NPAPI plugin develop on mac10.8 - macos

I have some problems,i use xcode write a npapi plugin on mac10.8,I want to draw a picture on the plugin but when i get the pNPWindow->window pointer through NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* pNPWindow); I find that nNPWindow->window is NULL ,i spend must to find the problem,but i can not,somebody can help me。 sorry,my english so poor。
code is like that,
NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16_t mode, int16_t argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved)
if(instance == NULL)
CPlugin *plugin = new CPlugin(instance);
if(plugin == NULL)
instance->pdata = (void *)plugin;
NPBool supportsCG = false;
NPError err;
err = browser->getvalue(instance, NPNVsupportsCoreGraphicsBool,&supportsCG);
if (err == NPERR_NO_ERROR && supportsCG)
NPError NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* pNPWindow)
if(instance == NULL)
if(pNPWindow == NULL)
writelog("window != NULL");
if(pNPWindow->window == NULL) //this is he problem pNPWindow->window always NULL
writelog("window == NULL");

Anything you're going to use on Mac 10.8 won't support the carbon event model, so window will always be NULL. Assuming that you're trying to use the CoreGraphics drawing model you will get the CGContextRef when the event is fired to draw.
See for more information on the Cocoa event model. The other option you have is the CoreAnimation model (with the InvalidatingCoreAnimation model on firefox and chrome)
You might want to take a look at FireBreath, which works on 10.8 and abstracts all of the complication of this stuff for you.

NPP_SetWindow (NPP npp, NPWindow* pNPWindow)
For many, this will be where the real fun starts — this function is called to tell the plugin which window they are in. From the Gecko SDK (npapi.h):
typedef struct _NPWindow
void* window; /* Platform specific window handle */
/* OS/2: x - Position of bottom left corner */
/* OS/2: y - relative to visible netscape window */
int32 x; /* Position of top left corner relative */
int32 y; /* to a netscape page. */
uint32 width; /* Maximum window size */
uint32 height;
NPRect clipRect; /* Clipping rectangle in port coordinates */
/* Used by MAC only. */
void * ws_info; /* Platform-dependent additonal data, linux specific */
NPWindowType type; /* Is this a window or a drawable? */
} NPWindow;
A pointer to this structure is passed in with each call. On windows, the “void* window” will dereference to an HWND. On other platforms, it will likewise be dereferenced as an appropriate type.
Notice that again NPP npp is the first parameter. This will be the case on all NPP functions except NPP_New, where the mimetype is also passed in. Since we created a PluginInstance object and assigned it to npp->pdata in NPP_New, we need to create a small stub function to forward our NPP_New to a method on that object, like so:
// Called by browser whenever the window is changed, including to set up or destroy
NPErrorNPP_SetWindow (NPP npp, NPWindow* pNPWindow)
if (npp == NULL)
else if (npp->pdata == NULL)
PluginInstance *inst = (PluginInstance *)npp->pdata;
return inst->NpapiSetWindow(pNPWindow);
On windows, when SetWindow is called we need to save the HWND and subclass the window so that we can get our own window event proc.
NPError PluginInstance::NpapiSetWindow (NPWindow* pNPWindow)
if(pNPWindow == NULL)
// window just created; in initWindow, set initialized to true
if(!this->initialized) {
if(!this->initWindow(pNPWindow)) {
// Window was already created; just pass on the updates
return rv;
With these functions, we get notified in one function when the window is first set, and another is called each time an update is made.


PollEvent() in Win32

I'm trying to mimic SFML's PollEvent(Event &event) function in Windows. It seems far more complicated that I imagined. Note that I already encapsulated the window procedure function in my class.
There could be many "window events" in my program - WindowMoved, WindowResized etc.
My first attempt was to have a private data member in the class, defined as WindowEvent *_lastWindowEvent. This variable will be set if PeekMessage() returns a non-zero value, just before DispatchMessage() is called. Then, winProc() will edit _lastWindowEvent, depending on the message it will receive.
The drawback here is that I noticed that winProc() may be called with a MSG parameter regardless of DispatchMessage(), like with the WM_SETCURSOR message.
Then I thought about having instead a std::queue<WindowEvent> in my class, when winProc() continuously pushes WindowEvents to it. The problem here is that sometimes the window procedure function keeps getting messages and won't return. This happens when I drag-move the window (then the WM_MOVING message is continuously called, along with other messages). The code after DispatchMessage() will not run until I release my mouse. This also happens when resizing the window.
Did I grasp anything wrong? How do you think such PollEvent function can be implemented?
Given that PollEvent is primarily for a game loop style design, you can probably poll for what you need while simultaneously servicing the Windows event loop:
class Window
HWND _hwnd; // Win32 handle to the window
RECT _lastWindowSize; // last known window size
POINT _lastMousePos; // last known mouse position on window
BYTE _lastKeyboardState[256]; // last known key state
std::list<Event> _events; // unprocessed events
bool PollEvent(Event* pEvent);
bool Window::PollEvent(Event* pEvent)
// return any previously queued events
if (_events.size() > 0)
*pEvent = _events.pop_front();
return true;
// process 1 windows event message
if (PeekMessage(&msg, _hWnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if (msg.msg == WM_QUIT)
*pEvent = EXIT_EVENT; // special handling for WM_QUIT
return true;
// -----------------------------------------
// poll keyboard state
BYTE kbState[256];
bool isKeyboardEvent = false;
if (memcmp(_lastKeyboardState, kbState, 256) != 0)
// not shown
// compute diff of kbState and _lastKeyboardState
// generate a keyboard event and add to the queue
Event kbevt;
kbevt.type = KeyEvent;
kbevt.code = <computed code based on diff above>
memcpy(_lastKeyboardState, kbState, 256);
// -----------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------
// poll window size changes
RECT rectWindowSize;
int width, height, oldwidth, oldheight;
width = rectWindowSize.right - rectWindowSize.left;
height = rectWindowSize.bottom -;
oldwidth = _lastWindowSize.right - _lastWindowSize.left;
oldheight = _lastWindowSize.bottom -;
if ((width != oldwidth) || (height != oldheight))
Event sizeEvent;
sizeEvent.type = SizeEvent;
sizeEvent.width = width;
sizeEvent.height = height;
_lastWindowSize = rectWindowSize;
// -----------------------------------------
// not shown - computing mouse position, joystick position, text stuff
// if at least one event was queued - return it now
if (_events.size() > 0)
*pEvent = _events.pop_front();
return true;
return false;

