Local mongo server with mongolab mirror & fallback - ruby

How to set up a local mongodb with mirror on mongolab (propagate all writes from local to mongolab, so they are always synchronized - I don't care about atomic, just that it syncs in a reasonable time frame)
How to use mongolab as a fallback if local server stops working (Ruby/Rails, mongo driver and mongoid).
Background: I used to have a local mongo server but it kept crashing occasionally and all my apps stopped working + I had to "repair" the DB to restart it. Then I switched to mongolab which I am very satisfied with, but it's generating a lot of traffic which I'd like to avoid by having a local "cache", but without having to worry about my local cache crashing causing all my apps to stop working. The DBs are relatively small so size is not an issue. I'm not trying to eliminate the traffic overhead of communicating to mongolab, just lower it a bit.

I'm assuming you don't want to have the mongolab instance just be part of a replica set (or perhaps that is not offered). The easiest way would be to add the remote mongod instance as a hidden member (priority 0) and just have it replicate data from your local instance.
An alternative immediate solution you could use is mongooplog which can be used to poll the oplog on one server and then apply it to another. Essentially replication on demand (you would need to seed one instance appropriately etc. and would need to manage any failures). More information here:
The last option would be to write something yourself using a tailable cursor in your language of choice to feed the oplog data into the remote instance.


AWS RDS database can't read record that was just written to database

I'm seeing an error with some Laravel code that uses an AWS RDS database. The code writes a record to the database and then immediately does a search to load that record using the primary key and gets no results.
If I try it manually afterwards I find the record. If I insert a 1-second sleep in the code it works correctly.
I've tried this using Laravel's separate settings for read and write hosts. I've also tried setting them to the same host and only using one host. The result is always the same. However other environments with the same configuration do not have the error.
Is there an option in RDS that needs to be changed to have the record available immediately after it's written.
The error is due to the mySQL master-slave replication lag.
A common mistake is to use a mySQL cluster and then perform a read
immediately after a write.
Since the read occurs on one of the slave/read hosts and the write occurs on the master, the data would not be replicated at the time of the read.
There are a couple of ways to rectify the error:
The read immediately after must be performed on the master (not the slave). Even though you've mentioned that you changed it to a single host, often people make a mistake while switching the connection. Refer this SO post to properly switch connections in Laravel
An easier way may be to use the sticky database option in Laravel. Beware: this may cause performance issues if not used carefully for only the use case you desire. From the docs:
The sticky option is an optional value that can be used to allow the
immediate reading of records that have been written to the database
during the current request cycle.
If the sticky option is enabled and a "write" operation has been
performed against the database during the current request cycle, any
further "read" operations will use the "write" connection.
The most "non-obvious" way is to NOT perform a read immediately after a write. Think about whether this can be avoided depending on your use case.
Other methods: refer this SO post

existdb: identify database server

We have a number of (developer) existDb database servers, and some staging/production servers.
Each have their own configuration, that are slightly different.
We need to select which configuration to load and use in queries.
The configuration is to be stored in an XML file within the repository.
However, when syncing the content of the servers, a single burnt-in XML file is not sufficient, since it is overwritten during copying from the other server.
For this, we need the physical name of the actual database server.
The only function found, request:get-server-name that is not quite stable since a single eXist server can be accessed through a number of various (localhost, intranet or external) URLs. However, that leads to unnecessary duplication of the configuration, one for each external URL...
(Accessing some local files in the file system is not secure and not fast.)
How to get the physical name of the existDb server from XQuery?
I m sorry but I don't fully understand your question, are you talking about exist's default conf.xml or your own configuration file that you need to store in a VCS repo? Should the xquery be executed on one instance and trigger an event in all others, or just some, or...? Without some code it is difficult to see why and when something gets overwritten.
you could try console:jmx-token which does not vary depending on URL (at least it shouldn't)
Also you might find it much easier to use a docker based approach. Either with multiple instances coordinated via docker-compose or to keep the individual configs from not interfering with each other when moving from dev to staging to production https://github.com/duncdrum/exist-docker
If I understand correctly, you basically want to be able to get the hostname or the IP address of a server from XQuery. If the functions in the XQuery Request module are not doing as you wish, then another option would be to set a Java System Property when starting eXist-db. This system property could be the internal DNS name or IP of your server, for example: -Dour-server-name=server1.mydomain.com
From XQuery you could then read that Java System property using util:system-property("our-server-name").

