how to open umbraco website completely in visual studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I Copied everything from IIS into my visual studio website application and it gives me error. which goes into install folder asking for runway-content missing error
. App_Browsers
· app_code
· bin
· config
· css
· data
· masterpages
· media
· scripts
· Umbraco
· umbraco_client
· usercontrols
· xslt.

It's not much to go on as a question, but I'll try to help.
If the site was deployed to IIS, it may well be missing some source elements (especially if it was deployed with the 'only enough elements to run' (sic) option). So installing Umbraco locally seems like a good first step.
If you're missing runway content aspects then the original site was probably built with the runway starter kit, so to fix it I would consider installing Umbraco on your development machine and then copying the stuff you've recovered from your server (


Create Visual Studio 2019 project from existing Azure Web App

I have a v7 Umbraco instance as a Web App on Azure but the machine the dev copy was on has been decommissioned and I need now to recreate the dev site in Visual Studio 2019, ideally cloning it from the live site in some way. I have created an empty project and, using the cloud explorer, downloaded the files from the app, but I am unclear whether I just copy them directly into the solution folder or into their own subfolder of the solution folder or whether simply copying them in will do the trick anyway as there's still the database to consider as well. I'm afraid I haven't used Visual Studio since creating this site three or so years ago and I seem to have forgotten most of what I did then anyway, so any help wpuld be greatly appreciated. The only advice I coud find via google was for older versions of VS and so not much help.
Recreating the original project from the live site is probably not going to be possible. It depends how and what you deployed to the live site.
It sounds like what you have is a working live site, but have lost access to the original source code. You should be able to copy the site and get it working elsewhere, but you're probably going to struggle to recreate the original development environment and amend the compiled elements of the website without access to the source code.
The website has some great documentation on getting started and setting up Umbraco. Umbraco TV is great for getting up to speed quickly too. This should help explain the project structure. I suggest you create a blank Umbraco install to familiarise yourself with how Umbraco works(I wrote a post explaining how to do this with MS VS2015 here).
A typical deployment, using MS WebDeploy or FTP from Visual Studio, wouldn't deploy the project files or source-code for the compiled (.cs) elements of the website, these are usually kept as development files and checked in to source control.The live site probably only has the compiled versions of these file in the bin folder. The good news is the Razor template and view files(.cshtml) should be on the server.
However, if everything was uploaded (it happens) then you may have a chance, in which case you can download the files, potentially open the project and try to run the project locally on the development machine. There's no reason why you can't install an older version of MS Visual Studio alongside 2019 if there's an issue with that version. Although, I suspect this isn't an option since you felt the need to create a new empty project. If this is the case you might be able to add any project files to the the new empty project and attempt to recreate the project that way.
Regarding the database. You're going to need a copy or backup installed on a Microsoft SQL Server (unless you used MS SQL CE which is file based). You should be able to download a .bak file from the server if you're using Plesk or connect remotely using MS Management Studio if not, it depends on the host (Azure will allow access via MS Management Studio). Umbraco will need the connection string configured in it's web.config, the one you downloaded may be trying to connect to the live server so be careful.
Long shot ideas:
If you're really desperate you might be able to reverse engineer some of your compiled .dll using a tool like ILASM.exe but it's not going to be easy;
Perhaps you could reference the .dll in a the new project and it will all work auto-magically?! but I doubt this will work as there will be two application starting points and you'll probably get a runtime exception.

Visual Studio keeps requesting missing web components

When I open a particular mvc 3 website project in VS 2010 I get the following message:
The Web Project "X" requires missing web components to run with Visual Studio. Would you like to download and install them using the Web Platform Installer now?
ASP.NET Web pages with Razor syntax.
When I click yes
The web platform installer shows with the message that "0" items need to be installed.
My other mvc 3 projects do not show this behavior
Not a major inconvenience, but still...
thoughts any one?
I got the same error after reinstalling my computer.
I came to this conclusion, VS needs IISExpress to load my additional project. The addition projects has a webservice and it can run locally. Even if my endpoints points to a local address it still needs the IISExpress (standard IIS 7.5 does not respond the endpoint request) to open from VS (im running VS2010).
So after installing IISExpress i could reload my project in VS.
That shouldn't happen, and it would be interesting to figure out why. In the meantime, you should be able to turn this off by unchecking the "Package Restore" checkbox in Visual Studio's Options dialog. (Select "Package Manager" in the tree view to find it.)
If it's happening only for specific projects, you can solve this more surgically by removing the packages.config file for the affected project. In fact, if you want to do root cause analysis, you should look into why that file exists and how it got there.

publish MVC 3 app to localhost IIS 7

I have searched a lot and I have tried but couldn't published mvc 3 application on localhost. I have never tried before. I have currently adminpanel application running on development server of the visual studio. In my machine, following are installed:
windows 7
SQL server 2008
MVC 3 4
In visual studio, I publish application using File System publish method and target path to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\adminpanel. And Following Directory and files were copied.
Visual Studio 2010
I don't know but I think Some directory's are missing like the controllers, Helpers, Models, Sources which I have seen in Visual Studio Solution Explorer. When I browse to http://localhost/adminpanel, it shows all directory and files list in browser.
How to publish the application to IIS and use SQL server of local machine so that I can browse to particular controller like http://localhost/User/UserManager which I can do in the dedicated server of the visual studio.
I don't know but I think Some directory are missing like controllers,
Helpers, Models, Source which I have seen in Visual Studio Solution
That's perfectly normal. ASP.NET MVC 3 uses an ASP.NET application type (in contrast to ASP.NET WebSite) meaning that it is precompiled and all the source code is removed when deploying. Only the Views, Static resources such as CSS, Images and Scripts as well as the bin folder containing the compiled assemblies is deployed.
Basically, I think your Site has not been defined as a application in the IIS. You can do it from IIS manager.
But, instead, when you publish the the application, select File System but instead of browsing to the mentioned Folder, in Target Location field click the button next to the text box and select Local IIS on the left side. Now you can create a Application Folder and directly publish into it.

Umbraco Visual Studio solution (v4.7)

I am using the Jupiter as Visual Studio solution project for a v5 umbraco site -
however i'm struggling to find the project to use for v4.x Does anyone know if it can be accessed anywhere or if i can easily recreate?
You can still access the Umbraco downloads here.
If you don't want/need the full blown source, you may just want to run the 'webdeploy' option as a website in Visual Studio.

Visual Studio opens upgraded web application as a web site

I recently upgraded a 1.1 web project to a 2.0 web application. After going through the upgrade wizard and performing the "upgrade to web application" operation, everything looked fine. After closing and reopening Visual Studio, however, it insisted on treating the project as a web site, not a web application, and the "upgrade to web application" option was missing. I understand pretty well the differences between the two project types, but does anyone have a clear understanding of the differences in the csproj/sln/etc. files that tell Visual Studio what type of project it is?
Answering my own question:
I found some information here:
The article is about VS 2008, but the information seems relevant to 2005, and the solution described worked.
Summarized: The .sln file has a "Project" node that in a web site project points to the project's folder, but in a web application project points to the .csproj/.vbproj file itself. Additionally, there may be a .webinfo file, which contains Visual Studio path information for the project; removing this file solved the problem.
I've found plenty of tutorials on upgrading, but little information on the details of how Visual Studio "understands" the type of project. If anyone has more information on the specifics (what is the .webinfo file for?), it would be much appreciated.
