Brackets aren't working on this Windows File? - windows

I am new here and my english is not very good so first, pardon me.
My problem is that this batch keep reading the strings inside the variable "IF EXIST %FSIZE%"; i meant, in case that variable does not exist, the batch keep reading inside the () brackets instead go on the rest of the stings.
If %FSIZE% exist, the batch perform the 2 task i assign: (1.) If size is equal, goto cifiles5x. (2.) If size is NOT equal it uses 7z to extract the file i want to be there.
If %FSIZE% DOES NOT EXIST, the batch keep saying "765952 was not expect at this moment".
I am taking the advices on like don't use brackets or quotes when comparing numeric values (%size% EQU 765952) but i don't understand why it does not continue to where the ) ends.
I have also try to link the commands with "&&" so i can erase the brackets but the results are the same.
I know there's 2 spaced patches without quotes; they are unquoted because if i did the size checker won't work.
Thanks for reading this.
EDIT: Batch modified according to suggestions made.
TITLE Log checker
SET FSIZE=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Ces\Log Files Ver\LogVbReg_r2.dll
SET InsDIR=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Ces\Log Files Ver\
REM I didn't add "" on FSIZE and InsDIR because if i did, quote the variable will
REM result a doubled quoted patch and won't work.
ECHO ==============================================================================
ECHO = Log checker =
ECHO ==============================================================================
ECHO Checking if exist:
ECHO It does exist, checking size...
IF "%SIZE%" EQU "765952"
ECHO Size is right, jumping to CIFILES5
) ELSE (
ECHO Size is not right, extracting the needed file...
7z.exe e "Data_X.*" -o"%InsDIR%" -y "LogVbReg_r2.dll"
ECHO Does not exist; extracting file...
REN Data_X.* Data_X.exe
REN DATA_X.* Data_X.dat
ECHO Reach cifiles5x

You have space in your file name of %FSIZE%. As result text after space it is treated as command for if. Try using quotes around "%FSIZE%" or do CD to folder first and than check for just file name.

You have several minor errors:
If the file name may have spaces, it MUST be enclosed in quotes in all cases:
FOR /F is used to read file CONTENTS. If you want to process file NAME, don't use /F option, but plain FOR command:
The ELSE part of an IF command must appear in a line alone:
) ELSE (
The same thing for a parentheses:
Excepting if the opening parentheses appear in the same line. This is correct:
If you compare numbers for equality (EQU, NEQ) then don't matter if they are enclosed in quotes or not. Just in case of GTR, GEQ, LSS and LEQ they must have NOT quotes. However, in your case, this is not a problem...


Windows batch file copying/renaming files

I've been working on creating a batch file which moves files from one dir to another dir and if the filename already exists rename it then move it over.
I'm really new to creating batch files so heres what I have so far
set temp=C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\a\a1
set dir=C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\a\
set /a "counter=0"
set "duplicate=-copy^("
set "bracket=^)"
if exist "%temp%" ( ^
for %%i in (%temp%\*) ^
do ^
if exist "%dir%\%%~ni%%~xi" ( call :checkFileName %%~ni %%~xi) ^
ELSE ( move %temp%\%%~ni%%~xi %dir% ) )^
ELSE ( echo doesnt exist)
echo test
set fileName=%1
set fileExtenstion=%2
set /a "counter+=1
rem Do whatever you want here over the files of this subdir, for example:
if exist %dir%%fileName%%duplicate%%counter%%bracket%%fileExtenstion% ( IF defined %1 (
IF defined %2 (call :checkFileName %1 %2 )) ) ELSE (ren %temp%\%fileName%%fileExtenstion% %fileName%%duplicate%%counter%%bracket%%fileExtenstion% )
timeout 30
goto :eof
set /a "counter+=1"
goto :eof
I've no idea to increment a var before calling my checkFileName function. I think recursively calling the same function is the right idea but I'm a bit rusty with the commands/syntax as I only started this on friday.
Any advice or pointers would be appreciated. (If you know any useful links/books that are worth a look let me know!)
timeout 600
set "tempdir=C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\a\a1"
set "dir=C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\a"
set "tempdir=U:\sourcedir\t w o"
set "dir=U:\destdir"
set "duplicate=-copy("
set "bracket=)"
if exist "%tempdir%" (
for %%i in ("%tempdir%\*") do (
if exist "%dir%\%%~nxi" ( call :checkFileName "%%~ni" "%%~xi"
) ELSE (
move "%tempdir%\%%~nxi" "%dir%" >nul
) ELSE (
echo doesnt EXIST
GOTO :eof
set "fileName=%~1"
set "fileExtenstion=%~2"
set /a counter=0
set /a counter+=1
rem Do whatever you want here over the files of this subdir, for example:
if exist "%dir%\%fileName%%duplicate%%counter%%bracket%%fileExtenstion%" GOTO nexttry
move "%tempdir%\%fileName%%fileExtenstion%" "%dir%\%fileName%%duplicate%%counter%%bracket%%fileExtenstion%" >nul
goto :eof
Here's a revised version. I'll explain the changes I've made:
#echo off turns off command-echoing
setlocal ensures any changes made to the environment are backed-out when the procedure ends.