Where does Redis store the data

I am using redis for pub/sub as well as for server side cache. I mean my app server has redis server running as one process (functioning as a cache as well) . I have several thin clients (running redis client) connected to this app server in pub/sub mode. I would like to know where redis stores the cache data ? in server alone or there will be a copy in the clients as well. Also is it a good idea to use Redis in this fashion if there are close to 100 redis clients connected to server through pub/sub channel.
Redis is a (sort of) in-memory noSQL database; but I found that my copy (running on linux) dumps to /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
Redis can manage really big numbers of connections, by default its in-memory store (thanks to storing stuff in RAM it can be so fast).
But in the same time it can be configured as a persistent store, so dumping cached data (every x time or every x updated keys) to disk.
So it can be configured depending on your needs, have a look here.
All the cache data will be stored in the memory of the server provided to the config of running redis server.
The clients do not hold any data, they only access the data stored by the redis server.
I just installed redis on mac via homebrew. Without any configuration, I
found the dump.rdb is in my working directory (where I launched redis-server).
You can figure that out with the config command.
redis-cli config get dir
However as far as I know pub/sub data is volatile and not stored nor cached in redis at all. If you need that, you should look for a dedicated message broker like for example RabbitMQ.
On my Ubuntu, it was at /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb. On my macOS (installed via brew), it was at /usr/local/var/db/redis/dump.rdb.
Default location
Redis save all data in memory of server and rarely save date to disk.
For server<>client flow - all data transport with server.
Redis can processing number of clients ... default limit - 10.000
If you need less .. you must reconfigure OS, Server Settings etc. - http://redis.io/topics/clients
As I understood about the question your concern is about the Radis server memory and the client (application) memory.
I would like to know where redis stores the cache data ? in server alone or there will be a copy in the clients as well.
The Redis 6's client-side caching is what you actually looking for. There server and application both stores copies an keep in sync through a protocol communication. Eventhough they have implemented few ways to accomplish it following example (picked from the docs) mechanism will help you to understand it well.
Client 1 -> Server: CLIENT TRACKING ON
Client 1 -> Server: GET foo
(The server remembers that Client 1 may have the key "foo" cached)
(Client 1 may remember the value of "foo" inside its local memory)
Client 2 -> Server: SET foo SomeOtherValue
Server -> Client 1: INVALIDATE "foo"
Hope this helps. See that nice docs for more elaboration.

Postgres: After importing production database (with replication) to my local machine, I notice network packets being sent and received from macbook

I've been a MySQL guy, and now I'm working with Postgres so I am learning. Wondering if someone can tell me why my postgres process on my macbook is sending and receiving data over my network. I am just noticing this is happening for the first time - so maybe it's been going on before this and I just never noticed postgres does this.
What has me a bit nervous, is that I pulled down a production datadump from our server which is set up with replication and I imported it to my local postgres db. The settings in my postgresql.conf don't indicate replication is turned on. So it shouldn't be streaming out to anything, right?
If someone has some insight into what may be happening, or why postgres is sending/receiving packets, I'd love to hear the easy answer (and the complex one if there's more to what's happening).
This is a postgres install via Homebrew on MacOSX.
Thanks in advance!
Some final thoughts: It's entirely possible, I guess, that Mac's activity monitor also shows local 'network' traffic stats. Maybe this isn't going out to the internets.....
In short, I would not expect replication to be enabled for a DB that was dumped from a server that had it if the server to which it was restored had no replication configured at all.
More detail:
Normally, to get a local copy of a database in Postgres, one would do a pg_dump of the remote database (this could be done from your laptop, pointing at your server), followed by a createdb on your laptop to create the database stub and then a pg_restore pointed at the dump to populate its contents. [Edit: Re-reading your post, it seems like you may perhaps have done this, but meant that the dump you used had replication enabled.)]
That would be entirely local (assuming no connections into the DB from off-box), so long as you didn't explicitly setup any replication or anything else that would go off-box. Can you elaborate on what exactly you mean by importing with replication?
Also, if you're concerned about remote traffic coming from Postgres, try running this command a few times over the period of a minute or two (when you are seeing the traffic):
netstat | grep postgres
In general, replication in Postgres in configured at a server level, and has to do with things such as the master server shipping WAL files to the standby server (for streaming replication). You would have almost certainly have had to setup entries in postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf to ensure that the standby server had access (such as a replication entry in the latter conf file). Assuming you didn't do steps such as this, I think it can pretty safely be concluded that there's no replication going on (especially in conjunction with double-checking via netstat).
You might also double-check the Postgres log to see if it's doing anything replication related. In a default install, that'd probably be in /var/log/postgresql (although I'm not 100% sure if Homebrew installs put it somewhere else).
If it's UDP traffic, to and from a high port, it's likely to be PostgreSQL's internal statistics collector.
These are pre-bound to prevent interference and should not be accessible outside of PostgreSQL.

OBIEE:how to reload rpd file quickly?

I'm new to use oracle BIEE.My development enviromnent now is installed,and the project is a little big.Multi user development is using for developing now.The problems happens when one developer publish the rpd to network and want to test the data,the server reloading the rpd file takes too much time and I can hardly wait!When multi users want to test rpd file,e,can't stand it... is there any other way to solve the problem?or how to make the biee sever reload the rpd file quickly?
It's hard to say specifically without knowing a bit more about your setup, but here are a few general advice pointers:
When stopping the service OBI will wait for any running queries to complete before stopping the service, so making sure there's nothing running before you try to do this.
Make sure you're only restarting the BI Server component, you don't need to wait for the other services to restart if you're just changing the RPD (if you're on 11g then deploying through EM should mean this happens anyway so you don't need to worry).
If you're using 11g, you could try incremental updates by creating patches.
Check whether the hardware you're running on is adequate, most importantly that you've enough RAM so it's not having to page out to disk when it loads the RPD.
Remove anything unused from the RPD to make it smaller.