How can I get an IVsDropdownBar out of an EnvDTE.Window?

I get notified whenever a new window is opened by this method:
private void OnWindowActivated(EnvDTE.Window GotFocus, EnvDTE.Window LostFocus)
What I want to do now is to get the selected method in the object IVsDropdownBar, whenever this is changed.
So how can I get a reference to this object?
I haven´t tried that, so this answer is just an idea...
In accordance to MSDN you can obtain an IVsDropdownBar instance through the IVsDropdownBarManager service; the GetDropdownBar method returns the drop-down bar associated with the code window (might be the case that there isn´t a drop-down bar, since this addornment is language service specific and can be turned of via the options).
The documentation states that the IVsDropdownBarManager can be obtained from an IVsCodeWindow; I guess you can get such an instance from the active document window, somehow...
Once you have the IVsDropdownBar object, the GetClient and GetCurrentSelection methods might be of your interest; GetCurrentSelection allows you to query the selection for a certain drop-down; for instance...
IVsDropdownBar bar;
int hr = manager.GetDropdownBar(out bar);
if (hr == VSConstants.S_OK && bar != null)
IVsDropdownBarClient barClient;
hr = bar.GetClient(out barClient);
if (hr == VSConstants.S_OK && barClient != null)
// const int TypesDropdown = 0;
const int MembersDropdown = 1;
int curSelection;
hr = bar.GetCurrentSelection(MembersDropdown, out curSelection);
if (hr == VSConstants.S_OK && curSelection >= 0)
hr = barClient.GetEntryText(MembersDropdown, curSelection, out text);
if (hr == VSConstants.S_OK)
Not sure, if the obtained information is useful...
The documentation states, it can be
[...] plain or fancy text [...] and the drop-down code makes no assumption about their semantics.

firebreath plugin create a full screen window, but the window always under the browser window when it appers, how can I bring it to top

CaptureScreenApp app;
int MyPluginAPI::captureScreen(const FB::JSObjectPtr& callback)
boost::thread cs(boost::bind(&CaptureScreenApp ::captureScreen,
app, callback));
return 1;
class CaptureScreenApp {
CaptureScreenApp() {
hRes = OleInitialize(NULL);
g_Module.Init(NULL, NULL);
~CaptureScreenApp() {
bool captureScreen() {
CMessageLoop theLoop;
CMainDialog g_MainDlg;
if (NULL == g_MainDlg.Create(NULL)){
DWORD ret = GetLastError();
return FALSE;
int nRet = theLoop.Run();
return TRUE;
class CMainDialog : public CDialogImpl<CMainDialog>
enum {IDD = IDD_MAIN};
the window(the new window is a full screen window with a desktop pic as the background) I create in CaptureScreenApp::captureScreen always under the browser window when it appears(browser window always actived in other word), what ever how I set the HWND_TOPMOST for the new window. like this:
enter link description here
how can i bring the full screen window to top when it appers?
SetWindowPos API lets you change Z order (make sure to read Remarks there). You create your window with NULL parent, so your window is completely independent from browser window, so there is nothing to push it to the front: it would be either you or interactive user.