I've added to extra sets to re-set the directories to suit my system. You'd need to delete these two lines for yours.
temp is a special name which points to a temporary directory. One of quite a few. Best not to use that particular name - replaced with tempdir
set when used for a numeric set doesn't require quotes. In a string-set, the syntax set "var=value" is used to ensure that trailing spaces on the command-line are not included into the value assigned (which can cause chaos - spaces are sort of - invisible.) Note that in a string set, spaces on both sides of the = are significant...
I prefer to assign directorynames into variables without the trailing \. This allows the value to be extended with the least gymnastics. Personal preference - but you used it both ways...
The carets are not required before ( and are only required before ) where the syntax would close an open parenthesis (ie. in a parenthesised statement-sequence as may occur in an if, else or do.) Used arbitrarily, this can lead to stray literal carets in filenames, for instance.
carets at end-of-line is a valid but easily-lost and a little-used technique. The rule for breaking statements over multiple lines is crudely, keep do, if or else on the same physical line as its ( and else on the same physical line as the closing-parenthesis that precedes it. Then no eol-caret is required.
Batch simply charges on through statements. It has no concept of the end of a procedure and needs to be told when the procedure ends. This can be done with a goto :eof statement (which jumps to the physical end-of-file) or an exit /b statement (which returns from a subroutine, optionally setting errorlevel. goto :eof effectively does the smae thing in most circumstances and is way more common.)
%%~nxi means the name-and-extension of the file %%i. Of course, it's quite legal to use %%~ni and its counterpart individually, but it's not necessary. Note however that these parts should be despatched in "quotes" to the subroutine because each part may contain spaces. "quotes"make a spaces-containing-string appear as one string with spaces rather than a series of strings.
>nul redirects the move command's report "1 file(s) moved" to the bit-bucket.
Setting the two variables within checkfilename should be done after removing the quotes applied in the call - that's the purpose of the ~ before the parameter-number.
counter can be set to zero, then incremented.
If the proposed new filename exists, then simply increment the number and try again until you hit a name that doesn't exist. Yes - counter will run out eventually. It tops out at 2**31-1. Might take a while...
Note the use of quotes in the if exist and move. This is to guard against spaces in file/directorynames. The same goes for the for %%i in ("%tempdir%\*") used may notice that in my testing, I used (deliberately) a directoryname that contained spaces. As it happens, the filenames I used also had spaces in them.
One last warning - There is no doubt that some odd filenames may choke on these procedures, but they should be few and far between. Filenames containing carets may be a problem, for instance.
Welcome to batch!
Unless this is a learning project, I recommend you study the XCOPY command.

Problems reading simple numeric values from files in Windows batch files

My colleague and I have been pulling our hair out all day over this.
We have a simple Windows batch file. We want it to read from a text file whose file path we are generating programmatically, take the single numeric value in this file, and compare it to a local variable. But we're getting completely inexplicable behavior.
The file contains a single scalar number, such as the number 2. Here's the code:
if not exist "%HOMEPATH%\ourcompanyname\%ThisAppFlagFileName%" (
ECHO do something here
) else (
SET /P InstalledVersion=<"%HOMEPATH%\ourcompanyname\%ThisAppFlagFileName%"
ECHO We think the file contains: %InstalledVersion%
IF %InstalledVersion% GEQ %ThisVersionInstallDataNum% (
ECHO Version %ThisVersion% of the %ThisAppVisibleName% has already been installed for this user; exiting.
Echo END
We keep getting an error reading 2 was unexpected at this time. So we inserted some trace message and, just in case the else was problematic, stuck to two different if statements:
if not exist "%HOMEPATH%\ourcompanyname\%ThisAppFlagFileName%" (
ECHO do something here
ECHO Trace Message 1 before IF
if exist "%HOMEPATH%\ourcompanyname\%ThisAppFlagFileName%" (
ECHO Trace Message 2 after IF before CD
SET /P InstalledVersion=<%HOMEPATH%\ourcompanyname\%ThisAppFlagFileName%"
ECHO We think the file contains: %InstalledVersion%
IF %InstalledVersion2% GEQ %ThisVersionInstallDataNum% (
ECHO Version %ThisVersion% of the %ThisAppVisibleName% has already been installed for this user; exiting.
Echo END
And we see only the first trace message (before the if statement), and not the second trace message. So our conclusion is that somehow the content of the file is being interpolated into the line if exist "%HOMEPATH%\ourcompanyname\%ThisAppFlagFileName%", but of course we don't understand why the first if not exist works but the second doesn't.
