Why VS 2010 does not see this il library. I drag it into the solution and it does not see header file other way adding it seems impossible in VS.
I use Visual Studio for everyday work and I would like to have similar functions to Rider/ReSharper. Specifically, I was wondering if it was possible to make sure that when I press F12 on a .NET object I see the source code. For libraries downloaded from NuGet it works but not for .NET objects. Also I would like to have the real-time IL code generated by Roslyn.
Thanks everyone for your replies.
I'm developing a C# MVC project in Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web. An external C++ DLL is imported into the project and a function which is exported from the DLL is consumed.
I would like to be able to debug into the C++ DLL. However at the moment when I try to step into the function call the debugger steps over instead. The C++ DLL is one I created myself in Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows Desktop. I have generated the .pdb debug symbols for the DLL and they are in the same folder as the DLL.
I have read in similar posts that suggest perhaps there is a properties setting to enable debugging into external an DLL. However in the MVC 5 project properties I can't find this option. In fact there doesn't even appear to be a debugging tab.
Is debugging into an external C++ DLL possible in Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web? If it is how do I enable this feature? If it is not possible, is there another Visual Studio Express where this is possible?
Thanks for your help!
I don't have VS Express, but the following applies to VS Professional and should apply to Express as well. You need to set your Debugger Type to Native Only (best, but then you have to break in the native code to debug it) or Mixed (may or may not work, I don't use it, so not sure it's limitations), and make sure the DLL is freshly build and matches the source code you have available. I suspect the setting you refer to is called 'Just My Code' (in Options->Debugging), but I don't think it matters in this case.
I'm not sure about VS2013 but with VS2015 you need to set "Enable Native Code Debugging". Right click on your C# project. In the right pane, click Debug. Under Enable Debuggers click the check box on Enable Native Code Debugging.
We have a .NET application using a lot of legacy components written in VB6. We were able to debug the VB6 code using native code debugger and generated pdb files in Visual Studio 2010. After upgrading to the VS 2012 (including Update 2) we cannot do this.
The module window shows following message:
Binary was not built with debug information.
You can also find following message in the output window:
Module was built without symbols.
When I try to load symbols manually, I get following message:
A matching symbol file was not found in this folder.
Debugging the very same dll or exe from VS 2010 works fine.
Is there any option to enable it?
I found a solution that works on my machine (per Microsoft's comments on ScottG's paid support request - thanks, Scott). Apparently Visual Studio's default debugger after 2010 doesn't handle VB6 DLLs, but there's a checkbox to use the old debug engine, which does:
I didn't need to enable Native Edit and Continue.
I have finally found how to enable debugging VB6 components using Visual Studio 2012. In short, you have to enable the old pdb format first by setting Options | Debugging | Edit and Continue | Enable native Edit and Continue and then you can attach to the dllhost.exe as usually.
In VS 2015 Tools->Options->Debugging->General, select 'Use Native Compatibility Mode'. It sucks that I still need to debug VB6, but I am thankful that I am still able to.
it seems that VS 2012 use msdia110.dll to decode symbol files, there's a DIA SDK sample in VS folder, you can test whether it can parse those VB pdb files. if it can't, i guess the new version DIA does not support old version pdb any more.
I want to prevent VS from attempting to debug code that is not mine. When I 'Step-Into' my code, VS tries to find resource files I don't have. I'm really not interested in viewing the 3rd party code code.
How can I only step through my managed code?
Followed this without success:
Restrict Visual Studio 2010 from debugging third-party DLL files
Also changed JIT debugging to Managed only.
Using breakpoints and step over.
I just moved from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 (final) and noticed one major flaw:
When I try to use AutoComplete in a C++ source file for managed C++, a small note in the footer appears:
IntelliSense for C++/CLI is not available
Uh, has IntelliSense for C++/CLI been dropped from Visual Studio 2010? Is there any way to get this back? It is rather useful...
You are correct. Unfortunately it has been dropped. You can check this opened issue on Microsoft's Connect website.
I'll just quote them for the sake of the answer:
Unfortunately in this release we had to cut the intellisense support for C++/CLI due to time constraints. If you want to get some intellisense like quick info and memberlist on the native classes you can get it by choosing no /clr support in the project properties.
About getting back intellisense, your best chances for now are using third-party tools like VA Assist for example. I've tried it with Visual Studio 2008 and its IntelliSense is a whole lot better than the default one.
It is available again in Visual Studio 2012.
If you want to get IntelliSense back, install Visual Assist X from Whole Tomato Software. Here you can get a 30-days trial to check the intellisense.
According to the Visual C++ Team Blog, C++/CLI Intellisense will be in the next version of Visual Studio, but not in a service pack for VS2010. That blog post also gives some detail as to what went wrong and led to this sad state.
I don't know if you can use this settings but it work for me. I only check the Common Language RunTime Support for the cpp files that use it. I do not check it for the whole project and I've got intellisense for all the files that don't use the CLI.
Yes! you can enable the IntelliSence, but in a tricky way. Follow these instructions:
Go to your project properties. (Right click on your project name in
Project Explorer, and select Properties. or simply Alt + Enter)
From Configuration Properties, select General
In the right-hand section, find "Common Language Runtime Support"
and change it to "No Common Language Runtime Support".
Click the OK Button.
Now the IntelliSence is working. But a problem is an error when you compile your code! (The error is: error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt)
You can simply go back to Project Properties an change Common Language Runtime Support to "Common Language Runtime Support, Old Syntax (/clr:oldSyntax)".
Good luck.
This solution is only if you don't want Common Language Runtime
It worked for me in VS2010
Go to Project Propreties > Configuration Properties > General > Common Language Runtime Support and set it to No Common Language Runtime Support.
This will work fine just after hitting Apply button.
As mentioned you could install some paid software such as "Visual Assist X from Whole Tomato Software".
You could use open source tools that contain intellisense*, one such tool is Qt Creator 3.3.1 (opensource). You have two options, either setup your entire project with Qt to compile using VS2010 compiler, or use Qt to link to your source files and compile with VS2010. You write your code in Qt, save, flip windows to vs2010 and compile and debug.
When changes are saved in Qt, vs2010 will automatically reload the source file in the project and you can compile.