resque-status and resque-scheduler for recurring jobs - ruby

I have the following configuration for my resque system (no rails just Sinatra base) where I have bunch of recurring jobs scheduled from a yml file
resque (1.23.0)
resque-scheduler (2.0.0)
resque-status (0.4.0)
The recurring schedule appears on the 'Schedule' tab and when I click on a 'Queue Now' button the status also appears on the 'Statuses' tab, the problem is that when the recurring jobs automatically run, they don't appear on the 'Statuses' tab.. my resque_schedule.yml looks something like this
every: 5m
custom_job_class: Process_Notification_Emails
queue: email_notifier
description: "Process mail notifications"
Note: These scheduled jobs are actually running every 5 minutes and are behaving as expected,the only issue I'm having is that they don't appear on the 'Statuses' tab unless I manually enqueue them
Any ideas what am I doing wrong here?

Support for resque-status (and other custom jobs)
Some Resque extensions like resque-status use custom job classes with
a slightly different API signature. Resque-scheduler isn't trying to
support all existing and future custom job classes, instead it
supports a schedule flag so you can extend your custom class and make
it support scheduled job.
Let's pretend we have a JobWithStatus class called FakeLeaderboard
class FakeLeaderboard < Resque::JobWithStatus
def perform
# do something and keep track of the status
And then a schedule:
cron: "30 6 * * 1"
queue: scoring
custom_job_class: FakeLeaderboard
rails_env: demo
description: "This job will auto-create leaderboards for our online demo and the status will update as the worker makes progress"
If your extension doesn't support scheduled job, you would need to
extend the custom job class to support the #scheduled method:
module Resque
class JobWithStatus
# Wrapper API to forward a Resque::Job creation API call into
# a JobWithStatus call.
def self.scheduled(queue, klass, *args)


Rspec How to test if a Sidekiq Job was scheduled to run at a certain time

I have the following Worker
class JobBlastingWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options queue: 'job_blasting_worker'
def perform(job_id, action=nil)
job = Job.find(job_id)
sidekiq_id = JobBlastingWorker.perform_in(2.minutes,, 're-blast', true)
job.sidekiq_trackers.create(sidekiq_id: sidekiq_id, worker_type: 'blast_version_update')
In my rspec test, i have the following job_blasting_worker_spec.erb
require 'rails_helper'
describe JobBlastingWorker do
before(:all) do
describe 'perform' do
context 'create' do
it 'creates job schedule for next 2mins' do
#job = create(:job)
worker =
expect(JobBlastingWorker).to have_enqueued_sidekiq_job(, 're-blast').in(2.minutes)
worker.perform(, 'create')
I expect this to work but i realize that the sidekiq job that should be scheduled for the next 2minutes never gets created. Hence, the test fails.
How am i able to ensure that the sidekiq job actually creates for the next 2mins and the test runs successfully?
Well...for this kind of expectation, I suggest just test the message sent to the method.
expect(JobBlastingWorker).to have_enqueued_sidekiq_job(, 're-blast')
expect(JobBlastingWorker).to receive(:perform_in).with(2.minutes,, 're-blast', true).and_call_original
worker =
worker.perform(, 'create')
Of course, if you dig really hard, I think you will finally find a way to find the active job object in the queue, for example, by using the Redis API directly.
And then you can further examine the object and get the time you set for the job to be performed.
But why? That's ActiveJob responsibility to make sure those jobs will be performed at the right time.
Finding this doesn't help you much, and this behavior should be already tested in RSpec its tests.
I think you don't need to worry about that unless it works incorrectly and you want to reproduce that situation and issue a bug.
On the other hand, the time you send to the method is what you should care about. You don't want someone to change it to 2.hours by accident.
So I suggest you should test the message you send to the method.

Dagster failure notification systems

Is there a way in dagster to receive notifications when certain events occur, such as failures? For example, is there an integration with a tool like sentry available?
There is a datadog integration that lets users send events to datadog. From the docs:
def datadog_solid(context):
dd = context.resources.datadog
dd.event('Man down!', 'This server needs assistance.')
dd.gauge('', 1001, tags=["protocol:http"])
dd.histogram('', 26, tags=["gender:female"])
dd.distribution('', 26, tags=["color:blue"])
dd.set('visitors.uniques', 999, tags=["browser:ie"])
dd.service_check('svc.check_name', dd.WARNING)
dd.timing("query.response.time", 1234)
# Use timed decorator
def run_fn():
#pipeline(mode_defs=[ModeDefinition(resource_defs={'datadog': datadog_resource})])
def dd_pipeline():
result = execute_pipeline(
{'resources': {'datadog': {'config': {'api_key': 'YOUR_KEY', 'app_key': 'YOUR_KEY'}}}},
Adding first class user-configurable hooks for certain events (ie failure) is currently work in progress.
Not sure if this simply was not available yet when the accepted answer was written, but the current Dagster version (0.9.16) has a better mechanism to solve the question at hand.
They now have a hook system, where you can annotate a function to be triggered when either a pipeline has completed successfully or when it has failed.
Code example from the documentation:
def slack_on_success(context):
message = 'solid {} succeeded'.format(
def do_something_on_success(context):