Can anyone spot the mistake, please? Environment is Windows 7 cmd.exe window, but we are hoping to deploy to both Windows 7 and Windows XP.
The issue here is that the entire IF expression is evaluated before the SET /P statement within it can be executed. InstalledVersion is not set yet, and so this invalid expression is evaluated:
IF GEQ 2 (
Nothing inside of the IF expression executes because it cannot be completely evaluated.
A solution is to enable delayed expansion and replace %InstalledVersion% with !InstalledVersion!, as described in this post.
You can also restructure the code so the GEQ comparison happens after the IF expression.
Your code have several errors. The first line:
missed a set command, so it is tryed to be executed as ThisAppFlagFileName command. This mean that ThisAppFlagFileName variable is NOT defined in your program, so InstalledVersion variable is never read from the file.
All references to InstalledVersion variable must use Delayed Expansion, that is, enclose they between exclamation marks instead percents and include setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion command at beginning of your program.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set ThisAppFlagFileName=foo.txt
if not exist "%HOMEPATH%\ourcompanyname\%ThisAppFlagFileName%" (
ECHO do something here
) else (
SET /P InstalledVersion=<"%HOMEPATH%\ourcompanyname\%ThisAppFlagFileName%"
ECHO We think the file contains: !InstalledVersion!
IF !InstalledVersion! GEQ %ThisVersionInstallDataNum% (
ECHO Version %ThisVersion% of the %ThisAppVisibleName% has already been installed for this user; exiting.
Echo END
You must be aware that all variables that are modified inside parentheses must also be enclosed in exclamation marks instead percent signs. Search for "delayed expansion" for details.

Drag and drop batch file for multiple files?

I wrote a batch file to use PngCrush to optimize a .png image when I drag and drop it onto the batch file.
In the what's next section, I wrote about what I thought would be a good upgrade to the batch file.
My question is: is it possible to create a batch file like I did in the post, but capable of optimizing multiple images at once? Drag and drop multiple .png files on it? (and have the output be something like new.png, new(1).png, new(2).png, etc...
Yes, of course this is possible. When dragging multiple files on a batch file you get the list of dropped files as a space-separated list. You can verify this with the simple following batch:
#echo %*
Now you have two options:
PngCrush can already handle multiple file names given to it on the command line. In this case all you'd have to do would be to pass %* to PngCrush instead of just %1 (as you probably do now):
#pngcrush %*
%* contains all arguments to the batch file, so this is a convenient way to pass all arguments to another program. Careful with files named like PngCrush options, though. UNIX geeks will know that problem :-)
After reading your post describing your technique, however, this won't work properly as you are writing the compressed file to new.png. A bad idea if you're handling multiple files at once as there can be only one new.png :-). But I just tried out that PngCrush handles multiple files just well, so if you don't mind an in-place update of the files then putting
#pngcrush -reduce -brute %*
into your batch will do the job (following your original article).
PngCrush will not handle multiple files or you want to write each image to a new file after compression. In this case you stick with your "one file at a time" routine but you loop over the input arguments. In this case, it's easiest to just build a little loop and shift the arguments each time you process one:
#echo off
if [%1]==[] goto :eof
pngcrush -reduce -brute %1 "%~dpn1_new%~x1"
if not [%1]==[] goto loop
What we're doing here is simple: First we skip the entire batch if it is run without arguments, then we define a label to jump to: loop. Inside we simply run PngCrush on the first argument, giving the compressed file a new name. You may want to read up on the path dissection syntax I used here in help call. Basically what I'm doing here is name the file exactly as before; I just stick "_new" to the end of the file name (before the extension). %~dpn1 expands to drive, path and file name (without extension), while %~x1 expands to the extension, including the dot.
ETA: Eep, I just read your desired output with new.png, new(1).png, etc. In this case we don't need any fancy path dissections but we have other problems to care about.
The easiest way would probably be to just start a counter at 0 before we process the first file and increment it each time we process another one:
#echo off
if [%1]==[] goto :eof
set n=0
if %n%==0 (
pngcrush -reduce -brute %1 new.png
) else (
pngcrush -reduce -brute %1 new^(%n%^).png
set /a n+=1
if not [%1]==[] goto loop
%n% is our counter here and we handle the case where n is 0 by writing the result to new.png, instead of new(0).png.
This approach has problems, though. If there are already files named new.png or new(x).png then you will probably clobber them. Not nice. So we have to do something different and check whether we can actually use the file names:
rem check for new.png
if exist new.png (set n=1) else (set n=0 & goto loop)
rem check for numbered new(x).png
if not exist new^(%n%^).png goto loop
set /a n+=1
goto checkloop
The rest of the program stays the same, including the normal loop. But now we start at the first unused file name and avoid overwriting files that are already there.