Safari plugin crashes on NPN_GetValue

My plugin code crashes when I call the NPN_GetValue. Basically I created a scriptable object which has a 'getDevice' method that can return a device array to JavaScript. Below is the code snippet.
static bool mainNPObjectInvoke(NPObject *obj, NPIdentifier identifier, const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount, NPVariant *result)
printf("create main object");
MainNPObject *mainObject = (MainNPObject *)obj;
if (identifier == methodIdentifiers[METHOD_ID_GET_DEVICES])
NPObject *windowObj = NULL;
browser->getvalue(mainObject->npp, NPNVWindowNPObject, &windowObj);
// it crashed here
I created the MainNPObject instance with below method.
NPObject *createMainNPObject(NPP npp)
MainNPObject *object = (MainNPObject *)browser->createobject(npp, &mainNPClass);
object->npp = npp;
theMainObject = object;
return (NPObject *)object;
The createMainNPObject is called in the plugin function I provided to browser.
NPError NPP_GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value)
PluginObject *obj = instance->pdata;
switch (variable) {
case NPPVpluginCoreAnimationLayer:
if (!obj->rootLayer)
*(CALayer **)value = obj->rootLayer;
case NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject:
if (!obj->mainObject)
obj->mainObject = createMainNPObject(instance);
And the allocate function is as below.
static NPObject *mainNPObjectAllocate(NPP npp, NPClass *class)
MainNPObject *mainObject = malloc(sizeof(MainNPObject));
mainObject->deviceManager = [[DeviceManager alloc] init];
return (NPObject *)mainObject;
Definition of MainNPObject:
typedef struct
NPObject *npobject;
NPP npp;
DeviceManager *deviceManager;
} MainNPObject;
By debugging the code, I found that the system raised an EXC_BAD_ACCESS when calling the browser->getValue and it looks like the npp pointer is invalid.
0x00007fff83f82dab <+0019> je 0x7fff83f82db9 <_ZN6WebKit14NetscapePlugin7fromNPPEP4_NPP+33>
0x00007fff83f82dad <+0021> incl 0x8(%rax)
Can someone help me out?
Hmm; not seeing anything obvious. Try adding another parameter (an int?) to your structure and set it during allocate or immediately afterwords, then later on check to see if it's still the value you set before you call getvalue. See if your struct is somehow getting corrupt. That happened to me once when I was casting the NPObject funny in a non-obvious way.

How to Capture / Post system-wide Keyboard / Mouse events under Mac OS X?

For a scripting utility I need to be able to record a series of keyboard and mouse events that occur when an application has focus. The second part is being able to later send those events to the active window.
I do not need to worry about menus or tracking the identifier of which window receives input.
I know how to do this under Windows but have no idea about Mac OS X.
The first thing i will tell you is that you CAN'T do this without the user enabling support for assitive devices in the accessability control panel. It's some kind of security built into OSX.
Here is a code snippit I am using in one of my applications to do this:
//this method calls a carbon method to attach a global event handler
- (void)attachEventHandlers
//create our event type spec for the keyup
EventTypeSpec eventType;
eventType.eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
eventType.eventKind = kEventRawKeyUp;
//create a callback for our event to fire in
EventHandlerUPP handlerFunction = NewEventHandlerUPP(globalKeyPress);
//install the event handler
OSStatus err = InstallEventHandler(GetEventMonitorTarget(), handlerFunction, 1, &eventType, self, NULL);
//error checking
if( err )
//TODO: need an alert sheet here
NSLog(#"Error registering keyboard handler...%d", err);
//create our event type spec for the mouse events
EventTypeSpec eventTypeM;
eventTypeM.eventClass = kEventClassMouse;
eventTypeM.eventKind = kEventMouseUp;
//create a callback for our event to fire in
EventHandlerUPP handlerFunctionM = NewEventHandlerUPP(globalMousePress);
//install the event handler
OSStatus errM = InstallEventHandler(GetEventMonitorTarget(), handlerFunctionM, 1, &eventTypeM, self, NULL);
//error checking
if( errM )
//TODO: need an alert sheet here
NSLog(#"Error registering mouse handler...%d", err);
Here is an example of the callback method i am using:
OSStatus globalKeyPress(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void *userData)
NSEvent *anEvent = [NSEvent eventWithEventRef:theEvent];
NSEventType type = [anEvent type];
WarStrokerApplication *application = (WarStrokerApplication*)userData;
//is it a key up event?
if( type == NSKeyUp)
//which key is it?
switch( [anEvent keyCode] )
//this is the character we are using for our toggle
//call the handler function
[application toggleKeyPressed];
//Comment this line back in to figure out the keykode for a particular character
NSLog(#"Keypressed: %d, **%#**", [anEvent keyCode], [anEvent characters]);
return CallNextEventHandler(nextHandler, theEvent);
For the latter part, posting events, use the CGEvent methods provided in ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h
Here's an example function to move the mouse to a specified absolute location:
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
int to(int x, int y)
CGPoint newloc;
CGEventRef eventRef;
newloc.x = x;
newloc.y = y;
eventRef = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(NULL, kCGEventMouseMoved, newloc,
//Apparently, a bug in xcode requires this next line
CGEventSetType(eventRef, kCGEventMouseMoved);
CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, eventRef);
return 0;
For tapping mouse events, see Link
I haven't checked this under 10.5 Leopard but on 10.4 it works.
