How to set kerberos in hadoop? - hadoop

Anyone know how to setup kerberos in hadoop cluster. Are there any tutorials available. I am using Apache Hadoop distribution.

Use CDH4.. it's free and comes with a great Security guide (CDH4 Security Guide).


does Apache Kylin need a Apache Derby or Mysql for run the sample cube

I installed Java and Hadoop and Hbase and Hive and Spark and Kylin.
I will be grateful if someone in Help me with Kyle's installation and configuration them. this may help you. You can send email to, then the questions will be discussed and answered in the mailing list. There are some tips for sending the email: 1. provide Kylin version 2. provide log information 3.provide the usage scenario. If you want to get a quick start, you can run Kylin in a Hadoop sandbox VM or in the cloud, for example, start a small AWS EMR or Azure HDInsight cluster and then install Kylin in one of the nodes. When you use Kylin-2.3.1, I suggest you use Spark-2.1.2.

Ambari Custom Hadoop installation

I've downloaded and builded some BigData services (Hadoop, Hive, Spark,...) and I want to deploy it using Ambari.
Ambari has set some versions (HDP Stacks) and I would like to configure it with my own compiled binaries.
Is there someone who could help me with this task? Some kind of guide or tutorial about it?
Really Thanked,
HDP is a stack definition for Ambari, what you're asking for is a custom stack definition. You can define your own stack by following the outline provided by Ambari on its wiki: How-To Define Stacks and Services.

Adding Hbase service in kerberos enabled CDH cluster

I have a CDH cluster already running with kerberos authentication.
I have a requirement to add HBase service to the running cluster.
Looking for a documentation to enable hbase service since its kerberos enabled. Both command line and GUI options welcome.
Also, its good if there is a testing method like small table creation steps like that.
Thanks in advance!
If you add it through Coudera Manager-Add Service wizards, CDH takes care automatically (create/distribute Kerberos keytabs and add services)

Can I setup plain hadoop not HDP with apache ambari

I have seen many tutorials for Ambari, all uses HDP stack from hortonworks so I want to know I can setup plain hadoop cluster without HDP.
Can I setup Hadoop using Ambari without HDP?
To set up a 'plain' Hadoop cluster, you will have to define your own stack definition to work with Ambari.
Documentation on how to setup your own stack and services can be found here here.
Additional Note: There are efforts from ODPi to make management of custom stacks and services through Ambari standardized.

Hiveserver2 Kerberos

If I want to configure my HiveServer2 (we use selfmade hadoop enviroment) to use Kerberos authentication it's require a secure hadoop envoriment too?
What I mean:
after I installed the kerberos I want to secure my Hiveserver2, but first I have to secure my hdfs, hadoop core-conf, mapred etc.. or not?
I hope it make sense, thank your for the help!
In order to kerborize hive server 2, It is must to kerborize all other hadoop services(for example hdfs, yarn etc) as well.
I don't know what is the meaning of selfmade hadoop environment. You better use cloudera manager(CDH) or ambari server(Hortonworks) to enable kerberos for your hadoop services.
