I can't find a file in our source control of the TFS because it's simply a big mess. So I want to know if there is a way to search for files by their name?
I've heard of the Power Tool for TFS which enables search functionality but the problem is that it has to be installed and our sysadmin is currently not available. So does maybe a simple plugin exist?
If you are using Visual Studio 2010
Right click on your collection or team project
Select 'Find in source control'
Then select 'status' or 'wildcard'
You can search for your files there
The following will list all the items in your repository without checking them out
tf Dir command
tf dir /recursive $/
you can pass in the item you are searching for also e.g.
tf dir /recursive $/*.cs
gets all the .cs files in all team projects
Note: depending on how big your source is, this could take sometime.
If you have created a workspace on your local, then you can search a file in your local to get the path.
If you're using Azure DevOps you can open the Azure Repos section in Azure DevOps for your project. There is a search input on this screen that allows you to search your code. You can find out more in Microsoft's documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/project/search/code-search?view=azure-devops
Combining WebPlanet's answer and this https://devatheart.com/2010/10/24/searching-for-a-file-in-team-foundation-server/
I got the following to work when searching for a .rdl file on my TFS server.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\TF.exe" dir "$/*.rdl" /recursive /server:http://yourTFSserver
In my case tfs.exe was in the VS 2017 location.
should be the path to the TFS server's web interface (including any port and path)
In TFS, either using Visual Studio 2019 or the web interface, what should I do to locate a file by name or part of a name or extension? I have a large repository and I need to find a specific file, but it is not practicable to open each subfolder to try to find it visually.
Since you are using TFS2013 and VS 2019 to find file without checking out the code locally.
Option1: Choose to install VS 2015 with TFS Power Tools and then use
Find > Find by Wildcard feature
Option2: Upgrade your TFS server to version 2017 and above. There is
a search sever/feature. Through the Code Search to search across all of your projects, find specific types of code, and easily drill down or widen your search
Workaround(not work with OP): use a wildcard directory path with TF DIR as follows:
tf dir /folders $/<PROJECT_NAME>/*Prod /recursive /collection: http://<HOST_NAME>/tfs/<COLLECTION_NAME>
Note: The command does not support wildcarding the PROJECT_NAME in the command above, if you try wildcarding the PROJECT_NAME the command will return the following response:
Sample and result for reference:
Without creds cached on your local machine. If you need to specify creds by adding the following argument: /login:<DOMAIN\USERNAME>,<PASSWORD>
Besides, if you already pull/map the repository in local machine with all files. You could also use a local tool or system build-in search feature to search the files.
If you have Visual Studio 2015 or below, you will need to install TFS Power Tools for the corresponding VS version, and then you can open Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio, right-click on a root folder and select Find > Find by Wildcard from the context menu: . You can then enter full or partial file name, and as long as it's under TFS source control, it will find it.
I am attempting to create an extension that will periodically check to see if the user has the latest version of all files in a specific project or branch. This specific project/branch is going to be determined by what item is checked out for editing. The reason for creating this extension is to create reminders every time a file becomes unsynced. This will prevent merging into items that are out of date.
I am also working with Gated Check-ins, so it would be advantageous if I could check for latest version after a gated build succeeds.
I am having trouble finding the APIs for TFS integration when making an extension for visual studio. I am also having trouble finding an API to use to make a direct TFS extension. I am assuming this is because everything that has to do with TFS commands should be done using TFS command line commands.
I am running TFS and VS 2015.
Thanks in advance for the help!
You can use NuGet packages of TFS API:
All the DLL's also stored in the following location, you can take them and use in your project:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer
A good tutorial on how to use the API you can find here.
My Visual Studio 2013 solution has a project "Test". I can rename it in solution explorer, but I also want to rename the project folder in disk and also reflect the change in Source Control(TFS). How can I easily do this?
Thank you
#CodeCaster, Thank you. Based on your advice, I have done some quick experiment, and worked it out. First step is rename the folder name in TFS; the new folder will appear in local workspace and all contents of the folder moved to this new folder. The old folder stays there with rest content which not belong to source control. You can delete it manually.
Using TFS Power Tools to rename from Explorer.
I followed those steps to preserve the version history of the files inside of TFS:
Rename/move project file (.csproj) in source control explorer in VS (alternatively, this also works from within VS Solution explorer, simply select "rename")
Rename/move project folder in source control explorer in VS
now the project should be unavailable in VS, solution also gets closed
remove project from VS
add project (new path) to VS
fix project references in other projects
adjust namespaces if desired
adjust assembly name and default namespace in project settings
Don't know of an easier way. Was searching for this myself, and this should be the way to go.
I think you can rename it from the TFS Database.
Try going into tbl_Project of the Tfs_DefaultCollection Database, which you can find on the SQL Server Instance used by tfs. You can know which one is that by going into the TFS Console, click on Application Tier, then find the details of the Server under the Data Tier Summary. Run an update query against the project you want to rename.. I haven't tested this but just assuming it should work (some educated guess)..
I am using TFS 2015 Express and rename project is grayed out.
You can still rename the project using the TFS Site for the project.
Here is a link that shows how to do it.
I was facing a similar issue while trying to rename a folder in Visual Studio 2015.This is what I tried.
Right click on the project file
Open with Notepad
This will generate your current solution file
Change the occurences of your prev file name. (Find and Replace with the desired name)
Save it and close
Change solution explorer name and rename the folder to your desired name.
This should work.
Hi guys when I open my solution from source control(TFS 2013) in the morning some folders in a class library project does not load but they are in the windows explorer so I had to "Include in project" the folder after showing all files in the solution explorer but there are no contents even though i "Get Lastest(Recursive)" but I checked the web(Tfs) in the code -> explorer there are files shown in the tree view. Is there a problem with tfs? or visual studio? or both? what can I do to resolve this?
Looks like you have files checked-in TFS but your project file in TFS doesn't have those files included. Also, when you get latest from TFS looks like you override the local changes.
I have three(ish) suggestions:
You have the directory with the included files mapped to a different place on your local drive. You can check this my looking at your workspace mappings (File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Workspaces). If you have more than one workspace then make sure you're using the right one.
You can force TFS to download files that it believes it has already downloaded. Instead of GetLatest, choose Get Specific version (this may be on the same menu or under Advanced - can't remember for 2010). Check Overwright writeable and all files and select Get.
Install TFS Power tools and try adding the files that way (i.e. through windows explorer)
This isn't really a suggestion, as I don't believe it will work, but if the above don't, try it. As above, select get Specific version, but instead of Latest version, select Changeset and choose changeset 1. THIS WILL DELETE ALL FILES IN YOUR WORKSPACE. The do a get latest as normal.
Using the TFS tools in VS2010, I had added a CodePlex server. I had mapped a project on there to a local path, say C:\MyProject Later, we moved the project to a dedicated TFS server, so I added a new TFS server, and deleted the CodePlex one. This in turn removed the "workspace" for it.
However, now if I try to map a project in the second TFS server to C:\MyProject, I get the error:
The path C:\MyProject is already mapped in workspace MY-MACHINE;SND\myCodeplexUserName [https://tfs.codeplex.com/tfs/tfs32]
If I go to File | Source Control | Workspaces... in VS, that CodePlex workspace is not listed (since I had deleted the TFS server reference)
Does anyone know of another way to remove the existing mappings?
Use the command line utility tf with the workspace and workspaces commands. You may also find the workfold command useful.
Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt and type:
tf help workspace
I had to do this the other day to delete all the workspaces for a collection that was moved to a different server. In my case, the command was tf workspace /delete /collection:<url>. Use tf workspaces to display all your current workspaces.