Rack: How do you store the URL as a variable? - ruby

I am writing a simple static Rack app. Check out the config.ru code below:
use Rack::Static,
:urls => ["/elements", "/img", "/pages", "/users", "/css", "/js"],
:root => "archive"
map '/' do
run Proc.new { |env|
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=6400'
File.open('archive/splash.html', File::RDONLY)
map '/pages/search.html' do
run Proc.new { |env|
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=6400'
File.open('archive/pages/search.html', File::RDONLY)
map '/pages/user.html' do
run Proc.new { |env|
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=6400'
File.open('archive/pages/user.html', File::RDONLY)
# Each map section is repeated for each HTML page served
I'd like to simplify this by storing the URL as variable and creating one map section that says
map url do
run Proc.new { |env|
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=6400'
File.open('archive' + url, File::RDONLY)
How can I correctly set this url variable?

How about:
static_page_mappings = {
'/' => 'archive/splash.html',
'/pages/search.html' => 'archive/pages/search.html'
'/pages/user.html' => 'archive/pages/user.html',
static_page_mappings.each do |req, file|
map req do
run Proc.new { |env|
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=6400',
File.open(file, File::RDONLY)

You shouldn't need the map part.
run Proc.new { |env|
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=6400'
File.open( 'archive' + env['PATH_INFO'], File::RDONLY)


Net::HTTPForbidden 403 Forbidden

Httparty post response is coming as
#<Net::HTTPForbidden 403 Forbidden readbody=true>
request = HTTParty.post('http://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send',
:body => { "to" => "xxx:xxxx", "priority" => "high", "data" => { "title" =>"test","body"=>"cccc",'massage_type'=>'text'}}.to_json, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => "key=cccccc","User-Agent"=>"" } )

Search through Nested Hash having groups using Hashie Gem

I have a nested hash of a PDF that is in this format:
[ { :page => 1,
:lines => [
{ :y => 774.0,
:text_groups => [ { :x => 18.0, :width => 421.59599999999995, :text => "XXXX" } ]
# ...
{ :page => 2,
:lines => [
{ :y => 774.0,
:text_groups => [ { :x => 18.0, :width => 421.59599999999995, :text => "XXXX" } ]
# ...
# ...
I want to get the :x and :y for given :text from all 4 pages.
I tried this:
require 'hashie'
#hash_array = Hash.new
#hash_array = coordinates.deep_locate -> (key, value, object) { key == :text && value == "XXXX" }
This is giving me:
[ { :x => 18.0, :width => 421.59599999999995, :text => "XXXX" } },
{ :x => 18.0, :width => 421.59599999999995, :text => "XXXX" },
{ :x => 18.0, :width => 421.59599999999995, :text => "XXXX" },
{ :x => 18.0, :width => 421.59599999999995, :text => "XXXX" } ]
But I need :x and :y to be displayed like this:
x = " " and y = " "
I will use these values for my further validation.
I don't know if you'll accept a solution that doesn't use Hashie, but here's how I'd do it:
data = [
{ :page => 1,
:lines => [
{ :y => 774.0,
:text_groups => [ { :x => 18.0, :width => 421.59599999999995, :text => "XXXX" } ]
# ...
{ :page => 2,
:lines => [
{ :y => 774.0,
:text_groups => [ { :x => 18.0, :width => 421.59599999999995, :text => "XXXX" } ]
# ...
# ...
coords = data.each_with_object([]) do |page, res|
page[:lines].each do |line|
line[:text_groups].each do |group|
next unless group[:text] == SEARCH_TEXT
res << { x: group[:x], y: line[:y] }
p coords
# => [ { :x => 18.0, :y => 774.0 },
# { :x => 18.0, :y => 774.0 } ]