Feel free to adapt as needed.
To do Drag & Drop in a secure way, isn't so simple with batch.
Dealing with %1, shift or %* could fail, because the explorer is not very smart, while quoting the filenames, only filenames with spaces are quoted.
But files like Cool&stuff.png are not quoted by the explorer so you get a cmdline like
pngCr.bat Cool&stuff.png
So in %1 is only Cool even in %* is only Cool, but after the batch ends, cmd.exe tries to execute a stuff.png (and will fail).
To handle this you could access the parameters with !cmdcmdline! instead of %1 .. %n,
and to bypass a potential error at the end of execution, a simple exit could help.
#echo off
rem Take the cmd-line, remove all until the first parameter
set "params=!cmdcmdline:~0,-1!"
set "params=!params:*" =!"
set count=0
rem Split the parameters on spaces but respect the quotes
for %%G IN (!params!) do (
set /a count+=1
set "item_!count!=%%~G"
rem echo !count! %%~G
rem list the parameters
for /L %%n in (1,1,!count!) DO (
echo %%n #!item_%%n!#
REM ** The exit is important, so the cmd.ex doesn't try to execute commands after ampersands
Btw. there is a line limit for drag&drop operations of ~2048 characters, in spite of the "standard" batch line limit of ~8192 characters.
As for each file the complete path is passed, this limit can be reached with few files.
FOR %%A IN (%*) DO (
REM Now your batch file handles %%A instead of %1
REM No need to use SHIFT anymore.
And to differentiate between dropped files and folders, you can use this:
FOR %%I IN (%*) DO (
ECHO.%%~aI | FIND "d" >NUL
REM Processing Dropped Files
CALL :_jobF "%%~fI"
) ELSE (
REM Processing Dropped Folders
CALL :_jobD "%%~fI"
This is a very late answer, Actually I was not aware of this old question and prepared an answer for this similar one where there was a discussion about handling file names with special characters because explorer only quotes file names that contain space(s). Then in the comments on that question I saw a reference to this thread, after that and not to my sureprise I realized that jeb have already covered and explained this matter very well, which is expected of him.
So without any further explanations I will contribute my solution with the main focus to cover more special cases in file names with this ,;!^ characters and also to provide a mechanism to guess if the batch file is directly launched by explorer or not, so the old fashion logic for handling batch file arguments could be used in all cases.
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" EQU "/DontCheckDrapDrop" (
) else (
call :IsDragDrop && (
call "%~f0" /DontCheckDrapDrop %%#*%%
:: Process batch file arguments as you normally do
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo cmdcmdline=!cmdcmdline!
echo %%*=%*
if defined #* echo #*=%#*%
echo %%1="%~1"
echo %%2="%~2"
echo %%3="%~3"
echo %%4="%~4"
echo %%5="%~5"
echo %%6="%~6"
echo %%7="%~7"
echo %%8="%~8"
echo %%9="%~9"
exit /b
:: IsDragDrop routine
:: Checks if the batch file is directly lanched through Windows Explorer
:: then Processes batch file arguments which are passed by Drag'n'Drop,
:: rebuilds a safe variant of the arguments list suitable to be passed and processed
:: in a batch script and returns the processed args in the environment variable
:: that is specified by the caller or uses #* as default variable if non is specified.
:: ErrorLevel: 0 - If launched through explorer. 1 - Otherwise (Will not parse arguments)
:IsDragDrop [retVar=#*]
set "Esc="
set "ParentDelayIsOff=!"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1"=="" (set "ret=#*") else set "ret=%~1"
set "Args="
set "qsub=?"
:: Used for emphasis purposes
set "SPACE= "
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "cmdline=!cmdcmdline!"
set ^"ExplorerCheck=!cmdline:%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /c ^""%~f0"=!^"
if "!cmdline!"=="!ExplorerCheck!" (
set ^"ExplorerCheck=!cmdline:"%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" /c ^""%~f0"=!^"
if "!cmdline!"=="!ExplorerCheck!" exit /b 1
set "ExplorerCheck="
set ^"cmdline=!cmdline:*"%~f0"=!^"
set "cmdline=!cmdline:~0,-1!"
if defined cmdline (
if not defined ParentDelayIsOff (
if "!cmdline!" NEQ "!cmdline:*!=!" set "Esc=1"
set ^"cmdline=!cmdline:"=%qsub%!"
endlocal & set "Esc=%Esc%"
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ("%SPACE% %cmdline%") do (
set "cmdline=%%A"
if not defined cmdline endlocal & endlocal & set "%ret%=" & exit /b 0
if "%cmdline:~0,1%"=="%qsub%" (set "dlm=%qsub%") else set "dlm= "
:: Using '%%?' as FOR /F variable to not mess with the file names that contain '%'
for /F "delims=%dlm%" %%? in ("%cmdline%") do (
set ^"Args=%Args% "%%?"^"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "cmdline=!cmdline:*%dlm: =%%%?%dlm: =%=!"
