How to fix Setup project Prerequisites warning - visual-studio-2010

When I go to the "Setup Property Pages" in a Visual Studio Setup project and view the Prerequisites, I see a warning:
Prerequisite could not be found for bootstrapping
I did the following things:
Added a new folder in: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages" with my package
Restarted VS2010
(Even rebooted my pc)
Warning is still visible on that package.
Next I've added a .VSBootstrapperManifest file in the Packages directory ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages )
Restarted VS2010 again but that didn't help either, same with reboot.
Any suggestion what could be wrong?
This worked on my Win7 x64 machine, but this doesn't seem to work anymore on my Win8 Pro x64.
Thanks in advance.
When I open the Product.xml file from my package I see these XML lines:
<RegistryCheck Property="FoxProOleDbInstalled" Key="HKCR\CLSID\{...-..-..}\InprocServer32" />
When I search that key {...-..-..} in my registry I cannot find it at the location HKCR\CLSID{...-..-..}
But I can find it at this location:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ Wow6432Node \CLSID\ {...-..-..}
Can I just add another line inside the InstallChecks-tag in the Product.xml ?
How will the RegistryCheck tags be checked in that file (AND? OR?)
(I think all InstallChecks need to be true but I'm not sure, the documentation is not so clear: )

If you are developing windows 8 store/metro apps in "windows 8 pro".
Use visual studio 2012 instead of vs2010.It will work.


Name cannot begin with the '$' character, hexadecimal value 0x24

I have this warning that never goes away and I don't know how to get it fixed:
Warning Name cannot begin with the '$' character, hexadecimal value 0x24.
.Android C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.Common.targets 1668 Build
After enabling detailed verbosity, it points to this section of the Xamarin.Android.Common.targets file:
<Target Name="_GenerateJavaStubs" DependsOnTargets="_SetLatestTargetFrameworkVersion;_PrepareAssemblies;$(_AfterPrepareAssemblies)" Inputs="$(MSBuildAllProjects);#(_ResolvedAssemblies);$(_AndroidManifestAbs);$(_AndroidBuildPropertiesCache)" Outputs="$(IntermediateOutputPath)android\AndroidManifest.xml;$(_AcwMapFile);$(_AndroidTypeMappingJavaToManaged);$(_AndroidTypeMappingManagedToJava)">
<GenerateJavaStubs ResolvedAssemblies="#(_ResolvedAssemblies)" ResolvedUserAssemblies="#(_ResolvedUserAssemblies)" ManifestTemplate="$(_AndroidManifestAbs)" MergedManifestDocuments="#(ExtractedManifestDocuments)" Debug="$(AndroidIncludeDebugSymbols)"
NeedsInternet="$(AndroidNeedsInternetPermission)" AndroidSdkPlatform="$(_AndroidApiLevel)" AndroidSdkDir="$(_AndroidSdkDirectory)" PackageName="$(_AndroidPackage)" ManifestPlaceholders="$(AndroidManifestPlaceholders)" OutputDirectory="$(IntermediateOutputPath)android"
MergedAndroidManifestOutput="$(IntermediateOutputPath)android\AndroidManifest.xml" UseSharedRuntime="$(AndroidUseSharedRuntime)" EmbedAssemblies="$(EmbedAssembliesIntoApk)" ResourceDirectory="$(MonoAndroidResDirIntermediate)" BundledWearApplicationName="$(BundledWearApplicationPackageName)"
PackageNamingPolicy="$(AndroidPackageNamingPolicy)" ApplicationJavaClass="$(AndroidApplicationJavaClass)" AcwMapFile="$(_AcwMapFile)">
<ConvertResourcesCases ResourceDirectories="$(MonoAndroidResDirIntermediate)" AcwMapFile="$(_AcwMapFile)" />
I have no idea if I need to modify this or if one of my files is causing the issue. I double checked, none of my files actually start with a $.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
Seems to be a Xamarin bug, at least in some circumstances. Logged Github issues here and here with repro steps and a sample project.
Try this:
Open Windows Task Manager -> Go to the Details Tab
End all MSBuild.exe tasks you may find
Go to your project folder, delete Bin & Obj folders (SHIFT+DEL)
Close Visual Studio completely
Open Visual Studio again, open your solution, rebuild.
OR this:
Open Project settings
Go to Android Manifest
Make sure your Version number doesn't have dots or commas
Looking through the diagnostic output of Visual Studio, I could see a lot of '\$' occurrences, most of them related to Google Play.
For me, the solution was that I had forgotten to install Google Play in the SDK Manager (under Extras).
For me, a Visual Studio 2017 update did the trick.
Now it is only a warning anymore.
Name cannot begin with the '$' character, hexadecimal value 0x24.
VS 17 update from 15.4.4 to 15.7.4 was done.
I have experienced this error on Android, and what I have done to make it works is: "Version Number" should be a number and it should not contain the dot.

