Shorter link urls in Wicket - performance

I am creating an application with a lot of links. Because the links are contained in cells in a table, the urls that are generated by Wicket tend to get long, making the page slower to load.
For example:
2011-06-09 00:00:00.0
I try to figure out where to start exploring the encoding / decoding of URLs, but it is rather complex material. My first approach was to just use 'short' names for components (like "t", "f" etc). I can imagine there is a better approach.
I can image it would be possible just to 'number' the links; as the page still exists, so I would end up with something like this:
2011-06-09 00:00:00.0
Are there solutions for my problem already out there, or can anyone point me to the right direction?

If a Javascript solution is acceptable, you can use a single event listener on the whole table instead of many links in the table.
See this example for an inspiration:
Notice how the Ajax behavior transports dynamic extra parameters to the server. It looks for rows only though. if you need to distinguish between table cells being clicked, you'll have to expand on the idea.

The solution suggested by Sven is the better solution.
Here is a solution which you may call fundamental: register your own root IRequestMapper that will compress/uncompress the generated urls by the real mappers. See CryptoMapper and HttpsMapper for example of custom root mapper.


Getting most relevant content from page

I need to create a universal web scraper to parse articles on the different websites. Of course, I know about XPath, but I want to try to make it universal for any website despite the HTML markup of a page.
I need to determine whether there is an article on the page and if it is - parse a text of title, body and tags (if exists).
Frankly speaking, my knowledge in DS is not very huge, but I assume this task (determine whether it is article, and parsing only needed parts) is possible to solve.
What tools should I use? Any help?
Actually, for the second task, I need to implement something similar that google chrome mobile does. When page is not optimised for mobile, then propose to show the page in adaptive mode (just title, and main content).
If you are using Python, some libraries to look at are:
scrapy, which scrapes data and can extract some of the results) and,
BeautifulSoup, which is more geared towards the extraction part itself.
It is possible to request a version of a website (e.g. for Chrome, Safari, Mobile, old-school systems) by creating a custom header for your scraper.
HAve a look at the relevant documentation, and you can get an idea of how to use headers in scrapy here.
I do not know of any more specialised tools. Your tasks are more analytical and are typically not performed with the use of models for estimating e.g. what content is where on a webpage. This might be an intersting research direction though; to see if you can create a model that generalises across many websites to extract the desired content.
That leads me on to my last point, which is to say that creating a single scraper that works for any website *containing your artile type) is not usually possible. People create websites differently, however they see fit, which means they also change them. This usually leads to a good scraper requiring constant updates as time (and developers) moves on.
Then if you have lots of labelled examples, it might be possible to train a model. The challenge might be the look-back range of the model. For example, a typical LSTM model is given a parameter that tells it how far to look back into the past. It is stored within its memory internally. In your case, you might be looking for a start and end HTML tag of an article, to then extract just that part. These tahs could be thousands of words apart. Something a standard LSTM might not be fit to retain and use.
If you could pose your problem a little differently, then there are other approaches that might be plausible. E.g., you could make it a "question-answer" problem, by saying: I have this HTML, where is the article content? If that sounds ok for your use-case, have a look here for some model based approaches.

error: spc0027: No relationship found among attributes in grid 'mygrid'

Hope some1 can help.
I copied this grid from another WP and seems like its not working. No clue why. Checked all I can but it doesnt work. In the other WP it works properly with another grids.
Any ideas?
Check the columns in the new grid. Does it have the same attributes than the source grid?
If you copied them from a different KB, it is highly possible that the attributes does not keep the same...
The specifier tries to find to which table the attributes belong. Don't think 'it should work because I copied it from a working wkp' , instead think 'some attribute is messing the specification' and take one by one out until it works, check if the obtained table is the desired one or another one. If it is the desired one, then the last attribute you withdrew is the one messing up the specification process. If it is another table than the desired one, try to withdraw from the grid the remaining attributes and put the ones you withdrew before back into the grid, and repeat the process. At some point you will understand which one is messing up. Also keep in mind that there might be other places with attributes, such as in the 'Load Event', they also influence the process.
It means that Genexus can not resolve the base table, you may be using (or referencing) attributes of different transactions and genexus can not resolve the relationship between them.

How to use "move..." verb to move sheets in Numbers?

I'm trying to figure out how to re-position sheets in Numbers. There is no way to insert things at specific location so I am hoping that I can find another way. The move verb drew my attention (it is in the Numbers dictionary) however there is little or no information, examples, usage scenarios or even what object types it works with.
Any insight in the context of the title?
The move in the Numbers dictionary is part of the Standard Suite, which typically works with files. I have tried using it to move text items and tables from one sheet to another, but it always fails. It is probably something they hope to provide functionality for some day.

Joomla 2.5 component

Is it possible to make a 2.5 component without using TableHelloWorld class and all that field type stuff like from here. Or is it compulsory?
The system will function without it fairly well actually. All you actually need to get something running is a base file named after your component, a controller.php file, and the view as outlined in this section:
From that you will get something that runs and loads. And if you choose you can just make raw sql queries to the database.
That being said, the framework is there to help you, not to hinder you. I've cut a lot of corners over the years, and almost always you end up regretting it later. Feel free to play around with skipping the pieces, but just remember that there are pieces out there that can help you with all kinds of important things that you may not think you need right now. (Binding input, table row hierarchies, and check-in/check-out functionality are just a few that come to mind that I'm glad I didn't have to make myself.)

Solution for Magento mass actions and large number of records problem?

Currently Magento has a problem with the way it handles mass actions. It returns a bit of JS that contains EVERY db id for the current collection and filter, regardless of pagination. This is to support the 'Select All' vs. 'Select All Visible' option in the grid header. This isn't such a problem when you have a smaller number of records, but if you have 850k records (orders in this case) it becomes a serious problem.
My question is, does anyone have an elegant solution to this problem?
I can think of several solutions, each with its own drawbacks, but I'm hoping someone has solved this in a simple manner that works as an add-on module. Paid or Open-Source solutions are both welcome suggestions.
I'm looking for an elegant/drop-in solution to the problem of 850k+ records using the grid widget in Magento. The stock Magento code makes the bone headed decision to return the id for every record that is matched by the current filter, even if they are not being displayed. This is not about offline processing of records, it's about using the grid widget for daily admin tasks.
One possible solution would be to store the results of the filtered search in a temp table and return a reference to the search result. Then you could change it from using the actual ids on a 'Select All' to using a specific callback for the action using the reference. This would preserve the current behavior.
So, to ask again, does anyone have a good solution to this already created?
I'm running heavy operations from within a shell script. I have a generic iterator (in my case products, but can be done with everything else), and I only implement a class that does the action on the product. My product_iterator shell script takes care of looping over the products, while processing only x products at once (to avoid memory leaks).
Well, the least invasive solution to the problem is to turn off the 'Select All' option for grids with large numbers of records. This is easily accomplished by extending the grid class and adding the following code:
protected function _prepareMassaction()
return parent::_prepareMassaction();
I think that fbmc has the right general approach. Clearly, even if you did find a way to send back all 850k records, the framework would have a heart attack attempting to deal with them all. Run the logic in a shell script if this is what you need. For some jobs, you may even need to run them in batches or move down to actual SQL logic.
Unfortunately, some parts of the framework were not made to handle this kind of scale. You've found one of them.
Hope that helps!
Recently i have written an article about 'Adding new mass action to admin grid in Magento',
Hopefully you will like it:
It describes the two way for adding Mass Action
1> Extending Grid Layouts _prepareMassaction() method
2> Using event: core_block_abstract_prepare_layout_before (more upgrade proof way)
