I want to create a test plan for testing a given web, using JMeter. There are two parameters in this test: X and Y.
Each loop, I give a random number from 0 to 50 ${__Random(0,50,)} as parameter X, and then give Y the values as follows: Y=[0,10,20...50] consecutively (X remains the same).
I used a counter here, but I got a different X each time. And user parameters don't seem suitable for this problem. Or maybe I just don't know how to use them correctly.
Are there any methods to solve this problem? I'm new to this tool, so it may be something basic.
Thanks in advance:D
Here is the screenshot of my test plan:
Add a csv data set as child of test plan and put in File you will reference from it
Set y as var
And use ${y} as Y value
I have below setup for my test plan:
In POST http request, I am sending a variable myCount set to value 0.
As per above configuration,
this test will run 100 times but everytime the value of myCount is sending 0.
I want it in incremental
for example: for loop 1 value set to 1, for loop 2 value should set 2.
Please let me know how can I achieve this.
Also, I would like to know in Taurus as well.
Thread Group has a pre-defined variable which returns the current iteration number, it's ${__jm__Thread Group__idx}
if you want the counting to start from 1 - go for __intSum() function
There is __counter() function which generates an incremented number each time it's being called
There is Counter configuration element which does the same but you have additional possibility to control the number format, i.e. if you need 0001 instead of just 1 or you plan to re-use the generated variable value later on within the bounds of same request or iteration. More information: How to Use a Counter in a JMeter Test
With regards to Taurus - in case of JMeter executor it supports all the approaches mentioned above
I have run a analysis on Sonarqube with Codescan. The number of issues returned, is way above the 10000 web api limit. Therefore, within my client/code I wanted to loop through all of the rules within a quality profile and return all the issues per rule.
How can I get a list of rules using the web api from java?
You can use api/qualityprofiles/backup. It takes a quality profile key as parameter and returns an xml containing all "active rules".
Newer SonarQube versions do not have the 10K issues limitation.
You have to loop n-times to collect all results.
For example:
Consider a project with 44K issues.
You have to discover first how many issues you have to read, call one time the /api/issues/search with only you project key and the parameter ps ( pagesize ) equal to 100
You could receive an answer like this
So we have to claim 44130 issues, using a pagesize of 100 then you must call (44130 / 100 ) + 1 times the /api/issues/search for your project and for every request remember to increase by 1 the p ( page ) parameter ( so you can point the right portion of results )
Your sequence of command will be like this
Parse the result of every call and you will be obtained the list of your issues.
i want to control my sampler execution by using a random variable . I have a sequence of hits login,welcome,Bla,log out . i want the log out to be performed for 6/10 requests and let others do not login(so to speak 6 requests will perform the whole sequence including log out, 4 of them will perform will not perform log out ).How to achieve the same in JMETER
I have added a random variable rand and set it between 1-10 at the beginning of the thread group .Then just above Logout sampler i placed an IF controller were i check ${rand}>4 . How ever i always get all sequence executed . Please suggest what am i doing wrong
Your approach is a little bit weird, my expectation is that the problem is in the following areas:
Your IF Controller condition is wrong (check jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries)
Your random variable setting is wrong, i.e. it has the same value for all virtual users (threads) so they will either be executed all or none
So I would recommend using Throughput Controller or Switch Controller in order to set up this 60/40 distribution.
See Running JMeter Samplers with Defined Percentage Probability article for more details.
Random Variable in Jmeter is saved in long format be default so
${rand} > 4 won't work. You need to change
Condition to ${rand} > 4.0
or change Random Variable Output format to 00 (2 digits)
see Manual
This was accomplished by creating a combination of config element- random variable and an IF controller
1) a random variable was created with Minim and maxim value to meet above condition
2) and IF controller was able to check ${myrand}>4;
This had derived the desired result - thank you all
I have a JMeter Test Plan with following structure
Test Plan
--CSV Data Config-001
--CSV Data Config-002
I have two CSV files which contain list of users like this..
.. ..
.. ..
In my scenario, I need to run a load test with say 100 users. 50 users login from ThreadGroup1 and other 50 users login from ThreadGroup2. Users from both threadgroups login simultaneously.
Currently, I have to go through process of manually creating/editing these CSV files whenever I change the number of total users.
Please suggest if there are any alternative time-saving & performance-efficient approaches through I which can fulfill my scenario requirements (without using CSV files).
I will appreciate, if you can explain the alternative solution with some details as I am quite new to JMeter stuff. Thanks.
Another idea is to use
for the first thread group and
for the second, where Z equals the total number of threads in thread group 1. You also need to add 1 since ctx.getThreadNum() returns a thread number using a 0 based index, whereas the __threadNum function is 1 based.
You can use a counter in each thread. The start value for the counter in the first thread would be 1, in the second 51. Be sure the 'Track counter independently for each user' check box is unchecked.
If you set the reference names to thread1Count and thread2Count respectively, you can use
for the first thread and
for the second.
I am running some tests in Jmeter with the following values -
Number of Threads = 50
Number of Loop count = 133
I would expect the number of samples (column Count in the Summary report) to be 50*133=6650 but I see this as only 3220.
I tried this test with:
Number of Threads = 50
Number of Loop count = 100 and this time also I got the number of samples (Count) as 3221
I tried with:
Number of Threads = 30
Number of Loop count = 133 and this time also I got the number of samples (Count) as 3220
For some reason, Jmeter is limiting the max number of samples to a number around 3220. Why is this happening?
JMeter doesn't have limitation on number of samples, if it is, it would be something like 2 billion.
Try the following:
Re-run your test in non-GUI mode
Open JMeter GUI. Don't open any .jmx file
Add Summary Report Listener
Click Browse button and open .jtl file which you specified by -l parameter in step 1
Check if real samples count matches your calculation.
It should be equal. If it isn't make sure that i.e. you are not using Test Action Sampler which stops the test on certain condition or CSV Data Set Config with Stop thread on EOF set to true or whatever.
If the problem still persists and none of above recommendations help update the issue with your jmeter.log file