LNK1104: cannot open file 'rpcndr4.lib' - visual-studio-2010

I was working in VS2005 in WindowsXP 64-bit platform and now I am converting all my projects in to VS2010 in Windows7 64-bit. While building one of my project I am getting a link error "LNK1104: cannot open file rpcndr.lib". The project builds in VS2005 without any issues in my machine.
Whether its anything related to Platform SDK..? otherwise what's the solution for this issue.?
I read from a link that I have to install latest platform SDK to solve this issue.
I tried to download platform SDK 4.0 for Windows7 but it always get failed in my machine by stopping download infinitely.

Whether its anything related to Platform SDK..? otherwise what's the solution for this issue.?
'rpcndr4.lib' is obsolete in the new SDK, so just edit your project > Props > Linker > input > Addition Dep..: and remove 'rpcndr4.lib'
I read from a link that I have to install latest platform SDK to solve this issue. I tried to download platform SDK 4.0 for Windows7 but it always get failed in my machine by stopping download infinitely.
I had same problem. So I downloaded SDK onto my Windows-7 32-bit laptop without problem, then copied it to my Win-7 64-bit desktop.

I just solved the issue from the comment mentioned in the below website:
You also need to remove comment out the line
//#pragma comment(lib, “rpcndr.lib”)
in the dlldatax.c file


kernel32.lib error while building VS2013 project on Cmake in windows 10

I'm working on windows 10 and I want to build the CLAPACK library for VS2013 using CMake.
Now I'm getting error in linking kernel32.lib.
I used to get this error inside Visual Studio during the building process, but I've solved it by including "D:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.15063.0\um\x64" in the additional libraries section.
I've also tried to uninstall the SDK and reinstall it, with no hope.
Is there anyway to manually include the library directory in the building process in Cmake, or any other way to fix this error?
EDIT #1:
quoted from this answer
The Windows 10 Creators Update SDK made some significant changes to
what is installed as part of the installation to minimize on-disk
footprint. This is a Known Issue that results from that refactoring
work where the "desktop" components of the Creators Update SDK do not
get installed by default.
EDIT #2:
could it be a compatibility issue between VS 2013 and windows 10?
my SDK version is 10.0.15063 which needs desktop components to be added manually, my problem is I don't know how to solve this for the VS as whole not a specific project.

Installing Caffe with CUDNN 8.0 and Visual Studio 2015

I'm a bit over my head here, so please try not to strangle me for all the mistakes I am making until the end :)
I am trying to install Caffe using a Windows 10 pc with VS 2015 and CUDNN 8.0. I initially had trouble with the Microsoft supported Caffe files, so I found this link. I couldn't figure out what to do with the first set of files, so I opened up the second set of files and used the official instructions to edit CommonSettings.props, installed the necessary packages, and hit build.
I got an error saying that OpenCV could not be found, even though it was definitely installed. It seemed like it was looking for OpenCV in a place where it did not exist, so I copied the packages into the directory it was looking in. I am now getting an error cannot open file libboost_log-vc140-mt-1_59.lib. I've looked around and I can't find any file like that. What many things am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Check windows branch of official repository. I built it on win10 x64 machine using vs2015 and it works fine.