How to handle SIGTERM with resque-status in complex jobs

I've been using resque on Heroku, which will from time to time interrupt your jobs with a SIGTERM.
Thus far I've handled this with a simple:
def process(options)
rescue Resque::TermException
self.defer options
We've started using resque-status so that we can keep track of jobs, but the method above obviously breaks that as the job will show completed when actually it's been deferred to another job.
My current thinking is that instead of deferring the current job in resque, there needs to be another job that re-queues jobs that have failed due to SIGTERM.
The trick comes in that some jobs are more complicated:
def process(options)
do_part1 unless options['part1_finished']
rescue Resque::TermException
self.defer options
Simply removing the rescue and simply retrying those jobs would cause an exception when do_part1 gets repeated.
Looking more deeply into how resque-status works, a possible work around is to go straight to resque for the re-queue using the same parameters that resque-status would use.
def process
do_part1 unless options['part1_finished']
rescue Resque::TermException
Resque.enqueue self.class, uuid, options
raise DeferredToNewJob
Of course, this is undocumented so may be incompatible with future releases of resque-status.
There is a draw back: between that job failing and the new job picking it up, the status of the first job will be reported by resque-status.
This is why I re-raise a new exception - otherwise the job status will show completed until the new worker picks up the old job, which may confuse processes that are watching and waiting for the job to finish.
By raising a new exception DeferredToNewJob, the job status will temporarily show failure, which is easier to work around at the front end, and the specific exception can be automatically cleared from the resque failure queue.
resque-status provides support for on_failure handler. If a method with this name is defined as an instance method on the class, we can make this even simpler
Here's my on_failure
def on_failure(e)
if e.is_a? DeferredToNewJob
tick('Waiting for new job')
raise e
With this in place the job spends basically no time in the failed state for processes watching it's status.
In addition, if resque-status finds this handler, then it won't raise the exception up to resque, so it won't get added to the failed queue.

Get sidekiq to execute a job immediately

At the moment, I have a sidekiq job like this:
class SyncUser
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(user_id)
#do stuff
I am placing a job on the queue like this:
This all works of course but there is a bit of a lag between calling perform_async and the job actually getting executed.
Is there anything else I can do to tell sidekiq to execute the job immediately?
There are two questions here.
If you want to execute a job immediately, in the current context you can use:
If you want to decrease the delay between asynchronous work being scheduled and when it's executed in the sidekiq worker, you can decrease the poll_interval setting:
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.poll_interval = 2
The poll_interval is the delay within worker backends of how frequently workers check for jobs on the queue. The average time between a job being scheduled and executed with a free worker will be poll_interval / 2.
use .perform_inline method
If you also need to perform nested jobs, you can use Sidekiq::Testing.inline! in your production console
require 'sidekiq/testing'
For those who are using Sidekiq via the Active Job framework, you can do

