Getting dynamic property predicate by property name with queryDSL - spring

I using Query DSL generated entity EntitySerializer in order to query JPA entities using QueryDSL (integrated with SpringData).
I’m receiving from the client property names and I want to create predicates for the properties that can be added (AND) to additional predicats.
I don’t know how to get from the EntitySerializer the predicate/Path that matches my property name. For example, let’s say we have a Person entity (with auto generated QPerson class) with a “name” property that I want to filter on (at the end I want to create a generic method). Here is the generic method:
Public Predicat getPredicatByPropertyName(String propertyName) {
QPerson p = QPerson.person;

To create a String typed property just use the following snippet
new StringPath(p, propertyName)
which can then be used like this to create a Predicate instance
new StringPath(p, propertyName).like("tom")

I did it slightly different since as Timo said didn't work straightforward, here is it:
query.where( Expressions.stringPath(play, "name").eq("New play") );
I know it could also be achieved by doing it separately:
StringPath column = Expressions.stringPath(play, "name");
query.where( column.eq("New play") );

As of QueryDSL 5.0, I found two ways to do this independent of the column class:
First way: using just reflection:
Field pathField = p.getClass().getField(reportField.getFieldName());
ComparableExpressionBase<?> path = (ComparableExpressionBase<?>)
Note: I use the ComparableExpressionBase class because it is extendend by all "path classes" that I found and it also can be used in select, orderBy and other functions to build the query
Second way: using reflection and ExpressionUtils:
Class<?> pParameterClass = (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) p.getClass().getGenericSuperclass())
Class<?> pathClass = pParameterClass.getDeclaredField(pathName).getDeclaringClass();
Path<?> path = ExpressionUtils.path(pathClass, p, pathName);
Note: using this way we first get the class of the entity of the table see this answer for an explanation on how to get a parametrized type. Next, we get the class of the path and finally we get the path with the ExpressionUtils.path method.


How to pass column name dynamically inside a #Query annotation using Spring data JPA

I have entity like:
#Column_name = "abc"
int pk;
#Column_name = "def"
int id;
And I have Repository as:
interface fetchDataRepository extends jpaRepository<className, int> {
#Query("Select S_Test.nextVal from dual");
Long generateId();
In above example S_Test is hardcoded sequence name.
But the problem is that I want to pass sequence name dynamically as follows:
Long generateId(#Param("sequenceName") String sequenceName)
and use inside #Query annotation as:
#Query("Select :sequenceName.nextVal from dual");
Is there anyway to do that? Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Edit: Isn't there possible to use #(#entityName). If yes, then please tell me how?
Unfortunately you can only substitute in things that you could do in JDBC anyway (so, pretty much just values in the INSERT and WHERE clauses). No dynamic table, column, schema names are supported.
There is one exception that may apply, and that is a limited subset of SpEL can be used. There is one variable available - #entityName. So, assuming that the #Entity annotation on your entity class is named identically to the sequence, you could use an #Query like so:
#Query("Select #{#entityName}.nextVal from dual");
Otherwise, since your query is simple and does not involve any object relational mapping, you would probably need to Create a custom repository implementation and inject a JdbcTemplate into it in order to run the query.
Else you could inject an EntityManager and try using the JPA Criteria API - but again you arent actualy trying to map a resultset to an entity so JdbcTemplate will be simpler.

Converting Object to Class object

in my Spring MVC project i m using Hibernate, by using Criteria API i am applying Group BY and Order BY clause. Query get executed on DB successfully and it brings result also but its an array of Object--
Here is code of Criteria API
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(DashboardSubindicatorSubmission.class, "DashboardSubindicatorSubmission")
List<DashboardSubindicatorSubmission> dashboardSubindicatorSubmissionList = (List<DashboardSubindicatorSubmission>)criteria.list();
return dashboardSubindicatorSubmissionList;
I am casting criteria.list() to List<DashboardSubindicatorSubmission> but when i try to do dashboardSubindicatorSubmissionList.get(i) on controller it gives me exception java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to mkcl.accreditation.model.DashboardSubindicatorSubmission.
i come to know that, though i m casting it to List<DashboardSubindicatorSubmission> still its an list of object[] thats why i cant do dashboardSubindicatorSubmissionList.get(i) because it returns me object of DashboardSubindicatorSubmission. (Correct me if i am wrong)
So how can i convert my result into list of DashboardSubindicatorSubmission class?
Does setResultTransformer() helps me in this case?
You have two options. When you use projections, Hibernate doesn't know how to respect each field because it uses the name of each field to build objects and he doesn't know the names yet.
Thus, your first option is to name the fields grouped so that they match the names of object properties. This is necessary even if the string you use in projection is already the name of the object field. Something like:
.add(Projections.groupProperty("fkAccademicYearId"), "fkAccademicYearId") // same value
.add(Projections.groupProperty("fkAssessmentPlanID"), "other") // other value
The second option is to do what you yourself suggested, create your own implementation of ResultTransformer. I reckon this a interesting option if you want to extract other object of this query, as when you make a report.

Changing values of an object in a LINQ-statement

I want to add some calculated properties to an EntityObject without loosing the possibility of querying it agains the database.
I created a partial class and added the fields I need in the object. Than I wrote a static function "AttachProperties" that should somehow add some calculated values. I cannot do this on clientside, since several other functions attach some filter-conditions to the query.
The functions should look like this:
return query.Select(o =>
o.HasCalculatedProperties = true;
o.Value = 2;
return o;
In my case the calculated value depends on several lookups and is not just a simple "2". This sample works with an IEnumerable but, of course, not with an IQueryable
I first created a new class with the EntityObject as property and added the other necessary fields but now I need this extended class to be of the same basetype.
First, in my opinion changing objects in a Select() is a bad idea, because it makes something else happen (state change) than the method name suggests (projection), which is always a recipe for trouble. Linq is rooted in a functional programming (stateless) paradigm, so this kind of usage is just not expected.
But you can extend your class with methods that return a calculation result, like:
partial class EntityObject
public int GetValue()
return this.MappedProp1 * this.MappedProp2;
It is a bit hard to tell from your question whether this will work for you. If generating a calculated value involves more than a simple calculation from an object's own properties it may be better to leave your entities alone and create a services that return calculation results from an object graph.
Try something like this:
return from o in collection
select new O()
OtherProperty = o.OtherProperty,
HasCalculatedProperties = true,
Value = 2
This will create a copy of the original object with the changes you require and avoid all the messiness that come with modifying an entity in a select clause.

help with expression for nHibernate linq provider extension

I'm working on a custom linq extension for nHibernate by extending the BaseHqlGeneratorForMethod. The technique is documented here:
I've had success with implementing these for various types of operations, but I must say - converting a simple linq expression to its full expression tree is not easy! I'm stuck on one now.
For this example, I have three entities. Employee, Group, and EmployeeGroup. The EmployeeGroup class sets up a many-to-many relationship between Employee and Group. I must specifically create the intermediate class because there are additional properties to track like specific permissions each employee has in each group. So there are two one-to-many relationships, rather than an nHibernate many-to-many relationship.
Now say I want to get all groups that contain a specific employee. I can write this query:
var groups = session.Query<Group>()
.Where(g => g.EmployeeGroups.Any(eg => eg.Employee == employee));
This works fine, but it's a lot to type. I'd much rather be able to do this:
var groups = session.Query<Group>().Where(g => g.HasEmployee(employee));
I start by creating an extension method like so:
public static bool HasEmployee(this Group group, Employee employee)
return group.EmployeeGroups.Any(eg => eg.Employee == employee);
This works when querying a local list of groups, but not against the nHibernate session. For that, I have to also create a linq extension and register it. Just like in the article (linked above), I create a GroupHasEmployeeGenerator class that extends BaseHqlGeneratorForMethod. I set its .SupportedMethods property to reference my HasEmployee extension method.
Where I get lost is in the override to BuildHql. The expression to build gets complicated pretty fast. I figure since I'm replacing the .Any clause - a good place to start is with the source for the built-in AnyHqlGenerator class. But that doesn't take into account that the source is a property of the original element, and it also doesn't take into account that I don't have a lambda expression to represent the where clause. I need to build these parts manually.
There's no point in posting my attempts so far, as they've all be quite far from anything that would work.
Will someone please help me convert this simple expression into the approprate set of methods for the BuildHql method override?
If there is any better documentation out there for this, please let me know. Thanks.
I know this question is a year old, but I ran into a very similar issue when implementing BaseHqlGeneratorForMethod today.
The input to BuildHql contains a collection of System.Linq.Expressions.Expression arguments that are passed to your extension method. Using these arguments, you can build an expression tree that represents the implementation of your extension method. If the resulting expression is something NHibernate.Linq supports, then you can transform that expression to a subtree of Hql using the provided IHqlExpressionVisitor.
In your example:
public static bool HasEmployee(this Group group, Employee employee)
return group.EmployeeGroups.Any(eg => eg.Employee == employee);
This would become something similar to this:
public override HqlTreeNode BuildHql(MethodInfo method, Expression targetObject, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> arguments, HqlTreeBuilder treeBuilder, IHqlExpressionVisitor visitor)
var AnyMethod = EnumerableHelper.GetMethod("Any", new[] {typeof(IEnumerable<EmployeeGroup>), typeof(Func<EmployeeGroup, bool>)}, new[] {typeof(EmployeeGroup)});
var EmployeeGroupsProperty = ReflectionHelper.GetProperty<Group>(g => g.EmployeeGroups);
var EmployeeProperty = ReflectionHelper.GetProperty<EmployeeGroup>(eg => eg.Employee);
var EmployeeGroupParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(EmployeeGroup));
var EmployeeGroupPredicate = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Equal(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(EmployeeGroupParameter, EmployeeProperty), arguments[1]), EmployeeGroupParameter);
var CallExpression = Expression.Call(AnyMethod, Expression.MakeMemberAccess(arguments[0], EmployeeGroupsProperty), EmployeeGroupPredicate);
return visitor.Visit(CallExpression);
I can't really test this specific example, but the same approach worked for me when providing support for my own extension method.

linq problem with distinct function

I am trying to bind distinct records to a dropdownlist. After I added distinct function of the linq query, it said "DataBinding: 'System.String' does not contain a property with the name 'Source'. " I can guarantee that that column name is 'Source'. Is that name lost when doing distinct search?
My backend code:
public IQueryable<string> GetAllSource()
PromotionDataContext dc = new PromotionDataContext(_connString);
var query = (from p in dc.Promotions
select p.Source).Distinct();
return query;
Frontend code:
PromotionDAL dal = new PromotionDAL();
ddl_Source.DataSource = dal.GetAllSource();
ddl_Source.DataTextField = "Source";
ddl_Source.DataValueField = "Source";
Any one has a solution? Thank you in advance.
You're already selecting Source in the LINQ query, which is how the result is an IQueryable<string>. You're then also specifying Source as the property to find in each string in the databinding. Just take out the statements changing the DataTextField and DataValueField properties in databinding.
Alterantively you could remove the projection to p.Source from your query and return an IQueryable<Promotion> - but then you would get distinct promotions rather than distinct sources.
One other quick note - using query syntax isn't really helping you in your GetAllSources query. I'd just write this as:
public IQueryable<string> GetAllSource()
PromotionDataContext dc = new PromotionDataContext(_connString);
return dc.Promotions
.Select(p => p.Source)
Query expressions are great for complicated queries, but when you've just got a single select or a where clause and a trivial projection, using the dot notation is simpler IMO.
You're trying to bind strings, not Promotion objects... and strings do not have Source property/field
Your method returns a set of strings, not a set of objects with properties.
If you really want to bind to a property name, you need a set of objects with properties (eg, by writing select new { Source = Source })
