Setting APEX select list default value based on parameter - oracle

I have an Apex page with a select list item populated from a SQL query that should default to the product of the item passed through from another page, however it always selects the first item in the list.
We need to set it so it selects the current category however I can't see where this setting is. The version of APEX is 3.2.

Firstly, I suspect (correct me if I'm wrong) that your item is selecting the first item because the item is defined with Display Null Value set to No; internally, however, the item is probably NULL, but the list item cannot show it so it just shows the first list value. But I probably wouldn't change this setting.
To set the default value for a Select List item, set Default Value Type to PL/SQL Function Body, then enter your SQL query (that returns a single value) in the Default attribute for the item, with suitable PL/SQL around it, e.g.:
v_value VARCHAR2(<your data max length>);
SELECT <yourcolumn>
INTO v_value
FROM <yourquery>;
RETURN v_value;


Set interactive grid value based on dropdown select list

I am trying to make a cost value populate in an interactive grid column based on the value selected in an Item column.
My setup is:
An "Item" table which contains a list of Items, and the "Cost" assigned to the item.
A "Quote" table which contains general info about the quote, i.e. company name, date created, signed, signed date etc.
A "Quote_Items" table which assigns an Item to a quote by Quote_ID, and Item_ID. I added a Cost column to the Quote Items table to be able to see it in the interactive grid, and update it.
For the Quote Items I created an Interactive grid to add Items to the quote.
I set the Item_ID column in my interactive grid to a popup LOV which populates the Item_ID based on the selected item.
To populate the "Quote_Item.Cost" I added a dynamic action to the Item_ID column to:
selection Type: Column(s)
Region: ..Item List
Column(s): Item_ID
Action: Set Value
Set Type: SQL Statement
Items to Submit: COST
The result is, when I select an Item from the dropdown, all values in the "Items.Cost" table are displayed in comma separated values in the field:
Quote Item populating all item costs in one field
It seems like the "WHERE I.ITEM_ID = ITEM_ID" part of the SQL query is not working correctly? How can I get it to show only the Value associated with the Item_ID?
Syntax to reference a column in the SQL query > :COLUMN_NAME
So your SQL query should looks like this:
SELECT i.cost
FROM wip_items i
WHERE i.item_id = :ITEM_ID
And you need to modify the "Items to Submit" parameter too, because it must always be the value which your reference in the where condition, so in your case it should be:
Items to Submit: ITEM_ID

Cascading LOV - Invalid number while updating record - Oracle Apex

I have a select list based on other select list. It works fine on the create screen but gives 'Invalid number' error in update screen.
SQL query:
select description, account_id
from t_account
where chart_id = :P15_chart_name
Please help me out!
You are trying to convert a string into a number, and that failed.
As Select List item has 2 values: 1st being display and the 2nd return value, it is the 2nd value that causes problems - account_id in your case.
For example, it contains value A while column that is supposed to accept this value is declared as NUMBER. Oracle can't convert A into a number and raises an error.
What to do?
make sure that Select List item LoV query returns only numbers, or
modify column's datatype to varchar2
If that's not it, then :P15_CHART_NAME item and chart_id table column differ in datatypes; a simple option is to fix page item's datatype.

Forms Builder showing MaxValue

I'm new to Oracle Forms Builder and I want to display only the max Value of a column. How can I do this?
I presume
You created a Data Block(let's call emp) which has a Query Data Source Name (assume
Oracle's famous emp table)
with Multiple Records Displayed,
and of type Tabular.
Add a max_empno to the Data Block emp, under the item empno
with Number of Items Displayed property set to 1,
Database Item property set to No,
Calculation Mode property set to Summary,
Summary Function property set to Max,
Summarized Block is emp,
Summarized Item is empno.
and setting Query All Records property of the block emp to Yes
shouldn't be forgotten. Then, When the form module is run, the
following interface will appear :

Oracle forms sort records

What I wanted is to sort records in a multi-record block before saving like this:
I already tried to change the order by of this item in here:
But it has no effect(I think).
I also want to know if I can automatically sort records in
WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE in block level so that after entering the last record, it will be sorted.
We need to have a multi-record block ( block1 ) with Query Data Source Name property set to a table name which has a varchar2 type column namely str1,
and a Text Item (str1) with Database Item Property is "Yes" ( i.e. default ),
and lastly have a button with the following code inside of WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger of it :
v_blk varchar2(25) := 'block1';
Provided we set ORDER BY Clause property set to ascii(str1) as in the picture below, we'll be able to get the desired output when the button pressed after letters are entered in the order of 'h','e','l','l','o'.

Oracle List of value (lov) refresh when select any row

I have created a LOV on oaf page. The issue is when i select any row from LOV page, it's reloading the (lov) page instead returning the values to back page.
If we keeps opened LOV window for more than 5 minutes and then select any row, it works.
Thanks in advance
In OAF, while creating an LOV, i.e., messageLOVInput item, lovMap is required to be set.
Make sure the LOV Region Item, Return Item and Criteria Item in this lovMap is set properly.
LOV Region Item : field from which value is picked from lov table
Return Item : field in which value should be set on selection from list of values
Criteria Item : field which is validated for value
