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Closed 10 years ago.
I need some guidance on how to do the following..
Let say I have this string below
s= {"name":testName,"age":20}
how should I construct my regular expression in ruby, such that I am able to get "testName"
Thank you in advance
The data you have is a JSON string. You should not parse it with a regular expression, but parse it into an object and then access the name property.
I am not a Ruby dev, but you can do so if you have the JSON gem.
I agree with Jason about using JSON, but if you really can't...
1.9.3p194 > s= '{"name":testName,"age":20}'
=> "{\"name\":testName,\"age\":20}"
1.9.3p194 > s =~ /"name":(.*?)(,"|})/
=> 1
1.9.3p194 > puts $1
Note that this is evil and wrong and will probably hurt little kittens... use JSON to save the kittens.
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Closed 9 years ago.
Where can I find the documentation for define (see snippet below) in Ruby?
define :brew do
package #name,
:ensure => :present,
:provider => :homebrew,
:require => "Vcsrepo[/usr/local]"
I am not sure whether it is a Ruby keyword actually.
Wouldn't it make sense to tell people where you saw the snippet, to provide context?
It's likely you're looking at a Puppet script:
The place to find the definition of define, then, is in the Puppet source.
It's not a ruby keyword, you can find a list of ruby keyword in
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Closed 9 years ago.
id="profile_photo_link" href="/photo83085640_283973341" onclick="return showPhoto('83085640_283973341', 'album8308564
{z: 'albums83085640'}}, event)">
<img width="200" height="205" src="
" alt="Сергей On-line Консультации Василюк">
How to match this(83085640) number from text above by ruby regex ? The Start of regex must be after showPhoto(' text and ends at this point _ after numbers
Please help!
You simply need to do the following:
my_text = "showPhoto('83085640_283973341',"; #Input string. I'm only using a part of it here for convenience.
pat = /showPhoto\('(\d*)_/; #The Regexp pattern as per your requirements.
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Closed 9 years ago.
I have got a exercise for Ruby, and don't know how to make it! I'm still a newb, and learning my way in programming world, but I can't resolve this exercise. If you could also explain to me how you made it, that'd be great!
Here it is :
Write a method double on object account which returns the double of its input parameter num.
def account.double(num)
#your code here
# call double here
def account.double(num)
In ruby, methods return value of the last statement if return value is not specified explicitly. Here num*2 is returned by the method.
We are calling account.double at the end of the program using 54 as the number. You can use any other number you like.
Just remember that the account object should be created, before this double method can be defined/called. I am leaving that to you as an exercise.
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Closed 10 years ago.
I have:
def is_valid_cool_string(str)
And I want to write something like is_valid_cool_string("Foobar") at the bottom of the file to do this. Is there like a main method or something like that?
You don't need anything to make this work. :)
Don't forget to print the result if the method returns something.
puts is_valid_cool_string("Foobar")
or something like
puts "Is valid: #{is_valid_cool_string("Foobar").inspect}"
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Closed 10 years ago.
I have a model which stores user settings as 0 or 1 (for true/false). In my code, I'm having to do this:
if #user.settings.show_menu == 1
# do this
How can I leave out the == 1 or == 0? I've tried:
if #user.settings.show_menu
# do this
But it's not evaluating as true, same with when using !#user.settings.show_menu
It's been a long day, please guide me in the right direction. Thanks!
In Rails there is a boolean column for use with the database that stores as a number and converts accordingly. Generally this is encoded in the database as SMALLINT. If you have a regular INT you could always migrate to convert them.
An example migration:
change_table :table_name do |t|
t.change(:boolean_column, :boolean)
Within your app, the standard practice is to refer to boolean flags with their ? method version, like:
if (#user.settings.show_menu?)
# ...
If this method is not defined, you'll get an exception which can lead you to discover the problem. This compares favorably to having it always evaluate as true.