Subversion client for Diff/Compare (Mac) - xcode

I'm looking for a (free) subversion client that gives a complete DIFF/Compare between two revisions. Xcode's Source Control comparison tool only compares one file at a time, and doesn't give you a list of files updated between two revisions.
I tried to use svnX, but i'm unable to configure it with my local repository using:
Any suggestions regarding an appropriate subversion client, and/or how to make svnX to work?

The best tool that I have found is subclipse. It is an add on for eclipse but you can use it to manage your repository as well.
Collabnet also offers a product called Collabnet Destktop that includes the subclipse client.
One major caveat is that you have to install the JavaHL library. Make sure to read the OS specific directions!
You might have to play with it a bit but the repository browser is very powerful.

I use svnX in Mac OS 10.7.5, You can download svnX for Max OS X here.
There are some server they provide free/private Space for subversion. I used this free/private space from Assembla
Here is screenShot that shows how to setup svnX in Mac OS X.
In working copy you can see difference in revision. svnX uses fileMerge to show difference. Its one of the best subversion client for mac os x.


how to install SVN tortoise repository in MAC Machine?

How to install and use "SVN" tortoise Repository into mac machine. I am new in it and I don't know from where to start.
Sorry tortoisesvn is not available for the mac at the moment. I checked their forums and I don't see a request for it, so you may want to place it?
Some people have got it somewhat working with wine/crossover
(link is dead) (link is dead)
Some people use SVNX
Some people use scplugin
I have not tried these however. Any form of subversion for mac should work just as well.
If you just need source control there is also git for mac

Can't install subversion on Mountain Lion OSX

I downloaded the subversion installer in the "Community Binaries" at collabnet: When I try to install it, I go through Introduction, Read Me, and License. When I get to Destination Select, "Install for all users of this computer" is greyed out. I can not proceed during this point. Does anyone know why?
Mountain Lion does have Subversion version 1.6.18 available from Apple. However, it's a bit convoluted to get it:
Download Xcode from the Mac OS X App Store (Free program)
Select the Menu item Xcode->Preferences...
Select the "Downloads" section.
Choose Command Line Tools and click on the Install button.
After that, the Subversion command line client will be available. The svnserve server is also included. Unfortunately, the and files needed for running Subversion server via Apache https are no longer included. I think they might be included in Mac OS X Server, but that's a $20 purchase.
Hope this helps. It's not version 1.7.x, but it's much easier to get working than the old community binary version which I don't believe works in Mountain Lion (and is also version 1.6.18)
If you don't need Xcode, you can download the Developer Command Line Tools from directly, saving yourself a tonne of disk space and time...
Apparently it's not been updated is the message on
Date 2011-12-20 04:44:22 PST
Message The community volunteer who provides the binary on our site has not updated it for Lion or SVN 1.7. All of the Mac packaging tools, like MacPorts and HomeBrew have updated and you can get it there. There is also a listing of places to get them here: http://subversion.ap​​ml#osx

How to access SVN through Mac OSX application

I would like to access SVN through a new application I am building for Mac OS X platform, using native cocoa libraries. I believe, I need to invoke the SVN command-line application through NSTask, to run it in the background. I have two problems here
How to pass credentials to SVN?
How to check the status of SVN operation?
Any pointers will be of great help.
You should read the documentation and use Subversion's API to build your application.

OSX per app network throughput via nettop

The OSX command line tool nettop (I think it was added with Lion) can display per app network throughput without requiring root privileges. I browsed through the Darwin source code on but couldn't find it's source code. Is it open source at all or did I just missed it. Incase the source is not publicly available, does anyone have an idea via which api nettop is getting its data?
nettop is open source only in its BSD version, but Apple's version uses their private NetworkStatistics framework (new in Lion) so I doubt you will find the sources since Apple tends to not release private code.

Is there a setting with git to allow a clone to use http on one OS and ssh on another?

Short Question
Is there a setting with git to allow a clone to use http on one OS and ssh on another? For an exact usage: Is possible to use http protocol (cloned in Windows) on Mac OS X terminal which typically uses SSH connections
I have a Macbook Pro that I dual boot with Mac OS X and Windows 7. I have a shared express-34 card that I store all of my repositories / working directories on. I use this so I can work from the Mac side or Windows side seamlessly (until now). At this point, I am unable to commit / update any changes from repositories I clone / checkout from Windows. It's worth noting that git repos that I clone from Mac, work fine in Windows, just not the other way around.
System Information
Windows 7:
Tortoise git and Tortoise SVN
homebrew installed git and SVN
I am now sharing a single SSH checkout (at the project level) on both Mac OS X Lion and Windows 7. This is working when I am booted natively into Win 7 as well as when it is virtualized inside of Lion.
If I understand what you're asking I don't think this is possible using the same remote name. A particular remote is always defined by a URL which specifies the protocol. However you can add a new remote with a different URL which species a different protocol.
A problem with doing this is that you'll have the same remote with two different names in the same repository. This means that all remote branches (origin/master etc.) will be duplicated and will get out of sync which will cause problems with any git behavior that depends on branch names instead of SHA hashes.
For example, suppose you have a remote named 'windows' that specifies http and a remote name 'mac' which specifies ssh. Suppose your repository gets behind your remote you update in OSX using git fetch/merge now mac/master is up to date but windows/master is not. This may not be a big deal to you but it does mean tracking branches and other branch name dependent behavior may not work as you expect.
