAndView("customer");
According to Spring reference documentation #ModelAttribute annotated method argument is resolved as follows:
Retrieve from model object if it is present (normally added via #ModelAttribute annotated methods)
Retrieve from HTTP session by using #SessionAttributes.
Create using URI path variable that matches the #ModelAttribute name through a converter
Create using default constructor and add it to Model.
A handler class can be annotated with #SessionAttributes with a list of names as its arguments. This is to instruct Spring to persist (in session) those data items present in the model data which match the names specified in #SessionAttributes annotation.
Thus in the SampleController, the post method's #ModelAttribute argument is resolved with #SessionAttributes field due to the resolution method mentioned above.