Google Analytics API - Ruby as code base

Below I have the results from google analytics API. This is the output of the query I am running from developers.google.com.
"start-date": "2015-04-01",
"end-date": "today",
"dimensions": "ga:source",
"metrics": [
"sort": [
"name": "ga:source",
"columnType": "DIMENSION",
"dataType": "STRING"
"name": "ga:users",
"columnType": "METRIC",
"dataType": "INTEGER"
"totalsForAllResults": {
"ga:users": "2201795"
"rows": [
What I am trying to do in my code (ruby) is pull out the information from "rows". I need both the referral name "sa" and the user count "591843".
Here is how I am attempting to do this.
sa_referral = client.execute(:api_method => analytics.data.ga.get, :parameters => {
'ids' => "ga:" + saprofileID,
'dimensions' => "ga:fullreferrer",
'metrics' => "ga:users",
'sort' => "-ga:users",
'filters' => "ga:ga:source!=us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com;ga:source!=sa;ga:source!=(direct);ga:source!=mail.google.com;ga:source!=us-mg5.mail.yahoo.com;ga:source!=SA;ga:source!=m.mg.mail.yahoo.com;ga:source!=mail.aol.com;ga:source!=us-mg4.mail.yahoo.com;ga:source!=yahoo;ga:source!=bing;ga:source!=google;ga:source!=weibo;ga:fullreferrer!=eccie.net/showthread.php",
'start-date' => startDate,
'end-date' => endDate,
sa_referral_data = sa_referral.rows do |row|
rows.map{|r| { referrals:r[0], members:r[1] }}
puts sa_referral_data
The result of puts sa_referral_data is the following
scheduler caught exception:
undefined method `rows' for #<Google::APIClient::Result:0x000000044651f0>
It seems like the API is not getting the information from rows at all. Is there a way I can troubleshoot the API to see why it is losing the data for the "rows" section?
instead of sa_referral.rows, use sa_referral.each
Example code from my project..... It uses the same method to query google and return results.
result = client.execute(
:api_method => api.users.list,
:parameters => { 'domain' => domain,
'orderBy' => 'givenName',
'maxResults' => 200,
'pageToken'=> pageToken,
#'fields' => 'users(id,etag,primaryEmail,name,suspended)',
'fields' => 'nextPageToken,users(primaryEmail,suspended)',
'query' => "orgUnitPath=#{orgUnitPath}"
#pp result # There should be results here
#pp result.methods #Displays what commands you can use on the object
returnabledata = Array.new;
result.data.users.each do |user|
if user["suspended"] == false
returnabledata << user["primaryEmail"]

What's the best way to replace a string inside a string in ruby?