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ("%SPACE% %cmdline%") do (
set "cmdline=%%A"
if defined cmdline goto :IsDragDrop.ParseArgs
if defined Esc (
set ^"Args=%Args:^=^^%^"
if defined Esc (
set ^"Args=%Args:!=^!%^"
endlocal & endlocal
set ^"%ret%=%Args%^"
exit /b 0
OUTPUT with sample files dragged and dropped onto the batch file:
cmdcmdline=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c ""Q:\DragDrop\DragDrop.cmd" Q:\DragDrop\ab.txt "Q:\DragDrop\c d.txt" Q:\DragDrop\!ab!c.txt "Q:\DragDrop\a b.txt" Q:\DragDrop\a!b.txt Q:\DragDrop\a&b.txt Q:\DragDrop\a(b&^)).txt Q:\DragDrop\a,b;c!d&e^f!!.txt Q:\DragDrop\a;b.txt"
%*=/DontCheckDrapDrop "Q:\DragDrop\ab.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\c d.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\!ab!c.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a b.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a!b.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a&b.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a(b&^)).txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a,b;c!d&e^f!!.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a;b.txt"
#*= "Q:\DragDrop\ab.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\c d.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\!ab!c.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a b.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a!b.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a&b.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a(b&^)).txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a,b;c!d&e^f!!.txt" "Q:\DragDrop\a;b.txt"
%2="Q:\DragDrop\c d.txt"
%4="Q:\DragDrop\a b.txt"
In :IsDragDrop routine I specially tried to minimize the assumptions about command line format and spacing between the arguments. The detection (guess) for explorer launch is based on this command line signature %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /c ""FullPathToBatchFile" Arguments"
So it is very possible to fool the code into thinking it has launched by double click from explorer or by drag'n'drop and that's not an issue and the batch file will function normally.
But with this particular signature it is not possible to intentionally launch batch file this way: %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /c ""FullPathToBatchFile" Arguments & SomeOtherCommand" and expect that the SomeOtherCommand to be executed, instead it will be merged into the batch file arguments.
You don't need a batch script to optimize multiple PNGs, all you need is the wildcard:
pngcrush -d "crushed" *.png
That will pngcrush all PNGs in the current dir and move them to a sub-dir named "crushed". I would add the -brute flag to likely shave off a few more bytes.
pngcrush -d "crushed" -brute *.png
I'm posting this because it doesn't seem to be well documented or widely known, and because it may be easier for you in the long run than writing and maintaining a drag and drop batch file.

Changing a batch file when its running

I am running a long running batch file. I now realize that I have to add some more commands at the end of the batch file (no changes to exisiting content, just some extra commands). Is it possible to do this, given that most batch files are read incrementally and executed one by one? Or does the system read the entire contents of the file and then runs the job?
I just tried it, and against my intuition, it picked up the new commands at the end (on Windows XP)
I created a batch file containing
echo Hello
echo world
I ran the file, and while it was paused, added
echo Salute
Saved it and pressed enter to contine the pause, all three prompts were echoed to the console.
So, go for it!
The command interpreter remembers the line position byte offset it's at in the batch file. You will be fine as long as you modify the batch file after the current executing line position byte offset at the end of the most recently parsed line of code.
If you modify it before then it will start doing strange things (repeating commands etc..).
jeb's example is a lot of fun, but it is very dependent on the length of the text that is added or deleted. I think the counter-intuitive results are what rein meant when he said "If you modify it before then it will start doing strange things (repeating commands etc..)".
I've modified jeb's code to show how dynamic code of varying length can be freely modified at the beginning of an executing batch file as long as appropriate padding is in place. The entire dynamic section is completely replaced with each iteration. Each dynamic line is prefixed with a non interfering ;. This conveniently allows FOR /F to strip the dynamic code because of the implicit EOL=; option.
Instead of looking for a particular line number, I look for a specific comment to locate where the dynamic code begins. This is easier to maintain.
I use lines of equal signs to harmlessly pad the code to allow for expansion and contraction. Any combination of the following characters could be used: comma, semicolon, equal, space, tab and/or newline. (Of course the padding cannot begin with a semicolon.) The equal signs within the parentheses allow for code expansion. The equal signs after the parentheses allow for code contraction.
Note that FOR /F strips empty lines. This limitation could be overcome by using FINDSTR to prefix each line with the line number and then strip out the prefix within the loop. But the extra code slows things down, so it's not worth doing unless the code is dependent on blank lines.
