Im doing some research in order to find out what the best continuous integration server is. For that i would like to know (like the title says):
Does CruiseControl support Maven3?
At the main-page of CruiseControl i just found maven2.
Thanks in advance
I am new to CI/CD . I want to implement continuous integration & continuous deployment using bamboo and server as web sphere.
You could please suggest any video tutorials for it. I can see many tutorials on Jenkins but I want to implement in bamboo.
I would start with the official documentation. This will help you get familiar with CI/CD terminology and ultimately help you search for tutorials on specific items that you may be struggling with.
If you prefer a video format, Atlassian has published an entire tutorial series that is available here.
I'm some kind of 'Maven expert' in my company, the problem being that I have a good basic knowledge of Maven, but I'm absolutely not an expert when it comes to release, etc...
I'm desperately searching for some kind of good online training for Maven that is not for beginners and that will speak about release and other advanced stuff.
I have no problem to have a course that starts at the very beginning of Maven, but I want to go further than basic dependency management, basic lifecycle and simple project build, my real goal being to be comfortable with full Maven release.
Has anyone a good website, or something for me ?
Thank you,
This is a question that's broader than just Maven. Because what you do with Maven is determined by the dev process.
If you're interested in general in dev/release process, you could research Continuous Deliver topic as well as Continuous Integration. You could start with Continuous Delivery book which gives a good perspective on both CI & CD (it's pretty boring though).
As for the videos, you could just search in the internet for Continuous Delivery. I like in particular videos from Sam Newman.
As for the Maven itself, there are books like Maven Complete Reference or Apache Maven 2 Effective Implementation (which is a bit old, but Maven was pretty stable from the end user perspective, so not much changed).
I'm tasked with migrating our product's build/dependency-management technology from Buckminster to Maven. I'm quite decent with Maven, but before I drill down into Buckminster's inner-workings (which I'm not currently very knowledgeable on), I thought I'd see if there was an available tool to automate this, as it would be a rather lengthy task if done manually. If not, I guess I'll write one myself.
Any input would be much appreciated! Thanks!
I have searched the SO site for question about Hudson but some of it are a little dated now say 2 years or more. Some comments link Hudson as 'newbie' ing the CI Field
I just would like to know if Hudson is mature right now and is the best option for a CI tool.
P.S. I just would like to hear latest feedback from community.
I would thoroughly recommend Jenkins, which is a fork of Hudson made in late 2010/early 2011 (wikipedia has more information on the split if you're interested). You'll find more contemporary resources if you do a search for Jenkins - but at the moment most Hudson tutorials are still relevant.
As to stability/maturity, we've been using it for many months without any issues that I'd attribute to maturity :)
We are using Jenkins for our continuous integration and found it quite useful.
All the basics are there, regarding starting builds, getting and generating statistics from i.e. build results, unit tests, function tests. It is also very flexible as you can ask Jenkins to execute a script which does pretty much anything you need.
Jenkins is the best I've tested so far, and also it is free.
I think nobody can answer if it is the best option for you. It might be mature and everything, but that doesn't mean it's the best for your particular problem
I have a private .NET (C#) project using Git Repository in I wish to utilize a hosted Continuous Integration tool like CruiseControl.Net. Can anybody recommend a hosted CI solution, that can integrate with Git and is reliable and cost effective?
Found but don't know anything about them.
I will say though, that setting up your own CI server is fairly simple and will probably only take you 1 day to setup for your projects.
TeamCity works great with C#\Msbuild and is free of charge up to 20 developers. offers a free hosted CI service, but only for Subversion at the moment.