Replicate() versus a for loop? - performance

Does anyone know how the replicate() function works in R and how efficient it is relative to using a for loop?
For example, is there any efficiency difference between...
means <- replicate(100000, mean(rnorm(50)))
means <- c()
for(i in 1:100000) {
means <- c(means, mean(rnorm(50)))
(I may have typed something slightly off above, but you get the idea.)

You can just benchmark the code and get your answer empirically. Note that I also added a second for loop flavor which circumvents the growing vector problem by preallocating the vector.
repl_function = function(no_rep) means <- replicate(no_rep, mean(rnorm(50)))
for_loop = function(no_rep) {
means <- c()
for(i in 1:no_rep) {
means <- c(means, mean(rnorm(50)))
for_loop_prealloc = function(no_rep) {
means <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = no_rep)
for(i in 1:no_rep) {
means[i] <- mean(rnorm(50))
no_loops = 50e3
replications = 3)
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
2 for_loop(no_loops) 3 18.886 6.274 17.803 0.894
3 for_loop_prealloc(no_loops) 3 3.209 1.066 3.189 0.000
1 repl_function(no_loops) 3 3.010 1.000 2.997 0.000
user.child sys.child
2 0 0
3 0 0
1 0 0
Looking at the relative column, the un-preallocated for loop is 6.2 times slower. However, the preallocated for loop is just as fast as replicate.

replicate is a wrapper for sapply, which itself is a wrapper for lapply. lapply is ultimately an .Internal function that is written in C and performs the looping in an optimised way, rather than through the interpreter. It's main advantages are efficient memory management, especially compared to the highly inefficient vector growing method you present above.

I have a very different experience with replicate which also confuses me. It often happens that my R crashes and my laptop hangs when I use replicate compared to for and this surprises me, as for the reasons mentioned above, I also expected a C-written function to outperform the for loop. For example, if you execute the functions below, you'll see that for loop is faster than replicate
system.time(for (i in 1:10) runif(1e7))
# user system elapsed
# 3.340 0.218 3.558
system.time(replicate(10, runif(1e7)))
# user system elapsed
# 4.622 0.484 5.109
so with 10 replicates, the for loop is clearly faster. If you repeat it for 100 replicates you get similar results. So I wonder if anyone can come with an example that shows its practical privileges compared to for.
PS I also created a function for the runif(1e7) and that made no difference in the comparison. Basically I failed to come with any example that shows the advantage of replicate.

Vectorization is the key difference between them. I will tray to explain this point. R is an high-level-interpreted computer language. It takes care of many basic computer tasks for you. When you write
x <- 2.0
you don’t have to tell your computer that
“2.0” is a floating-point number;
“x” should store numeric-type data;
it has to find a place in memory to put “5”;
it has to register “x” as a pointer to a certain place in memory.
R figures these things by itself.
But, for such comfortable issue, there is a price: it is slower than low level languages.
In C or FORTRAN, much of this "test if" would be accomplished during the compilation step, not during the program execution. They are translated into binary computer language (0/1) after they are written, BUT before they are run. This allows the compiler to organize the binary machine code in an optimal way for the computer to interpret.
What does this have to do with vectorization in R? Well, many R functions are actually written in a a compiled language, such as C, C++, and FORTRAN, and have a small R “wrapper”. This is the difference between yours approach. for loops add further test if operations that the machine has to do on data, making it slower


How can this function in Haskell be optimised

As part of an advent of code challenge, I've written the following functions in Haskell:
simulateUntilRepeat_int a b i = if (a /= b) then (simulateUntilRepeat_int a (updateCycle b) (i+1)) else i
simulateUntilRepeat a = simulateUntilRepeat_int a (updateCycle a) 1
The purpose of this is to take a list of moons and simulate their movement until they resume their original position, returning the number of cycles it took for them to get there. (the function updateCycle does one iteration of the simulation). However, when I attempt to run this it uses all available memory and then gets killed by the operating system. The question does admit that this may take a very large number of cycles.
Googling around about this problem I find the usual fix is to make some of the parameters strict, but I think I've experimented with all possible permutations of strictness on the parameters to no avail. By the looks of this function, I'd have anticipated the compiler would be able to use the tail recursion optimisation and turn it into a loop, but this seems to not be happening somehow.
A friend of mine, who is knowledgeable in haskell suggested changing the form of the function to the following:
f a b0 = length (takeWhile (/= a) (iterate updateCycle b0))
But doing this didn't fix it either, leaving me out of ideas.
The comments are undoubtedly correct that your approach is not the intended solution method.
However, the functions you've posted would not, in and of themselves, cause a memory leak, fail to tail recurse, or lead to poor performance. Given your code above plus the definitions:
updateCycle 4686774942 = 0
updateCycle n = n+1
main = do
print $ simulateUntilRepeat (0 :: Int)
and compiling with -O2, the program runs in constant memory on my laptop in about 30 seconds. Adding explicit type signatures to use Int in place of Integer for the iteration count:
simulateUntilRepeat_int :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
simulateUntilRepeat :: Int -> Int
it runs in about 2.4 seconds.
So, to understand why your program is gobbling all available memory or why your strictness annotations failed to make a difference, it would probably be necessary to see the whole working program (or preferably a minimal example that illustrates the performance problem). If the program is short, and the question is "why is the performance of this program totally unreasonable?" instead of "how can I optimize my program to run as fast as possible?", it might still be a good SO question. Otherwise, the Code Review site might be better -- you can post a larger program there and ask for general performance advice, and that's considered on-topic for that site.