VS2015 compile errors with Win API GetIscsiSessionList of Iscsidsc.h

I want to user a Windows API called GetIscsiSessionList to get the information of session list.
I came across with a compile problem, VS2015 complains as follows:
VS complians of GetIscsiSessionList:
VS complians in header file Iscsidsc.h:
Iscsidsc.h is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um
. Since Iscsidsc.h is a Windows provided file, I don't understand why VS compiler will complain.
The order of include header files should be as follows:
iscsierr.h should be in front of iscsidsc.h

SSRS does not recognize custom DLL

I'm developing SSRS reports via VS2010 on my local machine.
I need to reference from a certain report to a DLL I wrote, The DLL was built at .net framwork 3.5 and I've placed the dll in the following libraries:
1.C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies.
2.C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin
both on my local machine and the server where SSRS is located.
I've also added rssrvpolicy.config file as following:
Url="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\Test.dll"
Done all that' I've referenced the DLL through the report properties but yet recieved the following error message while previewing the report:
"An error occured during local report processing, The definition of the report X is invalid.
Error while loading code module "Test ...' Could not load file or assembly 'Test ...' or one of its dependenies. The system cannot find the file specified"
Any ideas?
OK found the problem!
Apperntly installing VS2010 on win7 64 bit create two Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 folders, one in Program Files where I've located my DLL and one in Program Files (x86) where I should have located it.
Once the DLL was put in the correct folder the report recognized it.
Thanks for your reply

Visual 2010 MFC new project doesn't build!

I just created a new project in Visual 2010. It is a multi-document MFC (static link) application with the HTML help option, Visual Studio 2008 style (with style changing option), that's about it.
Just after creation, I hit Build Solution and I get a lot build errors all in afxcomctl32.h. Errors like:
Error 1 error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPCWS' C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\atlmfc\include\afxcomctl32.h 426 1
On this line:
AFX_ISOLATIONAWARE_STATICLINK_FUNC(HWND ,CreateWindowExW,(DWORD dwExStyle,LPCWS TR lpClassName,LPCWSTR lpWindowName,DWORD dwStyle,int X,int Y,int nWidth,int nHeight,HWND hWndParent,HMENU hMenu,HINSTANCE hInstance,LPVOID lpParam),(dwExStyle,lpClassName,lpWindowName,dwStyle,X,Y,nWidth,nHeight,hWndParent,hMenu,hInstance,lpParam),NULL)
Same errors in Debug and Release.
My PC is Windows 7 Ultimate. What's the problem???
Best regards,
That code got messed up, there is a space or tab inserted in LPCWSTR. Deleting it will fix the problem.
However, that changed the timestamp on the file as well, you may run into trouble when you install a future service pack. One thing to try is to rename the file, then run a Repair to get the original file back. Or copy it off another machine.

Where is TextTransform.exe Located on Hard drive?

Where is TextTransform.exe located?
I'm trying to implement the solution in this post:
Get Visual Studio to run a T4 Template on every build
However I'm getting an error
"'TextTransform.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
I have been looking through the program files, however not sure where TextTransform.exe is located.
It should be below
\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextTemplating\
Anyone coming to this question that's using VS 2017 or later should be using vswhere to locate this file. #codingdave's comment is the closest but that still won't work on many computers.
I've added an example to the Microsoft Docs article feedback that shows how to do this with Powershell.
#the path to VSWhere.exe is always in programfiles(x86)
$progFilesx86Path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%programfiles(x86)%")
$vsWherePath = Join-Path $progFilesx86Path "\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
# this tells vswhere to use paths of the latest version of visual studio installed
# to locate this exe anywhere in those paths, and return a single textual
# value (not a json object or xml payload)
$ttExe = & $vsWherePath -latest -find **\TextTransform.exe -format value
if (-Not(Test-Path $ttExe)){
throw "Could not locate TextTransform.exe"
#then to invoke a transformation
& "$ttExe" c:\Source\
From #codingdave's comment
For VS2017, VS2019 location of TextTransform.exe will be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\<<Version>>\<<Edition>>\Common7\IDE
Version -> (2017/2019)
Edition -> (Community/Professional/Enterprise)
And in pre build event we can use macro like
"$(DevEnvDir)\TextTransform.exe" "$(ProjectDir)"
I would recommend trying this over that solution:
If you don't have VS 2010, though, I suppose you're stuck doing it the hard way.