I have a bunch of these:
'link' => "http://twitter.com/home?status=Check out "{title}" {url}",
And Want to replace the {title} and {url} bits.
I'm currently doing this with gsub:
l.gsub! "{url}", URI::encode(#opts[:url])
l.gsub! "{title}", URI::encode(#opts[:title])
But I have the feeling there's a much better way to do this than with gsub...
This is an edit / addition to clarify:
class SocialBookmarkMaker
require 'open-uri'
attr_accessor :opts
def initialize(opts)
#opts = ##default_opts.merge opts
##default_opts = {
:icon_folder => "/images/icons/social_aquatic/24 X 24",
:sites => ['facebook', 'twitter', 'delicious', 'digg', 'stumbleupon', 'reddit', 'technorati', ],
:ext => 'png',
:url => 'not provided',
:title => 'not provided',
##bookmarks = {
'yahoo' => {
'name' => 'Yahoo! My Web',
'link' => 'http://myweb2.search.yahoo.com/myresults/bookmarklet?u={url}&t={title}',
'google' => {
'name' => 'Google Bookmarks',
'link' => 'http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=edit&bkmk={url}&title={title}',
'windows' => {
'name' => 'Windows Live',
'link' => 'https://favorites.live.com/quickadd.aspx?url={url}&title={title}',
'facebook' => {
'name' => 'Facebook',
'link' => 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u={url}&t={title}',
'digg' => {
'name' => 'Digg',
'link' => 'http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url={url}&title={title}',
'ask' => {
'name' => 'Ask',
'link' => 'http://myjeeves.ask.com/mysearch/BookmarkIt?v=1.2&t=webpages&url={url}&title={title}',
'technorati' => {
'name' => 'Technorati',
'link' => 'http://www.technorati.com/faves?add={url}',
'delicious' => {
'name' => 'del.icio.us',
'link' => 'http://del.icio.us/post?url={url}&title={title}',
'stumbleupon' => {
'name' => 'StumbleUpon',
'link' => 'http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url={url}&title={title}',
'squidoo' => {
'name' => 'Squidoo',
'link' => 'http://www.squidoo.com/lensmaster/bookmark?{url}'
'netscape' => {
'name' => 'Netscape',
'link' => 'http://www.netscape.com/submit/?U={url}&T={title}',
'slashdot' => {
'name' => 'Slashdot',
'link' => 'http://slashdot.org/bookmark.pl?url={url}&title={title}',
'reddit' => {
'name' => 'reddit',
'link' => 'http://reddit.com/submit?url={url}&title={title}',
'furl' => {
'name' => 'Furl',
'link' => 'http://furl.net/storeIt.jsp?u={url}&t={title}',
'blinklist' => {
'name' => 'BlinkList',
'link' => 'http://blinklist.com/index.php?Action=Blink/addblink.php&Url={url}&Title={title}',
'dzone' => {
'name' => 'dzone',
'link' => 'http://www.dzone.com/links/add.html?url={url}&title={title}',
'swik' => {
'name' => 'SWiK',
'link' => 'http://stories.swik.net/?submitUrl&url={url}'
'shoutwire' => {
'name' => 'Shoutwrie',
'link' => 'http://www.shoutwire.com/?p=submit&&link={url}',
'blinkbits' => {
'name' => 'Blinkbits',
'link' => 'http://www.blinkbits.com/bookmarklets/save.php?v=1&source_url={url}',
'spurl' => {
'name' => 'Spurl',
'link' => 'http://www.spurl.net/spurl.php?url={url}&title={title}',
'diigo' => {
'name' => 'Diigo',
'link' => 'http://www.diigo.com/post?url={url}&title={title}',
'tailrank' => {
'name' => 'Tailrank',
'link' => 'http://tailrank.com/share/?link_href={url}&title={title}',
'rawsugar' => {
'name' => 'Rawsugar',
'link' => 'http://www.rawsugar.com/tagger/?turl={url}&tttl={title}&editorInitialized=1',
'twitter' => {
'name' => 'Twitter',
'link' => "http://twitter.com/home?status=Check out "{title}" {url}",
def self.bookmarks
def icon_loc(site)
def link_url(site)
l = SocialBookmarkMaker.bookmarks[site]['link']
l.gsub! "{url}", URI::encode(#opts[:url])
l.gsub! "{title}", URI::encode(#opts[:title])
- opts ||= {}
- opts.merge! :url => request.url
- opts.merge! :title => "---.net: #{#layout[:social_bookmark_title] || #layout[:title] || default_view_title}"
- b = SocialBookmarkMaker.new opts
- b.opts[:sites].each do |site|
= link_to(image_tag( b.icon_loc(site) ), b.link_url(site), :title => "Share on #{SocialBookmarkMaker.bookmarks[site]['name']}")
I then call this like this in my rails layout:
render :partial => "shared/social_bookmarks/standard", :locals => { :opts => {:icon_folder => "/images/icons/social_aquatic/48 X 48" }}
Either you change your string to look like
"http://twitter.com/home?status=Check out "%{title}" %{url}"
and then use printf with a Hash
s = "http://twitter.com/home?status=Check out "%{title}" %{url}"
# you can of course use #opts as the Hash here.
s = s % {:title => "abc", :url => "def"} # => "http://twitter.com/home?status=Check out "abc" def"
and accept that it only works with Ruby 1.9.2 and upwards, or you continue using gsub but using the block syntax to condense it:
s.gsub!(/\{(.+?)\}/) do |m|
You can just embed the variables directly in the string
'link' => "http://twitter.com/home?status=Check out "#{title}" #{url}"

HTTP basic auth for Rack::Static app on Heroku

I have a simple Rack app hosted on Heroku. config.ru:
use Rack::Static,
:urls => ["/stylesheets", "/images", "/javascripts"],
:root => "public"
run lambda { |env|
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=86400'
File.open('public/index.html', File::RDONLY)
How can I add HTTP Basic Auth to this? Bonus points if it only works in the production environment.
use Rack::Static,
:urls => ["/stylesheets", "/images", "/javascripts"],
:root => "public"
use Rack::Auth::Basic, "Restricted Area" do |username, password|
[username, password] == ['admin', 'admin']
run lambda { |env|
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=86400'
File.open('public/index.html', File::RDONLY)
If you want to also protect images, stylesheets and javascripts behind basic auth, you need to put Rack::Auth::Basic first:
use Rack::Auth::Basic, "Restricted Area" do |username, password|
[username, password] == ['admin', 'admin']
use Rack::Static,
:urls => ["/stylesheets", "/images", "/javascripts"],
:root => "public"
run lambda { |env|
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=86400'
File.open('public/index.html', File::RDONLY)
