In Textmate (or with sed), how can I find two lines that start with "Date:" and replace both lines with the first? Here's the search expression I used in TextMate that works:
Example text:
blah blah
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 16:20:59 -0800 (PST)
Date: 2009-01-09 16:20:59 -0800 (Fri, 09 Jan 2009)
turn into:
blah blah
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 16:20:59 -0800 (PST)
Capture the first date using parentheses:
And then use this as your replacement field:
($1 just means to use the text captured in the first set of parentheses in the find string.)
I want to convert this bash command to shell script.
date --date="Wed Aug 25 22:37:44 +0900 2021" +"%s"
function time(a, b, c, d, e) { return date --date="a b c d +0900 e" +"%s" }
{print time($1, $2, $3, $4, $5}
Wed Aug 25 22:37:44 2021
awk -f timeline
awk: function cvtTime(w) { return date --date="Thu May 14 23:40:52 +0900 2020" +"%s" }
awk: ^ syntax error
What about timeline file has multiple lines? Like:
Wed Aug 25 22:37:44 2021 JACK
Wed Aug 26 22:37:44 2021 EMILY
Wed Aug 27 22:37:44 2021 SAM
I tried:
while read -r line; do
date --date="${1} ${2} ${3} ${4} +0900 ${5}" +"%s"
1629898664 JACK
1629985064 EMILY
1630071464 SAM
But it doesn't work :(
It seems that you want a shell script that is invoked with five command line parameters:
A weekday (in a three-letter format)
A month (in a three-letter format)
A time expression (HH:MM:SS)
A year (four digits)
(Note that 1. is redundant, it is implied by 2., 3., and 5.)
Hence a somewhat minimal shell script would look sth. like this:
date --date="${1} ${2} ${3} ${4} +0900 ${5}" +"%s"
Of course, this can be greatly improved, e.g., by adding sanity checks for the passed parameters.
In case you want to store the date information in a file so that you can pass a single filename parameter to the script instead (allowing for multiple such lines), the following variation will do:
while read -a i; do
echo $(date --date="${i[0]} ${i[1]} ${i[2]} ${i[3]} +0900 ${i[4]}" +"%s") ${i[5]}
done < ${1}
Note, however, that this version expects an additional name parameter after the date information in each line.
In any event, no need for awk here.
I have a String variable (datetime with GMT offset) in the following format.
How can I convert this to a MST in bash shell script?
Input GMT :- 08/Sep/2020:11:38:01 +0000
Output MST :- 08/Sep/2020:04:38:01 -0700
We can get the offset like this
offset=$(date +%-z)
I dont want to again convert into date from string and then use offset and minus offset to reach MST.Is there a way to convert it in a better way?
Convert 08/Sep/2020:11:38:01 +0000 with bash to 08 Sep 2020 11:38:01 +0000:
gmt="08/Sep/2020:11:38:01 +0000"
gmt="${gmt//\// }" # replace all / with spaces
gmt="${gmt/:/ }" # replace first : with space
Then use it with GNU date:
TZ="MST" date --date="$gmt" +'%d/%h/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z'
08/Sep/2020:04:38:01 -0700
When using
I receive a date in this format
Wed, 3 Jun 2015 14:57:46 -0700
but I want it to be in this format
You can use strftime to format the string:"%m/%d/%y")
#=> 09/16/15
I've currently got a string as below:
integration#{Wed Nov 19 14:17:32 2014} branch: thebranch
This is contained in a file, and I parse the string. However I want the value between the brackets {Wed Nov 19 14:17:32 2014}
I have zero experience with Sed, and to be honest I find it a little cryptic.
So far I've managed to use the following command, however the output is still the entire string.
What am I doing wrong?
sed -e 's/[^/{]*"\([^/}]*\).*/\1/'
To get the values which was between {, }
$ sed 's/^[^{]*{\([^{}]*\)}.*/\1/' file
Wed Nov 19 14:17:32 2014
This is very simple to do with awk, not complicate regex.
awk -F"{|}" '{print $2}' file
Wed Nov 19 14:17:32 2014
It sets the field separator to { or }, then your data will be in the second field.
FS could be set like this to:
awk -F"[{}]" '{print $2}' file
To see all field:
awk -F"{|}" '{print "field#1="$1"\nfield#2="$2"\nfield#3="$3}' file
field#2=Wed Nov 19 14:17:32 2014
field#3= branch: thebranch
This might work
sed -e 's/[^{]*\({[^}]*}\).*/\1/g'
$ echo "integration#{Wed Nov 19 14:17:32 2014} branch: thebranch" | sed -e 's/[^{]*{\([^}]*\)}.*/\1/g'
Wed Nov 19 14:17:32 2014
[^{]* Matches anything other than the {, That is integration#
([^}]*) Capture group 1
\{ Matches {
[^}]* matches anything other than }, That is Wed Nov 19 14:17:32 2014
\} matches a }
.* matches the rest
Simply, below command also get the data...
echo "integration#{Wed Nov 19 14:17:32 2014} branch: thebranch" | sed 's/.*{\(.*\)}.*/\1/g'
I want to convert a date like
Sat Dec 31 22:42:58 CET 2011
to a valid rss date which normaly looks like
Mon, 06 Sep 2009 16:45:00 +0000
Seconds should always be 00. Is there anyway to do so? Besides it would be could to find out the current as a valid rss but that's optional ;)
With your new sample input, you don't even need to reformat. It's as simple as
$ time="Sat Dec 31 22:42:58 CET 2011"; date -Rd "$time"
Sat, 31 Dec 2011 13:42:58 -0800
The trick is to reformat your date into a string that date can understand and take as input. In this case it is 2011-12-31 13:37. I'm using awk to do this, but there are number of different utilities that will suffice.
time="12-31-11 13:37"
date -Rd "$(awk -F'[- ]' '{printf("20%s-%s-%s %s\n", $3,$1,$2,$4)}' <<<"$time")"
$ time="12-31-11 13:37"; date -Rd "$(awk -F'[- ]' '{printf("20%s-%s-%s %s\n", $3,$1,$2,$4)}' <<<"$time")"
Sat, 31 Dec 2011 13:37:00 -0800