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
echo The starting filesize is %~z0
echo ----------------------
::*** Start of dynamic code ***
;set value=1
::*** End of dynamic code ***
echo The current value=%value%
::The 2 lines of equal signs amount to 164 bytes, including end of line chars.
::Putting the lines both within and after the parentheses allows for expansion
::or contraction by up to 164 bytes within the dynamic section of code.
call :changeBatch
set /p "quit=Enter Q to quit, anything else to continue: "
if /i "%quit%"=="Q" exit /b
goto :loop
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%~f0") do (
echo %%a
if "%%a"=="::*** Start of dynamic code ***" (
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set /a newValue=value+1, extra=!random!%%9
echo ;set value=!newValue!
for /l %%n in (1 1 !extra!) do echo ;echo extra line %%n
) >"%~f0.tmp"
::The 2 lines of equal signs amount to 164 bytes, including end of line chars.
::Putting the lines both within and after the parentheses allows for expansion
::or contraction by up to 164 bytes within the dynamic section of code.
move /y "%~f0.tmp" "%~f0" > nul
echo The new filesize is %~z0
exit /b
The above works, but things are much easier if the dynamic code is moved to a subroutine at the end of the file. The code can expand and contract without limitation, and without the need for padding. FINDSTR is much faster than FOR /F at removing the dynamic portion. Dynamic lines can be safely be prefixed with a semicolon (including labels!). Then the FINDSTR /V option is used to exclude lines that begin with a semicolon and the new dynamic code can simply be appended.
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
echo The starting filesize is %~z0
echo ----------------------
call :changeBatch
call :dynamicCode1
call :dynamicCode2
echo The current value=%value%
set /p "quit=Enter Q to quit, anything else to continue: "
if /i "%quit%"=="Q" exit /b
goto :loop
findstr /v "^;" "%~f0"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set /a newValue=value+1, extra=!random!%%9
echo ;:dynamicCode1
echo ;set value=!newValue!
echo ;exit /b
echo ;
echo ;:dynamicCode2
for /l %%n in (1 1 !extra!) do echo ;echo extra line %%n
echo ;exit /b
) >"%~f0.tmp"
move /y "%~f0.tmp" "%~f0" > nul
echo The new filesize is %~z0
exit /b
;set value=33
;exit /b
;echo extra line 1
;exit /b
Short answer: yes, batch files can modify themselves whilst running. As others have already confirmed.
Years and years ago, back before Windows 3, the place I worked had an inhouse menu system in MS-DOS. The way it ran things was quite elegant: it actually ran from a batch file that the main program (written in C) modified in order to run scripts. This trick meant that the menu program itself was not taking up memory space whilst selections were running. And this included things like the LAN Mail program and the 3270 terminal program.
But running from a self-modifying batch file meant its scripts could also do things like load TSR programs and in fact could do pretty much anything you could put in a batch file. Which made it very powerful. Only the GOTO command didn't work, until the author eventually figured out how to make the batch file restart itself for each command.
Nearly like rein said, cmd.exe remember the file position (not only the line position) it's currently is, and also for each call it push the file position on an invisble stack.
That means, you can edit your file while it's running behind and before the actual file position, you only need to know what you do ...
A small sample of an self modifying batch
It changes the line set value=1000 continuously
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
REM **** the next line will be changed
set value=1000
rem ***
echo ----------------------
echo The current value=%value%
<nul set /p ".=Press a key"
pause > nul
call :changeBatch
rem This should be here and it should be long
rem ** It is neccessary, that this is also here!
goto :loop
rem ...
set /a n=0
set /a newValue=value+1
set /a toggle=value %% 2
set "theNewLine=set value=%newValue%"
if %toggle%==0 (
set "theNewLine=%theNewLine% & rem This adds 50 byte to the filesize.........."
del "%~f0.tmp" 2> nul
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%~f0") DO (
set /a n+=1
set "line=%%a"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if !n!==5 (
(echo !theNewLine!)
) ELSE (
(echo !line!)
) >> "%~f0.tmp"
rem the copy should be done in a parenthesis block
copy "%~f0.tmp" "%~f0" > nul
if Armageddon==TheEndOfDays (
echo This can't never be true, or is it?
echo The first line after the replace action....
echo The second line comes always after the first line?
echo The current filesize is now %~z0
goto :eof
The command interpreter appears to remember the byte offset within each command file it is reading, but the file itself is not locked, so it is possible to make changes, say with a text editor, whilst it is running.
If a change is made to the file after this remembered location, the interpreter should happily continue to execute the now modified script. However if the change is made before that point, and that modification changes the length of the text at that point (for example you've inserted or removed some text), that remembered location is now no longer referring to the start of that next command. When the interpreter tries to read the next 'line' it will instead pick up a different line, or possibly part of a line depending on how much text was inserted or removed. If you're lucky, it will probably not be able to process whatever word it happen to land on, give an error and continue to execute from the next line - but still probably not what you want.
