Does windows phone8 sdk support winjs - windows-phone-7

I used C# develop a WP7 app. I'm wondering if the Windows Phone 8 SDK supports WinJS? If so, I will move to WinJS for WP and WinRT both.

No, you can develop an app with HTML5 running in a WebBrowser, but without WinJS. You can use C# on both platforms though. No reason to use WinJS.

To clarify, Windows Phone 8 only supports the Silverlight UI technologies. That is, .NET languages and XAML.

This question may be old, but things have changed as Microsoft is announcing at BUILD 2014 that WinJS is now included in the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK as well.
Build 2014 WinJS on Phone


Difference between Windows App SDK and WinUI 3

I develop many UWP apps to Windows 10, but to Windows 11 I have so many questions and sometimes the Microsoft Docs it's confusing. I want develop new apps to Windows 11 but I am totally lost!
What is the difference between Windows App SDK and WinUI 3? I dont understand :(
And what is the best way to develop Windows 11 apps? Still UWP? Or Windows App SDK? Or WinUI 3?
UWP dont have round corners thats correct? I create a new project in my computer with Windows 11 in visual Studio 2022 and only the window of my app have rounder corners, but another elements (for example buttons) dont have rounded corners!
And Mica is not only availabe in WinUI 3?
The Windows App SDK is the next evolution in the Windows app development platform.
WinUI is the UI part of the Windows App SDK. It provides UI features for the Windows App SDK apps. When you create a Windows app SDK app, you have to use WinUI3 to create the UI layout. The previous version of WinUI like WinUI 2.7 could be used in UWP apps.
Using UWP or Windows App SDK depends on your own requirements and scenario, both of them could work on Windows 11.

Xamarin Forms for Windows Desktop app?

I have a need to create a desktop application that can run on Windows machines (Windows 7, 8, 10 and Windows Server). I understand I can use Classic WPF, but prefer to use Xamarin Forms.
Does XF support Windows Desktop apps? If so, are there any gotchas to be aware of?
The next release of Xamarin Forms, Xamarin Forms 3, is going to add full support for desktop apps on Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The MacOS support is in preview now, but the Windows support is still in development.
As I understand it, the plan is to use WPF for the Windows support, so your solution would include a WPF project in addition to each of the other platform specific projects. That will allow development of traditional desktop Windows apps, rather than UWP type apps.
The hope/assumption here is that, because these are WPF apps they should therefore be able to run on versions of Windows that don't support UWP apps - Windows 7 and Server 2008 for example.
There's more on what's coming in Xamarin Forms 3 on the Xamarin Blog here, and also in the Microsoft Build 2017 talk by David Ortinau.
I was at a talk by Xamarin TSP Michael Sivers last night and he mentioned that there are discussions ongoing about a XAML standard that could be adopted by both Xamarin and WPF which makes a lot of sense in the context of Xamarin forms apps on WPF.
on Windows, Xamarin Forms supports UWP apps only.

Windows Phone 8 Functionality Into Windows Phone 7

If I use visual studio 2012 RC write an application for windows phone 8. I want to know whether I can install and run the same application on windows phone 7?
No, there is no back-compatibility. You could do it the other way round, though, and write a WP7 app that would run on WP8
It is not possible to build for WP8 and deploy to both WP7 and WP8.
It is possible to build for WP7 and deploy to both WP7 and WP8.
The best solution is to code carefully, and clearly separate out your use of WP8-specific APIs.
You could then have two projects, one for WP7 that you build using WP7 tools, and one for WP8, that you build using WP8 tools. Linked files in visual studio would be a good way of achieving this.

documents and sdks for windows phone 8 development

I'm starting to develop a player for windows phone 8. I have a login on appHub and can access docs and tools for WP7 development. It seems that there are some differences between WP8 and WP7, e.g., WinRT APIs are used instead of Silverlight for player development. I wonder whether the development documents and sdks for WP8 are available now. Where can I get them?
Right now you only have SDK for Microsoft Surface.. The SDK for WP8 is still not available
the sdk for wp8 is still not available hence you won't be able to get any material for those now.
you just have to wait.
you could still continue to develop for wp7 in the meantime and port it over to wp8 later on when the sdk is release.
You can now download the WP8 SDK and documentation here:

Can i use silverlight 3 or 4 dll in my windows 7 application

Would an application built using a siverlight 3 or silverlight 4 dll be allowed into the market place?
WP7 is built on Silverlight 3 with some inclusions/exclusions to suit the mobile platform.
You can pull DLLs in provided they make use only of features compatible with the platform.
For a guide to what is supported on the platform, refer to these documents.
Features Supported in Silverlight for Windows Phone
Differences Between Silverlight on Windows and Windows Phone
Class Library Support for Windows Phone
You will have to download the CTP version of the Windows Phone 7 tools (available Sept 16th) and compile your app with those for your WP7 app to be accepted into the marketplace.
It's not a matter of being "allowed", it is a matter of "will it work"? Read the details on what they expect of an app and how it works, and if they don't say you can't do what you suggest, then assuming it actually works, it should be acceptable in the marketplace.
Keep in mind that the version of Silverlight running on the release version of WP7 will not be the equivalent of SL v4. I would be surprised if a v4 DLL would work in WP7. A MS WP7 team member I heard on a podcast (Hanselminutes, I think) said that SL on WP7 is, like, SL v3.7 or so.