polyfit on GPUArray is extremely slow [duplicate]

function w=oja(X, varargin)
% get the dimensionality
[m n] = size(X);
% random initial weights
w = randn(m,1);
options = struct( ...
'rate', .00005, ...
'niter', 5000, ...
'delta', .0001);
options = getopt(options, varargin);
success = 0;
% run through all input samples
for iter = 1:options.niter
y = w'*X;
for ii = 1:n
% y is a scalar, not a vector
w = w + options.rate*(y(ii)*X(:,ii) - y(ii)^2*w);
if (any(~isfinite(w)))
warning('Lost convergence; lower learning rate?');
size(X)= 400 153600
This code implements oja's rule and runs slow. I am not able to vectorize it any more. To make it run faster I wanted to do computations on the GPU, therefore I changed
But the code instead ran slower. The computation used seems to be compatible with GPU. Please let me know my mistake.
Profile Code Output:
Complete details:
This is not a full answer on how to solve it, but more an explanation why GPUs does not speed up, but actually enormously slow down your code.
GPUs are fantastic to speed up code that is parallel, meaning that they can do A LOT of things at the same time (i.e. my GPU can do 30070 things at the same time, while a modern CPU cant go over 16). However, GPU processors are very slow! Nowadays a decent CPU has around 2~3Ghz speed while a modern GPU has 700Mhz. This means that a CPU is much faster than a GPU, but as GPUs can do lots of things at the same time they can win overall.
Once I saw it explained as: What do you prefer, A million dollar sports car or a scooter? A million dolar car or a thousand scooters? And what if your job is to deliver pizza? Hopefully you answered a thousand scooters for this last one (unless you are a scooter fan and you answered the scooters in all of them, but that's not the point). (source and good introduction to GPU)
Back to your code: your code is incredibly sequential. Every inner iteration depends in the previous one and the same with the outer iteration. You can not run 2 of these in parallel, as you need the result from one iteration to run the next one. This means that you will not get a pizza order until you have delivered the last one, thus what you want is to deliver 1 by 1, as fast as you can (so sports car is better!).
And actually, each of these 1 line equations is incredibly fast! If I run 50 of them in my computer I get 13.034 seconds on that line which is 1.69 microseconds per iteration (7680000 calls).
Thus your problem is not that your code is slow, is that you call it A LOT of times. The GPU will not accelerate this line of code, because it is already very fast, and we know that CPUs are faster than GPUs for these kind of things.
Thus, unfortunately, GPUs suck for sequential code and your code is very sequential, therefore you can not use GPUs to speed up. An HPC will neither help, because every loop iteration depends in the previous one (no parfor :( ).
So, as far I can say, you will need to deal with it.

R loop getting slower and slower

I am struggling to understand why this bit of code (adapted from the R Benchmark 2.5) becomes slower and slower (on average) as the number of iteration increases.
c <- 0;
for (i in 1:100) {
a <- new("dgeMatrix", x = rnorm(3250 * 3250), Dim = as.integer(c(3250, 3250)))
b <- as.double(1:3250)
timing <- system.time({
c <- solve(crossprod(a), crossprod(a, b))
rm(a, b, c)
Here is a sample output, which varies slightly from one run to the next.
As I understand it, nothing should saved from one iteration to the next, yet the timing slowly increases from 1 second in the first few loops to more than 4 seconds in the later loops. Do you have any idea what is causing this, and how I could fix it?
Switching the for loop to an *apply seems to yield similar results.
I know the code is not optimised, but it's coming from a widely used benchmark, and depending on what causes this behaviour, it could indicate a serious bias in its results (which only iterates 3 times by default).
I'm running R version 3.0.1 (x86_64) on Mac OS 10.8.4 with 16 GB RAM (plenty of which is free). The BLAS is OpenBLAS.
One solution would be to use the compiler package to compile your code into byte code. This should eliminate the odd timing issues as it will be calling the same compiled code each iteration. It should also make your code faster. To enable the compiler on your code, include the two lines below:
If compiling the code does not eliminate the issue, then the set of suspect problems will be narrowed down.
Perhaps you could try making the code within the for loop into a function. This way there is really no way one run could impact another. Also, it removes the messiness caused by excessive rm() and gc() use.
NewFun <- function() {
a <- new("dgeMatrix", x = rnorm(3250 * 3250), Dim = as.integer(c(3250, 3250)))
b <- as.double(1:3250)
timing <- system.time({
c <- solve(crossprod(a), crossprod(a, b))
for (i in 1:100) {

