I am load testing a registration form on my internal website and it has one field which must be unique (email address). I'm using JMeter (following this tutorial). I have a HTTP Request under the Recording Controller in a Thread Group in my test plan.
How do I configure this HTTP Request to add a random number to my email address field (see screenshot)? My company's internal test email server will accept anything at its domain (so like testing347387438#my-internal-test-email-server.com). How can I configure JMeter to add a random number to the email address which should make it unique?
You can use random function.
So your email address will be like:
Also you can use ${__UUID}#test-email.com - it ensures that your email will be unique. Always.
I know this is already answered but following can be useful to someone.
We can use "Config Element -> Random Variable" as well. This variable can be re-used in full jmeter scope and be used for assertion test against responses.
Process is as follows:
While doing performance testing via JMETER, I encountered one usecase where the POST request call is taking the dynamic data from the website. So in that case when we run our script it fails as that data is no more available on the website.
Payload looks like given below. It is a POST CALL and the payload is changing everytime.
Could anyone suggest how we can make this payload dynamic when we create a script in JMETER?
I can think of 3 possible options:
Duplicate data is not allowed. If this is the case you can use JMeter Functions like __Random(), __RandomString(), __counter() and so on
The data you're sending needs to be aligned with the data in the application somehow, in this case you can use JDBC PreProcessor in order to build a proper request body basing on the data from the application under test database
The data is present in previous response. In that case it's a matter of simple correlation, the dynamic values should be extracted from the previous response using suitable Post-Processors and variables needs to be sent instead of hard-coded parameters
Is there a way for all Receive samplers to ignore specific responses in JMeter and wait for the one that we are interested?
To be more precise, we have created a jmx file that contains a large flow like a user would create on the browser. Each request sent is followed by a response, so we use a request handler followed by the corresponding receive handler for each call. And everything seems to work fine.
But there are cases that another kind of response may arrive, which is not the one we expect in our flow, but it is triggered by another independent mechanism. You can think of it like notifications sent to the user that is doing the flow and are independent of the flow itself, but theu are received in the channel (for us inside the websocket connection).
So we are trying to find a way to ignore a specific set of responses that may come while we are running the tests.
We firstly tried to add a While Controller in each receive sampler that checks if the content is of the desired type and if not loops again. But this solution has 3 disadvantages :
we have to add the sampler for the specific receive twice - one before the while element and one inside the element because we have to first extract the received data and while does not execute its contents before doing the while condition check
we have so many pairs of send-receive in our jmeter test script , that we have to add so many while controllers inside the script
since the received message may not be of the type we expect but another one that we want to ignore, then we cannot add a Response Assertion because it will fail if the notification arrives, so we have to verify the content indirect -> in the condition of the while loop
We use apache-jmeter-5.3.
So we are wondering if we could do another kind of configuration in order to avoid all these while loops.
It may be irrelevant to the solution, but we use websocket through "WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch".
You don't have to, just amend your While Controller's condition to accept undefined variable as well
Sounds like a potential use case for using Module Controller to avoid code duplication
If you're getting the response you don't expect you can change the response body using JSR223 PostProcessor to the one you expect, example code
if (!prev.getResponseDataAsString().contains('foo')) {
prev.setResponseData('foo', 'UTF-8')
I'm testing authorisation in JMeter. Authorisation is by key, which is sent in JSON.stringify. First is open connected by web socket, next sent is key in JSON format.
Key is generated in the tool.
What test case could be?
I think set happy path, and next authentication failed and in this give
missing key - what testing/set this in JMeter?
bad key - not exist
If is test case, that key not exist, it's worth additionaly create test case, that key is too long or too short, or wrongly sign?
What could be test case for this authorization?
Test case on input and output, e. g. no connection to the web socket connection? Are correctly?
I'm also thinking about test case, that JSON are wrong format or empty JSON lack JSON? It is correctly?
What could be addicted test case? What testing authentication in JMeter?
Your test case will have only 2 types of expected result:
You're logged in (in case of "good" key)
You're not logged in (in case of "bad" key) - so called Negative Testing
My expectation is that you should be at least checking that the system doesn't let you in when you provide the wrong key, to wit "happy" and "unhappy" responses must be different.
Going forward you can check if unauthorised user doesn't have access to the parts of the application he should not be having access to.
Also if your application assumes role-based access control you should also check whether effective permissions of the user match his role (i.e. read-only users should not be able to create/update/delete stuff)
In the absolute majority of cases you can use Response Assertion to check presence/absence of a text/pattern in the response
I have 3 Rest API's, each one of them dependent on each other, how to create test plan for them, jmeter firing those urls non sequential order i want it in Sequential order, when i check on "view result tree" i am getting 403 error.
Are they in the same thread group? If so, they ought to fire sequentially in order.
If the three are dependent on each other you need to take following steps:
Add thread group
Put the API's one after the other based on the values and dependency.
Extract the value from the first API and pass it to the next using Post Processors like Regular Expression Extractor or JSON extractor.
You are seeing 403 which is related to forbidden access, it means that you are not allowed to access that particular URL or missing some authentication token or cookies or username/password.
So add the authorization manager to your test plan if that's missing and send appropriate values.
Currently i am using j meter.I have a test plan order like
Login,Add Patient(After login).After executing the test plan successfully,i checked the application whether new patient is added or not.Yes,Its added in the application when the test plan(HTTP) is successful.Now i have two questions
Data is added in the application,Whether its correct or not?
Suppose i don't want to insert the data in the application means what
i have to do.Is there any configuration?.
You can use i.e. Response Assertion to automatically check whether patient was added or not.
If you considering a form of negative testing i.e.
ensure that patient will NOT be added if wrong credentials are provided
ensure that patient will NOT be added if logged in user doesn't have permission to add patients
You can use the same Response Assertion but with reverse condition.
See How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps article for more information on how to conditionally set pass and/or fail criteria basing on request results.