How to authorize download link? -

I developed a software and uploaded it on my site (my site is on .net 4 and mvc3), when users register on my site can see download link and download my application.
now question is that how can i private that user without registering can download my application when the found download location in my host.
they can download application by entering download address in browsers URL.
I want to know how the file sharing servers works, for example you can not enter file address in your browser and download file.
What ways are available for this case?

You should allow the user to download the file through a controller action and you should disable accessing the folder (where the download file exists) directly through browser in IIS.
This blog post will help you.


How to do Digital Asset Links Verification on the sites that does not give an access to root folder like Shopify?

I have generated a PWA of my Shopify site. Now, I want to upload it on the Google Play Store, so I used PWABuilder to create my app package. I have successfully completed all the steps and generated the store package.
Now, As suggested here to work PWA in the full-screen mode (without Chrome address bar) I have to upload the assetlinks.json file on the server at location.
Deploy assetlinks.json.
Your zip file contains assetlinks.json. This is a digital asset links file that proves ownership of your PWA. Upload this file to your server at (Replace with your PWA's URL.)
💁‍♂️ Heads up:
Digital asset links are required for your PWA on Android. If you're seeing a browser address bar in your app on Android, or if your app is crashing on launch, it means your assetlinks.json file is missing, inaccessible, or incorrect. See our asset links helper to fix this.
But there is no way on Shopify to upload any file at a specific location. We can upload files but the uploaded files on Shopify store and serve on CDN, there is no way to upload any file on the root.
So, how we can do Digital Asset Link Verification on a site that does not give us access to root like Shopify?

Can I edit the contents of my static website after publishing?

I want to publish a website through google domains.
The problem is that I am shifting my office to a new location so, I want to change the map on my website after one month.
Are there any possibilities to edit the website after publishing?
If it is a static website, sure you can update the information you like. Most web hosting services usually use GitHub as a platform for developers to host it. Meaning, you just need to make the necessary changes to your file, upload to Github. Then the hosting services will detect the change and update your site accordingly

Hosting a Website using 1&1 Service

I'm currently trying to upload a html+css page to my hosting service (1&1 internet).
Unfortunately, I have very little experience in that; and would like to ask this question:
How is it possible to update the existing homepage on a site that already has been uploaded to the web?
I'm using WebspaceExplorer. Now, when I enter it, (Hosting section) there are a lot of folders and files with a few options like download, delete and so on.
I can't seem to find out how to make the program understand which one should be the homepage. This is because I see that the page I uploaded is online and accessible, but is not the first page the user sees! How can I change it?
It may be confusing because of the poor description so here is the url of both: (current Homepage) (desired homepage)

My site got hacked and got many mirror sites which are copying original website

My site got hacked and cloned multiple times. Now if i post anything its get updated on all cloned sites. Can i use some code in such a way that if a user visits a cloned site, he is redirected to original one. Any modification in theme or htaccess file which could do the job. Any help would be
I am using WordPress on shared hosting. My site is and mirror sites are
How do you know it was a hacker and not a web crawling ?
Try a Javascript code in the middle of your article.
//replace '' for your domain
if(! /^http[s]?:\/\/\//.test(window.location.href)){
var url = window.location.href.replace(/^http[s]?:\/\/([^:\/\s]+)(\w+)+\//, "");
there is most probable a shell on the server a php file which they can go to via the browser which will give them access to any file on your server change your ftp info, your hosting login info, check all your files for different files which are not ment to be there.Your site is also linked to another when you click the posts it forwards you to another website.

Hide and Secure files on server in Code igniter

I am developing a web application for my client using Code Igniter and i need to hide and secure some ZIP, JPG and PDF files on server so that they are not accessible by non users. Only people who are logged in and are the owners of Files can access the files. This is very similar to secure file sharing websites.
it is very similar to any paid file sharing site like only people who paid for files can download files. In my case only those who have uploaded and who shared the files with other can download files.
Please tell me how can i do this..
One method is to keep the files above the web root (so not publicly accessible) and have the link to them point to a function that will check if logged in (or other parameters you want) and if everything is OK, then serve the file(s).
