In a byte addressed space with 32bit addressing, it takes up 32bits of memory to reference 8 bits? - memory-management

In a byte addressed space with 32bit addressing, it takes up 32bits of memory to reference 8 bits?
So the addressing is the major portion of Memory?
Am I conceptualizing this correctly?

No. It takes 32 bits to reference a contiguous region of any size. If you have a 1 megabyte buffer, you're not going to store a pointer to every byte inside it, you'll just store a pointer to the beginning of it.


Question about memory space in microprocessor

My teacher has given me the question to differentiate the maximum memory space of 1MB and 4GB microprocessor. Does anyone know how to answer this question apart from size mentioned difference ?
A 32-bit microprocessor can address up to 4 GB of memory, because its registers can contain an address that is 32 bits in size. (A 32-bit number ranges from 0 to 4,294,967,295‬). Each of those values can represent a unique memory location.
The 16-bit 8086, on the other hand, has 16-bit registers which only range from 0 to 65,535. However, the 8086 has a trick up its sleeve- it can use memory segments to increase this range up to one megabyte (20 bits). There are segment registers whose values are automatically bit-shifted left by 4 then added to the regular registers to form the final address.
For example, let's look at video mode 13h on the 8086. This is the 256-color VGA standard with a resolution of 320x200 pixels. Each pixel is represented by a single byte and the desired color is stored in that byte. The video memory is located at address 0xA0000, but since this value is greater than 16 bits, typically the programmer will load 0xA000 into a segment register like ds or es, then load 0000 into si or di. Once that is done, the program can read from [ds:si] and write to [es:di] to access the video memory. It's important to keep in mind that with this memory addressing scheme, not all combinations of segment and offset represent a unique memory location. Having es = A100/di = 0000 is the same as es=A000/di=1000.

Memory Pool Returned Memory Alignment

In my application I have a memory pool. I allocate all memory at startup in the form of a uint64 array (64 bit machine). Then construct objects in this array using placement new. So object 1 starts at position pool[0] object 2 start at position pool[1] so on so forth. Since each object will span at least 64bits or multiples of sizeof(uint64) (if it needs more uint64 slots to allocate).
Am I correct to assume that all memory returned from the pool will be aligned correctly? Since each uint64 in the array will be properly aligned by the compiler. If so, does using uint32 on a 32bit machine in the same manner will work?
You are correct to assume that there will not be any padding. Compilers mostly pack in 2 bytes or 4 bytes boundaries (this can be controlled).
You should verify this on your specific target using __alignof__.
The keyword __alignof__ allows you to inquire about how an object is aligned, or the minimum alignment usually required by a type. Its syntax is just like sizeof.
However, an allocation of 8 bytes, might not be aligned to 64bit, if the array was allocated starting with a 32bit offset address.
You could use aligned_alloc(8, size) to allocate the memory, then cast it to array of uint64.

How is byte addressing implemented in modern computers?

I have trouble understanding how in say a 32-bit computer byte addressing is achieved:
Is the ram itself byte addressable meaning the first byte has address 0 and the second 1 etc? In this case, wouldn't is take 4 read cycles to read a 32-bit word and waste the width of the data bus?
Or does the ram consist of 32-bit words meaning address 0 points to the first 4 bytes and address 2 points to bytes 5 to 8? In this case I would expect the ram interface to make byte addressing possible (from the cpu's point of view)
Think of RAM as 8 bit wide structure with N entries. N is often the size quoted when referring to memory (256 MB - 256M entries, 2GB - 2G entries etc, B is for bytes). When you access this memory, the smallest unit you can address is one of these entries which is 8 bits (1 byte). Since you can only access it at byte level, we call it byte addressable memory.
Now coming to your question about accessing this memory, we do not just access a byte. Most of the time, memory accesses are sent through caches which are there to reduce memory access latency. Caches store data at a higher granularity than a byte or word, normally it is multiple of words. In doing so, caches explore a property called "locality". Locality means, there is a high chance that we either access this data item or a near by data item very soon. So fetching not just the byte, but all the adjacent bytes is not a waste. Think of it as an investment for future, saves you multiple data fetches that you would have done otherwise.
Memory addresses in RAM start with 0th address and they are accessed using the registers with capacity of 8 bit register or 32 bit registers. Based on these registers the value from specific address is accessed by the CPU. If you really need to understand how it works, you will need to run couple of programs using Assembly language to navigate in the physical memory by reading the values directly using registers and register move commands.

A 32 bit register represents 4Gbyte or 4Gbit of memory?

It may be a very stupid question but everywhere I read, it says a 32 bit register can represent maximum of 4GByte of memory but should it represent 4Gbit of memory? As 2^2 . 2^30 gives 4G. For addition of byte there must be another factor of 2^3. Can anyone help me if I am missing something here?
It depends on what is your 32 bits register meaning. If this is byte address, it can handle 4G bytes address space. If it is index of 512 bytes sectors it can handle 2Tera bytes of storage space. And finaly if it is a bit index only 512M bytes (4G bits).
32-bit register can address 2^32 bytes. 2^32 in decimal is 4,294,967,296. Hence number of addressable BYTES is 4+ billion. 4 GB addressable space.
See also:
Math behind 4GB limit on 32 bit systems
how much memory can be accessed by a 32 bit machine?
Can a 32-bit program use more than 4GB of memory on a 64-bit OS?

Memory, Stack and 64 bit

On a x86 system a memory location can hold 4 bytes (32 / 8) of data, therefore a single memory address in a 64 bit system can hold 8 bytes per memory address. When examining the stack in GDB though this doesn't appear to be the case, example:
0x7fff5fbffa20: 0x00007fff5fbffa48 0x0000000000000000
0x7fff5fbffa30: 0x00007fff5fbffa48 0x00007fff857917e1
If I have this right then each hexadecimal pair (48) is a byte, thus the first memory address
0x7fff5fbffa20: is actually holding 16 bytes of data and not 8.
This has had me really confused and has for a while, so absolutely any input is vastly appreciated.
Short answer: on both x86 and x64 the minimum addressable entity is a byte: each "memory location" contains one byte, in each case. What you are seeing from GDB is only formatting: it is dumping 16 contiguous bytes, as the address increasing from ....20 to ....30, (on the left) indicates.
Long answer: 32bit or 64bit is used to indicate many things, in an architecture: almost always, is the addressable size (how many bits are in an address = how much memory you can directly address - again, bytes of memory). It also usually indicates the dimension of registers, and also (but not always) the native word size.
That means that usually, even if you can address a single byte, the machine works "better" using data of different (longer) size. What "better" means is beyond the question; a little background, however, is good to understand some misconceptions about word size in the question.