R code execution using : system time()

I have some code that I ported from Matlab to R. I want to compare their performance.
However, I encountered a problem: Using system.time() in R, but I get different results for the same code. Is this supposed to happen? How do I compare it?
You'll get different results if you time your self running a 100m sprint too! The computer has lots of things going on that will slightly vary the time it takes to run your code.
The solution is to run the code many times. The R package benchmark is what you're looking for.
As #Justin said, the times will always vary. Especially the first time couple of times, since the garbage collection system hasn't adjusted itself to your specific use. It might be a good idea to restart R before measuring (and close other programs, ensure the system isn't scanning for viruses at this time etc)...
Note that if the measured time is small (fractions of a second), the relative error will be rather large, so try to adjust the problem so it takes at least a second.
The packages benchmark or rbenchmark can help.
...but I typically just do a for-loop around the problem and adjust it until it takes a second or so - and then I run it several times too.
Here's an example:
f <- function(x, y) {
sum <- 1
for (i in seq_along(x)) sum <- x[[i]] + y[[i]] * sum
n <- 10000
x <- 1:n + 0.5
y <- -1:-n + 0.5
system.time(f(x,y)) # 0.02-0.03 secs
system.time(for(i in 1:100) f(x,y)) # 1.56-1.59 secs calling it 100 times reduced the relative error a lot.

Haskell - simple way to cache a function call

I have functions like:
millionsOfCombinations = [[a, b, c, d] |
a <- filter (...some filter...) someListOfAs,
b <- (...some other filter...) someListOfBs,
c <- someListOfCs, d <- someListOfDs]
aLotOfCombinationsOfCombinations = [[comb1, comb2, comb3] |
comb1 <- millionsOfCombinations,
comb2 <- millionsOfCombinations,
comb3 <- someList,
...around 10 function calls to find if
[comb1, comb2, comb3] is actually useful]
Evaluating millionsOfCombinations takes 40s. on a very fast workstation. Evaluating aLotOfCombinationsOfCombinations!!0 took 2 days :-(
How can I speed up this code? So far I've had 2 ideas - use a profiler. Tried running myapp +RTS -sstderr after compiling with GHC, but get a blank screen and don't want to wait days for it to finish.
2nd thought was to somehow cache millionsOfCombinations. Do I understand correctly that for each value in aLotOfCombinationsOfCombinations, millionsOfCombinations gets evaluated multiple times? If that is so, how can I cache the result? Obviously I've just started learning Haskell. I know there is a way to do call caching with a monad, but I still don't understand those things.
Use the -fforce-recomp, -O2 and -fllvm flags
If you aren't already, be sure to use the above flags. I wouldn't normally mention it, but I've seen some questions recently that didn't know powerful optimization isn't a default.
Profile Your Code
The -sstderr flag isn't exactly profiling. When people say profiling they're usually talking about either heap profiling or time profiling via -prof and -auto-all flags.
Avoid Costly Primitives
If you need the entire list in memory (i.e. it isn't going to be optimized away) then consider unboxed vectors. If Int will do instead of Integer, consider that (but Integer is a reasonable default when you don't know!). Use worker/wrapping transforms at the right times. If you're leaning heavily on Data.Map, try using Data.HashMap from the unordered-containers library. This list can go on and on, but since you don't already have an intuition on where your computation time is going the profiling should come first!
I think, that there is no way. Please notice, that the time to generate the list is growing with each list involved. So you get around 10000003 combinations to check, which indeed takes a lot of time. Caching the list ist possible but is unlikely to change anything, since new elements can be generated almost instantly. The only way is probably to change the algorithm.
If millionsOfCombinations is a constant (and not a function with arguments), it is cached automatically. Else, make it a constant by using a where clause:
aLotOfCombinationsOfCombinations = [[comb1, comb2, comb3] |
comb1 <- millionsOfCombinations,
comb2 <- millionsOfCombinations,
comb3 <- someList,
...around 10 function calls to find if
[comb1, comb2, comb3] is actually useful] where
millionsOfCombinations = makeCombination xyz
