How to Download Windows Media Device Manager 11 SDK? - windows-7

I want to compile the examples of the Windows Media Device Manager 11 SDK - but I cannot figure out how to download it. The original download link doesn't work - and in the Windows SDK I cannot find the examples!
EDIT2: I want to access devices via MTP on Windows 7 with an custom application.

You could try the following link:
It was buried down in the comments on the SDK documentation.
If you're wanting to do MTP on Windows 7, you might want to look at the Windows 7 Portable Device Enabling Kit for MTP:

The webpage you provided for that SDK states the Windows Media Device Manager 11 SDK is a component of a Microsoft Kit.
I discovered via Google search that there are different kits depending on the Windows version your using.
That same first page of hits revealed Aaron Stebner's WebLog which provides the Microsoft links you need to download this kit for Windows 7:
Microsoft Windows Media Software Development Kit
That 112.5 MB Kit also contains documentation, tools, and sample code to get you started.
Since MTP (Media Transport Protocol) is part of that Kit's framework, I'm hoping there's going to be examples provided once you download and install the MSI package the complete kit, but this should get you going in the right direction.


DX12 - D3D12GetDebugInterface - app requested interface depends on SDK component missing or mismatched

I've been trying to figure out how to run some code I got off the internet to understand how to make a proper directX 12 application and when I run it I get the error message below, pointing to the code displayed in the second image down.
I've ran Windows Update several times over and installed the DirectX End-User Runtime Installer and I still get this message. What do I need to do to solve this problem? I'm stumped.
The DirectX "Debug Layers" for Windows 10 are installed as an 'optional feature' in your Windows installation. Go to the Settings panel, under System, Apps & features, Manage optional Features, Add a feature, and then look for "Graphics Tools".
The "DirectX End-User Runtime Installer" has not actually changed the version of DirectX installed on any version of Windows since ~2002. It has also never installed the debug runtime. The legacy DirectX SDK only includes an old Windows 7 RTM version of the Debug Layer for DirectX 11.0. On Windows 7 with the KB2670838 installed or Windows 8.x, you need to install the latest Windows SDK to get the debug layers installed.
For more information, see Direct3D SDK Debug Layer Tricks and Not So Direct Setup.

Downloading Windows SDK 7.1 help contents to offline PC

Does anyone know how to download the help contents of the Windows SDK 7.1 to a computer not connected to the internet? So far I've come across this, but it doesn't have a Windows SDK or Platform SDK item listed.
This link came from the MSDN Blog article, which is not very helpful since they ask us to connect the computer to the internet (which I can't do), and the comments comprise of people complaining about Microsoft's incompetence.

Can I develop software for Microsoft Surface on Windows 7 machine

I want to develop a WinRT app for Surface.
There is one detail I cannot find anywhere. Will I be able to compile and run on the device using Windows 7 or I need to upgrade to Windows 8?
No, you can't develop an RT "Modern" style app on Windows 7. You'll need Windows 8 either installed as your main OS or hosted in a VM.
It is possible to develop with virtual machine(Win8) in windows 7 unfortunately if you want to develop without virtual machine you have to upgrade it
Not directly, no. WinRT apps require windows 8 APIs, there is no support for building them on Windows 7. You can fake the environment out by setting up a virtual machine and developing on that.
From Microsoft Surface SDK documentation:
"The Microsoft Surface 2.0 SDK provides the managed APIs and the tools you need to develop Surface applications. Applications that are built using the Surface SDK can run on devices made for Surface 2.0, and on Windows 7 computers..."
Read more here:

Where are the DirectShow samples in the Windows 8 SDK?

DirectShow samples lived under (SDK samples root)\DirectShow\ in the Windows 7.1 SDK, but the Windows 8 SDK does not have the files neither in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0 nor C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows. The samples are also not for download at
I believe DirectShow is to be phased out and replaced by Microsoft Media Foundation (MF). I think that's been the intention since Windows Vista, although at that time MF was not capable enough to replace DirectShow. Microsoft representatives have stated that DirectShow will not be supported in Metro UI apps.
I think dshow.h, quartz.dll, etc. are still in the Window 8 SDK kit. However, while Windows 8 will still run DirectShow programs in a normal desktop, it might be that DirectShow samples will never be included in the Windows 8 SDK or new Windows Dev Center because it is considered deprecated. I could not find anything stating this definitively, but most information about MF seems to indicate that DirectShow is not a way forward, and there was a lot of clean-up and removal of obsolete artifacts from the Windows 8 SDK.
Anecdotal References:
Related Download Links:
Windows 7.1 SDK (w/ DirectShow Samples)
Windows 8 SDK
Windows Dev Center
Fwiw, there are a few unofficial samples using DirectShow in the Windows Dev Center.
Microsoft now has a github repo with the old samples:
Have you tried Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8 (desktop and Win32 apps)?

Unlock Windows Phone 7 emulator

Today I wanted to unlock the WP7 emulator in order to see some more functionalities available like: task manager, accessing isolated storage files and look over default applications like Office, Messaging and others, but I could not make it work ...
I followed the instructions from here but I'm not having the [YourHardDrive]:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/WindowsPhone/v7.0/Emulation/Images folder . In [YourHardDrive]:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/WindowsPhone/v7.0/Emulation folder I have only the following files:
I looked over others tutorials related to unlock emulator and all of them are pointing to an Image folder - which in my case doesn't exists
Did anyone also faced with this problem?
I am curious: Why Microsoft doesn't provide by default access to an 'unlocked' emulator ?
The instructions you linked to are from a very early pre-beta release of the Windows Phone SDK, over six month before the phone released! So you don't have to wonder why they aren't working anymore.
You may search the XDA forums for an unlocked version of the 7.0 emulator image, but that version isn't up-to-date either. Currently RTM is version 7.1 of the SDK for the so-called "Mango" release of Windows Phone 7.5 - but it's currently not possible to "unlock" the restrictions Microsoft put into that emulator image, either. There are some possibilities to launch some of the internal applications / dialogs with a tool from the 7.1 SDK and their corresponding GUIDs. You may take a look at this and this article for some instructions.
The forums at xda-developers often post unlocked emulators. The one that I recently pulled down is here. It is in Italian but just go into the settings and change it to the language you would like.