Warning major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler

Basicly I'm super newbie and started internship in IT company. I installed VS with Xamarin. The problem that I'm facing is very frustrating. So even when i create empty project I can't compile it and get error like this :
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
I searched all over google and asked so many people and still no fix of my problem. If anybody can help me via skype or teamwiever i will APPRECIATE so much. My skype: toniterdal , feel free to add me.
I was having the same issue, and tearing my hair out. I had the JDK Version 8 installed, but these warnings wouldn't go away, and eventually they generated a build-breaking error.
When I went to Tools -> Options -> Xamarin, and looked at the Android Settings, the Java Development Kit Location was pointing to jdk.1.7.xxxx, in Program Files (x86).
I changed it to 1.8.0_101, in Program Files. Then I restarted Visual Studio, and the same error happened again. Somehow, Visual Studio was detecting Version 7 of the JDK and pointing it to that automatically.
So the solution turned out to be very simple. As well as installing Version 8 of the JDK, UNINSTALL Version 7 of the JDK. As soon as I did that, Xamarin turned out to be much better behaved. This step solved a whole bunch of seemingly unrelated problems.
That error is telling you that the Java Class version that is being loaded was compiled with Java 8 (52) but Java 7 (51) is trying to load that compiled class.
Java 7 uses major version 51
Java 8 uses major version 52
Check which Java version(s) are installed on your machine and review Xamarin's requirements and Java installation steps (linked below)
Installing the Java SDK (JDK)
For people having problems with setting the appropriate JDK version, you might want to try to override this setting in the vs2015 options dialog:
Delete bin folder and obj folder and run the project it will be work fine
You have a bad proguard.jar file, you need to replace this .jar by a correct version. The steps below describing how to do that. Some colleagues had the same problem here.
Go to Preferences => SDK locations and copy the Android SDK location.
Go to that folder (mostly /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx) and go to the folder tools/proguard/lib.
Here you find a proguard.jar.
Rename this to proguard_OLD.jar.
Download the last proguard file (like this one https://sourceforge.net/projects/proguard/files/)
Unzip and place the proguard.jar in the tools/proguard/lib folder
Rebuild your Project
Everything should be fixed!
You can find more info about the bug here:
For me worked to change the SDK as well, but under Options->Xamarin->Android Settings, I don't have Cross Platform in Options for VS 2015Pro
Note for Windows 64 bit users, the JDK has to be the x86 version not the x64 version.
E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_111
Kaloyan you can find the setting for the Java SKD under Tools->Options and the click on Xamarin in the Options list, then select Android Settings. I installed the latest Java version (8.0.111) and then did a clean on my project and it runs fine now with no errors. Thank you everyone for your posts!
In my case, i had to reinstall the JDK 8 (the last version) because other versions JDK 7 couldnt work even with new projects or clean up projects, and also i had to do a clean install of the android sdk.
This is how I solved the same issue I faced today:
From Control Panel > Uninstall a Program > uninstall the older Java versions which are on your system.
You should only have Jdk 1.8 and Jre 1.8 on your system.
Now go to C:/Program Files/Java and delete all older java versions.
If you have setup your JDK 1.8 and JRE 8 in C:/Program Files (x86)/Java then cut paste them into C:/Program Files/Java folder.
Then I restarted IntelliJ IDE which I am using. It automatically asked to update the path of SDK. Update the path to point to Jdk 1.8 and then I recompiled my files and things started working well.
Hope it works for you too!
In my case, I had just deleted .class files and worked fine.

qt 5.2.0 windows 7 missing dlls (program crashes)

Trying to run a Windows 7, Qt 5.2.0 program and it crashes immediately.
I have the mingw48_32 version, and 32 bit version of Qt 5.2.0.
I dont have Visual Studio, although I did download and install some of the
2010 VS SDK and .Net framework stuff, still no luck.
Ive tried searching for these things to no avail. If it is somewhere on my machine
I have yet to find them.
After running dependency walker it shows the following missing DLL's:
I really appreciate any help on getting past this! Already spent a couple days
trying to figure it out.
The same thing happened to me today. I found the problem. My program was loading a DLL with wrong version. This can occur when from the PATH or in the folder of the program is found incompatible library, which have references to these "missing" libraries. In the documentation of Windows is explained in what priority folders are searched for DLLs.
I had the same problem. I realized that I have been copy the wrong dll files. They had the same name that the old version (qt 5.0 to qt 5.5.1). So, I just copy the right files and was done.
If qt project depends on multimedia plugin:
in .pro file add
win32: QTPLUGIN.audio=qtaudio_windows
I get similar errors when I compile a C++ program under Windows 10 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and try to install it under Windows 7. The solution: compile the C++ program under Windows 7.

Compiling OpenCV on Windows 7 64bit

I'm trying to get OpenCV working on Windows 7 64bit.
I tried installing the vs2008.exe installer bundle from the OpenCV website but it produced errors when trying to compile, I Google'd these and it appears that installer is no good for 64bit versions of Windows 7, bugger.
I've tried having a crack at compiling using CMake, but really having no luck, does anyone know of a way to get OpenCV installed on here so I can use it in VS2010?
Managed to solve it, in the 'release' folder which CMake creates I was opening the wrong file with VS2010, I opened the project file and then had it run a build.
Then I changed the parameters in my project which wanted to use OpenCV to look in release for the appropriate files, needed a bit of fiddling but I think I have it now.
For anyone else interested in a guide how to compile OpenCV with TBB support in Visual Studio 2010, I created a video tutorial for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeBhwbRoKvk
(although this is for Windows 7 32 bit)