Recovering cleanly from Resque::TermException or SIGTERM on Heroku

When we restart or deploy we get a number of Resque jobs in the failed queue with either Resque::TermException (SIGTERM) or Resque::DirtyExit.
We're using the new TERM_CHILD=1 RESQUE_TERM_TIMEOUT=10 in our Procfile so our worker line looks like:
worker: TERM_CHILD=1 RESQUE_TERM_TIMEOUT=10 bundle exec rake environment resque:work QUEUE=critical,high,low
We're also using resque-retry which I thought might auto-retry on these two exceptions? But it seems to not be.
So I guess two questions:
We could manually rescue from Resque::TermException in each job, and use this to reschedule the job. But is there a clean way to do this for all jobs? Even a monkey patch.
Shouldn't resque-retry auto retry these? Can you think of any reason why it wouldn't be?
Edit: Getting all jobs to complete in less than 10 seconds seems unreasonable at scale. It seems like there needs to be a way to automatically re-queue these jobs when the Resque::DirtyExit exception is run.
I ran into this issue as well. It turns out that Heroku sends the SIGTERM signal to not just the parent process but all forked processes. This is not the logic that Resque expects which causes the RESQUE_PRE_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT to be skipped, forcing jobs to executed without any time to attempt to finish a job.
Heroku gives workers 30s to gracefully shutdown after a SIGTERM is issued. In most cases, this is plenty of time to finish a job with some buffer time left over to requeue the job to Resque if the job couldn't finish. However, for all of this time to be used you need to set the RESQUE_PRE_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT and RESQUE_TERM_TIMEOUT env vars as well as patch Resque to correctly respond to SIGTERM being sent to forked processes.
Here's a gem which patches resque and explains this issue in more detail:
This will be a two part answer, first addressing Resque::TermException and then Resque::DirtyExit.
It's worth noting that if you are using ActiveJob with Rails 7 or later the retry_on and discard_on methods can be used to handle Resque::TermException. You could write the following in your job class:
retry_on(::Resque::TermException, wait: 2.minutes, attempts: 4)
A big caveat here is that if you are using a Rails version prior to 7 you'll need to add some custom code to get this to work.
The reason is that Resque::TermException does not inherit from StandardError (it inherits from SignalException, source: and prior to Rails 7 retry_on and discard_on only handle exceptions that inherit from StandardError.
Here's the Rails 7 commit that changes this to work with all exception subclasses:
So if you want to use retry_on to handle Resque::TermException on a Rails version earlier than 7 you have a few options:
Monkey patch TermException so that it inherits from StandardError.
Add a rescue statement to your perform method that explicitly looks for Resque::TermException or one of its ancestors (eg SignalException, Exception).
Patch the implementation of perform_now with the Rails 7 version (this is what I did in my codebase).
Here's how you can retry on a TermException by adding a rescue to your job's perform method:
class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
prepend RetryOnTermination
# ActiveJob's `retry_on` and `discard_on` methods don't handle
# because it inherits from `SignalException` rather than `StandardError`.
module RetryOnTermination
def perform(*args, **kwargs)
rescue Resque::TermException"Retrying #{} due to Resque::TermException")
self.class.set(wait: 2.minutes).perform_later(*args, **kwargs)
Alternatively you can use the Rails 7 definition of perform_now by adding this to your job class:
# FIXME: Here we override the Rails 6 implementation of this method with the
# Rails 7 implementation in order to be able to retry/discard exceptions that
# don't inherit from StandardError, such as `Resque::TermException`.
# When we upgrade to Rails 7 we should remove this.
# Latest stable Rails (7 as of this writing) source:
# Rails 6.1 source:
# Rails 6.0 source (same code as 6.1):
# NOTE: I've made a minor change to the Rails 7 implementation, I've removed
# the line `ActiveSupport::ExecutionContext[:job] = self`, because `ExecutionContext`
# isn't defined prior to Rails 7.
def perform_now
# Guard against jobs that were persisted before we started counting executions by zeroing out nil counters
self.executions = (executions || 0) + 1
run_callbacks :perform do
rescue Exception => exception
rescue_with_handler(exception) || raise
Resque::DirtyExit is raised in the parent process, rather than the forked child process that actually executes your job code. This means that any code you have in your job for rescuing or retrying those exceptions won't work. See these lines of code where that happens:
But fortunately, Resque provides a mechanism for dealing with this, job hooks, specifically the on_failure hook:
A quote from those docs:
on_failure: Called with the exception and job args if any exception occurs while performing the job (or hooks), this includes Resque::DirtyExit.
And an example from those docs on how to use hooks to retry exceptions:
module RetriedJob
def on_failure_retry(e, *args) "Performing #{self} caused an exception (#{e}). Retrying..."
Resque.enqueue self, *args
class MyJob
extend RetriedJob
We could manually rescue from Resque::TermException in each job, and use this to reschedule the job. But is there a clean way to do
this for all jobs? Even a monkey patch.
The Resque::DirtyExit exception is raised when the job is killed with the SIGTERM signal. The job does not have the opportunity to catch the exception as you can read here.
Shouldn't resque-retry auto retry these? Can you think of any reason why it wouldn't be?
Don't see why it shouldn't, is the scheduler running? If not rake resque:scheduler.
I wrote a detailed blog post around some of the problems I had recently with Resque::DirtyExit, maybe it is useful => Understanding the Resque internals – Resque::DirtyExit unveiled
I've also struggled with this for awhile without finding a reliable solution.
One of the few solutions I've found is running a rake task on a schedule (cron job every 1 minute) which looks for jobs failing with Resque::DirtyExit, retries these specific jobs and removes these jobs from the failure queue.
Here's a sample of the rake task
This solution is clearly suboptimal but to date it's the best solution I've found to retry these jobs.
Are your resque jobs taking longer than 10 seconds to complete? If the jobs complete within 10 seconds after the initial SIGTERM is sent you should be fine. Try to break up the jobs into smaller chunks that finish quicker.
Also, you can have your worker re-enqueue the job doing something like this:
