JMeter Parameter Passing in CLI mode is not working with -r (remote) switch - jmeter

I am trying to pass the Thread count parameter to JMeter in CLI mode. This works perfectly well when the script is running locally. I need to run the script remotely, so I am using the -r switch so that the JMeter script runs on the configured remote clients.
This is my cli command:
jmeter -n -t "C:\ScriptLocation\Sanity_WebV2_Prod.jmx" -r -l c:\CSV\log.jtl -Jusers=4
The intention is that the above command should run the script on remote machine for 4 users (threads). Number of Threads in the thread properties is set to ${__P(users)}.
But the script is actually running only for 1 user (the default values) not for 4 users that is passed as the parameter.
When executed the above mentioned cli command w/o -r switch i.e script executing on the Local machine it is working perfectly fine i.e for 4 users.
Need help in solving this problem. Thanks

Try to use -Gusers option instead of -Jusers one:
-D[prop_name]=[value] - defines a java system property value.
-J[prop name]=[value] - defines a local JMeter property.
-G[prop name]=[value] - defines a JMeter property to be sent to all remote servers.


JMeter Distributed Runner not able to Generate the Consolidated Reports

When I am running a simple standalone JMeter script using command line as below
jmeter -n -t your_script.jmx
This generates a CSV file which contains all the data related to the execution.
However, when the same JMeter file executed for a distributed load testing with multiple JMeter Server IP addresses which will simulate the given number of users and runs on the target server, I am not able to get the jmeter.csvfile Generated(But the command runs successfully).
The command I have used for distributed execution is
jmeter -n -t script.jmx -R IP_address1, IP_address2,...
Now, I should get a consolidated jmeter.csv file from this execution. But, I am not getting one.
Same is the case with JMeter API DistributedRunner Class- We are not getting the consolidated jmeter.csv file and reports.
This command:
jmeter -n -t your_script.jmx
does not generate any CSV file, you need to add -l command-line argument and provide desired results file location like:
jmeter -n -t your_script.jmx -l jmeter.csv
The same applies for distributed testing:
jmeter -n -t script.jmx -R IP_address1, IP_address2 -l jmeter.csv
If you provide -l command-line argument but still not getting any results most probably your script execution fails on remote slaves somewhere somehow. Follow the below checklist in order to get to the bottom of the script failure:
Inspect jmeter.log file on master machine and jmeter-server.log on the remote slaves, if something goes wrong - most probably you will find the cause in log files
Make sure that JRE version is the same on master and the slaves
Make sure that JMeter version is the same on master and the slaves, it's recommended to use the latest JMeter version where possible
If the test relies on any of the JMeter Plugins - make to install them all onto all slave machines. The plugins can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
If your test is using CSV Data Set Config - you will need to copy the CSV file to all slaves manually
If your test needs any additional JMeter Properties you will need to supply the properties via -J or -D command-line arguments on all the machines or via -G command-line arugment on the master

How to record script for putty connected application on Jmeter.

Actually i need to record a script for the application which is connected via putty software.
For opening my application i need to follow below mentioned steps -
1. Click on Putty.exe icon.
2. Enter Hostname.
3. Select SSH as connection type.
4. click on Save.
4. Click on Open button.
I need to record these all steps using jmeter.
Please help me with feasibility and practicality ...
It is not something you can "record", if you need to execute a command on a remote machine it will make more sense to go for plink command from JMeter's OS Process Sampler
Download plink.exe and drop it somewhere to you local drive
Add OS Process Sampler to your Test Plan and configure it like:
Command to execute: cmd
First parameter: /c
Second parameter: `plink.exe username#hostname -pw password command
For example:
c:\jmeter\bin\plink.exe johndoe#localhost -pw secret cowsay "Jmeter is great"
The output will be available as normal Sample Result:
See How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter article for more details on kicking off 3rd-party programs from JMeter scripts.
You should add JMeter plugin SSH Protocol Support and SSH connect without putty.
SSH Sampler for Jakarta JMeter that executes commands (eg, iostat) over an SSH session, and returns the output
After you add the plugin Add -> Sampler -> SSH Command
And fill the authentication details and write your command in Command field (currently date)

JMeter Master CommandLine Run is not passing the updated values from -J flag to the slaves

I have a single master and 5 slave agents. I am starting my test using the command line option from the master by specifying the slave machines using the -R option.
$JMETER_HOME/current/bin/jmeter -n -t test.jmx -R host1,host2 -l testresult.jtl -Jthreads=$THREADS -Jrampup=$RAMPUP -Jtestduration=$TESTDURATION -JENV=$ENV -e -o ./testreport
I see that the new values that are passed in the command line using the -J switch are not getting applied when the test plan is transferred to the slave machines. Slaves are using only the hardcoded values in the JMX.
According to Jmeter Doc on Overriding Properties Via The Command Line
defines a local JMeter property.
defines a JMeter property to be sent to all remote servers.
So, you need to use -G flag for Jmeter property to be sent to all remote servers.

How to start and shutdown jmeter slaves from the master

In my test environment i want to start the jmeter slaves from master before the test and shutdown the slaves after the test. How to do these from jmeter master? The test environment is in CentOS.
Add to your command line :
jmeter -n -t testplan.jmx -r -X
-X means to exit the servers at the end of the test.
I would suggest using one of the following approaches:
OS Process Sampler in combination with ssh command (or plink if master is on Windows)
SSH Sampler (available via plugin)
See How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter guide for details.

how to connect to a remote server using ssh and getting the information

I'm trying to write a shell script using bash. I have multiple servers and each servers have multiple apps runnings on it. Each server also has specific app scripts to check/stop/start etc. All I want to do is that, do a ssh and connect to the remote server.
Which I'm also able to do sucessfully and exceute the commands also..
In some instance I need to check some process status on a remote machine, the app sepecific scripts already does that. But using my ssh when i try to execute that script I dont get any info ( it gets executed but no info is passed ). How do i get the information from the remote host and display on the local host here.
Any help on this is really appreciated.
You can run remote commands and get results locally by passing the command as a string to ssh.
In your script, you can do:
CMD_OUT=$(ssh user#remote_host "/path/to/script argument")
The command will be run remotely and the output store in the CMD_OUT variable. You can then parse the output in your script to get the results you want.
To simplify usage of your script, you might want to set up passwordless ssh so you don't have to type your password each time the script tries to run a remote command.