However, with understanding of what's going on, you can structure your scripts to reduce the risk. I have scripts that implement a simply menu system, by displaying a menu, accepting input from the user using the choice command and then processing the selection. The trick is to ensure that the point where the script waits for input is near the top of the file, so that any edits you might wish to make will occur after that point and so have no nasty impacts.
call :displayMenu
REM The script will spend most of its time waiting here.
choice /C:1234 /N "Enter selection: "
if ERRORLEVEL == 4 goto DoOption4
if ERRORLEVEL == 3 goto DoOption3
if ERRORLEVEL == 2 goto DoOption2
goto DoOption1
(many lines to display menu)
goto prompt
(many lines to do Option 1)
goto top
(many lines to do Option 2)
goto top

Loop over folder string and parse out last folder name

I need to grab the folder name of a currently executing batch file. I have been trying to loop over the current directory using the following syntax (which is wrong at present):
set mydir = %~p0
for /F "delims=\" %i IN (%mydir%) DO #echo %i
Couple of issues in that I cannot seem to pass the 'mydir' variable value in as the search string. It only seems to work if I pass in commands; I have the syntax wrong and cannot work out why.
My thinking was to loop over the folder string with a '\' delimiter but this is causing problems too. If I set a variable on each loop then the last value set will be the current folder name. For example, given the following path:
I would expect to parse out the value 'Folder3'.
I need to parse that value out as its name will be part of another folder I am going to create further down in the batch file.
Many thanks if anyone can help. I may be barking up the wrong tree completely so any other approaches would be greatly received also.
After struggling with some of these suggestions, I found an successfully used the following 1 liner (in windows 2008)
for %%a in (!FullPath!) do set LastFolder=%%~nxa
You were pretty close to it :) This should work:
#echo OFF
set mydir="%~p0"
SET mydir=%mydir:\=;%
for /F "tokens=* delims=;" %%i IN (%mydir%) DO call :LAST_FOLDER %%i
goto :EOF
if "%1"=="" (
#echo %LAST%
goto :EOF
set LAST=%1
For some reason the for command doesn't like '\' as a delimiter, so I converted all '\' to ';' first (SET mydir=%mydir:\=;%)
I found this old thread when I was looking to find the last segment of the current directory.
The previous writers answers lead me to the following:
ECHO Last segment = "%_LAST_SEGMENT_%"
As previous have explained, don't forget to put quotes around any paths create with %_LAST_SEGMENT_% (just as I did with %CD% in my example).
Hope this helps someone...
This question's a little old, but I've looked for a solution more than once so here's a completely new take on it that I've just put together.
The trick is that we take the desired path, back up one level to create a folder mask for substitution and then replace the folder mask with nothing.
To test it, simple copy and paste into a command script (.cmd) in any directory, then run it. It will spit out only the deepest directory you're currently in.
Replace %~dp0 with whatever path you like (as it is, it will return the deepest folder the batch file is run from. This is not the same as %cd%.)
When specifying the 'pathtofind' variable ensure there are no quotes e.g. c:\some path and not "c:\some path".
The original idea for folder masking is mine
Spaces in the path are no problem
Folder depth is not a problem
It was made possible by the genius of this batch scripting tip
Hope this helps someone else.
#echo off
set pathtofind=%~dp0
if not exist %pathtofind% echo Path does not exist&pause>nul&goto :eof
cd /d %pathtofind%
set path1=%cd%
cd ..
set path2=%cd%
call set "path3=%%path1:%path2%\=%%"
echo %path3%
3 lines of script gets the result...
Found 2 additional ways to accomplish the goal, and unlike the other answers to this question, it requires no batch "functions", no delayed expansion, and also does not have the limitation that Tim Peel's answer has with directory deepness :
#echo off
FOR %%a IN (%CDIR%) DO SET "CNAME=%%a"
ECHO Current directory path: %CDIR%
ECHO Current directory name: %CNAME%
REVISION: after my new revsion, here is an example output:
Current directory path: Documents#and#Settings,username,.sqldeveloper,tmp,my_folder,MY.again
Current directory name: MY.again
Press any key to continue . . .
This means that the script doesn't handle '#' or ',' in a folder name but can be adjusted to do so.
ADDENDUM: After asking someone in the dostips forum, found an even easier way to do it:
#echo off
SET "CDIR=%~dp0"
:: for loop requires removing trailing backslash from %~dp0 output
SET "CDIR=%CDIR:~0,-1%"
ECHO Full path: %~dp0
To return to the original poster's issue:
For example, given the following path:
I would expect to parse out the value 'Folder3'.
The simple solution for that is:
for /D %%I in ("C:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\Archive.bat\..") do echo parentdir=%%~nxI
will give 'Folder3'. The file/path does not need to exist. Of course, .... for the parent's parent dir, or ...... for the one above that (and so on) work too.
