Magento: Configurable / Bundeld products ? How does it work exactly? - magento

We're a little bit lost between configurable products, bundled products, using custom options, etc.
I'll tell you the result we would like to obtain:
We're a USB manufacturing company. And we want to sell custom USB keys via Magento.
We have about 50 different USB models available. For each model, the customer must be able to select the desired color (won't change the price), the desired capacity (1 GB, 2GB, 4 GB, etc - this will change the price, e.g. 20, 30, 40 % more of product's price). He must also be able to select the packaging of the key (eg box, plastic bag, leather bag, etc).
We want to use tier pricing, and show the price of the keys depending on the quantity AND on the capacity he selected.
A perfect example of what we want to do is:
We've tried using the SCP extension (Single Configurable Products), but don't really understand how to use it.
We don't really need to have associated products. One product for each USB model is OK, just having options (and tier pricing) on this one, just like the shop above.
Can you guide us on how to realise this ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated !

The Simple Configurable Products extension will work well for this sort of thing, there's typically not a whole lot of configuration (just choose what parts of the configurable product you want to update when the user selects the options). The SCP extension will help greatly when it comes to tiered pricing.
To build a configurable option for what you are looking for, first you must make product attributes (drop-down type, global scope) for each attribute. This is in Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes. You would make one each for color, storage size and packaging. For each attribute you would add the different options available.
Once those are made, make sure to add them to the Attribute Set (Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attribute Sets) you will be using.
Now comes the work: You'll need to make a simple product for every combination available. For each simple product, you'll need to select the specific attributes created earlier, as well as set the tiered pricing for each simple product.
A rough idea math wise: 5 colors X 5 sizes X 3 packages = 75 simple products
This can be done via csv import, so that may save you some time, although you'll have to examine how tiered pricing is structured from within an exported list and copy it exactly. By the way, I recommend setting these products visibility to "Not Visible Individually", but don't disable them.
Now you can begin to build the configurable product. Once you start creating the new product, it will ask you which attributes to use, so select the color/size/packages and whichever else you want the products to be fine-tuned by.
Enter the general product information as normal. Price doesn't matter here (SCP extension doesn't use it).
Under "Associated Products", filter the grid view to find all the simple products you have created, and begin checking them off. If a product line turns red, it means that a product has already been selected with the exact same attributes.
Once you have a configurable product listed, you can play with the SCP extension settings (System -> Configuration -> SCP Config) to have the product behave as you want. The options under the Cart heading determines what you would like to display in the cart line. The options under the Product Page heading let you determine if you would like various sections of the configurable product to update with the corresponding simple product info (description, short description, main image, gallery images and additional info box).
When the user selects the last option, the product prices will automatically update, as well as show the tiered pricing box ("Buy X for $Y each and save Z%!").
One last thing, when using the SCP extension, do NOT add any "Custom Options" to a configurable product, they must be added to the simple products associated to the configurable product instead (Other product types are fine).


Magmi configurable and simple products CSV confusion - Magento import

I am trying to import a list of products which contain both simple and configurable products.
Having read the manual and other resources, I am still very confused on a few aspects on the CSV file.
What I have is various attributes such as colour, size, style, search colour, scent, pack qty and wesco type.
I have a few questions to clarify the model of the CSV I am to generate:
1) I read that you need to setup the attributes beforehand in Magento - for this I need to set up a attribute value as I have set the attribute to 'values required - yes'.
So for example 'Colour - values required yes' now when I try and save this it wants me to set up an actual colour. Can I just use the value 'none' and let Magmi handle the actual attributes (the real colour values)? Or do I need to go through all the possible options and input them into Magento manually (blue, yellow, green ...)?
2) Having looked at examples on the internet, do I set my CSV like this:
sku, type, colour, size, style, search, colour, scent, pack qty, wesco type, configurable_attributes
slave, simple, blue, , , , , , , , blue
master, configurable, , , , , , , , , colour
sku, type, configurable_attributes
slave, simple, blue
master, configurable, colour
3) Is it possible for me to do all the configurable products first like in question 2. Then after do another import for just the standalone simple products. As you can see I am trying to automatically link the products.
If you require any clarification, please feel free to ask me to be more precise with any of the questions.
4) Regarding prices for simple and configurable products, can I use the price field and set £0.00 for a configurable product and the actual price on each simple product?
1) Can I just use the value 'none' and let Magmi handle the actual attributes (the real colour values)? Or do I need to go through all the possible options and input them into Magento manually (blue, yellow, green ...)?
Magmi will create the attribute options for you, just not the attributes themselves. So you will need to create the Colour attribute, but you do not have to input each option such as black, red, green etc.
2) Having looked at examples on the internet, do I set my CSV like this:
If you read the CSV Datasource documentation, it will tell you that the correct format for the attribute columns is the actual attribute code. You can find the Attribute Code for an attribute under Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes in the Magento admin.
Also, make sure you are including the required columns for Magmi. These required columns can again be found on the Import new products documentation page.
The required columns for Magmi 0.7.17+ are:
So to properly import configurable Colour products, your CSV should also follow the documentation for the Configurable Item Processor.
Then be sure to enable the Configurable Item processor plugin in Magmi and set the Perform simples/configurable link option for the plugin to Yes.
3) Is it possible for me to do all the configurable products first like in question 2. Then after do another import for just the standalone simple products. As you can see I am trying to automatically link the products.
Yes, you can associate simple products to an already created configurable product at a later time, however you MUST include the configurable product in your import CSV to associate skus to it. The simple_skus column should contain a comma separated list of simple product skus that you want assigned to a configurable product. Any skus not listed in the simple_skus column upon import will be disassociated with the configurable product.
4) Regarding prices for simple and configurable products, can I use the price field and set £0.00 for a configurable product and the actual price on each simple product?
No. Magento by default uses the Base Price for the configurable product as the pricing for all associated simple products. Simple product prices are not actually used when adding to the cart, it's the configurable parent product and based on the super attribute pricing, the price changes.
To have Magento use the simple product prices based on the attribute combination selected, you will need to install a 3rd party extension. I personally use and recommend the Simple Configurable Products extension that will do just that.

