Shc encrypted shell script not executable - bash

I created an encrypted shell script with the tool shc.
The script works just fine on my computer but when I transfer it to
another one (solaris 10 to solaris 10) I get the following error:
invalid argument
It's not a permission problem and the encrypted script should be ok I guess it's a header/compiler problem.
The shc command used wasshc -rf <filename> so the script should work on another computer!?

According to The Geek Stuff you need to use the -r option to relax security and -f to specify your script file:
shc -r -f


Old version of script is run unless invoked with "sh scriptname"

I'm making a small edit to a shell script I use to mask password inputs like so:
printf "Enter login and press [ENTER]\n"
read user
printf "Enter password and press [ENTER]\n"
read -s -p pass
With the read -s -p pass being the updated part. For some reason I'm not seeing the changes when I run it normally by entering into the command line but I do see the changes when I run sh I've tried opening new terminal windows, and have run it in both ITerm and the default Mac terminal. I'm far from a scripting master, does anyone know why I'm not seeing the changes without the prefix?
Use a full or relative path to the script to make sure you're running what you think you're running.
If you are running it as simply then the shell will PATH environment variable lookup to locate it. To see which bash would be using in that case, run type
Relative Path
Full Path

Why this command "google-auth" works in the terminal but not from bash script?

I have installed libpam-google-authenticator and freeradius on server ubuntu 16.0405. Everything works good, except for if I use the command google-auth in bash script I get a error message "google-auth: command not found"
But the same works if I put it on terminal directly.
That is not a bash script.
To make it a bash script, your first line needs to include a "#" as follows:
Also, you need to ensure that the script is executable:
chmod +x
Hopefully that will solve your problem.
As per the comments below, it seems like the command "google-auth" was an alias which wasn't being established in the child shell.

sudo: command not found while using plink

Hi i have created a batch file (run.bat) that after execution connects me to UNIX server with help of plink. But issue starts from this point i have to execute a script after connection to my server the script contains a command sudo -l. After the execution i get the error as mentioned in subject can anyone help me on this issue ??
Batch File-:
"C:\Program Files\PuTTY" plink -ssh -pw Tos#12Ts /opt/sieb/w44dvftyw/
Script file( -:
sudo -l
It says
sudo: command not found
But when i run my script normally on UNIX server it runs with no issues. What am i missing here to make it work this way please help.
Scripts such as ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile responsible for setting up the current user's PATH are run only on login shells.
Running sh -c 'somescript' (as performed by ssh host 'somescript') is neither a login shell, nor an interactive shell; thus, it does not gain the benefit of such scripts.
This means that additions to the PATH (in your case, /usr/local/bin) may not be present with commands run in this way.
Among your options:
Pass the PATH you want as part of the command to remotely run. This might look like:
plink -ssh user#host "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin /opt/sieb/w44dvftyw/"
Embed a working value in the script you're running:
# ...put the rest of your script here.

Using expect, spawn with scp

I'm currently trying to automate a file transfer using the scp command with a shell script and the expect package. Based on what I've seen it seems that I should have
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
But when I did that I still get the errors: line 33: spawn: command not found
couldn't read file "*Password:*": no such file or directory line 35: send: command not found line 36: interact: command not found
The code I have works something along these lines:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set pass "***********"
cd $repository
spawn scp -r user#host:/copyDirectory/ .
expect "*Password:*"
send "${pass}\r";
It's a bad practice to store passwords in scripts or any other file. Use SSH authentication keys instead.
Take a look at this tutorial.
Looks like you're invoking your expect script like sh Clearly sh is not the correct interpreter for an expect script.
change the file extension: ".sh" is for shell scripts
make sure it has execute permissions then launch it with ./DirectoryChange.exp
repository=$PWD"/subdirectory/" is not how to assign variables in expect. remove this line and edit the cd line to cd subdirectory
you don't have to interact with scp, so change the last line to expect eof

sh: ...: is not an identifier when trying to invoke shell scripts using plink

Below is my shell script that I am trying to execute using PLINK on MachineB from MachineA(Windows Machine).
export HIVE_OPTS="$HIVE_OPTS -hiveconf"
hive -S -e 'SELECT count(*) from testingtable1' > attachment22.txt
I am using plink to execute the shell script like below,
C:\PLINK>plink uname#MachineB -m
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Your Kerberos password will expire in 73 days.
And this is the below error I always get whenever I try to run like above.
sh: HIVE_OPTS= -hiveconf is not
an identifier
Something wrong with my shell script? or some trailing spaces? I am not able to figure it out. I am running PLINK from windows machine
The sh: prefix on the error message indicates that the script is being executed by sh, not bash.
bash lets you combine setting a variable and exporting it into a single command:
export foo=bar
sh, or at least some older versions of it, require these two actions to be separated:
foo=bar ; export foo
A version of sh that doesn't recognize the export foo=bar syntax will interpret the string foo=bar as a variable name (and an illegal one, since it isn't an identifier).
Either arrange for the script to be executed by bash, or change this:
export HIVE_OPTS="$HIVE_OPTS -hiveconf"
to this:
HIVE_OPTS="$HIVE_OPTS -hiveconf"
export HIVE_OPTS
For that matter, since you're referring to $HIVE_OPTS at the very beginning of your script, it's almost certainly already exported, so you could just drop the export.
(You'll also need to avoid any other bash-specific features.)
So why is the system invoking the shell with sh? The #!/bin/bash syntax is specific to Unix-like systems. Windows generally decides how to execute a script based on the file extension; apparently your system is configured to invoke *.sh files using sh. (You could configure your system, using Folder Options, to invoke *.sh files using bash, but that might introduce other problems.)
I think the -m option to plink is for reading commands to execute on the remote machine from a local file. If my comment about line endings doesn't work, try
plink uname#MachineB
Make sure is executable by running
chmod +x
on MachineB.