Slight alteration for if any of the folders have spaces in their names - replace space to ':' before and after operation:
set mydir="%~p0"
set mydir=%mydir:\=;%
set mydir=%mydir: =:%
for /F "tokens=* delims=;" %%i IN (%mydir%) DO call :LAST_FOLDER %%i
goto :EOF
if "%1"=="" (
set LAST=%LAST::= %
goto :EOF
set LAST=%1
Sheesh guys, what a mess. This is pretty easy, and it's faster to do this in memory without CD.
This gets the last two directories of a path. Modify it as required to get the last tokens of any line. My original code I based this on has more complexity for my own purposes.
Fyi, this probably doesn't allow paths with exclamation marks since I'm using enabledelayedexpansion, but that could be fixed.
It also won't work on a plain drive root. This could be averted in a number of ways. Check what the input path ends with, or a counter, or modifying the token and check behaviour, etc.
#echo off&setlocal enableextensions,enabledelayedexpansion
call :l_truncpath "C:\Windows\temp"
set "_pathtail=%~1"
for /f "delims=\ tokens=1*" %%x in ("!_pathtail!") do (
if "%%y"=="" (
set "_result=!_path!\!_pathtail!"
set "_path=%%x"
set "_pathtail=%%y"
goto l_truncpathloop
I modified answer given by #Jonathan, since it did not work for me in a batch file, but this below does work, and also supports folders with spaces in it.:
for %%a in ("%CD%") do set LastFolder=%%~nxa
echo %LastFolder%
This takes the current directory and echoes the last, deepest folder, as in below example, if the folder is this:
C:\Users\SuperPDX\OneDrive\Desktop Environment\
The batch code echoes this: Desktop Environment
In batch files in the FOR command you'll need to prepend %whatever with an extra % (e.g. %%whatever).
'echo %~p0' will print the currently directory of the batch file.
This is what we had in the end (little bit more crude and can only go so deep :)
#echo off
for /f "tokens=1-10 delims=\" %%A in ('echo %~p0') do (
if NOT .%%A==. set new=%%A
if NOT .%%B==. set new=%%B
if NOT .%%C==. set new=%%C
if NOT .%%D==. set new=%%D
if NOT .%%E==. set new=%%E
if NOT .%%F==. set new=%%F
if NOT .%%G==. set new=%%G
if NOT .%%H==. set new=%%H
if NOT .%%I==. set new=%%I
if NOT .%%J==. set new=%%J
#echo %new%
I don't know if it's the version of windows I'm on (win2k3), but the FOR loop isn't giving me anything useful for trying to iterate through a single string.
According to my observation (and the FOR /? info) you get one iteration for each line of input to FOR, and there is no way to change this to iterate within a line. You can break into multiple tokens for a given line, but it is only one invocation of the FOR loop body.
I do think the CALL :LABEL approach in these answers does a great job. Something I didn't know until looking at this was that ";" and "," are both recognized as argument separators. So once you replace backslashes with semicolons, you can call your label and iterate through with SHIFT.
So working off of what is posted by others here, I have the below solution. Instead of grabbing the last folder name, I actually wanted to find everything up until some known directory name.. this is what is implemented below.
#echo off
if "%1"=="" goto :USAGE
set FULLPATH=%~f1
set STOPDIR=%2
:: Replace backslashes with semicolons
:: Iterate through path (the semicolons cause each dir name to be a new argument)
goto :EOF
::Exit loop if reached the end of the path, or the stop dir
if "%1"=="" (goto :EOF)
if "%1"=="%STOPDIR%" (goto :EOF)
::If this is the first segment of the path, set value directly. Else append.
if not defined PATHROOT (set PATHROOT=%1) else (set PATHROOT=%PATHROOT%\%1)
::shift the arguments - the next path segment becomes %i
goto :LOOP
echo Usage:
echo %~0 ^<full path to parse^> ^<dir name to stop at^>
echo E.g. for a command:
echo %~0 c:\root1\child1\child2 child2
echo The value of c:\root1\child1 would be assigned to env variable PATHROOT
Unfortunatelly, this is working great only when put on some depth but have problems with being on the very top of the mountain... Putting this program into "C:\Windows" e.g. will result with... "C:\Windows", not expected "Windows". Still great job, and still damage can be repaired. My approach:
#echo off
set pathtofind=%~dp0
if not exist %pathtofind% echo Path does not exist&pause>nul&goto :eof
cd /d %pathtofind%
set path1=%cd%
cd ..
set path2=%cd%
set path4=%~dp1
call set "path3=%%path1:%path2%\=%%"
call set "path5=%%path3:%path4%*\=%%"
echo %path5%
And it's working just fine for me now, thanks for the idea, I was looking for something like that for some time.