Magento product configuration and color swatches

I'm setting up a swimwear catalog and I'm hoping someone can give me some guidance for setting up the products properly.
This is essentially what I want to do:
I found this extension and it does pretty much the same thing:
I like this plugin because it does color swatches on the list and details page and on the layered navigation in Magento. The process for this plugin is to setup a configurable product (Swimsuit A) and a simple product for each corresponding color (Swimsuit A - Red, Swimsuit A - B etc). When viewing the configurable product (Swimsuit A) and you click on a swatch it will load all the images from the simple product and populate the preview and thumbnails.
Does anyone know of a way I can automate this somehow or know of a better way I can make the color swatches work without setting up tons of simple products? The only thing I've come up with is to use this plugin:
Automatic Configurables
Which will automate creating simple products for configurables.
If anyone has any feedback I'd be really grateful.
The idea of Configurable product is to have an attribute combination to be matched to a specific Simple product. In such a way:
You have real products, that represent a combination of options a customer can configure. Thus system can track separate inventories for all these products. And show that products in a search list as separate products.
The products are linked together, composing families of products. Thus it is possible for a system to let customer change some options of one product in a family, in order to buy similar product from the same family.
So, if you want to have different products at the list, ability to configure product at detail page, then you need to have physically different products in a catalog. There is no way to avoid it.
The possible ways to make the process easier are:
Use Automatic Configurables. Seems that it solves your problem. So
why don't just use it? :)
Use Import/Export Magento's feature to import pre-composed
configurables. Then you can try to automate task not on Magento
creation of products, but rather on generation of these lists.
Hire a Magento developer and make him create a generator for your
needs. This is not hard.
Switch from Configurable to Simple products with Custom Options. In
such a way you don't need to create Simple product for every option
configuration. But you lose inventory tracking, separate products at search list. And you lose granular combinations management. I.e. when having product with S/M sizes and Red/Blue
colors, Configurable may let you setup to have "Blue S", "Red S",
"Red M" combinations only (it means, you don't have "Blue M" product). While Simple with Custom Options will always make system to let user chose from full set of option
combinations: "Blue S", "Blue M", "Red S", "Red M". You don't have a way to tell system, that your inventory doesn't have a product with particular options combination.
Hope it helps.

Adding a custom attribute selector to a Magento product with text values, not dropdown

Magento offers Configurable Products so that it lets buyer selects attributes for a given product, like Size for Shirt, or Color for a Phone.
Problem is, you must add each possible single combination as a simple product, and that Configurable Product works merely as a container. This is impractical for attributes with too many values, and unexpected values.
For example it does not allow text values. What if a buyer wants to print his name on a Shirt?
What if I wanted to add a selectable attribute of tens of values? It doesn't have to be a added through the admin area, hardcoded solutions are OK.
Something like Cart Item Annotation is there?
Configurable products should not be used for products that doesn't have a physical definition, for instance Drawing and Designs. Instead it's better to use Custom Options instead for these cases, where you don't care about inventory of products nor attribute based statistics. This could be done through the Custom Options tab at Manage Product screen. Surely this eliminates the need for configurable products for a variety of cases.

Associated Product not showing the different price

I have just added a product and everything works fine. The product is a top with different attributes: size and color.
However I want to have reduced price on one of the different colors like in a sale, so I went into the associated products section and changed the price. However, whenever I go to the website and click on the color of the reduced price top, it still shows the original price and not the one I just changed.
How can I get it to show the price I changed it to?
Out of the box the only way to do this is via the price offsets for each configurable option under "Super product attributes configuration" as shown in the attached image:
Otherwise, you can use an extension such as Simple Configurable Products
Go to system > Index Management and reindex Product Prices data
It sounds like you are using a configurable product with associated simple products. As far as I'm aware Magento only refreshes the product price for bundle product types.
I have seen a lot of people recommending this module.

Magento: Different sizes and colors under one simple product?

I’m setting up an online clothing store and have come across a huge problem:
When I make at product (a t-shirt for example), I want to be able to add the available sizes and colors, without having to create a product for every single option.
When I add a color or size, I need to be able to enter a SKU for each product, so I can tell which option the customer chose in the store. First I tried making 2 sets of attributes: “Color” and “Size”, so I could multi-select when adding a product. But the attributes didn’t show up as options in the store, as I had hoped.
I did a lot of searching, and found that some people used the “Costom Option” tab, to make fields for the available sizes, colors etc. - but I don’t want add those options every time I add a product. The multi-select feature I accomplished with the attributes, would have been perfect.
Also I found that someone was forced to pay for an extension to accomplish this - but as I am running on a very tight budget, so I really don’t want to pay anything to achieve this.
You can achieve this programmatically, observing the product save and generate all simple products of a configurable product. Unfortunately, you will have to manage stock for those items separately.
You can do this by creating a configurable products. For more information on how to create configurable products please refer to You can refer to for an example.
